Global Movie Emperor

Chapter 381

Chapter 364 conflict

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After the quarrel, the two broke up unhappily. Lu Ze chose to go back to the bedroom to rest. After arguing with Mickey, his temple was throbbing and painful, and he fell asleep about ten minutes after returning to bed.

But Mickey changed his clothes and went out. Originally, he wanted to go out and have fun according to the original plan, but in this case, Kesha certainly would not go out with him again, waved his hand and refused to join Lucas. Back to the room, only Mickey went out without knowing where he went.

In fact, he knows that Lu Ze is full of good intentions, and he also knows that if this movie is released, it will definitely cause a lot of waves. The controversy of fans will definitely drown him, but if he really shoots the beautiful things people want to see , He is not Mickey.

He just wants to touch the scars, there is no need to face the big dilemma, and he will never give up showing the public what he has seen with his eyes because of his fear of public opinion. He wants to change, even if it is just a tentative change, otherwise it is still here. It is a pool of stagnant water, and there will never be any changes.

He understands that he is just a director, and there is not much he can do, so he can only use his works to shout, even if the world is deaf, only he can hear his shouts, at least he has worked hard, this That’s enough.

In this movie, he wants to express too many things, but he just wants to make it, no one can stop it.

“One more glass, no mint, just fresh lime juice, no lime slices, add more ice.”

“What’s the matter today? Since the release of “Effect”, you have never had a sullen wine. Has anything happened? Why didn’t Lu Ze come with you?”

According to Mickey’s request, Depp poured the whiskey into the cup with water droplets on the wall of the cup and shook it slightly. After squeezing a few drops of lime juice, he placed it on the bar counter, and watched Mickey’s face flushed and looked a little bit depressed. Words.

“Nothing, I’m fine, let’s have another drink.”

“Dad, don’t give him any more drinks, what do you think he is drunk, Mickey, what is this?”

The palm of a long finger pressed the mouth of the cup, and the tone of speaking to Mickey was somewhat blamed. A finger was placed in front of him, attracting the already drunk and awkward Mickey.

“Irina Long time no see, you have become beautiful, I’m serious, I heard you’re making a sitcom, how is it, how is the shooting going well? If you have any difficulties, you can come to me. I’m familiar with British directors. …”

Irina, who has officially set foot in the entertainment industry, naturally can no longer not do anything like she did when she was a bartender. Today, she has long blonde hair curled up, her face is a bit coquettish, and her clothes are very trendy, and her skin should be After the maintenance, the face has renewed the collagen whiteness that a girl of this age should have.

“Me? Not bad. The crew has finished, and I have become a vagrant. Just waiting to see myself on TV, but you…what happened?”

Mickey grabbed the wine bottle from Depp and poured it on herself. Seeing her father’s helpless expression, Jelena didn’t get too entangled in this matter. Since she’s not happy, it’s okay to drink two more glasses. The most important thing now is It is to understand why he is so negative.

“Elena, if you want to choose between wishes and friends, how should you choose?”

“So you quarreled with Mr. Lu? For this question, first of all, I will consider whether this wish is very important to me. Look at you like this… It should be very important, but I think there is no need to do it between wishes and friends. Choose? If you really are a good friend, he should do his best to help you realize your wish.”

“But the cost of fulfilling my wishes is a bit high, maybe a bit large… He will prevent me from fulfilling my wishes for the sake of me being affected. It seems that I should not ask you, a little girl, for questions. It’s late, I should go.”

“I see you off.”

“No, it’s not safe for a girl to come back at night, let alone a beautiful girl… I will take away half of the bottle of wine, oh Fak…”

Seeing the hand of the watch gradually point to twelve o’clock, Mickey took out the banknote from his arms and placed it on the table, and put half a glass of whiskey together with ice cubes into his mouth. Perhaps it was frozen to his brain when he broke the ice cube, and he groaned painfully while holding his head. With a sound, Ignoring the hands that Irina stretched out to support, she dangled and left the Lion Heart Bar.

