Global Gaowu

Chapter 125 - Cave world

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In the classroom.

Bai Ruoxi continued: “Original, in some cases, you will be told when you arrive at the three products.

Why is it three products?

Because the three-product warrior, the limbs are completely quenched, can fight back, have a strong life-saving strength, and have the most basic ability to kill the enemy.

The warriors of one or two products have relatively many defects.

Quenching the upper limb bone, tempering the lower limb bone, in short, and the three products are not small, not comprehensive. ”

This is considered to be an elite for the three products, to make an annotation.

“But everyone is an elite in the new life. Three products are a matter of time, so you can tell us some information in advance.”

“There is existing value, the existence of the military, promotion, privilege…

The foundation of all this is based on the need for warriors! ”

Bai Ruoxi’s face no longer laughs, and faintly said: “It’s not that those in power need it. The bigger one is that society needs us, and bigger, humans need us!

Therefore, with Wu Da, there are various preferential treatments of the military. ”

In the classroom, I suddenly fell silent.

The students are not stupid, as if they feel the tension.

“Crypt, the term, I don’t know if anyone has heard of it?”

Of course, even if someone knows, there is limited understanding.

In order to make these people grow up healthily and vigorously, there is not much pressure, even if there are elders in the family, they will rarely disclose them.

Stress is to give resistance to people who have the ability. If you don’t have the ability, let everyone have a little easier.

This is my idea. As for what other people think, I don’t know. Everyone has their own minds. ”

“What is the cave? No one can tell.

How come, I don’t know, maybe someone knows, at least I don’t know, I only know the existence of the cave after the three products. ”

“What is the relationship between the caves and the warriors? This is what I want to say.”


Next, the entire classroom was extremely quiet, only the sound of Bai Ruoxi.

Bai Ruoxi said not too much, but they all focused on one point – the cave!

What is the cave, Bai Ruoxi really does not understand.

What she knows is that the cave is underground, as if it were an underground world, but it can be different, as if it was not underground, because the government organized people to dig, even if it digs tens of thousands of meters, there is no trace of the cave.

It can be said that the space is different, nor is it.

Because once there is a change in the cave, it will react on the surface, and the most intuitive is the earthquake.

According to modern scientific exploration, it may involve higher dimensions and space problems. These Bairuoxi are not too well understood.

According to Bai Ruoxi, the caves are all over the world, not just the Chinese state.

In China, there are 22 entrances to the caves.

The reason for this is that because the entrance to the cave is not fixed, it may suddenly pop up at any time.

The 1920 earthquake, which was the third entrance to the cave, was discovered. In the 88 years since then, 19 have appeared one after another.

Human beings can only enter from the entrance to the cave, and nowhere else.

The world of the caves is filled with all kinds of dangers, and every moment, there is a lot of danger to enter the ground world.

Therefore, there is a strong weapon of the single weapon.

Only in these years has the policy of continuously improving the status of the military.


Bai Ruoxi has been saying that when she pauses, some people in the class are hoarse and hoarse: “Teacher, you mean, at our feet, there is another world?”

Bai Ruoxi shook his head and said: “I don’t know, it may not be at our feet. Its entrance and exit is underground, but the world may not be underground…”

It is a bit complicated to say, but everyone is not without a brain, and they all understand her meaning.

The grottoes may be a different space, just opening the entrance to the ground.

Where is this space?

Maybe in the underground, maybe in another dimension, maybe even not the same space in the universe.

“Teacher, the caves were discovered, and there was a growing number of warriors. Does that mean that only the military can enter the cave?”

Bai Ruoxi shook his head and said: “No, ordinary people can enter, but after entering the cave, the hot weapon will lose its original effect…

Or I am not accurate, let’s just say that the caves are a bit strange.

After entering, you can only exert your own strength and come from your own strength!

You can use your fists, swords, and even bows.

The source of power must come from itself, not heat, electricity, wind energy, and solar energy. After so many years, experts have analyzed that in the grottoes, only the power of blood can play a role.

