Global Gaowu

Chapter 157 - How can it compare!

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In the complex mood of the people, the last member of the Wu Da League came to power.

Chen Jiasheng, two-product warrior, Donglin Wuda freshman.


Second floor.

Zhao Xuemei’s face is slightly complicated: “He is the champion of the Donglin Provincial College Entrance Examination.”

Fang Ping remembered that Zhao Xuemei was the third in the Donglin Provincial College Entrance Examination.

“You know him?”

“I have seen once, Donglin Wuda once had a test of our military candidates, I hope we can stay in Donglin.

At that time, I thought about two famous schools and I did not agree.

At that time, I have seen Chen Jiasheng, he… He hopes that we can stay, he said that he hopes Donglin people can give some strength and blood to Donglin.

At that time, I didn’t understand… Now, I probably know something about it. He may know about the cave in advance…

Donglin, there is a cave entrance. ”

Fang Ping did not answer any more. If Zhao Xuemei said it was true, then Chen Jiasheng stayed at Donglin Wuda, and it was not simply because of the treatment.


Above the ring.

Chen Jiasheng’s face was as usual, stepping onto the ring.

Chen Jiasheng held a machete in his hand. Fang Ping did not look carefully. He heard someone whispering: “Wu Hook?”

“Wu Hook?”

Someone repeated one sentence and suddenly said: “Donglin Chenjia?”

“It’s Chen Jia, Chen Zongshi 12 years ago… It’s 13 years ago, and he died in 1996. Before his death, Chen’s only one single seedling…”

Some people couldn’t help but look at the two masters of the Wu Da League. Shen Sheng said: “He is Chen Jia Nagen alone?”

A master of the Wu Da League’s face solemnly said: “Yes, it’s Chen’s one!”

“Why don’t you bring Wu Hook, collect Guanshan Fifty States… Chen family…”

Some people have complicated eyes and snorted softly.

Chen Jiawu hook, that is the reputation of the grandfather Chen Jiasheng!

No… not only the master of Chen’s family!

Chen’s generations used Wu Hook, which is also a family worthy of respect.

In 1996, the Donglin Grottoes rioted, Chen family of 18 people, in addition to the young Chen Jiasheng, Chen Lao master took the family to the entrance to the cave, the battle is not retired!

That battle, Chen family 17 people, all fallen!

These years have appeared in the Grottoes, and there are many martial artists in the back, how many people are not fame and fortune, and they are generous to death!

It can be like Chen’s, up to the master, down to one product, all killed, and very few.

Fang Ping also heard this, and his eyes suddenly became complicated.


He has never been to the grottoes. He has only heard that he has no personal feelings. He does not know what kind of trauma the caves will cause to human beings.

But when you know Chen Jiasheng’s family, except for him, all the battles and deaths of the caves, Fang Ping’s mood is also complicated.

Is this a warrior?

The battle of today is not for personal gain, not for fame, just to strive for more cultivation resources, so that the entrance to the cave like Donglin is safer?

Perhaps this is Chen Jiasheng’s thoughts?

Fang Ping did not know if he had guessed wrong, but he would rather think about it.

These warriors of the Wu Da League, all of them will not die, perhaps they also know the sorrow of weak strength, so they will fight for death.

Otherwise, why is it here!

In the whispering discussion, some people in Beijing Jingwu were indifferent: “Chen is worthy of respect, but I am Jingwu. Since the founding of the school, the master has died in 14 people!

Dare to fight, can fight, never avoid the war, this is my Jingwu!

We have not squandered those resources, no one is sorry, this war is not right or wrong! ”

The master of the Wu Da League also smiled: “It is true, so we will never take any of these experiences to gain anything. Chen Jiasheng can enter the main team, it is because of strength, not because of Chen!”

The words of the masters once again made Fang Ping feel what the young people felt. Fang Ping did not know whether it was sad or admirable.

The rest of the people up there, no sound at the moment.

In the past few years, have there been few dead masters in the war?


“Wu Da Union, Chen Jiasheng!”

“Kyoto Wuda, Zhang Zhenguang!”

Zhang Zhenguang, who just cut off Liang Liangyao’s arm, is also very serious at this moment. This is the second two-armed warrior in this battle!

Although Sun Mingyu, the first two-person warrior, was defeated by Han Xu, a martial artist, Sun Mingyu also showed the strength of the two-armed warrior. If he didn’t fight hard to kill Han Xu, Han Xu would not be so easy to leave with Bai Yin.