There are few vehicles passing by on the streets of Liverpool at 12 o’clock. After all, this street is not a gathering place for bars, and there are no young men and women staying again.

As a coastal city, the climate is inevitably changeable. Little snowflakes began to float in the sky. At the end of February, the temperature was so low that he could only hold the wine bottle in his arms and wrap his body tightly with his coat. Warm this half bottle of liquid that can bring him happiness.

Until under the dim street lamp, his stomach suddenly cramped, causing discomfort all over the body, his throat tightened, his stomach contracted and squeezed the food, and finally held on to the street lamp, bent over and started to vomit, and the drink left him with the pizza he had eaten at night. body.

The back of the hand wiped the saliva from the corner of the mouth, blocked one nostril and exhaled vigorously, blowing out the frozen snot from the other nostril. The fingers inevitably got some nasal water, so he wiped it on the street light pole.

“Uh Fu·ck…Fu·ck…Fu·ck!”

Closed his eyes and raised his head, the dim light could still penetrate the thin layer of eyelids to illuminate his eyes. He rotated half a circle on the spot. When vomiting, the lacrimal glands were stimulated, and tears flowed from the corners of his eyes. He wiped it off with the end of his palm. The expression was abnormally painful and hideous, maybe… this tear was not a reaction after vomiting.

The pain of going deep into the soul is always a necessary condition for an extreme pessimist. He is very dangerous, even he himself knows it, and he is tortured by this every day. He also wants to get rid of it, but the inspiration belt born from torture Gave him glory, so he hesitated and repeated it without interruption.

He also thought about sharing his worries with certain drugs or other things, but countless negative cases are warning him that these things will not give him the slightest inspiration, but can only make him a life without being able to take care of himself. That’s a fool, so he can only bear it, get himself drunk when he reaches the critical point, get a good night’s sleep, and come back early the next morning.

He is engaged in the art industry and wants to express his thoughts. He should suffer this pain, because a person with a sunny heart will not be like him, even if he is engaged in art work, so hard, it is nothing but self-inflicted.

“Sir, are you okay? Need help?”

A man with sallow skin and sunken eye sockets walked over to help Mickey. This man was not Asian. He should be a Middle Easterner, but a Middle Easterner who appeared in Britain… Needless to say.

“No need, get out!”

“No, no, no, sir, I am very enthusiastic and can give you some help, such as sending you home, and you only need to pay me a certain amount of compensation. What do you think?”

A big hand grabbed the man’s collar, and Mickey’s bloodshot eyes were full of irritability that a stranger shouldn’t come near. He looked up and down the man impatiently, and the man could only raise his hands to express his innocence.

“So you mean you can’t leave without paying? When is the UK the territory of your refugees? I warn you, as long as I want to know, which refugee camp you live in, how many people in your family, and which gangsters are covered , Whether you were taken in or smuggled, I can even find out if you **** came by that boat, remember! No one will care about the fate of a refugee who doesn’t even have an ID card, if you don’t want your whole family The youngest will be fished out of the sea by a fishing boat tomorrow, or if you can’t catch the fish directly, just go away and don’t mess with me! Or ask about Mickey Taylor in Liverpool before messing with me, bitch. The owner of the gate.”

Pushing the man away, Mickey rubbed his palm on the coat like a disgust, lit a cigarette, turned and left, but after two steps, the man grabbed his sleeve from behind, and the alley where he came out Here, five or six men with bad eyes popped up.

“You may be very powerful in Liverpool, but everyone in my family died. A shell, my wife, and my children were all bombed into the sky, but I have to live, so… I don’t want to pay for it. If you lose your life, take out all your money. Your life is always worth more than mine.”

A sharp dagger was glowing white, and the tip of the knife had touched Mickey’s coat. Six men coming out of the alley surrounded him and put their hands into his pockets.

