Global Gaowu

Chapter 197 - Inflated

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The entrance to the teaching gate is at the door.

Fang Pingyi was a close, loud voice: “Yu Shanghua, Zhang Ziwei, Chen Pengfei, the three brothers and sisters, come out to know if you can?”

Prepare the crowds that are scattered, slightly noisy.

“What is this kid doing?”

“Crap, clear things, do not challenge the brush ranking, or just want everyone to support him, vote for him later.”

“Yu Shanghua’s second product list is 3rd, Zhang Ziwei is 5th, and Chen Pengfei is 8th. Is he sure he is not looking for death?”

“That may not be the case. There is no diamond that can’t be used for porcelain work. After all, it is also the top two martial arts fighters in the top 20, and whoever is dead is not yet known.”


The people whispered.

Soon, one person came out of the crowd, keeping the hair on both sides of the shovel, it looked awkward.

The young man walked out of the crowd and looked at Fang Ping. He said: “I am Yu Shanghua!”

Fang Ping is trying to talk, and once again, one person is a woman. The standard melon face and long hair are tied up, which is very skillful.

The woman stepped out and smiled: “Zhang Ziwei!”

“Chen Pengfei.”

The last person is a big man who is a big man. Chen Pengfei stepped out and smiled and said: “Fang Xuedi has such a big battle, what advice?”

Fang Ping saw three people come out, smiled and said: “Three brothers and sisters do not misunderstand, I just looked at it, the three together, the total number of votes is 32 votes.

I don’t have to look at it, I know that three people are not ordinary people.

But several of them are sophomores and juniors. I don’t think I have any credits, so I hope that the three can support these newcomers…

Freshmen are not easy…”

Yu Shanghua directly interrupted: “No need to talk nonsense, you want to take credits, we also want to.

We are still discussing before, should we talk about it.

Since you took the initiative, it is simple, more than one, lost, my friends and I will vote for you in the future.

Win, you are a freshman, vote for me, it’s that simple! ”

After all, say: “Can you be the master of them?”

Fang Ping looked at Fu Changding a few people, and Fu Changding smiled and said: “I have no opinion, and everyone is the same.”

Several other people also nodded slightly. Fang Ping was the strongest one in the freshman year. He lost, and the others did not play, just like.

Fang Ping said with a smile: “Okay, I agree.”

Then I turned to look at the other two people: “What is the opinion of the two?”

Chen Pengfei hugged his arms and said, “You have won Shang Shanghua. I can vote for you. It is not a big deal.”

But if you lose, you invest in Shanghua, and there is no advantage in it. So, you lose, give me 30 credits, how? ”

Obviously, Chen Pengfei felt that he did not need to go into battle. Fang Ping won Yu Shanghua, and he was not a rival.

Lost to Shang Hua, the tickets are gone, playing a game does not make much sense.

“30 credits?” Fang Ping said with a smile: “Yes, but Master Chen can’t do it alone. I won. You can at least give me ten votes here. How?”


“From tomorrow, until the end, everyone is a warrior, and don’t play with those thoughts, it’s boring.”

“Oh, Fang Shidi has a lot of thoughts. I really didn’t think about it.”

Chen Pengfei snorted.

Fu Changding on the side looked disappointed and co-authored. The two men did not fight?

What does Fang Ping mean when he plays in Shanghua!

Hit Chen Pengfei!

After getting Chen Pengfei, Fang Ping finally looked at the only girl among the three, Zhang Ziwei.

This is also the only girl in Magic Wu who entered the top 20 of the second product list.

Zhang Ziwei said faintly: “I want to vote for you, simple, win me and say. Other people’s affairs, nothing to do with me!”

Obviously, Zhang Ziwei does not think that Shang Hua can represent her.

Yu Shanghua didn’t care too much, looking at Fang Pingdao: “I am not Gu Xiong of Nanwu. Fang Xuedi considered it clearly, was injured, and delayed the progress. Don’t blame the seniors for bullying you.”

“Which can.”

Fang Ping chuckled and said: “But I also want to mention with the brothers, I just stepped into the three products, the brothers will not mind if I am fighting for the third product?”

“Three products?”

The eyes of the people changed slightly, and there was some commotion in the crowd.

Some people in Yu Shanghua didn’t care too much. Zhang Ziwei said indifferently: “There are no differences in the three products that have not entered the high section. What’s more, the three products are also your strength. If you look at the strength, can you still make progress?”

There is no indignation and no fear.

Everyone is a student, Fang Ping broke through to the three products, that is his ability.

Moreover, this is still their schoolmate.

Below the three-product high section, even if there is a difference between the two products, the difference is only the upper limit of qi and blood, and the number of tempered bones is more, and there is no qualitative change.

