Global Gaowu

Chapter 200 - Magic City Cave 13 City (Valentine... Pay attention to safety!!!)

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In the following time, Fang Ping continued to practice the quenching tactics while listening to the courses of the special training class.

Gradually, the grottoes had a rough impression in his heart.

And this impression, when the teacher led the crowd to the second floor of the Mowunan District to see the topographic map, it was three-dimensional.


Building 2

Thousands of square meters of the hall, the only thing that exists is a huge sand table, a modern sand table.

The old professor who led the team walked into the hall and smiled: “The 3rd floor is a simulated topographic map of the Modu Cave.

The 4th floor is the sand table of the Donglin Grottoes, and the 5th floor is the sand table of the Donghu Grottoes.

At present, Magic Wu only has a map of the three places, and the military has all the maps.

The caves are just a general term. We prefer to add a prefix to the front because 22 entrances to the caves are not connected.

It may be thorough, but at least humans have not yet thoroughly detected this point. For many years, no one has been able to reach the next entrance from this entrance.

And all of us, the next step is to enter the magical cave.

In the caves, it is impossible to use technology and cannot take pictures. The mobile phone camera has lost its power source when it is brought in…

Therefore, these maps are all humans groping a little, a little probe, and finally summed up, made of simulated sand table. ”

Fang Ping has no idea what he said.

At this moment everyone is staring at the sand table!

“This is a city?”

“Village, is the city so small?”

“How big is this sandbox?”

“The cave is like this. I thought… it’s a group of savages, primitives…”

Many people know that caves, like Earth, have civilizations.

Many people think that the cave creatures are in an era of ruthlessness and blood.

But now, when the sand table is out, everyone finds that they are wrong. On the sand table, the city is full of trees, and the conspicuous tall walls are telling everyone that the cave is not a savage society.

They have their own civilization and have their own social system.

It may not be as advanced as the earth, but the route that everyone walks is different. This is not the gap between the civilization level.


Fang Ping briefly glanced at him, his brow wrinkled and whispered: “Teacher, the standard is 13 cities on the map. That is to say, the magical caves can accommodate 13 cities? How big are these cities and how many people are there? ”

The mentor who led the team shook his head: “Not 13 seats, remember, only 13 are currently detected!”

The meaning of this statement is completely different from that of Fang Ping.

Not far away, Zhang Ziwei said faintly: “Maybe we can treat every cave entrance as a world, not as a whole.”

In the world of the magical caves, we only detect this distance, and the cost is extremely heavy.

The three masters of Magic Wu are all sacrificed in this process. ”

Obviously, she knows more than Fang Ping.

Fang Ping did not care about this, but frowned: “So, the entrance to the cave is on the surface of the earth. It does not necessarily mean that it appears in the year-on-year position of the cave. Is this spatial passage, perhaps irregular?”

He had a bit of a word, but the instructor still understood.

The old professor smiled and said: “Yes, for example, there is an entrance to Donglin, and the distance from the magical entrance is 600 kilometers.

According to this position, we entered from the entrance of Modu, and went east. We should be able to find the entrance to Donglin.

At present, there is a strong master who probes 3,000 kilometers to the east. He still does not find the existence of the entrance, and then goes east. It is already an endless ocean…

This means that if there are no limits, it will be dozens of times as large as our planet.

Otherwise, it represents the space channel, the location of the occurrence is random, and there is no correlation between the surface and the grotto.

There is another possibility…”

Speaking of the last possibility, the old professor glanced at Zhang Ziwei: “As Zhang Ziwei said, every cave entrance is actually an independent world… However, the military commander Li Commander denied this statement.

Li Shiling said that he once felt the breath of the strong inside the entrance to the Eastern Caves at the entrance to the caves in the north. ”

“The commander of the military, Li?”

Everyone was greatly interested. The first person in the Chinese National Masters list was Li Zhen, the commander-in-chief of the military.

“Yes, it is what Li Shiling said.” The old professor sighed: “This is not a good news. We would rather be a separate world than a cave. It is really a whole.”

The words of Li Shiling should not be false. Since he felt it, his strong master of the master class would not be wrong.

This also means that the grottoes are actually connected and in one world.

The reason why we did not detect another entrance… should be the reason for the strength and the reason why the cave is too big.

It’s just a magical cave, going 3,000 kilometers east and 2,000 kilometers west…

East and West span, at least 5,000 km!

As for the north and the south, when we enter the cave, we will be in the southernmost part. Our rear is also a vast ocean. The sea can’t detect how big it is. Any strongman who travels in the distance will fall into the sea, perhaps losing the direction.

To the north, it is a gathering place for cave creatures. We can only go deep for about 1,000 kilometers, and then we have already entered the depths of the caves, which is extremely dangerous. ”

“The east-west span of 5,000 kilometers, the limit of detection in the north and south is 1000 kilometers…”

Fang Ping looked at the sand table in front of him, similar to a long strip.

This is not to say … the size of 5 million square kilometers!