The two men salute, at the end, Chen Jiasheng is like a thunder, Wu hook suddenly split into two, half-knife!

Chen Jiasheng did not hide the meaning, Chen’s Wu hook is a double knife!

Just fighting!

Two Wu hooks, draw a line of light in the air!

Zhang Zhenguang did not choose to fight this time. He did not need weapons, but he was not afraid at the moment. Chen Jiasheng rushed and Zhang Zhenguang stepped on his feet!

The next moment, Zhang Zhenguang’s trousers legs cracked, slamming up, straight into the scope of Wu hooks!

Zhang Zhenguang quickly and quickly found a gap between the two knives, his hands slammed into the gap, and pinched Chen Jiasheng’s right hand.


Liu Huarong whispered a sentence, and then quickly explained: “This is the combat technology of the evolution of the military’s tactics. It seems that Zhang Zhenguang is not just a softman…”

At the time of the fierceness, Zhang Zhenguang was also extremely fierce.

With Chen Jiasheng of the second product, he is not Han Xu, but he can not consume Chen Jiasheng, and may not be able to consume much blood.

In this case, it is better to play a fierce battle, even if lost, Chen Jiasheng is also uncomfortable.

When it was said that it was late, Liu Huarong’s voice did not fall, and Chen’s hand Wu Hook in his hand, cutting his hands to Zhang Zhenguang!

Zhang Zhenguang’s arm was twisted, and he took his right hand and screamed, and fell over his shoulder!

Chen Jiasheng did not move, but also a long drink, his right foot slammed, and the platform seemed to tremble!



Fang Ping is slightly dignified. Chen Jiasheng’s product is the upper limb bone, but the lower body is also not moving. It is not because the lower limb bone is quenched, but the pile is heavy.

Standing in the real world!

This is Fang Ping’s judgment, maybe… or it may be a station.

Zhang Zhenguang apparently was based on his judgment that his lower limbs were not hardened, and he would be close to me.

But this time, he judged the loss and suddenly fell into a crisis.

Chen Jiasheng was not taken out, Zhang Zhenhua will pay for it.

Wu hook rotates very fast, Zhang Zhenguang can not fly to the other side, the next moment, Wu hook will draw a blood mark on Zhang Zhenguang’s arm, the sleeves are instantly cut into pieces, dyed red and fell to the ground.

A move failed, Zhang Zhenguang suddenly realized that hard hit is not the opponent of the other side, immediately began to withdraw, chose to fight.

Next, the actions of Chen Jiasheng once again aroused the attention of Fang Ping.

Chen Jiasheng, who is holding a double knife, actually started to throw a knife!

Throw a knife, a knife close!

The thrown Wu hook, swirling in the air, began to attack Zhang Zhenguang’s back while Chen Jiasheng was close.

“Does this be used as a boomerang?”

“I think it is a blood drop.”

“I can’t prevent it, is this the correct use of the double-knife?”

“The key is that he has strong control, and the strength is just right, otherwise it is not so easy…”

The participating warriors on the second floor whispered in vain. At present, Zhang Zhenguang is defeated. It depends on how much blood he can consume Chen Jiasheng.

There are still three people left in Jingwu. Even if Zhang Zhenguang is defeated, there are still two people behind. Everyone is not weak. Chen Jiasheng wants a string of three, not so simple.

The results were not unexpected. In less than 3 minutes, Zhang Zhengguang was pinched by the front and back. He failed to keep up with the rhythm. He was smashed by the left arm of Chen Jiasheng, and he had torn out a laceration of the flesh and had to withdraw from the treatment.


In the seventh battle, at this time, everyone found that the tactics of Jingwu changed.


The fourth warrior who came to power in Beijing, the bones of the lower limbs that were tempered, and the piles were also in the actual situation, and they practiced the footwork.

The other party did not touch Chen Jiasheng hard, nor close contact, it was around the ring.

Many people in the audience have the urge to swear.

In the previous six games, all of them were full of blood, even Zhang Zhenguang, the softness and weakness in front, and the **** boiling behind.

The fourth person who can be Jingwu has never been in contact with Chen Jiasheng from beginning to end.

At this moment, it depends on the two sides who can’t bear it first. If they don’t run out of blood, they will be caught by the other party.

The people of Jingwu ran around the circle, and Chen Jiasheng could not be indifferent. He also kept spinning in the field and stared at each other to prevent being attacked.