At this time, Fang Ping, the explosive power of the warfare, is comparable to them.

There will be no random moves, and they will be unable to defend.

In addition, Fang Ping’s breakthrough in the three products actually means that he does not have much time to practice the tactics. Instead, he is better off staying at the peak of the second product and let them be jealous.

Just like the original national exchange competition, the two warriors of the second product are not as jealous as Han Xu and Fang Wenxiang, who are at the top of the product.

“The teacher is bright.”

Fang Ping boasted a question and asked: “Who are the two, who will come first?”

In the crowd, some people joked: “Fang Xuedi has three products, or else, together.”

Fang Ping’s face changed slightly, and some people spurred: “Three products play two products, one dozen two, is also normal, or else, we are not willing to vote for the primary school brother.”

This is a concept of stealing, Yu Shanghua and Zhang Ziwei of the second grade, a third, a fifth.

These two people, pulled out by one person alone, will not be weaker than the average middle-class military.

The two joined forces and met the three-product high-ranking warrior. It was not without counterattack.

Although Fang Ping entered the three products, there was no qualitative change. The single-on-one is not necessarily an opponent, let alone one-on-two.

Playing the general unsuccessful two-product 巅峰武者, Fang Ping is not difficult to play three, and it is easy to play five.

Can be on the front of the two…

Zhang Ziwei and Yu Shanghua did not speak, and some looked at Fang Ping with some fun.

In the crowd, someone once again laughed: “I didn’t say that before the school brother, would you challenge the president?

The president is a four-powered martial artist. Is this the basis for Fang Xuedi’s arrogance?

Three products for the second product, are considering, that three products for the four products … hahaha! ”

For Fang Ping’s arrogance, the martial arts club had long been blind.

A freshman, thinking that this is ordinary Wuda?

Shortly after entering the school, he uttered madness and challenged the president of the martial arts society. What did the magic martial arts society think of?

Before everyone was unfamiliar and didn’t know, then forget it, and deliberately find it. For these people, it doesn’t make sense and delays time.

Can be touched, Fang Ping is not really strong now, let everyone despair, stab him a few words.

Some of the two martial artists who were present were confident that even if they were on the court, they would not have married Fang Ping.

In the top 20 of the second-class list, there are a total of 6 people in the Magic, except for Fang Ping and the other three on the field, and two others are also on the scene.

In addition, there are several other two-armed warriors on the list.

Who is really afraid of Fang Ping when he entered the list.

“Fang Ping!”

Yang Xiaoman shouted, and Fang Fangping shook his head. These old people were clearly looking at Fang Ping’s jokes.

I also took the pressure to pressure these freshmen.

In the previous national exchange competition, several freshmen in the freshman year were much more famous than them. The military is not a saint, and no one can be unhappy.

A group of martial artists are more valued than they are.


Fang Pingyuan just thought about it. He played a game with people and showed his strength. In the third place of Shang Hua, it actually represents everything.

But now, I didn’t expect to be used by people to expand the meaning.

Yu Shanghua and Zhang Ziwei don’t talk, they may not really want to fight in World War II. They can watch Fang Ping riding the tiger, and the two may be happy.

At this moment, Zhao Lei suddenly said: “Fang Ping, count me one, two to two, I am the second paragraph, not bully!”

Fang Ping glanced at him and shook his head and smiled. “No, since everyone wants to see if my Fang Ping is really imaginary, then I am welcome.”

Yu Xiong, Zhang Shijie, how do you feel? ”

Zhang Ziwei chuckled, “Fang Xuedi is sure to do this?”

“If you lose, you won’t lose, you won… and let everyone know that I am still very vocal.”

“Yu Shanghua, what about you?” Zhang Ziwei looked at Shang Hua.

Yu Shanghua Mei Yu slightly wrinkled, and soon he calmed down, faintly said: “Whether, Fang Xuedi experienced less, then we have to accompany the school brothers.”

The two reached an agreement.

Others have retired, and some people have begun to call friends to see the play.

The freshmen nowadays, I really don’t know how high the earth is.

The three products are very refreshing, but a guy who just entered the three products, challenged the top ten of the national second-class Wutai, really thought that these two people did not defeat the three-armed warriors?

The strength of Yu Shanghua is stronger than that of the middle three-armed warriors. Zhang Ziwei is not much worse.

Magic Wubi is a gathering place for geniuses, who are not geniuses in genius.

As everyone retired, Fang Ping gave a slight sigh of relief and his face was slightly heavy: “Is it a weapon?”

“Anything, real battles can be separated.”

Yu Shanghua said that he has taken over his own eyebrows and sticks from others.

Zhang Ziwei also pulled the sword out of the sheath and threw the scabbard to the side.

When Fang Ping saw it, he was no longer vague and quickly assembled his long knife.


