Global Movie Emperor

Chapter 390

Chapter 373 Film festival is over

One second to remember 【Ikan Novel Network】, to provide you with wonderful novel reading. The best film in the main competition unit of the Berlin Film Festival can be called the Golden Bear. Other awards, such as the best director and the best male and female leading actors, can only be called the Silver Bear.

Therefore, this trophy did not gleam with noble golden light. Compared with the golden light, the whole body’s silver light had a slightly worse visual impact.

But this does not affect Lu Ze’s love for this trophy. After all, this is his first trophy after his comeback, and it was obtained completely as a free actor, without public relations, without relying on resources, and relying on his personal performance ability. Winning the crown by overpowering all its rivals is not only a recognition of Lu Ze’s strength from the world, but also a memorial significance worth cherishing for Lu Ze. This is unique.

Stroking the naive silver bear engraved on this trophy, the name engraved on the bottom of the cup was touched by his fingertips. In the end, he still did not control it, and kissed the bear lightly on the head. This scene was met by many reporters. Take a picture.

The trophy was placed on the podium gently with both hands. This gentle movement won the unanimous favor of the members of the first row of judges. Respect is mutual. They felt Lu Ze’s respect for the trophy, so Lu Ze also won the respect of the organizer. , Of course, this is also the reason why the organizers don’t like Mickey very much.

The applause of the audience continued, but it was not enthusiastic. The applause of the guests on the first floor was a bit perfunctory. Lu Ze knew the origin of their perfunctory attitude, and he didn’t care about it. He just nodded gently to thank the guests, after all, perfunctory. The applause was also applause. When the applause stopped, he stood in front of the microphone.

“Thank you, thank you everyone. I am still very excited when I stand on the Berlin stage for the first time. This is not the first highlight in my life, but it is definitely a new milestone. There are too many people to thank. If you call the names one by one, you may have to talk about it for three days and three nights. After all, I have helped my friends too many times. I won’t mention names here, but you have to believe that among the people I want to thank, there must be you.”

Facing countless shots, Lu Ze still put his left hand in his pocket, standing in front of the stage and talking, calmly, without a trace of panic, and it is even difficult for people to find too much joy in him. Such a calm general demeanor requires Compared with the previous award winners who were either crying or crying or laughing, they could see their throats. At first glance, they were the prize winners, and some of the famous places they watched kept nodding to themselves.

“For me, the moment of joy in life comes first from the moment when the movie is finished, because I successfully completed my pursuit, and secondly from the moment when I stood on the stage and took honor because of what I did. Efforts in exchange for everyone’s recognition of me, this feeling of giving and gaining can’t be more wonderful, I am obsessed with this place, so I hope this is not the last time I set foot here, I will come back again, definitely, thank you. ”

The golden lights stirred the air in the venue again, and applause sounded again. This time Lu Ze focused on the second floor auditorium, raised the trophy and waved to the audience, walked to Marcus’s side, and saw him. Staring at the trophy in his hand, Lu Ze nodded politely.

Perhaps he felt Lu Ze’s kindness, and his face looked better. Of course, this does not mean that his impression of Lu Ze has improved. After all, it is about saving money for the rest of his life. No one can be so fast. Putting it down, just seeing Lu Ze’s friendly attitude, even if he is unhappy, in front of so many people, he still has to give Lu Ze a face and earn a reputation for himself.

Slightly retracting his legs to make the road ahead of Lu Ze more spacious, Marcus got up, the two shook hands gently, then Ren Lu Ze returned to his seat.

After that, there were two more awards in the main competition unit. Mickey successfully won the best director award, which attracted countless hostile eyes and kept looking at the two of them. It also made Lu Ze understand that, in fact, the organizers of the film festival did not feel Mickey’s senses. It’s not so bad, the people who really hate him are his peers.

Subsequently, the Best Picture Award, which is the highlight of the Berlin Film Festival, began to issue the Golden Bear Award. Whether it was the film industry practitioners present, or the purely spending money to see the lively second floor audience, it was somewhat unexpected.

“I announce that the winner of the Golden Bear Award for Best Picture at the 75th Berlin Film Festival is…”

“Merin Capazzo, “The Dwarf.”

