Global Gods: My Believer is Galen

Chapter 92: We are inexhaustible thunder

One after another roar resounded through the entire Blackwater Swamp like thunder.

Under this roar like rolling thunder.

The menacing seventy-three eighth-order skeleton warriors were slightly taken aback.

Even the eighth-order space **** who was still sneering stopped laughing.

I saw huge figures galloping down from the glacier behind Lin Fan like hills, swooping down with terrifying power.

Even the icebergs are shaking.

That's one hundred and twenty-three giant bears.

Snow-white hair mixed with cold ice.

Inextinguishable Thunder!

This is the power from the wild.

"God race?"

The **** of the eighth-order space let out a low cry, but then froze for a moment, "No, it's not the **** race."

"Although there is indeed a trace of blood, it is only a trace of the blood of a demigod..."

"Half a **** race?"

The bears have already rushed out of the glacier and sprinted towards the seventy-three eighth-order skeleton warriors of the same size!


An angry roar sounded.

Although only two or three-tier strength.

But there is no doubt that, in terms of momentum, I have never lost to Inextinguishable Kuanglei.

Huge bodies like hills look extraordinarily top!

You know, Lin Fan had never called them out to fight before.

These inextinguishable mad thunders only felt deep envy and jealousy as they watched the five Galen clans fight for their gods outside.

They also want to show their loyalty to the Lord God and let the Lord God give them strength.

but now.

Here's your chance!

"Tear them apart!"

"Tremble at my roar!"

"The earth is like blood, that's what it should look like!"

The inextinguishable mad thunders are surging.

Looking at these giant bears rushing towards the eighth-order skeleton warriors in front of him, the eighth-order space **** suddenly laughed.

"No way?"

"Those demigods look good though."

"But if I'm not wrong, these bears seem to be... only two or three tiers."

"Do you really think these bears can defeat my eighth-order skeleton warriors?"

"Unless my skeleton warriors are now struck by lightning, how can it be possible... eh?"

The **** of the eighth-order space was halfway through, suddenly stunned.

I saw Lin Fan suddenly raised his right hand and stepped forward a little.

In the next moment, a thunderbolt shot up from Lin Fan's body, and thunder rolled through his body like a snake, with thunder in his eyes.

At this time, Lin Fan was like the **** of thunder who was aloof and ignoring all beings!

Control the world's lightning.

"Want to be struck by lightning?"

"To satisfy you."

Inextinguishable Crazy Thunder e skill, 【Thunderbolt】!

Lin Fan pointed it out.

The next moment, an invisible coercion enveloped the area of ​​ten meters in front of him.

within this range.

heavily clouded.

Thunder rolls!

Almost in less than two seconds, Haoran Tianwei has turned into a thunderbolt, smashing down!

Within ten meters, the entire area was covered by thunder, and Huanghuang Tianwei directly made the water plants in the black water swamp scorched.

And the two eighth-order skeleton warriors covered by thunder, the bones of the whole body were filled with tiny thunder and lightning, and then quickly turned charred brown.


It symbolizes destruction.

What's more, this kind of thunder is a nemesis for the undead.

Although these skeleton warriors have the eighth rank, they are the most basic race among the undead race, and fear of thunder is their biggest weakness!

Although this is only a third-order thunder, it also restrains these eighth-order skeleton warriors.

It's as if even a tenth-order ordinary vampire would be tortured to death by garlic and crosses.

At this moment, it was very quiet.

Those eighth-order skeleton warriors who were roaring aggressively turned their heads to look at the two skeleton warriors who were struck by lightning.

next moment.


The two scorched skeleton warriors fell apart, turned into a mess of bones, and smoked white smoke.

The soul flame burning in the skull also quickly extinguished.

The remaining seventy-one skeleton warriors shivered neatly.

He swallowed the saliva that didn't exist.

With a complicated look at Lin Fan, he turned around and ran!

This is the instinctive reaction of ordinary undead races in the face of thunder.

This fear is enough to break their faith in the Lord God!

This is also the reason why the God of Thunder is called the nemesis of the undead race.

This is restraint from the level of strength. Even the demigod God of Thunder can slaughter tens of thousands of undead ordinary races.

In the frogman's lair in the distance, there was the confused voice of the **** of space.

"This is, the power of Tianlei?"

"In a small kingdom of fierce sun, there is actually a **** of thunder?"

"Wori, why are you so unlucky... not good!"

When the God of Space said that at the end, his voice suddenly became frightened.

I saw more than 20 third-order bearmen standing up from the bears who came down from the glacier!

Howling up to the sky!

"The power of thunder!"

"Feel my roar!"

These more than twenty third-order bears had their white hair swaying in the wind.

A wisp of thunder entwined.

At this moment, both eyes radiated the light of thunder.

Just like more than 20 peerless beasts that came out of the thunder.

Seeing this scene, the voice of the God of Space was full of horror.

"These bears...not ordinary bears!"

"Damn, the demigod blood flowing in their blood is the blood of the Thunder God!"


The **** of space gave orders directly to the skeleton warriors who had turned and fled.

He even started to use his own power to send these skeleton warriors away.

Even the space was distorted visibly to the naked eye, seeing that these skeleton warriors were about to be teleported into the distance by the **** of space.

But it's too late.

Above the heads of these skeleton warriors, as if they had been summoned, the dark clouds condensed instantly, and the lightning flashes within them.

This is the power from the wild.

This is the roar of thunder!




Countless thunderbolts smashed down from the sky and slammed into the seventy-one skeleton warriors.

The tyrannical thunderbolt fell in an airtight manner, completely covering the area.

Like the wrath of heaven pouring out.

Haoran Tianwei directly disintegrated the distortion of space and interrupted the transmission of the **** of space.

This thunder lasted for three seconds.

Wait until the thunder dissipates.

Those eighth-order skeleton warriors bathed in thunder were all standing there dumbfounded, the bones under the heavy armor turned charred brown, and the burning soul flames in their empty eyes had been extinguished.

He opened his mouth and exhaled a puff of smoke.

immediately. UU reading www.uukanshu. com.



Seventy-one eighth-order skeleton warriors all turned into bones at this moment!

At this moment, the entire Blackwater Swamp was silent.

Only the heavy breathing of the immortal Kuanglei and a thunderous roar remained.

"Another coward is dead!"

"Glorious death is greater than your life!"

"It must be so."

"We are not bears, we are, inextinguishable thunder!"

Those inextinguishable mad thunders stood up, with icy thunder, roaring unyieldingly and arrogantly toward the sky. Latest URL:

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