“Fang Ping is too unsettled!” Yang Xiaoman said with a frown.

Although Fang Ping entered the three products, it was shocking.

However, he just entered the three products, and the accumulation in the peak of the second product is not too strong. Now, with one war two, several people are not optimistic about him.

Fu Changding also sighed: “Expanded, this guy… really…”

“He has been quenching three times…maybe no hope?” Chen Yunqi said with a lack of confidence.

“The blood has increased a little, but the battle is not just to see the blood, or else, the **** warriors will be despised?”


Several people whispered in the discussion.

Fang Ping three people have been empty.

“Arms Institute, the big party is flat, please advise!”

“Arms Institute, junior in Yu Shanghua!”

“Arms Institute, sophomore Zhang Ziwei!”

The three men were each famous for the ceremony, and the next moment, the three people moved together!

Yu Shanghua’s short stick screamed across the street, and the direct sweep of the flat plate, Zhang Ziwei with a tacit understanding, a long sword straight thorns Fang Ping throat!

One time, it sealed the front road of Fang Ping.

The square is not slow, the toes are on the ground, and the long knife is straight to Zhang Ziwei!

Zhang Ziwei was unmoved and still kept the offensive. In the short stick of Shang Hua, it was so simple to avoid it.

Sure enough, Fang Ping just stepped into the air, Yu Shanghua’s short stick with a fierce whistling sound, strangely appeared on the waist side of Fang Ping.

At this moment, the short stick hits the waist, and the long sword changes from a stab to a throat.

Fang Ping’s right foot stepped on the air again, the body pulled up a bit, the left leg swept to the short stick, and the long knife in his hand quickly slammed the long sword.


A loud noise, Zhang Ziwei’s long sword tilted, from the side of the flat side, Yu Shanghua’s short stick, but suddenly hit Fang Ping’s sole.

Fang Ping borrowed a step and flew backwards. The next moment, the square landed, and a few steps back. The ground was stepped on pieces of floor tiles.

However, Zhang Ziwei did not stop, and the footsteps moved, and the eyes appeared again in front of Fang Ping.


“A trick is going to the bottom…”

Fu Changding sighed, Fang Ping’s situation is very bad now, Zhang Ziwei and the two joined forces, Fang Ping defended one, can not prevent the second one, one is hard enough, and together, Fang Ping completely fell into the passive.

The other people on the other side shook their heads. Someone chuckled: “One pair two, I am afraid that our school brothers think that this is the two two qi and blood martial arts.”

Just in the effort of everyone to speak, Fang Ping, who had just been retreating, suddenly grabbed the short stick of Shang Hua in his left hand, and held the knife in his right hand. The blade was like a phantom, and instantly attacked the head of Zhang Ziwei!

Zhang Ziwei’s face changed slightly, taking a step back with the sword.

She just retired, and suddenly her face changed again, and she quickly hit the square face with a sword.

At this time, Fang Ping was holding a short stick and walking on the heel. He stepped on a deep hole in the ground and took advantage of Shang Hua to retreat.

Before the sniper of Zhang Ziwei’s long knife, he suddenly turned his direction and ran across the left arm of Xianghua.

Yu Xianghua snorted, his arms were strong, and the short-handed Fang Ping’s left hand was bloody, but Fang Ping did not care. He stepped again and avoided Zhang Ziwei. The next second, the long knife quickly shot in Xianghua’s left arm!

Yu Xianghua suddenly taunted the color, the muscles of the left upper arm quickly bulged, and the long knife shot, the sound of “咚” was heard.


Yu Xianghua snorted at the moment and said two words.

His second product is the third, and he is white. Fang Ping really thinks he is vegetarian.

At the moment, Fang Ping’s left hand was hit, and his intention to reinvent him also ended in failure. Yu Xianghua could not think of the reason why he had a turnaround.

Zhang Ziwei, who had been forced to retreat and quickly catch up with the sword, had already stabbed Fang Ping’s chest.

At this time, Fang Ping’s left hand was still in the direction of Hua Xiang, and he held the knife in the right. He couldn’t look back when he saw it. In the hands of Yu Xianghua, he once again increased his strength and set Fang Ping in place. He retired and unloaded. Force, Yu Xianghua will be able to stick out, a stick to sweep his lumbar vertebrae!

Not retreating, that Ziwei can pierce his sternum with a sword!

It’s hard to ride a tiger!

Next to Chen Yunqi, a few people looked at the heart, this is a troublesome party, see Zhang Ziwei’s meaning, obviously no idea to keep hands, even if not to create a square, Fang Ping will not be too light.

However, everyone did not find that Zhang Ziwei, who is close to the sword, has changed his face again!

Fang Ping did not care about her!

