Global Job Transfer: Binding Idols to Suppress Prisons at the Start!

Chapter 112

Chapter 112 I Am Invincible! Fight Until No 1 Dares To Be Honored!

“Su Xuan!”

“This kid, he’s out!

Su Xuan appeared, and the ancestor of the Yuan family, who was staring at the screen, jumped up!

Shi Jingxian!

Bian Yulin!

Du Tianming!

This is a whole three big stars!

Even if Wang Xingqiong is the spokesperson of the younger generation of the Wang family, it is impossible to defeat three with one!

“It’s coming!”

Jin Chan, Xiao Xue Tu, and the genius of the Liu family all breathed a sigh of relief!

Don’t know why!

As soon as Su Xuan appeared, they all felt at ease, as if they were enemies all over the world, and they were not afraid of them!

The other powerhouses looked at Su Xuan in disbelief!

“Su Xuan!”

Shi Jingxian’s killing intent is amazing, and his eyes are fixed on Su Xuan!


Su Xuan’s eyes also turned to Shi Jingxian!


It was just the collision of the two eyes, and a terrifying thunder light exploded, causing the surrounding void to disintegrate and collapse!


“These two are so scary!”

“It’s just a meeting of eyes, it actually contains the laws that one has mastered, and it is no weaker than a head-to-head confrontation!

The onlookers are stunned!

The two have not yet fought, but the breath they showed has already made many people feel cold.

“This guy is stronger!”

Bian Yulin’s eyes narrowed slightly!


Bian Yulin once watched Su Xuan kill Bian Tiandu!

Now that he meets Su Xuan again, he can feel that Su Xuan’s strength has taken a qualitative leap again!

Not only is it reflected in the cultivation base!

But a kind of power!

Like a hidden dragon in the abyss, once it erupts, it can strike across nine days!

It was an invincible potential, full of mysterious and unpredictable bearing.

Even Wang Xingqiong was staring at Su Xuan, and in his eyes, there was a clanging sword light.

“I don’t want to die!

“It’s too late to leave now!

Su Xuan spoke calmly, and his voice clearly fell in everyone’s ears!

24 “Brush!”

In an instant!

Let a large number of strong people regress involuntarily!


“This kid is really domineering as always! 35

“Grandpa, I like it!

The ancestor of the Yuan family looked at it with a wide-eyed smile!

He doesn’t care how many people Su Xuan has offended!

The Yuan family is not afraid!

If Su Xuan fails in it, the Yuan family must fight to the death!

If Su Xuan is successful!

There are also people who cannot tolerate the Yuan family and still sit firmly in the position of the aristocratic family.

In a word!

What should be aimed at you will always be aimed at you!

Instead of flinching, it’s better to sweep everything, and no one dares to target!

“Su Xuan! You are too arrogant!”

“There are three or four big stars here!

“You don’t count! 35

Among the people who were scared off by Su Xuan’s words, many people reacted and spoke with a cold face.


The words just fell!

Thunder appears out of thin air!

It pierced through the world in an instant, and penetrated dozens of people who opened their mouths!




Dozens of professionals, from different forces, even released their screams and died violently on the spot!

There was still blue smoke on the corpse, and even the primordial spirit was pierced!


There are a lot of people who are going crazy back in this wave!

What’s more, he shouted indiscriminately in his mouth!

They were freaked out!

The thunder just now almost fell next to them, and naturally all the frightened souls came!

“Ray Dao!”

“He even knows how to make thunder! He is not weaker than the strongest among the warlocks!”

“Is this really a samurai?

No one can be calm.

A samurai hits the attack of the strongest warlock!

Dozens of geniuses in seconds!

“You three!”

“And that one over there!”

“Come on together!

“Didn’t you all come to the Crystal Mountain? Don’t you wait for the Crystal Mountain to descend?

Su Xuan used a thunder emperor technique to kill dozens of strong people in seconds, and then his eyes turned to the void!


The void explodes!

A tall figure appeared!

Aqua Seeds!

He was surrounded by water vapor, like a dream, no weaker than Bian Yulin and Shi Jingxian.


“I know him!”

“But how is this possible? How can he be so strong! 35

“Shui Yuntian, the one from the Shui clan?