The two have been entangled for more than ten minutes, which is also the longest match in this contest.

Until many people yawned, Chen Jiasheng suddenly broke out, in order to bear the price of the other party’s punch, the other side fell down.


“Is this going to be countered?”

Fu Changding grinned: “Jingwu has the last person left. Although Chen Jiasheng has consumed a lot of blood, it is not without the power of a war.

Han Xu and Li Ran have already fallen into the ring. Now, Jingwu is in trouble. ”

Fang Ping slightly frowned, staring at the man who finally came to power in Beijing, “If you are Jingwu, will there be no one?”

The Wu Da League chose Sun Mingyu’s first battle and Chen Jiasheng’s finale.

Magic Wu chose Fang Ping’s first battle, Zhao Lei finale.

The last person, the strength will not be weak, or it will be easily penetrated.

The last person in Jingwu, is it really the weakest?

Jingwu’s last person – Fang Wenxiang!

Fang Ping remembers that Liu Huarong’s brief introduction of Wen Xiang at the time was not too dazzling.

The seventh place in the college entrance examination in Donghu.

The three provinces of Donglin, Donghu and Dongwu are all located in the eastern part of the country. They are also economically developed areas. They can be ranked seventh in such provinces, at least equivalent to the top three in Nanjiang.

The provincial champions of this competition are all a lot, and a seventh, it really did not cause much attention.

Fang Wenxiang did not use long weapons, but wore a pair of gloves covering his arms.

Fang Ping looks a little hot, can cover his arms, this can already be considered armor defense weapons.

Magic Wu does not borrow his full body helmet!

In the envy of Fang Ping, Fang Wenxiang quickly clashed with Chen Jiasheng.

Chen Jiasheng’s revolving knife is a threat to other people. Fang Wenxiang is not satisfied. Whether it is a frontal attack or a back attack, Fang Wenxiang can quickly block his arms.

Wu Hook cut a spark on the arm guard, but it was no way to take Fang Wenxiang.

Chen Jiasheng had two people in Lien Chan, lack of blood, and had not waited for him to change his tactics. Fang Wenxiang suddenly screamed!

Everyone saw his double fists like the dragon’s claws, and he was as fast as a tiger, and his fists slammed on the hook of Chen Jiasheng!

Chen Jiasheng was obviously invincible and retreated.

Fang Wenxiang is also very fast, don’t care about Wu Hook attack, directly hit the hammer!

“The East Lake Fangjia’s 撼天拳!”

Liu Huarong recognized Fang Wenxiang’s moves and then exclaimed: “The double-chance burst of blood is close to 50 cards, which is the one with the deepest progress in warfare so far!”

Fang Wenxiang’s boxing power broke out, and the blood was as high as 50 cards!

Chen Jiasheng was beaten back and forth, his face was getting paler and paler. When he was hammered four times in succession, Chen Jiasheng vomited his blood and fell to the ground. Seeing Fang Wenxiang’s last punch to his head, Chen Jiasheng was biting his teeth and didn’t shout out.

Upstairs, finally the master sighed: “Trust!”

The referee immediately moved, blocking Fang Wenxiang’s fist in one hand.

“Jing Wusheng!”

The referee announced the result loudly!

And Chen Jiasheng still slammed the ground, the blood in his mouth dripping, his face full of sorrow.

The first battle, the Wu Da League defeated!

Although the last person was put together, the five main players were seriously injured, even if he was at the moment.

The strength of the members of the Wu Da League is not weak, they can encounter Jingwu, the other side is stronger, and everyone in the Wu Da Union is injured.


“Wu University Alliance lost, and tomorrow can still play, the main players only Chen Jiasheng and Bai Yin.”

Zhao Xuemei sighed, five main players, and three of them could not play tomorrow.

If you lose again tomorrow, you may not have the chance to play again.

According to the system, if they win the eight-school alliance, they will fight against Jingwu. If they win the Jingwu, and the Wuda League loses to the eight-school alliance, the two sides have no chance to meet.

If the magic weapon is defeated to Jingwu, then the two sides will fight against each other.

Can you have a third game, mainly to see the outcome of the Wu Da League tomorrow.

If they win, there is still a chance to turn over and lose. The best result is only the third, provided that they can defeat the magic weapon that lost to Beijing.

Fang Ping did not care so much, turned his head and said: “Go, come to us in the afternoon.”