“You can take away valuable things, but he had better not be harmed. I don’t want to make matters worse. I believe you are the same.”

The street lamp behind him stretched the shadow to the feet of the refugees. A half-burned cigarette was thrown on the ground, exploding a little bit of sparks, and the smoke mixed with the exhalation and condensed into visible gas in a low temperature environment. When he reached the sky, Lu Ze was walking towards this side with two brawny men with cigarettes dangling behind him.

Seeing the three burly people, they really don’t want to be tough with Lu Ze, because it’s not necessary. They just grab some money to buy food and drink. If they stabbed someone, let alone stabbed to death, even if they hurt this kind of power. People, they really can’t eat it.

“We are just for a meal, and of course we won’t hurt this gentleman, but you won’t be able to tell if you come back again. We will leave after we get the money.”

“Did I **** say let you go!”

The warm wine bottle in his arms was smashed horizontally on the head of the man holding the knife. The wine bottle was not broken, but the man poured it out. This is not a saccharified wine bottle for filming. Such a thick glass is probably a brain drain. You can’t break it even if you type it out.

Mickey decided to fight back after seeing the three of Lu Ze on the scene. Needless to say, Brother Mao Zi, the size is here, and Lu Ze chased more than a dozen refugees in France by himself. It’s no problem for a dozen or so men. Four on seven is not a piece of cake?

In fact, it was the same. Lu Ze reacted very quickly. After all, he had already prepared for a conflict. The trash can beside him had a two-layer structure inside and outside. With his hands, the trash can with the lid was pulled up, He threw it in the direction of the refugees, hitting one of them on the head.

But the protagonists of this conflict are obviously not Lu Ze, but the burly Maozi brothers. Both of them have difficulty fighting and eating. The thin refugees are no different from beating the little chickens. Even if the other party has weapons, these imitation military boots. The styling big leather boots can still kick people out of intestines with one kick.

Then he grabbed the collar with his big hands, and pulled the inferior cotton-padded clothes directly. The cotton was scattered all over the place, while the cloth wrapped the refugees’ heads. Accompanied by a sentence of Sukabriet, the old fist hit the bridge of the nose with a fierce attack. .

Mickey hit one, and the three of Lu Ze were left to beat two of them. The four of them had nothing to do, but the refugees could only grunt in pain on the ground.

Lucas squatted down and rubbed the blood on his hand From the refugee’s pocket, he turned out the stolen property of Mickey and returned it to Mickey. Then he looked at the zipper on his fist. Xiao Chuangkou gave him another kick toward his head.

“Just let them lie down here? Or call the police and let the police handle it.”

European countries currently have a very consistent attitude towards refugees. Last time, more than a dozen refugees were beaten in France, and Lu Ze was not held accountable. This time, Mickey, a British citizen, became the victim. As long as he is not killed, it is estimated that four people It takes less than an hour to get out of the police station.

“Why call the police, take a hand, pull them in the alley, I told you, don’t **** mess with me, you are brave enough, come, let’s continue playing.”

Kesha and Lucas were a little bit up. After all, the two drank a lot of wine at night. Without hesitation, they drew them directly into the dark alley. The seven people lay in a group and could only turn over gently. Accompanied by a painful hum, it looked really miserable.

“Is it necessary? Forget it.”

Since he has no ability to act, continuing to beat him is not just a defensive, but violent act. Lu Ze frowned and took Mickey’s arm and said something to persuade him.

“Are you pitying them? Don’t think so, because they absolutely **** others. You don’t need pity at all for this kind of people, because they won’t be grateful to you. You were born in China, so you don’t know enough about them. No one doesn’t hate them. When the sun sets and the fig leaf of human nature is untied, people will not treat them sensibly and gently like the day, just like they do it here when night comes. We will still treat unequally and blindly. As for why?…”

“Find the answer in “Departure”…”


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