Global Gaowu

Chapter 210 - Growing up in frustration

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Fang Ping everyone avoided the boulder one by one, and if they couldn’t avoid it, they would be forced to smash.

Soon, everyone has arrived at the entrance to the village.

The next moment, a cold drink came from the village, “kill!”

Along with the shouting and killing sounds, dozens of people rushed out of the village. These people are like crazy madmen, and they have obvious strengths. Among them, there are even ordinary people, but they are all desperate, suicidally hitting everyone.

Fang Ping even saw some old people in it… a crazy old man with red eyes!

Seeing this scene, many people have some weapons in their hands…

Gu Xiong kicked a fist and angered: “Kill!”

Everyone wakes up like a dream, resists trepidation, and shoots!

“Indiscriminate killing of innocent people, old and weak women and children also kill, this is the so-called warrior! Funny!”

Someone in the village spoke loudly, and the tone was cold and indifferent: “Is this the voice that guards the earth and guards the guardians of mankind?”

“A group of old people, the power of the hands of the chickens, never murder and set fire, but at this moment is being slaughtered by you, this is your benevolence?”


“There are 64 ordinary people in the village, 12 people over 60 years old, and 6 children under 10 years old. I want to see how much you can kill!”

After all, there were a few more stunned children out of the crowd outside the village.

Fang Ping’s footsteps suddenly stopped, and Gu Xiong’s face was heavy, and suddenly he said: “First withdraw!”

The next moment, no one needs to say, the three teams, the faster than the rush, disappeared in front of the village.


Outside the village, temporarily stationed in the land.

The people once again fell into silence, silent silence.

Zhao Yangqi slammed his fist to the ground and gnashed his teeth: “Bastard!”

Yu Xianghua took a forehead and was tired and said: “What should I do now? Can’t kill?”

Everyone was silent, Gu Xiong bit his teeth: “This is a war! And the war between the caves, all the cave people, kill!

The cult warrior is the same! ”

“We know… I can say that, I really saw this scene. Have you got a hand? Gu Xiong, if you want to take the team to take charge of these ordinary people, we are responsible for those warriors, even if they are killed, they are stronger than now. !”

Gu Xiong was silent, he had seen it, but he had never done it.

Especially those children… Their faces are so stunned, I am afraid they may not know what is right and what is evil.

It is also the parents and grandparents who are bewildered, not themselves.

A group of teenagers in their twenties, let them and the warriors kill, desperately, everyone does not resist, even if the war is dead, grief is only a temporary.

It is really difficult for them to make a shot for these children.

Han Xu Shen said in a moment: “What do you do now, the cult warriors obviously want to take these people as shields, they can’t shrink, and slowly consume with us…”

Fang Ping was silent for a while and asked: “What happens when other people encounter this situation?”

Gu Xiong Shen Sheng: “Kill!”

“Don’t look at these people’s hands without the power of the chickens, but you really have to be soft-hearted and may suffer a big loss on them.

I think the school will leave this stronghold to us, I am afraid there are such considerations…”

“Or, stunned these people…”

Someone suggested that “wait for the annihilation of the cult warriors and then hand them over to the military.”

“This is also a way, but we people may not be able to do their best…”

“Dead, that’s no way, you, this is the limit we can do. It can’t be dragged because of jealousy.”

To the end, it still has to be solved. ”

The people looked at each other and finally unified their opinions.


After 10 minutes, everyone again killed Panshi Village.

As just now, it is still the ordinary people who have been rushed out with children.

Fang Ping people did not retreat this time, have shot, handcuffed the other neck, as to dizzy or dead, it is difficult to distinguish at this moment.

The average person is shooting, and the average person is on guard to prevent the military in the village from taking the opportunity to rush out.

In fact, there are indeed warriors in the village who have rushed out.

Everyone took a sigh of anger and treated the group of warriors. They were no longer polite and angered. In the blink of an eye, the martial artists who had rushed out were killed by more than a dozen.

“Retreat, defensive!”

Some people in the village shouted loudly, and then the cult warriors who rushed out were backing up and once again hid back to the village.

And Fang Ping, these people, did not catch up, carrying the ordinary people who fell to the ground to retrace.

“Hypothesis! If you want to kill, you will kill it. Why do you fake it? Let it be a gesture. Now they are taken away by you. Sooner or later, it is also a dead word. It is better to kill them and reduce their suffering!”

Someone in the village once again taunted, and Zhao Yang turned and roared: “Wait, meet you, we will definitely let you die!”

“Ha ha ha, then I am waiting for you, I want to take us as a trial stone, then we must do our best, and when you die, you will understand how cruel the world is!”