When he was just about to leave, Tang Feng suddenly came out: “Your tutor went out again, but I know that the people from Donghu Fangjia are coming, let me tell you, this time I will not beat the people of Donghu Fangjia, she will Knock you down!”


Fang Ping almost vomited blood, everything is me!

Let me defeat Han Xu, let me have a series of five in the afternoon, let me beat Fang Wenxiang of Donghu Fangjia…

The benefits are not said, the disadvantage is a lot!

Tang Feng smiled and said: “Don’t worry, your tutor and Fangjia have been complaining for many years. If you help her export gas, then the benefits will naturally have you.”

“Fang Wenxiang?”

Fang Ping screamed, the other party’s strength is very strong, not necessarily weaker than Han Xu.

At least the last few fists, the martial arts burst, the blood is about 50 cards, and they are almost reaching the killer.

In order to quench the bones, these new students are not so profound in the practice of warfare. After all, they are too young and the time is too short.

It is extremely difficult to reach the point of killing.

At least for the first time, the main forces of the Wu Da League and Jing Wu did not show that the tactics reached the killer.

However, basically all of them have mastered the use of warfare, and there are about 30 cards with low blood pressure.

“Look again, it’s still early.”

When Wuwu wants to compete with Jingwu, he must first win the afternoon game. Tomorrow, the Wuda League and the Eight Schools Alliance will play against each other. It will only be their turn to fight against Jingwu.

Tang Feng no longer said, the last words: “Be careful in the afternoon, don’t turn over the boat.”



As Fang Ping left, the audience also began to scatter.

However, at this moment, the enthusiasm and noise of the beginning are not met, and many people are somewhat silent.

A total of eight games were played in the morning, and no one died.

The 10 players who played, except for the last Fang Wenxiang, all had no injuries, and there were three or four serious injuries. The game was much more fierce than they thought.

This is still the first round of battle, what next?

Will the afternoon game be the same as in the morning?

Will it be even more tragic when I finally compete for the first place?

Everyone doesn’t know, and some people can’t understand why these students will die and die, and they will not die!

The five main forces of the Wu Da League, unless they really struggle to be powerless, or else, no one will admit defeat if they have spare capacity, even if they know it is not.


Out of the gym, Fang Ping gently vomited.

Before I even had time to say anything, I suddenly heard someone crying with a cry: “Brother!”

When the voice fell, the square rushed into Fang Ping’s arms and choked: “Is it better than the afternoon? Brother, let’s not fight…”

Fang Ping gently rubbed her head and smiled: “What do you want? I am the captain…”

“Brother, let’s not fight! They… they are so cold-blooded…”

There were some horror and tear marks on Fang Fang’s face. She was beaten in the morning of eight games, which really scared her.

The imaginary warrior is like a star, so radiant, so chic.

Her big brother, who is impressed, is a hippie smile, lie to her pocket money, and pinch her big bad guy.

Instead of the warriors on the stage today, they will win the battle and die.

“Stupid girl… This is the real warrior… How can it be…”

Fang Ping whispered a whisper. At this point, he is no match. Don’t think about rumbling in the future.

Magic Wu will not agree, the Ministry of Education will not agree!

Even if it is bigger, the government will not agree!

The Chinese warriors can fight, but they must not fight at this time in the first round!

This is the first open martial arts competition. As a captain of the magic martial arts, Fang Ping fights halfway. This affects not a school, but the sense of ownership of the warrior.

“It’s okay, it’s okay, your brother, I am strong, and those people are weak in the morning, so that’s it.”

In the afternoon, you see how your brother lying on their beat, worry …… “

A few words to appease his sister, Fang Ping saw Wu Zhihao them.

These people are also complex in appearance, watching Fang Ping’s words and stops.

Yesterday, they envied the infinite beauty of Fang Pingping, but today, there is no envy and envy.

In the morning of the battle, let them fully understand the amount of arrogance that they stood on stage yesterday.

“I am busy with yours, nothing, I will not accompany you to dinner at noon, we discuss the tactics.

My sister…”

“Brother!” Fang Yuanhong red eyes, pulling his clothes is not willing to let go.

“Okay, why are you crying, your brother, I have played a lot of invincible hands, and the second product is not played, it is nothing, you cry, if I have something…”

Fangyuan suddenly stopped crying and didn’t know what to do.

“Go, go to sleep in the afternoon, don’t watch the game, I will let you watch the video for you to see, when you know that you are so proud of the wind…”

After a few extra jokes, Fang Ping lost the square to Wu Zhihao and went away with Fu Changding.

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