Global Killing: Start Awakening Ssss-Level Talent

Chapter 046

“In the original plot, this dragon set duo didn’t hold such a powerful lock seed.”

“Especially Jonai Hideho, the lychee lock species he used should be the mutant lock species that appeared in the outer legend, why did it come out now?”

“It seems that there are some unexpected deviations in the plot.”

“But it doesn’t matter, the stronger they are, the stronger the data I can collect, which is better than me.”

“I’m looking forward to playing them now.”

Qin Feng held Houyi Chuan’s hand and couldn’t help but tremble.

This is a sign of excitement, excitement.

However, now is not the time for him to appear.

Last time, Kamen Rider Kai, who he transformed, appeared, and he was shocked and easily defeated Katsura Hiroshi.

If it suddenly appears now, it is likely to cause a beating of five people on the field.

Rao is with Qin Feng’s strength, and he will also feel great pressure against five Kamen Riders who use A-grade lock species at once.

Waves can.

But if the wave is too much, it is easy to overturn.

Look back to this side of the battlefield.

With the assistance of Ryoji Hatsuse, Katsura was quickly severely injured and his combat effectiveness was greatly reduced.

The injury is even worse than the repellent ring fight.

“Give him to me, and you will assist Jonai.” Gaining the advantage, the second disease of repelling the striate ring began to wave again.

The tone in which Ryoji Hatsase spoke was completely commanding, as if he were speaking to a dismounted horseman.

Obviously, his mind has not yet turned a corner, and he still regards Hideho Jonauchi and Ryoji Hatase as scumbags who come and linger.

This attitude finally angered Ryoji Hatsuse.

The mango sanctioner in Hatase Ryo second-hand hammered hard, turned around, and did not attack Katsura Hiroshi, but smashed into the repellent ring.

The Ring Exorcism Ring didn’t expect Ryoji Hatsase to come like this, and he couldn’t react for a while, and he landed.

“Boom !!!”

A heavy hammer smashed on the body of the repellent ring, smashing him dozens of meters away.

Everyone present was completely stunned.

It’s not just the repellent ring that he is confused.

Even the people on the side of the Armor Dance Troupe were completely confused, not knowing what these three people were doing.

“Hatsuse! You guy!!! “The Ring Ring Dou felt that his whole body was surging, and he was almost unable to maintain his transformation state.

As one of the four deflated kings, it seems that he can’t escape the fate of opening his mouth and closing his eyes.

“Hatsuse, what are you doing? Aren’t you companions? Why sneak attack? Even the enemy of Katsura couldn’t stand it, and questioned Ryoji Hatase in a loud voice.

Hideho Jonauchi on the side beat Kurishima Mitsumi wildly while angrily brushing his sense of existence and said:

“Don’t be mistaken, we are not companions with this arrogant guy.”

“With him for the time being, I just want to use his power to deal with your armor.”

“Now that all three of you are seriously injured and almost out of combat effectiveness, next, it’s a good time for us to harvest.”

“The era of wild raids and invitees coming to the world is coming!! Hahahaha!! ”

Hideho Jonauchi was simply impressed by his wisdom.

This strategy to drive away the tiger is used perfectly.

The two of them, harvesting three residual blood, are completely easy and stress-free.

“Bastard!! How dare you tease me like this!! Give me your life!! ”

Pride is like a repellent ring fight, how can you withstand this stimulation, shame and anger, forcibly endure the pain, use the last strength to stand up, press the small fruit knife on the battle pole drive, and open a big move.

This means to be dying.

“Banana! Squash! ”

The sound effect sounded.

The Balon spear lit up with a golden light.

Powerful energy converges on the tip of the gun.

Ryoji Hatase did not admit it, and also pressed the small fruit knife on the Battle Pole Drive to open a big move.

“Mango! Au! lait! ”

The Mango Sanctioner Heavy Hammer is wrapped in a huge cloud of mango energy phantoms.

Ryoji Hatase threw the Mango Sanctioner’s hammer at the Wrinet Ring with all his might.

Seeing this, the exorcism ring immediately stabbed out a shot that condensed his remaining strength and carried out the final fight.

“Boom !!!”

The tip of the Balon’s spear collided with the hammerhead of the Mango Sanctioner’s heavy hammer, and for a while, it was comparable.

However, Ryoji Hatsuse’s attack was not over.

He jumped high and fired a knightly kick at the hilt of the Mango Sanctioner’s heavy hammer.

This is a two-stage attack.

“Boom Boom !!!”

The power of the Mango Sanctioner, coupled with Ryoji Hatsuse’s knight kick, instantly crushed the defense line of the Wrinking Ring.

The repellent ring flew out for tens of meters, and did not stop until it hit the stone pillar on the side of the road.

Then, the Battle Pole Drive activates the Life Protection Device and forcibly disengages the Demon Ring Fight.

The famous scene of opening and closing the eyes of the exorcism ring finally appeared.


In the end, the exorcism ring vomited a large mouthful of blood and passed out.

This injury was enough for him to lie in a hospital bed for several days.

“It’s just too much!! How can they treat their companions like this!! ”

Even Komai, who has always been an enemy and has never been accustomed to repelling the streak, could not stand this kind of behavior, and made a statement to accuse Ryoji Hatse.

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