Global Movie Emperor

Chapter 192

Chapter 177 “Boxing King” (2)

At half past four, the phone rang, Wang Zewen turned over and turned off the alarm on the Nokia green screen phone, got up from the small sofa in the gym, folded the towel covering him, got up and opened the door of the gym.

Washed up, put on a set of old sportswear, pushed the door out, stretched the muscles and bones first, after warming up, began to jog around the boxing gym, after a while, I met other boxers in the gym.

“Awen early.”


There was not much communication, just a simple greeting. They were three or four years younger than Wang Zewen, and they were not very familiar with Wang Zewen, and the coach often regarded Wang Zewen as a negative teaching material.

After becoming famous when he was young, he finally made a negative textbook that he had no competition to play. No one wanted to be like Wang Zewen, and no one like Wang Zewen.

ran until six o’clock, the canteen aunt had already prepared the food, the normal boxer had five meals a day, but Wang Zewen could only be considered as cleaning, only for three meals, and Wang Zewen had to take care of the rest.

I didn’t eat very much last night, and now I’m starving. This morning I served bread and noodles. I took a chopstick and stuffed the noodles into my mouth. What happens when the pig eats? What happens when he eats, huh huh, five Minutes, a large bowl of noodles was stuffed into my stomach, and I took a piece of bread before I left.

At this time, the fighters had just finished their meal and rested, and Wang Zewen also started his physical training while no one was in time. Although it was very unhealthy to do so, Wang Zewen even practiced vomiting for himself at the beginning, but he had no other choice. Either you don’t practice going home to sell seafood, or you’re training at the risk of sagging stomach.

He chose the latter.

He is actually a genius, a fighting genius. He was the 17-year-old intercontinental kick boxing champion, and he won the national kick boxing professional championship at the age of 18. If he didn’t commit a crime, he would be able to go to Japan’s kick boxing professional league. Up.

Although he has not been assisted by a training team for six years, his physical stamina is still the best in the gym. There are already fewer heavyweight fighters. His ordinary clean and **** can make lightweight fighters dumbfounded. .

is not someone who can be called a genius. The only genius in the boxing gym before was Wang Zewen. If it hadn’t been for the boxing gym to discover a new genius, it is estimated that Wang Zewen would not be where he is now.

If he made a mistake, he should bear the price for his mistake. That’s right, but what really caused him now was the boxing gym environment.

When the fighters went upstairs to do their physical fitness, he could only wipe here and there with a rag. Footprints were stamped on the plastic floor. He squatted down and wiped it clean. He looked up again, but he saw the person he didn’t want to see. .

Coach Song looked down at him, his face was still calm, even if it was six years, Wang Zewen couldn’t accept it. After all, he lost his father since he was a child. This is the person he used to be his father.

Don’t know how to face him, Wang Zewen chose to stay away from him, sitting while listening to him scolding other fighters.

There is a saying that is really right, because he needs to be responsible to you, so he scolds you. If he has nothing to do with you, there is no need to scold you again.

Wang Zewen very much hopes that the coach who brought him up from childhood can reprimand him, even one sentence, but now he has not heard Coach Song say a word to himself for six years.

Some disappointment left, looking back at Coach Song, there was still no surprise.

If there is no hope, then stay away, not see, at least not to let the heart suffer.

“His second uncle, did that Awen come to help?”

Mother walked to the seafood stall of the second uncle, looked around, did not see Awen’s figure, opened her mouth and asked, although she knew in her heart that there was not much possibility.

“It’s weird if he can come, hey girl, seventy-four yuan, sixty-four, just give seventy-four, surely you can’t miss two pounds, come to me without you, my stall is here, he can’t run by himself Come? If you drag him, he can’t come over, ask me to say that he is so old and he is not doing business. You might as well go to the boxing gym and make him unable to stay. When he has no money to eat, he will naturally go to work. After earning money, he may hate you for a while, but it is better than his dream.”

The second uncle tied the foam box with tape and gave it to the eldest sister who bought the crab. The cigarette **** on her mouth was almost burning to the cigarette holder. The ashes hadn’t popped down, and it was left for a long time. He sat on the stool and threw the cigarette butt. Stepped on the ground, the second uncle gave Awen’s mother a bad move.

“Then those who can’t do it, he is such a big man. I just want him to have a decent job. As long as he can support himself, it was my idea to let him learn boxing. I’m also responsible if it doesn’t work. It would be nice to be able to ask a wife in the future.”

“Hey, a young man like him, with hands and feet, can definitely get his wife out. You think too much now. Your children and grandchildren have their own children and grandchildren, so why bother so much.”

“He is already twenty-six years old. He is not young anymore, he should also beg his wife. How could I not worry about it? Forget it, if he wants to practice, let him practice again. Maybe he can fight. Well, then I will go home to work, and leave his second uncle.”

The mother smiled embarrassedly. Although this is her husband’s own brother, she feels a little embarrassed to express her spoiling for her son. She put her right hand on her left hand, gently rubbed the back of her hand, and turned to leave.

The second uncle is very addicted to cigarettes. He clicked on another one, took a sip, then took a few abalones in the bag, and walked out of the stall and called Awen’s mother.

“Sister-in-law! Take this, the **** didn’t go home yesterday, right? Don’t worry about it all day, take this, go back and taste it. There is not much money, artificially bred, your face is not very good. Go home and sleep.”

The two tore for a while, the mother accepted the kindness of the second uncle, and slowly left with the white and red plastic bag. The second uncle looked at the figure of Awen’s mother and exhaled a puff of smoke.

“What a **** shit.”

“Boom boom boom!”

Boxing Gym is not only for professional boxers, but also recruits some outside students, collects some tuition fees to raise professional boxers, and it takes a complete economic cycle.

Wang Zewen looked at the female students on the stage wearing short shorts, wearing a loose waistcoat, and a ponytail. They were shooting targets. He huffed and shook his head.

The target master who feeds the target on the stage also fed Wang Zewen the target before. He was originally a professional target master, but he returned more and more and started to play with the students.

The quality awareness of this group of students is definitely not as strong as that of professional boxers They will take care of the ring seriously. After all, if you don’t take care of it seriously, the coach will seriously beat you, but this group of students is for money, so you can’t be beaten.

Some **** fell on the ground, the smaller one, Wang Zewen took the broom to clean it carefully, poured it into the trash can next to it, and saw that the black trash bag was almost full, as if he picked it up and threw it away.

“Awen! Do me a favor! Help feed a target for the beauty, I have a stomach trouble here, I’ve been running belly since last night, please help me for a while, thanks.”

whispered in Wang Zewen’s ear, such a big person, so shy, embarrassed to say aloud that he had diarrhea, threw the target into Wang Zewen’s arms, and then rushed into the toilet.

This kind of alternative to feeding the target is not uncommon. Wang Zewen still likes it. Generally, the original target master will give Wang Zewen some money for such things, and will not let Wang Zewen work in vain.

Putting the broom aside, stepped onto the boxing ring, took the hand target, patted the female student on the stage and said ok, stretched out his hand, put the female student’s fist on the hand target, professional boxer Targeting is called target shooting. Taking students is actually taking children to play.

“Hey? Are you that one or that one? What is the king! That kick boxing champion! I saw the video of you beating a foreigner, it’s so handsome! That high whip kick”

“No, you admit your mistake, be serious, come on, fist left, punch right, beautiful.”

Until the target master finished pulling, the female student was still thinking about it. Wang Zewen returned the target to the target master, picked up the broom and the black plastic bag, got up and left.


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