And all other external energy sources will lose their effect.

The source of power for science and technology weapons will completely fail when they reach the grottoes. This is the reason why the status of the military is improved after the discovery of the caves. ”

“Teacher, what is in the cave? Human? Zombies? Monsters? Or other monsters?”

“That is a world…”

Bai Ruoxi’s eyes are somewhat complicated: “It’s a complete world, not a monster cave in pure sense.

There is everything inside, humans, animals, monsters…

In short, there is nothing new civilization, there is a newly discovered world.

The world of the caves is not pure destruction… this is not mentioned for the time being.

In short, in the world of caves, there are some people, some monsters, who are always thinking about rushing out of the gates of the caves and entering our world.

Once, there was a cave door that was destroyed and rushed out by the monsters of the cave world, causing extremely devastating consequences! ”

“Teacher, they enter the ground world, can we not kill them with hot weapons or even nuclear weapons?”

This is a question, Bai Ruoxi said helplessly: “Yes, the government has tried it.

At the time, these invading monsters were killed and even many were gasified.


Bai Ruoxi’s tone is heavy: “But, because of some unknown factors, the monsters of these cave worlds are born again!”


“Yes, not born on the ground, but in the world of the caves.

I said that they also have human beings. Of course, they are not necessarily human beings, but they are similar in appearance and intrinsic.

Some people, naturally, have looks, looks like them, and those who have discovered it, those who have been smashed into the ground and killed, many of them are resurrected in the world of the cave!

They are in the ground world and can’t be killed at all!

No, you can be killed, but it must be killed by the warrior, they will not be resurrected again.

In the world of the caves, the monsters killed by the warriors will not be resurrected.

Research and analysis may be caused by the suppression effect of the power of blood and blood. Therefore, in recent years, major scientific research institutions have been developing weapons of kinetic energy.

The power of qi and blood comes from human beings. Once you leave the human body, it will become a simple blood. This is also the biggest problem that plagues scientific research institutions!

At present, countries may have some results, but the results are not obvious.

Before the invention of a large-scale weapon that can effectively kill the world creatures of the caves, once the cave creatures enter the surface, it is a human disaster!

We can’t wash the ground with a nuclear bomb every time!

That way, the whole earth is finished.

Therefore, let the warriors guard the caves, let the warriors enter the caves, go deep into the caves, and kill the possibility of these people hitting the ground in advance. This is the best way to protect the world and protect human beings! ”

Fang Ping has not asked questions. At this moment, Shen Sheng said: “Teacher, the creatures of the world of the caves, why should they rush into the earth’s surface, is the living environment of the caves bad?”


Bai Ruoxi shook his head: “The cave is our saying. It is not the darkness of the imagination. It is no different from the normal world.

In terms of the environment, it is even better than us. ”


“The specific reasons are not clear. In these years, we have also captured some of the cave creatures. On the one hand, because of language barriers, it is difficult to communicate…

Of course, some people are now learning the language of the cave creatures.

The most important thing is that the cave creatures, the lower layers do not know the reason.

At the top, the first is difficult to capture, and the second is the high level of the cave. Once captured, the ‘brain’ can be considered a ‘brain’, which will cause brain death.

I don’t know if it is spontaneous or controlled. This is currently being analyzed. ”

Fang Ping continued: “That also means that we humans now have no better way to suppress the cave creatures. They can only kill and kill through the military, and reduce the possibility of the cave creatures impacting the surface?”

“Not bad.”

Bai Ruoxi nodded: “Otherwise, any door to a cave is broken, and it will have extremely bad consequences.

The big earthquake is one of them!

When the caverns break through the gates of the caves, it will cause natural disasters and cause a lot of casualties!

Moreover, the caverns are extremely destructive, and they are slightly inadvertent, that is, the city is destroyed.

There have been such tragedies in history. In the end, they have to be destroyed with weapons of mass destruction. As a result, the environment has deteriorated, and cities, humans, and caves have all disappeared.