“Isn’t it the middle star position? When did it break through to the big star position?

The sky is coming out!

Let this place boil at once!


Just an ordinary noble family.

The performance has been mediocre.

Now there is an existence comparable to Shi Jingxian and Bian Yulin!

This is beyond their comprehension!

“Check! 55

Blue Star!

Bian Changsheng narrowed his eyes slightly, staring at Shui Yuntian in the picture, and a cold and ruthless voice came out.

Shui Yuntian stared coldly at Su Xuan!

He was surprised!

In fact, he had been here long ago, but he didn’t want to reveal his strength too early, but he didn’t expect Su Xuan to find him.

And forced him out!

“Four big stars!”

“For the first crystal mountain, there are four big stars for the Yuan family!”

“Adding one Wang Xingqiong, that’s a full five, and not counting Su Xuan, it’s going to break the record.

The spectators are all excited and unbelievable!

“Everyone is here!”

“If you don’t do it again, then I will do it!”


Su Xuan stood in front of the brand and did not take away the brand. Instead, he raised his hand and directly used four supreme supernatural powers!


Between Su Xuan’s arms, an extremely sharp sword has already rushed towards Bian Yulin!

The sword tire is in the air!



Like being cut out from another time and space, it can destroy everything and annihilate all living beings between heaven and earth!


Su Xuan pointed it out again!

Countless thunders gathered at the fingertips, then turned into a fingerprint, annihilated the void, and pierced towards Shi Jingxian’s hole.

Fingerprints in the air!

Thunder shocked the world!

Let the void collapse and disintegrate, just like the real punishment of God!


Su Xuan’s other arm, pressed down towards Shui Yuntian, turned into a water curtain all over the sky!

The water curtain is in the sky!

A drop of water can penetrate mountains and rivers and turn the world upside down!


Between Su Xuan’s brows, there is a scorching flame, flying towards Du Tianming!

There was a mysterious atmosphere falling, causing the Dan fire that enveloped Du Tianming to tremble, exuding an uneasy mood.

“This guy!

“Using four different powers at the same time, targeting the four big stars!”

“Is this conceit or self-confidence!

“Don’t say it’s Su Xuan, even if Bian Feiheng, the Bian family’s most powerful warrior, came here, wouldn’t he dare to do this?

The spectators are all trembling!

With the strength of the middle star position, attacking the seed powerhouses of the four big star positions at the same time, this is simply a fantasy!

“court death!

“Nine Heavens Divine Thunder!

“Xuantian Sword Qi Slash! 55

“The water moon breaks the sky!”

“Destroy Heavenly Flames!

The four major stars roared loudly and shot at the same time!


Shi Jingxian’s thunder god body glows, and on the gods’ battle clothes, there is a resurrection of the gods’ breath!

There are billions of thunderbolts in the eyes, brilliant and dazzling, and when raising his hand, the same finger points down towards the Thunder Emperor!

“Boom! 35

Two fingerprints collide!

The thunder was like a waterfall, vented down, and penetrated the heavens and the earth!

Vent in the immortal fire restricted area, so that countless flames are extinguished, and the earth is cracked with astonishing openings.

Deng Deng stare!

Shi Jingxian’s body suddenly retreated, and he felt a terrifying force rushing into his body!

The Jiuxiao Divine Thunder Body that he cultivated is roaring!

The godly battle suit on his body was fully recovered, which was able to defuse this powerful force.


Bian Yulin also made a strong shot!

Sword lights pierced through the heavens and the earth one after another, with the breath of thunder flowing on them, constantly colliding with Su Xuan’s sword tires.



The sword tire slashed on the chariot of the gods, and the chariot flew upside down, and the aura of the gods on it was wiped out at this time.


Shuiyuntian condensed the water vapor in the sky, turned into a crystal clear halberd, and swept towards the water curtain in the sky!

“Damn it! 99

“What kind of power is this! 99

The most feared is Du Tianming!

Du Tianming watched the immortal fire fall, constantly urging the destruction of Tianyan, trying to resist the power of the immortal fire.

But as soon as the two touched, the Destruction Heavenly Flame was wiped out, as if they had encountered a nemesis!

But how is this possible!