Fang Ping swallowed his throat and whispered: “Teacher, you mean, the light is the magical cave, the size of the area that has been detected, and half of the China National Congress?”

“Not bad.”

“This is still not fully detected…” Fang Ping swallowed again. “If the exploration is complete, an entrance area, may be as big as China?”

The old professor nodded again, meaning profoundly: “Maybe it is bigger than China, this is hard to say. What is the depth of the sea in the south? No one knows what is deep in the north? In all directions, we have not detected the limit. .

Therefore, 22 cave entrances, you can see 22 worlds, this is also possible.

After all, only Li Commander has found the same strong atmosphere, indicating that the middle and lower level of the cave creatures can not penetrate the next entrance. ”

“An entrance, a world…maybe bigger than China…”

At this moment, Fang Ping really understands why everyone has put the caves out of danger!

too big!

In China, there have been 22 entrances. Even in the area of ​​the detected area of ​​the Magic, 22 caves, which is equivalent to 11 Chinese countries!

The area of ​​hundreds of millions of square kilometers!

Asia, less than 45 million square kilometers.

The second largest Africa, about 30 million square kilometers.

The third continent, North America, is about 24 million.

As for the other continents, the smaller, the seven continents that humans are currently discovering, the total area is about 150 million square kilometers.

In China, the area of ​​the discovered caves is close to the size of the earth’s land area.

Other countries are similar.

It is now that the entrance to the caves discovered all over the world has an area of ​​almost 1 billion square kilometers and more than 6 earth land areas.

“In such a big place, there are 13 cities…” Fang Ping suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

5 million square kilometers, there can be one or two hundred cities in the prefecture level on the ground, the county is nearly a thousand, and the population is in the south, with more than 780 million.

The caves are only 13 cities, and the population is not too large.

The old professor also confirmed this point: “The population of the caves is not too much. We can’t do deep exploration in the back, but we enter from the entrance. In the first city, we have dealt with many times.

The population is about 2 million and the army is about 200,000. They have their own social system and they are not all soldiers.

They also have ordinary people, a large number of ordinary people.

The Magic Capital Caves have a population of more than 30 million and can be used for about 3 million soldiers.

At present, we need to face only the first city of the cave – we named Tianmen City. ”


Fang Ping frowned: “This name is enough to lift them.”

The old professor shook his head and sighed: “At the beginning, maybe everyone has a hint of fantasy. Maybe, as the ancestors of Guangsheng Temple said, this is the fairyland… Tianmen… the gate of heaven…”


The old professor sighed again and again, but unfortunately, these years, the caves brought only death and destruction, and no one has any extravagance.

This is not a fairyland, it is just a wonderful fantasy of mankind.

Yu Xianghua said: “Teacher, let’s say that all of us need to face the other 200,000 warriors?”


The old professor laughed and said: “Do you know how strong the cave is?

Their warrior, in which the warrior occupies 10%, has his own military army!

Pure military army!

In the place where the cold weapon of the cave is king, the army of 20,000 people has been terrible, you don’t understand! ”

Yu Xianghua could not help but say: “Do we not have military armies in our military?”

“Not the same, the military has indeed cultivated many warriors in these years.

The current warrior of Huaguo, regardless of whether it is a martial or a warrior, has a total of more than one million people.

The military department is not all. There are many military personnel in the military. If the military regions are added together, I am afraid that there will be no less than 200,000 people, which is twice as many as the students in the military.

The military needs to be stationed in 22 entrances, and it is extremely rare.

Moreover, the ground society also needs the military to calm the cult and delay some of the warriors.

There are less than 5,000 military officers who are actually stationed in the Modu Cave.

Therefore, we have always been in a defensive position, not to mention… they have 13 cities, even if they really concentrate their efforts and sweep the Tianmen City, what next?

We fought down with Tianmen City, and we were killed and wounded. Once the city in the back was increased, we must be wiped out by the whole army.

Now, there is a tug-of-war with Tianmen City. The rear city will not increase its troops. The area of ​​the caves is very strong. When Tianmen City does not fall into the lower winds, most of the other cities will sit on the mountain.

According to our observations, the caves do not seem to have a centralized central government, with cities as independent units. ”

“That is to say, our army in the cave, the warrior, can only counter the city of Tianmen…”


The old professor shook his head again: “It is not a counterbalance, it is a defense, we are not an opponent of Tianmen City.

Of course, this refers to the field, and the other party does not dare to attack our station.

First, our station is defensive and they have suffered a lot.

Second, at a critical juncture, we have dispatched a number of masters and carried out encirclement. If it is not the support of the rear city, Tianmen City is naturally not the opponent of the whole of China.

But our masters can not enter, but can not destroy the Tianmen City, unless they are sure to fight against 13 cities.

Not to mention, in the north of 13 cities, there are terrorists.

Once the human masters are too crowded, it is very likely that they will lead to these terrorist powers.

The Kyoto Caves were once made 70 years ago. At that time, there were fewer than 100 Chinese masters, and more than 40 masters wanted to destroy the Kyoto caves…

As a result, many strange terrorists appeared in the depths of the cave.