The people in the village have never seen the traces, but they can feel the other’s qi and blood. It is very powerful. It may be the warrior of the Sanpin high section or even the peak.

The other party has not shot, I don’t know if it’s taboo or something else.

When Fang Ping took them away, the man in the village suddenly said: “Let!”

The next moment, the boulder hit again.

There are not many other Panshi Villages, and many are stones.

The people were not willing to do useless work. They competed with these stones and quickly moved forward to avoid the scope of the megalithic attack.

When I first took the person back to the station, the attack of the boulder stopped. The students waiting for it suddenly said: “Throw these people out!”

Fang Ping people stunned for a while, Gu Xiong seemed to think of something, and said: “Throw! Others retreat!”

Fang Ping listened to his screaming sternness. The next moment, they threw the people in their hands to the side and evacuated them all around.


The crowd had just evacuated, and a huge explosion sounded, and stone debris flew around.


When the dust is gone, many people seem to be awkward.

Looking at the temporary camp just now, a huge pothole was blown up at the moment!


“Is anyone injured?”

“I was traumatized by skin…”

At this moment, Fang Ping is also very tired, Yang Xiaoman gnawed his teeth: “There are bombs on them!”

“It is a detonator… Panshi Village is relying on the mountain here. It used to mine before. There are detonators, and the cult warriors are deliberate. I am afraid I will guess what we will do.

Once you haven’t found it, bring people into the crowd… I’m afraid…”

Hundreds of students, although they have more than two products, can really be in the explosion range, I am afraid that there will be a large number of deaths and injuries.

Several frustrations have caused many people to show their weakness and self-denial.

Fang Ping sighed, sighed: “Imitate the battle of the caves, is there a bomb in the cave?”

Gu Xiong shook his head, then he sighed: “There is no bomb in the cave, but this is not a bomb, but our ability to adapt.”

“Test a ghost!”

Fang Ping once again sighed, annoyed: “I just want to explode in the crowd, how many people have to die!”

Everyone was silent, but the students who had thrown people before throwing people said: “Suicide attacks are the practice of fighting cult warriors. There are traces to follow.

It’s just that we haven’t met before. ”

Everyone looked at him, and the other party was a two-product high-ranking warrior from Jingwu.

Seeing everyone watching themselves, smiled bitterly: “Don’t look at me, this kind of battle, we have never experienced it before, once in the battle, just thinking about the frontal rush, and the change is too fast, we have no time to judge.”

Yu Xianghua gave a sigh of relief and thought: “This time, let’s not discuss with a few of us. Everyone said, what should I do now?

The ordinary person of the other party is almost dead.

Now the village should be a warrior. On the other side of the village, the environment is more complicated. In the end, there are many military people, and it is difficult to distinguish.

Whether you continue to guard or rush into it, you must have a charter. ”

“They are afraid that they want to fight with us. Although Panshi Village is just a village, the buildings are very tall, and many houses are built with bluestone on the mountain.

Once you enter the street fighting, the loss will be great. Their current purpose is to kill more people.

These people are not afraid of death at all, and now we are dragging our time, just to kill our patience.

When we have no patience, we will enter the village and I will be quickly divided, which will cause many people to be killed…”

Fang Ping heard the words: “Now they rely on the land, can it be feasible to set fire to the village?”

A student of Magic Wu shook his head and said: “The buildings in Panshi Village are mostly stone. The effect of setting fire to the village is limited, and this is not a closed village…”

“Then you said, what do you do now? Do you just look at it?”

Some people in the crowd whispered for a while, and finally someone said: “Now, we have to break their geographical advantage, force them to fight against us, fight in front, they should not be our opponents, or they will not get There are so many tricks.

Our suggestion is, first, to act together, and the three warriors slowly flatten the buildings in the village.

After all, it’s just a village. The houses are not too much. They are pushed down and spend some time. They can also flatten these houses.

Second, let the people of the manufacturing college make some simple trebuchets, and we also carry out megalithic bombardment.

We are all warriors, and the purpose is only to destroy the buildings in the village, but I am afraid that it will take more time. Today, there is no hope to complete. Fang Ping said: “You will also make this stuff?” ”

“It is a simple projection device, not a trebuchet. It relies mainly on the power of the military. It must be manufactured according to the needs of ordinary people. The time consumed can not be completed in a short time.

This is not a huge city. It is just a village. Our aim is to destroy the buildings and force the cult warriors to come out of hiding places. ”

Fang Ping’s three warriors looked at each other and soon asked: “How long?”

“Made in the night, probably build seven or eight tomorrow morning…”

“If the other party is going up the mountain…”

“Uphill, we will take a fire attack. In fact, there are not many trees behind Panshi Village, mainly stones.