Just when she was stabbing with the sword, Fang Ping showed the sternum of the sternum in a big way, and the long knife that had not been built before, suddenly accelerated again, and the knives were faintly red!

At the moment, Yu Xianghua is wrestling with Fang Ping. The whole body is on the short stick. At the same time as Zhang Ziwei stabbed the square, Fang Ping’s long knife flashed like a phantom to the waist of the Chinese side. Later, Yu Xianghua once again raised his left arm block, but this time it was a trembling.

The tremor was not over yet, and the “砰砰” sound came out again. The huge force was uploaded from the back of the knife, and the slap of Yu Xianghua’s left arm creaked.

Under Yu Xianghua’s pain, the hand was loose, Fang Ping’s left hand was launched, and the strength was launched along the short stick. It will be launched a few steps to China.

Yu Xianghua retreats in a row, far away from Fangping, and at this moment Zhang Ziwei has pulled out the sword and stabbed again.

Just the sword, stabbed Fang Ping’s chest, but it produced a huge resistance, Fang Ping has already clotting back, and the sternum quenching is completed, has not been hit hard.

Fang Ping took the opportunity to repel Yu Xianghua, apparently not doing nothing.

In the dazzling crowd, Yu Xianghua is still retreating, Fang Ping’s toes are once again stepping on the ground, **** left hand, drawing a shadow in the air.


The rushing sound came, Fang Ping left the sword with his left hand, and the right hand directly abandoned the knife, smashing the gap of the sword and directly attacking Zhang Ziwei’s chest!

Zhang Ziwei quickly retreated, and Fang Ping was catching up with it at this moment, and the violent bang, the hands and red awns were almost visible to the naked eye.

In the blink of an eye, everyone saw Fang Ping catch up with Zhang Ziwei, like a tiger down the mountain, hands crit on each other’s chest!

Zhang Ziwei cross-arm block, but the arm of the hammered blood is DC, and the whole person keeps flying backwards.

The people in the rear hurriedly dispersed, and Yu Xianghua behind Fang Ping also screamed and followed the stick.

At this moment, it is too late.

Fang Ping once again violently screamed, and the double fists burst into a brighter red awn under the night, hammering out seven or eight punches in the blink of an eye!


The bone breaks out and Zhang Ziwei’s arm is suddenly unable to sag. Fang Ping once again drinks low and both fists come out. One move will fly Zhang Ziwei and fly out, hit the rear wall and slowly fall to the ground.

All of this happened in the blink of an eye. When everyone returned to God, Fang Ping had already turned around and played against China.

The square of the abandoned knife is more flexible, and the footsteps leave a residual image in the air, and it is constantly hammering around the Chinese!



Everyone was a little bit stunned, and this reversal came too fast, and it was clear that Fang Ping fell into the wind.

But no one thought that Fang Ping’s purpose at the beginning was not to go to China, but to stare at Zhang Ziwei, which was equal to being repulsed to China. Fang Ping seized the opportunity, and “Blood Blasting Knife” was punched with double fists. Zhang Ziwei’s skeleton, which was directly hit, broke and was hit hard.

“How did he do it!”

Some people whispered, not to say how Fang Ping defeated Zhang Ziwei, but how Fang Ping did both to fight against Hua, and had the strength to defend Zhang Ziwei.

Yu Xianghua was repulsed and Zhang Ziwei was hit hard, all related to the failure of this sword.

Otherwise, the two are so easily deceived.


Someone whispered two words.

“The steady flow of blood…” The steady flow of blood from the left hand rushed out, preventing the enthusiasm of Xiang Xiang, the blood in the chest, blocking the sword to reinvent himself, and the right hand still has the knife to shoot in China. He hit his left arm almost bone fracture…

These are the techniques of attack and defense that consume a lot of blood.

The ordinary warrior, taking care of this, can not do the three parties, Fang Ping did it!

“How much blood is he?”

“Is it taken in advance?”

“But this conversion speed is too fast!”


In the midst of everyone’s sorrow, Fang Ping is no longer playing tactics with China, relying on the strength of the blood and the fists, constantly punching out the tricks!

Yu Xianghua couldn’t stop it, couldn’t fight with Fang Ping, kept going backwards, and constantly retreating…

Everyone didn’t know how many times Fang Ping hammered. Until the end, Yu Xianghua’s hand trembled, the long stick fell, Fang Pingyi boxing in the other’s chest, will fly to China!


Yu Xianghua, who fell to the ground, spewed a blood in his mouth.

Hands are still shaking…

On the other side, Zhang Ziwei was also twitched and raised, and looked at Fang Ping with his chest, his mouth blood stained.


Fang Ping is like a rainbow, even if the chest and left hand are also bloody, but at this moment it is ignored.

This guy… really beat the two together!

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