Global Gaowu

Chapter 223 - Prepare for breakthrough

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From the institute back to school, Fang Ping seems to have no change.

In the few days of the end of May, Fang Ping did not do anything else. In addition to buying some strong body fluids, quenching body Dan, and forging body Dan, Fang Ping’s quenching progress was still slow.

Li Laotou looked at it a few times and also turned off the sound.

From the beginning of May, Fang Ping stepped into the middle of the three products, and by the end of May, nearly one month, the number of square bones was almost unchanged.

This is beyond everyone’s expectations!


Even Lu Fengrou, who barely showed up in May, found Fang Ping at the end of the month.

Next to the safe haven.

Zhao Xuemei, Chen Yunqi and Fang Ping are all three.

Looking at the three people, Lu Fengrou slowly said: “Snow plum for more than a month, the progress is very fast, from the first entry into the second product, to now, 98 bones, into the middle of the second product, will soon be able to step into the high section. ”

Zhao Xuemei smiled and said: “All teachers help…”

Lu Fengrou pressed her hand and interrupted her words. Shen Sheng said: “I am going to enter June, and you still have 28 bones to enter the peak of the second product. It seems that there is no hope before entering the cave. First, step into the peak of the second product before the start of the next semester.”

Zhao Xuemei nodded quickly. Her once-hardened warrior could reach the peak of the second grade before the sophomore year. It is already amazing.

This means that sophomore, she will be able to enter the three products.

The next step is graduation, and it is almost three years. She can also try to break through.

“Chen Yunhao… OK, I have nudged 115 pieces. According to this speed, before the end of June, it is almost the same as the peak of the second product.”

In April, Lu Fengrou directly gave Chen Yunzhen a death order, ending in April, less than 100 bones, and left directly.

At the end of April, Chen Yunhao reached 100 pieces of bone.

In the month of May, the speed is still fast, and 15 pieces of bones are quenched in one month. There is no accident. At the end of June, the peak of the second product is almost stable.

Chen Yunxiao lowered his head and did not speak.

Lu Fengrou once again looked at Fang Ping, slightly embarrassed: “In early May, you stepped into the middle of the three products, now the past month, your body has a problem?”

Fang Ping shook his head and immediately said: “The body is great!”

“then you……”

Fang Ping knows the meaning of Lu Fengrou and explains: “Teacher, a total of 26 vertebrae, I want to finish it once!”

Lu Fengrou’s pupils are miniature, and he is condensed: “So you have mainly been quenching and quenching veins recently?”


“You know, how dangerous and difficult it is to make a one-time quenching. Why do you think this way?”

Fang Ping once again explained: “Before I wanted to separately temper one or two vertebrae. After quenching, I always felt that my body was not comfortable, my spine was uncomfortable, and it was difficult to use force.”

“This is a common problem in the middle of the three-product warrior. It is good to adapt.”

Fang Ping shook his head and said: “I am worried that before I entered the cave, I did not reach the Sanpin high section. Then my vertebrae were not tempered, but the combat power was greatly reduced, so I would not have to quench, or quench in a short time. carry out.

Quenching bone, and blood and body are related.

Recently, I bought a lot of medicinal herbs, mainly in the quenching body, and my body is keeping up. I have a long blood and sit for a few days. Maybe I can finish the vertebrae in one time.

In this way, I can directly step into the high section of the product without spending this adaptation period. ”

“One-time quenching of the spine…”

Lu Fengrou said: “You know, how much blood and energy do you need? Don’t mess!”

26 pieces of vertebrae, normal people temper the vertebrae, like Xie Lei, quenching a skeleton, consuming thousands of calories of their own blood.

After quenching 26 bones, at least 30,000 calories will be consumed.

Moreover, this is time-sharing and phased.

There is also energy consumption, physical exertion…

Fang Ping, to be one-time quenching, this kind of thing, in the eyes of ordinary people, is impossible to complete, and the drug can not be completed, unless you put yourself in the energy mine, or the kind of energy mine that can be cultivated .

In that environment, maybe it can be done.

The key point is that no one has ever tried to test a military squadron in the energy mine that can be cultivated. The children of the nine strong people are not so extravagant.

Fang Ping smiled and said: “Teacher, I think I have no problem, my talent is good.”


Lu Fengrou glanced at him and snorted.

Fang Ping’s mental strength is extraordinary, she knows.