Burned out these trees, they compare with us, there is no advantage of the land. ”

“The warrior swayed…”

“I am afraid that the blood consumption is high, and the other party will not give us time to recover.”

Fang Ping thought for a moment: “If everyone is willing to support me with some qi and blood, I can act as a humanoid vandalism, how?”

The crowd stunned and Fang Ping continued: “I have recovered very quickly. These cult warriors may not know.”

To create an illusion for the other side, because we are pushing the building, the consumption of blood is huge, and maybe it can also induce them to take the initiative.

As for the projection device, it will wait until tomorrow, and one night, no one knows what kind of changes will happen…

Everyone else is vigilant, and the blood and blood are maintained adequately. The damage effect caused by me alone is not weaker than that caused by the 10 three-person warriors.

You think about it, if the other side thinks that the 10 three-person military people on our side are exhausted, will this opportunity be missed? ”

There are not many Sanpin martial arts. Once the other party thinks that many of the students are exhausted, it is very likely that they will rush out of this recovery period.

Zhao Yangwen asked: “How much blood is it?”

“Three products give me thirty or fifty…”

Everyone quietly, half a sigh, Fang Wenxiang secluded: “That is still waiting to make a projection device.”

Fang Ping, I dare to open a big lion!

“20 can also!”

Fang Ping saw that the people still did not speak, and depressed: “You are too embarrassed, even if you yourself, including the stone, do not consume blood?

It is also not allowed to supplement blood and consume remedies.

So, 15 pieces, no more, I will also make up some of them…”

Everyone looked at each other and passed a moment. Zhao Yang of Jingwu said: “What do you think?

I really want Fang Ping to take the shots. These medicinal herbs are later deducted from the spoils. Do you have any opinions? ”

“10, we can accept, too much, late harvest, may not be able to match the 15 three products!”

15 three qi and blood Dan, in the magic Wu, it is 40 credits.

This item of light is 600 credits, the value of 18 million, and there are not so many harvests in the later period. It is really hard to say now.

These cult warriors know that they must die. I am afraid that the medicinal herbs will have been used for a long time. I am not afraid that at the moment of death, they will all be destroyed.

In the later period, there will be real gains, and the alloy weapons in the hands of the military.

And the cult warriors, there are not many alloy weapons in their hands.

Fang Ping calculated that 10 pieces of three products are bloody, and the value is also 12 million. This is the value of the drug, and it can provide more than 8 million wealth.

Selling the drug in the late stage, before and after, probably can provide you with tens of millions of wealth.

Even if I consume so much wealth, the value of the drug is still there, but this is a net profit.

Thinking of this, Fang Pingyi said: “Everyone is for the task, then 10, and horizontal push!

Flattening the building, they can only fight positively with us except for going up the mountain.

Going up the mountain… I don’t think the probability is big. These people are holding a mortal heart. At that time, I’m afraid I’m thinking about how much to kill, and I won’t continue to flee.

Once we feel that we can’t break them, will the military and peripheral mentors be shot?

We don’t think so, but the other party may not feel that it is impossible.

Hard to fight with us, maybe there are still some achievements, can be hard to fight with the mentor, it is all white. ”

Say, Fang Ping said again: “The three warriors are all with me. Others are a little farther away from us. Everyone creates a detachment of detachment and seduce the other side to attack us. It is really necessary for someone to raid. Let’s fight all the way and promise to give They are a surprise!”

Fu Changding suddenly said: “Are you really? Your blood will recover, your energy will be consumed, when will you…”

Fang Ping smiled and said: “Should be, really can’t hold on, I will withdraw first, everyone has no opinion?”

“Yes, I really want to flatten the buildings in the village and let the other party fight against us. The other side will not be our opponent unless there are more than three seniors.”

Gu Xiong nodded: “We have more people than them. As long as they don’t have their three products for us, then our casualty rate will be reduced to a minimum.

Single-on-one, cult warriors are hardly our opponents.

Their weapons are simple and the law is rough. If they are two to one, we can kill them quickly! ”

Said, and said: “So the three warriors, the most stressful, need to drag their three products, and even the three high section and the peak of the military.

Otherwise, let the three-product peaks appear in front of other people, I am afraid that there will be heavy casualties. ”

“There will be no more than three sections of high-grade, really more, have been directly rushed out, and died two or three.

Or the old plan, it is really necessary to have these people, we are entangled in the three warriors, and the other three products on the second list. ”


The plan was changed again, and everyone rested for a while and began to march toward Panshi Village.

Fang Ping also got 10 pieces of three products and blood Dan.

Next, Fang Ping is going to make a big effort.

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