Destroy the flames!

Although it is not the strongest Pill Fire, it is enough to rank in the top ten!

How can it be restrained?


Even more terrible things happened!

Under the spread of the immortal fire, Du Tianming, a dignified star powerhouse, was directly ignited!

Under the immortal fire, everyone became transparent.

With a bang, it vanished!

Only a wisp of pure and incomparable primordial energy remained, wrapped in immortal fire, flew into Su Xuan’s eyebrows and disappeared.

“Su Xuan!”

“I will kill you!

Blue Star!

In the Du family ancestral land, there was an angry roar!

Although Du Tianming was not the strongest who entered the Du family, he was considered a super seed.

Now, he was actually killed like that!

“Oh my God!

“How is this possible! 35

“One person shoots four big star seeds at the same time, not only is not weaker than the disadvantage, but also burns one to death?”

“Du Tianming, this is an alchemist. The strongest player is playing with fire, but now he was burned to death by Su Xuan!”

“Fairy Fire!

“The immortal fire in the immortal fire restricted area!

“Su Xuan never showed up before, could it be that he has been refining fairy fire?

At this time, everyone’s heart was trembling, and they all stared at Su Xuan in horror!


Ahead ‘Boom! 35

Shi Jingxian’s astonishing killing intent resounded through the sky!

Shi Jingxian propped up a terrifying world of thunder, and there were thunders falling one after another, rushing directly towards Su Xuan!

The terrifying power radiates the four wilds!

Let the nearby professionals all retreat crazy!


What’s more, screaming constantly, the flesh is cracking!

Ordinary big stars can’t compete, let alone middle stars.

That’s why!

In the follow-up competition for Crystal Mountain, the Wang 067 family had no place at all.

That is the battlefield of the big star!

Seeds are strong, one after another.

Even if the famous family has a big star position, if it does not reach the level of the seed of the family, it will be ruthlessly crushed!

“The Thunder Seal of the Nine Heavens God! 55

“Boom! 99

As Shi Jingxian walked forward, his hands formed seals, and there were divine thunders gathering in the sky, forming a big seal and suppressing Su Xuan!

Nine Heavens God Thunder Seal is in the sky!

The infinite thunderbolt symbols are condensing, and each one contains an ancient aura, with the power to destroy the world.

“What a powerful Thunder Dao supernatural power! 39

“Shi Jingxian is stronger than the legend, and is already very close to the top seed of the family!

“Break Zone!”

“I remember!”

“This aura is very much like an immortal corpse in the corpse restricted area!

“That’s right!

“In the corpse restricted area, there are many immortal corpses, one of which is said to be the corpse of a Thunder Dao supreme powerhouse. The magical powers Shi Jingxian exerted are highly similar to that corpse!

“Could it be that Shi Jingxian got the power of that corpse?

Shi Jingxian’s move shocked everyone.

Reminds me of a possibility!


Su Xuan is still pointing out!


Lei Di’s finger was formed again, and it was instantly stamped on the big seal!

Between the collision of the two thunder powers, the thunder light stirred, and a sea of thunder was shot in the air.

The incomparably flaming thunder light caused the void to collapse into pieces.

“Blue Sea Tides!”

Shui Yuntian’s voice suddenly sounded!

In the scorching immortal fire restricted area, there was a heavy rain, and then there was a heavy wave of water, which rolled towards Su Xuan one after another.

The magic of aquarium!

Evolve the tides with the power of a warlock!

One layer after another, it can drown everything, endless, powerful and mysterious.


But immediately, everyone’s color changed!

The endless tide stopped when it was thirty feet away from Su Xuan.

It’s like there are invisible walls that separate the heaven and the earth, block the tide, and make it difficult for the tide to fall!


Bian Yulin’s incomparably cold voice came from above Su Xuan’s head!

I saw Bian Yulin, driving the chariot of the gods to charge, and the aura of the gods above was fully recovered.

And in Bian Yulin’s hand, he also held a bloody big sword!

Between the slashing of the blood-colored sword, there was a bloody storm, and countless mourning sounds resounded.

“Horcuri! 35

“This is a Horcrux! 39

The bloody sword is out!

It made the expressions of everyone present suddenly change!

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