The bone marrow, such as mercury, or she and Fang Ping said, Fang Ping did not have this consciousness, and this confidence.

“The teacher is relieved, really can’t do it, and it’s not finished when it’s not finished. It’s a big deal, it doesn’t affect a few pieces. It doesn’t affect anything.”

Since the bones can be quenched in blocks, the square can not be quenched at one time, and it can’t die.

The reason why Fang Ping wants to complete this time is to try it out and shorten the adaptation period.

The vertebrae are very important to the human body. At this stage of the warrior, the vertebrae are tempered, and each time a piece is tempered, there will be a short period of adaptation.

It doesn’t last long, and a bone is tempered, which is a one or two-day adaptation period.

It can be 26 pieces, and the adaptation period is more than one month.

This is also known to Fang Ping later.

Therefore, since the first vertebrae was tempered to a large part, Fang Ping felt that he was not comfortable with it and changed his mind.

This month, his blood is mainly used for quenching and quenching.

The 24 million in cash on his body was almost completely spent.

The value of wealth is only 30 million at the moment.

Of course, his vertebrae have also made progress in this process. Although there is no one tempered finish, there are 26 vertebrae. Under the action of these medicinal herbs, such as quenching Dan and forging Dan, there are some progress.

The value of 30 million wealth is simply relying on the system to quench the bones, which may not be enough.

Fang Ping’s idea is to sit for a few days, rely on his own blood to quench, use the system to increase blood and mental strength.

In this way, the time spent will be long, and the bones can be finished by themselves, instead of being faked in the system.

On the one hand, it saves the value of wealth. On the other hand, Fang Ping is aware of some problems.

The system helps to quench the bones. He lacks the experience of the body. The control of the bones is inferior to others. It takes a lot of time to solve this sequelae later.

Instead of it, it is better to come by yourself.

Lu Fengrou still frowned, Chen Yunqi also looked up and said: “Do you have to quench it once? It is very dangerous…”

Fang Ping did not agree, laughing: “What can be dangerous, nothing.”

Lu Fengrou vomited and said: “If you really want to do this, go to the energy room, or simply go to the blood pool.”

Fang Ping bitterly said: “Forget it, too expensive, I can’t afford it.”

This time quenching the bone, Fang Ping thought about it, or if the wealth value is exhausted, or if it is quenched 26 pieces, it will end.

Time may last up to three or four days.

The energy room is 240 credits a day and he can’t afford it.

“Let! Your own platform, don’t you understand this?”

“Teacher, I don’t think it’s necessary to waste it…”

Fang Ping is really a waste. If you spend three days, it is 720 credits, more than 20 million things.

There is no energy room, it is also the same.

“You don’t understand.” Lu Fengrou shook his head: “The role of the energy room is not obvious at your peak, but when you enter the fatigue period, the effect will be obvious!”


“I borrow 1000 credits myself. Why can I borrow it? If I die in a cave, I don’t have to pay back. How much can I borrow before the following caves?”

Fang Ping suddenly said nothing, you really said it!

No wonder!

It is no wonder that the borrowing of the three warriors was opened two days ago. All the three warriors in the lower caves borrowed the limit. Instead, those who did not intend to go to the caves recently borrowed according to their needs.

Everyone is probably the idea.

If you die in a cave, you don’t have to pay it back. Who cares how much it borrows.

Not dead, a glimpse of the cave, the interest is not that.

Before Fang Ping thought about waste, this time suddenly realized: “It is time to borrow a bit, not to mention I have the right to interest-free, why not.”

Not used before, but also related to borrowed credits without wealth.

Wait for him to put the account back, this wealth value will be added.

“Then I will borrow a few credits and then prepare to quench my bones.”

“Tell me when I get there.” Lu Fengrou said one.

Fang Ping nodded.

Lu Fengrou thought and thought again: “Once you enter the high section of Sanpin, you should prepare for the practice of warfare.

Your tactics are still the foundation of a product.

And you will have very few, one cloud step, one blood mad knife, the other will be gone.

Once you get to the Sanpinao section, your blood is close to the kilocalories. You can’t even control your own strength. Now you can explode more than one hundred kilograms of blood. When you reach the high grade, you may not be able to do it.

At that time, your body is stronger, more bones are quenched, blood and blood flow through the body, completing a system of circulation.

At this time, the blood of the outbreak will be reduced. ”

Lu Fengrou saw Fang Ping did not understand, and said: “That is to say, at that time, the power of the warfare you master is still the same. In the middle of the three products, you need to explode the blood of the bacard. To the third section, you only need to explode 30 cards. Or 40 calories can do it.