The cave creatures can be resurrected in the cave world, so that they can only quench their thirst, and finally the earth will be destroyed in our own hands. ”

“There were some vibrations in the demon last night…” Fang Ping said.

Bai Ruoxi’s face changed slightly and sighed: “Yes, this phenomenon is becoming more and more obvious and more and more.

The gates of the 22 caves are now almost always moving.

The cave creatures are constantly impacting the gates of the caves. Every time they impact, they will also cause surface vibrations. The more vibration, the closer they are to the distance, so once the surface vibration occurs, we must immediately send a large number of warriors. Enter and carry out effective killing!

They will also die, and when they die more, they will retreat. ”

“Before Tiannan is also?”

“Well, that time was more serious and almost broke through, so I had to let a large number of military people reinforce. Even so, the military also suffered heavy casualties, and ordinary people are…”

Fang Ping hurriedly said: “Ordinary people?”

Bai Ruoxi’s tone is deep again. “There are ordinary people in the military. Do you think that the military is a warrior?

A large number of ordinary soldiers will also be stationed outside the cave, and when necessary, they will go to the caves.

Although ordinary people are not as good as the military, they can form a military array and have a strong lethality.

Otherwise, it is difficult to compete with the military and the millions of martial arts.

At the gates of 22 caves, the warriors will not enter, and there will be a large number of one or two warriors…

There are not many warriors who are actually stationed in the caves. Only when the situation is critical, the warlords will enter.

In the caves, the power of blood and blood will be more powerful, and a three-armed warrior can forcibly break through the ordinary army of the cave creatures…”


This time it was not Fang Ping, but some students were shocked: “There are also military arrays in the caves?”

Bai Ruoxi repeated again: “That is a civilization, not a zombie in your imagination. Do you understand what I mean?”

Fang Ping said again at this time: “Civilization? Teacher, you said that all external energy will lose effect in the cave, there is no energy support, how can it form civilization?

They don’t need to eat?

No need to ignite?

What about the sun?

No sun provides heat, can it really survive? ”

“You want to be embarrassed about this, the existence of energy, not just these.

In the caves, the cave creatures have their own exclusive energy system. Have you seen them in novels or TV?

You can understand it as an energy mine. They use lighting and cooking, including the creation of weapons. ”

Fang Ping’s eyes lit up and said again: “Can we use this kind of energy mine to create modern weapons and kill them?”


Bai Ruoxi acknowledged this, but sighed: “But the energy mine is the most important source of energy for the cave creatures, and the guards are very strict.

Before, there were three nine masters who went deep into the world of the caves and forcibly snatched them.

As a result, a large number of cave creatures were chased, the last one was degraded, and the other two were seriously injured.

Too dangerous, energy mines are deep.

Over the years, we have not thought about breaking in, but we must not go into it, because some deep-seated creatures in the depths will not hit the gates of the caves.

But once we get deeper and trigger these creatures to start to attack, then humans are really dangerous! ”

Fang Ping is completely unquestioned. In short, in short, at present, human beings are at a disadvantage.


Killing near the gates of the caves effectively reduces the intensity of these creatures’ impact on the caves.

Fang Ping is no doubt, Fu Changding is thinking of an important question, immediately said: “Teacher, is the soil strength of the caves strong?”


Bai Ruoxi said: “Their ordinary army, or cannon fodder, generally has a character strength.

The two products are more like a cow.

Of course, there are not too many medium and high quality products.

And they have a strong regional awareness…”

Everyone quickly showed a listening.

“That is to say, there are very few cave creatures near the gate of the Tiannan Grottoes, or they will never go to other caves. This is the main reason why we can maintain the status quo.

Human warriors are maneuverable, and we can defend an area with all our strength and clean up an area without worrying about the concentration of creatures in all areas. ”

With the continuous introduction of Bai Ruoxi, everyone finally got a general impression of the cave.

In the class, some people suddenly realized that some people were frowning, some were eager to try, and some people were afraid of it…

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