Global Movie Emperor

Chapter 161

Chapter 146 Monster Zhuang Yu

There were still voices at the scene, but the voices were not loud. People of the younger generation didn’t dare to speak. It was just that the popular artists chatted with the older generations in the circle.

When the time came, the huge red curtain was opened, showing a beautiful stage. A group of artists sang on the stage, and fans screamed from the second floor behind. On the second floor, more than 3,000 people sat Audience.

Lu Ze looked back and saw a girl yelling loudly while pulling on the railing. Turning her head, the camera was moving in parallel. Lu Ze stretched out his hands and applauded as a sign of celebration.

After a singing and dancing session, the accompanying dancers withdrew, and these artists who came to sing on stage walked off the stage, chatted with the friends below the stage, and turned back to their seats.

The three hosts on the stage are old faces that everyone is very familiar with. The male host Liu Hongliang, 47 years old this year, was born as a host and later transformed into an actor. He was also quite successful.

The hostess Song Sha, thirty-five years old this year, is a national music singer and a post-transition actor. She has developed well in the past few years. In recent years, she has received fewer plays, but everyone understands that she is really precipitating herself.

Hostess Meng Ge, thirty years old this year, is not a household name for the beautiful host of “CCTV6”.

“Fathers and folks from Guangzhou City, and film artists present here, good evening!”

The blessings of the three people drove the applause from the audience, and everyone present clapped, and the atmosphere was very warm from the beginning.

“Dear guests, hello to the audience and friends in front of the TV. We are broadcasting live for you at the Guangzhou National Fitness Center. It is jointly organized by the China Federation of Literature and Art, China Film Association and Guangzhou Municipal Government China’s 49th Golden Rooster Awards Ceremony, I’m the host of CCTV Movie Channel, Meng Ge. Good evening everyone…”

At the beginning, I definitely couldn’t get into the main topic. First, the youngest Meng Ge introduced himself, and then the two hosts behind.

Liu Hongliang also said a few jokes. The jokes on this occasion must be serious, so the jokes will not be too high. The main reason is to talk about the winners of the previous few years. Because they are people in the circle, they increase the number of guests present. A lot of sense of substitution, so the laughter at the scene is really not fake.

Then came the introduction to the jury of the Golden Rooster Awards. The three hosts exited, the stage was dark, and the names and photos of the judges appeared on the screen. These people may have rarely heard of the outside world, but they are all big names in the circle. guy.

Then the judges came on stage, lined up, and all of them were very old. A group of emcee ladies dressed like chili came on stage. In the compliments of the host, they gave the group of judges a medal of honor.

After the awards were over, everyone on the stage exited, and a promotional film boasting Guangzhou began to be played on the screen again to tell everyone how important the city is to the development of the film. When the show was over, the top domestic national orchestras began to perform. , The atmosphere is more and more grandiose.

After the orchestra went down, the pop singers came to the stage for another skewers. Lu Ze’s eyes were straight. It was not that the performance on the stage was so attractive, but that he felt a little bored. He let go of his thoughts, and only his eyes were watching the stage.

The immortal camera caught Lu Ze’s expression, and the director who looked like Lu Ze twitched his mouth, and quickly notified other photographers to cut the lens.

But this scene was discovered by viewers on TV and on the Internet. The careless ones may not have noticed, but the careful ones, especially those who pay special attention to Lu Ze, have seen it…

“This kid! What are you doing in a daze at this time? Can’t you watch the performance seriously?”

With the TV on at home, Li Yumei patted her thigh. She was a little angry, knowing her son is like her mother. Lu Ze had this habit since he was bored when he was young. Forget it usually, dare to be in a daze on such an important occasion?

Although Lu Weiguo didn’t talk much, he was very happy that his son was on TV. Li Yumei didn’t do any good food today. He drank two glasses of white wine. Now he is watching TV slightly, and he looks at the virtue of Lu Ze, and he doesn’t know what to do. How to evaluate it, I can only eat a pear silently.


“I cut off Lu Ze’s expression, hahahaha, a fresh emoji package is out! Lu Ze: I am like a pigeon and I have no feelings, hahahaha.”

“The one who cut the emoji, are you the devil?”

“Are you the devil that emoji pack? Remember to share it with me.”

Whether it was the slight dissatisfaction of his mother or the spoof barrage of sand sculpture netizens, Lu Ze didn’t know now, and remained in a daze until the awards officially started.

“China Film Golden Rooster Award, the best supporting actress nomination is…”Huaxiang” Chen Xi.”

After everyone was mentioned by name, there was an excerpt of about twenty seconds from the movie clip. At this time, Lu Ze finally came back to his senses. He looked up and his acting skills were not bad, but the three views of the characters were very crooked. See the end of the clip.

“Guo Yuchen in “Jianghu”, Bai Yudie in “Dawn”, and Zhang Min in “Meet Back”.”