At this time, you can explode Baika qi and blood in the middle of the three products, but you can only have three high-end segments. Maybe you can only break out 50 cards. Do you understand? ”

Fang Ping nodded, and some depressed: “So, to the high section of the three products, I may not even master the entry power?”


The so-called mastery of the military, the opening of the big move can at least 10% of the current blood.

The realm has gone up, the blood has gone up, and the difficulty of mastering the power will also go up.

Once Fang Ping entered the Sanpin high section, his previous moves that could reach the killer’s tricks may fall to the realm and become the new and tender of the three-product high.

“Understood.” Fang Ping calculated it and said: “Teacher, I will start to sit and crunch tomorrow. If it is smooth, I will be able to reach the third section after three or four days.

I spent ten days and a half months, practicing the warfare, I don’t know if I couldn’t come to the cave. ”

“Nothing, it’s really two days late. I went to school and said, drag on for two days.”

Lu Fengrou is not too concerned about it. The cave is to sharpen the students, not to let people die.

Fang Ping’s strength is still not in control. If he can’t go in this time, he’s not in a hurry to rush in when the tactics have not been cultivated. But then again, like Fang Ping, the three products are high, and they have not yet entered the cave. In fact, there are few.

The kid progressed too fast, and before the school was mixed with a group of two warriors, the school organized the time.

Otherwise, after he entered the middle of the three products, someone would probably pull him into the cave.


Knowing Fang Ping’s thoughts, Lu Fengrou would no longer care for him.

For Chen Yunqi, Lu Fengrou had a better attitude before, but now it is the state of germination. When leaving, he will drop a sentence: “Enter the peak of the second product before entering the cave, or else let your grandfather enter the cave to protect you!”

Chen Yunqi’s grievances were not to say that he would enter the peak of the second product before the end of June?

Now how do you enter the second peak before entering the cave?

When Fang Ping listened, he was happy. When Lu Fengrou left, he smiled and said: “Yun, your grandfather is a master. If you want your grandfather to enter the cave with us, it is safe and secure.”

Chen Yunyi glanced at him, and some angrily said: “I am not a child, what should my grandfather protect?”

“There is no resources to use, waste.”

Fang Ping grin, if I have a grandfather, I can’t wait to put myself behind him, how cool.

Bullied, bullied all the more interesting, Fubu Fu, satisfied with my grandfather let beat you!

Chen Yunxi is not willing, Fang Ping can’t help.

That is to say, the master is busy, how can he follow the children every day, even if this granddaughter he likes.

There are many tasks for the masters, encirclement of cults, and the lower grounds, sitting on the side of the town, including resisting the invasion of foreign masters, all need the master to come forward.

Nowadays, although human beings face threats from the grottoes, it does not mean that human beings around the world are really harmonious and united.

It is not uncommon to plunder the resources of other countries and enhance their own strength.

Including some idle high-powered people, these people, even if they enter the cave, life is also guaranteed, they may not care about the invasion of the cave.

It’s not uncommon to see that countries can’t open their hands and make a big deal to make themselves stronger.

All of this requires the strong to shock.

There are more than 300 teachers in Huaguo, and the caves are divided into half. The other masters are scattered throughout the country. There are few pitiful, and the defense is stretched.


Just when Fang Ping borrowed credits and prepared for a breakthrough.

director’s office.

Huang Jing Shen said: “He wants to quench bones once?”

Lu Fengrou nodded and said: “I think it’s still a little risky, so when you go with me to protect the road, by the way, let’s see what happened to his body. This kid didn’t say he was ready to go.”


Huang Jing sank for a moment and nodded: “When you call the old Wu together.”

Lu Fengrou snorted, but did not say anything.

“The freshman is not over yet, stepping into the three-product high section… This speed… is indeed amazing.”

Huang Jing snorted, this speed is faster than Wang Jinyang of Nanwu. It is difficult to be the next semester. A sophomore will appear in the sophomore year.

Stepping into the middle of the product, that is another world, the Chinese military, into the political world, fishing for an admiration is enough.

Staying in Magic Wu is also enough to serve as a martial arts tutor. It is placed in these schools in Nanwu, and is also the strongest in the mentor.

“A special variation?”

Huang Jing’s slang, the other party’s breakthrough process, has become an interest.

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