In the end, the 16 masters of the Chinese nation were degraded. That battle also hurt the roots of the Chinese nation. Kyoto Wuda was in the midst of that battle, and almost disappeared. The principal, vice president, and dean of the colleges all died! ”

Speaking of the past, the old professor is embarrassed.

In recent years, there have been a lot of war dead masters in Kyoto University. In fact, they are also related to this kind of war.

The Battle of the Grottoes, the Wuwu that was established after the Magic Wu joined, and Kyoto Wuda has always been the main force, which also led to the death of the two masters since the founding of the school.

Fang Ping people feel a little wrong.

“So, can you defend?”

Playing, small-scale hits.

On a large scale, pressing on the future of China, even if it has been played, it will settle up to one or two caves, but in that case, the masters of the Chinese nation may have died more than half.

What about the remaining cave entrances?

The old professor chuckled: “It doesn’t have to be so pessimistic. The younger generation is growing fast, and the future is bright.

How many Chinese masters were there in China a few decades ago?

But now?

Nowadays, we are getting stronger and stronger, but the progress of the caves is not as fast as we are, so we will always be in a defensive trend, in order to gain time for future humans.

Really want to fight, hundreds of teachers in China, at least can also annihilate the entrance of three or five caves!

But once the caves are really connected, we have annihilated so many entrances, and the time of the full invasion of the caves has arrived.

Therefore, we would rather play a small-scale battle, rely on human life to pile up, and are not willing to go all-out! ”

Today, there are more and more strong people, which are visible to the naked eye.

In the past, the Chinese National Master was only a hundred.

In the last 30 years, there have been nearly 100 masters!

On average, three masters can appear each year, which is simply unbelievable.

There are masters in business every year, and so is the government.

In this case, in fact, the government is not willing to carry out a major decisive battle immediately. It is self-defeating and can only be tolerated.

Delay time!

The longer the time passes, the greater the hope of mankind, and the final big battle must still look at the strong.

The usual cave missions, the cave wars, are actually a kind of training and training strong!

There are a lot of sacrifices for military personnel and low- and medium-grade warriors. There is no way to do this. At this time, people need to be sacrificed, and everyone is not willing. The human beings are not far away.

The crowd no longer asked at this moment, began to look at the sand table.

The 13 cities of the cavern are fan-shaped.

The southernmost part, where the population of the Modu Cave enters, is the sea. On the sea side, there is a resident in China.

Tianmen City, about 80 kilometers from the station.

It doesn’t sound too far. In modern society, driving a car can take you in half an hour.

In the cave, mainly by walking, this distance is still quite far, relying on walking to march, the 50-kilometer day is considered a strong army, the day is 70 kilometers, such an army is less than an elite name.

80 kilometers away, it is Tianmen City, and Tianmen City is also the gateway city of the Magic Capital.

At the rear, there are other cities.

There are mountains and water in the caves.

The old professor saw everyone carefully, and laughed: “Technology is still very magical. Soon, our 3D caves will be done in a three-dimensional map. At that time, everyone can feel more about the caves more intuitively.

After we entered the cave, we mainly operated within 30 kilometers of the station.

At this distance, we have all done cleaning, and it is relatively safe.

However, the troops of Tianmen City are also active, including their warriors, some of them are not military personnel, they are also free to move, so the danger is inevitable.

In the caves, apart from the humans in the caves, we call them so for the time being.

In addition to the cave people, there are many other dangers!

Including their flora and fauna, some animals, and even the power of high-powered people, the caves, more like the legendary mythological world, these plants and animals may be seen as monsters.

Dangerous, everywhere.

Similarly, opportunities are everywhere.

Why are humans getting stronger and stronger?

Have a great relationship with the cave!

Including the manufacture of various medicinal herbs, the development and utilization of energy stone, and even the creation of some tactics, all related to the caves.

How do you know how many of the five Wujin students can progress so fast?

Also related to their opportunities in the cave!

I won’t introduce them one by one. I haven’t compiled the textbooks before, because the former three warriors can enter, and in the early stage, there will be a short training period in the military.

In the military, there are various kinds of information summarized.

This is also the first time that Magic Wu has opened a special training course for the second product. Therefore, we are negotiating with the military and preparing to issue some teaching materials for the caves for everyone to go and see, to deepen the impression…”

The old professor said that the mouth is dry and dry, and everyone in Fang Ping is also fascinated.

It turns out that several of the five powerful players of Magic Wu have gained opportunities in the caves.

The pursuit of strength is also what all warriors expect, and the caves are good, and perhaps a key reason for the military to go on.

At this moment, the image of the caves is becoming more and more clear in everyone’s mind.

For the lost, Fang Ping is no longer in his heart.

The cave is not a desert, nor a prairie. There are cities, there are human strongholds, and it is so easy to lose.

Reminiscent of the benefits of the caves, everyone is eager to try for a time, can not wait to enter the cave immediately, get the benefits, break through the three products and even five products.

At this time, a basin of cold water descended from the sky, ruining the heat of everyone’s heart.

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