After the film festival selections of the four nominees were all aired, the two award-presenting guests on the stage joked for a while, and then tore open the envelope in their hands. They didn’t know why they liked playing suspense so much, they had to speak out.

“The one who won the best supporting actress at the 49th China Film Golden Rooster Awards!…”Dawn”! White Feather Butterfly!”

The first award came out. It has nothing to do with Lu Ze, so he was calm, clapped, and watched Bai Yudie jump up from the seat. He burst into tears at that time and even ran on the stage. , Start all kinds of thanks.

Then came the best supporting actor. This award was cut short by the supporting actor of “Hua Xiang”. The crew of “Hua Xiang” successfully got a blood. When one of their crews congratulated the supporting actor, Lu Ze was still calm, anyway. He doesn’t matter.

But then, awards related to Lu Ze and the others came!

“The China Film Golden Rooster Award, nominated for the Director’s Director and Actress Award…”Welcome Spring”, Zhang Lei, “A Girl at Home is Eighteen Years Old”, Zhao Ye, “Tea Bowl”, Sun Jibo, “Pickpocket Past” , Wang Shukai…”

“”Hello Mr. Tree”, Zhuang Yu.”

“I can always dream of my dad, wearing a black coat, looking for my brother everywhere. In 1986, my brother was arrested by the police station as a gangster, and my dad would hang him on a tree and beat him… Strangled to death.”

This is a very classic shot, with a depressive and weird atmosphere. The camera turned to Zhuang Yu and Lu Ze beside him. Zhuang Yu was very calm, smiled at the camera and nodded, then patted Lu Ze. Shoulders.

Lu Ze is now squeezing a sweat for Zhuang Yu. He is not nervous, but hopes that Zhuang Yu can win the award. Looking at the stage, a well-known Chinese singer and a female author opened the envelope and spoke.

“The forty-ninth Golden Rooster Award, the director’s debut · actress award is… “Mr. Hello Tree” Zhuang Yu! Congratulations!”

“Take it!”

Zhuang Yu can also see a little excitement now, his first movie has been affirmed, not to mention that he made a small profit, even if he lost it all, it was worth it! For him, money is nothing compared to achievements.

When he got up, Lu Ze and Wang Zhen also stood up. The three of them gave a light hug and said congratulations in his ear. Zhuang Yu nodded with a smile and stepped onto the stage.

“Comment from the judges: “Hello Mr. Tree” is a black melodic rural movie, which exposes the various vices that still exist in the new countryside, and also gives people an enlightenment, hoping that the audience can discover this ugly and try To change it.”

After Zhuang Yu shook hands with the people around him, he stepped onto the stage. Lu Ze suddenly felt that the man’s temperament as an elegant gentleman became more and more obvious. After the award and the trophy, the award presenter stepped down and handed the microphone to Zhuang Yu.

“First of all, thank the organizer and every judge, thank you.”

He came to the stage and bowed, and there was applause from the audience. Zhuang Yu’s temperament has fascinated many audiences. No one can refute that he is a very temperamental and handsome man.

“I was born in a city, but grew up in the countryside. I still yearn for a rural life, but I also sneer at certain habits in the countryside. I can’t change it. Until I became a photographer, I started to try to change. It’s difficult. It’s not possible to rely on me alone. Therefore, the film is my only choice. Now that the film is finished, it may be able to produce some effects. This is my wish. In the future, I hope I will still Being able to make such a movie is not for achievement, not for honor, but for a better tomorrow, thank you.”

With applause, he once again greeted every guest present, and then calmly stepped off the stage and sat back in his seat. Lu Ze glanced at the trophy placed on the table, it was shining brightly.

After a song and dance, it is the best science and education film award, the best children’s film, the best opera film nomination, the best art film, the best music award, the best photography award, the best recording, the best art award, the best editing, the best Screenwriting (original/adapted) and many other awards It is worth mentioning that the best editing and best music awards were all won by the “Huaxiang” crew.

But even more awesome is yet to come!

Two nominations for Best Art and Best Screenplay were again won by Zhuang Yu! In just over an hour, Zhuang Yu had already run three times on stage, and he didn’t even have any words to thank him.


This is not only the sighs of netizens, but also the sighs of every guest present. This is the Golden Rooster Award, which cannot be said to be a newcomer, but it is absolutely unprecedented in history. It is also a personal milestone for Zhuang Yu. It has the greatest impact on Zhuang Yu’s future. Important impact.

And after that, it was nominated for Best Actress!

“China Film Golden Rooster Award, nominated for the Best Actress Award… “At Dawn” Kong Wen, “Lone Alone”, Zhang Jing, “Scent of Flowers” Jiang Wanyi.”

“”Hello Mr. Tree”, Wang Zhen!”

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