There was no upset exclamation at the scene, only a louder applause than when Lu Ze and Mickey came to the stage to receive the award. Although “Effect” is very good, but… “Dwarf” is not bad, isn’t it? Besides, most of the people present , I hope Capazzo will get the award, not Mickey.

There was applause. As a local German director, Capazzo won the cheers of everyone on the first and second floors. In such a comparison, the two who took the actor and the best director looked a little sad, because the two received attention. It’s really pitiful.

Glancing at Mickey, the trophy was randomly placed aside by him, and his face was flat. After drinking the clear water in the glass, he stretched his hand to the center of the table and placed it on the red wine that most guests would not touch.

The beautifully-shaped decanter poured out the scarlet wine. Mickey didn’t seem to know the importance of it. When putting down the decanter, he made some noises on the table. This kind of action made the elders at the same table turn their heads. Then he smiled and faced the stage and photographers, showing their decent appearance.

“It’s great that Mickey didn’t win the prize.”

This is probably what they thought in their hearts, and it was also what most people in the room thought.

Mickey swallowed half a glass of red wine in one gulp, exhaled lightly, covered his upper lip with his lower lip, looked directly at the stage, his eyes flickered, and he didn’t know what he was thinking.

“Come on, cheers.”

Pour an appropriate amount of red wine into the glass, and then pour it on Mickey. The two did not care about the camera’s capture. The clink of the goblet triggered a light noise, not like the comfort of the frustrated, but like the celebration of the winner.

“Fortunately, we didn’t drive here. Besides, you don’t have to make a look of bitter feud. You have won two awards. What do you want?”

“Is it obvious?”

“Nonsense, looking at people wanting to eat people, all the co-authored awards must be yours to keep people alive, after all, they are local directors and have too much advantage.

Mickey touched his chin and stared at the shrunken face reflected in the goblet. He really didn’t feel that he was showing such envy and hatred on his face.

At the end of the party, the permanent honor awards were awarded. The award-winning celebrities came to the stage to greet everyone’s applause. The elderly were very excited. Perhaps they did not expect the film festival to think of them.

In short, this year’s Berlin Film Festival is quite complete. Basically, the crew that entered the main competition unit won one or two awards. Although most crews won some small awards, the mosquito legs are also meat, better than nothing.

In a group of singers who Lu Ze didn’t know, everyone stood up and celebrated the complete success of the party. Then the audience who had spent money left first. Lu Ze and the two walked out about 15 minutes later. The gate of the theater.

The long-awaited off-site reporters asked questions to the award-winning guests. Of course, Lu Ze and Mickey were among them. Originally, Lu Ze wanted to answer some questions seriously, but Mickey was soon dragged away from the venue. , Not because of anything else, but because the outfield beauty host was standing behind the two with a smile.

“I said that you have a bad relationship with some woman, you have to get involved with her! Look at her smile just now, I’m all over my back, hurry up, or I won’t be able to catch the last bus.”

“How can I know that she is like this! If I knew she was such a virtue, I wouldn’t have anything to do with her at all!”

After knowing that the host and Mickey had had a past, Lu Ze always felt that the woman was smiling a little scary. After striding to the bus station, he couldn’t help but complain, but Mickey didn’t expect Mickey to react better than Lu Ze. Still fierce, with a trophy in each hand, while holding it up, he complained loudly to Lu Ze.

“I am too lazy to talk to you.”

There was no one on the bench. Lu Ze walked over and sat down. He took out the cigarette and knocked it on the cigarette case. When he put the cigarette case away, he loosened his tie and put the bangs blown down by the wind back to his head. The trophy blocked the breeze, lit the cigarette, and looked in the direction where the bus would come, only to find that the light of a Maybach switched between far and near light, which dazzled Lu Ze’s eyes.

The luxury cars that came over at this time were basically the guests of the film festival. Mickey also stopped the car. He did not spray directly, but just watched indifferently until the car stopped beside the two of them and the windows of the back seat were lowered. Mickey’s original expression The cold face suddenly thawed, and he smiled and greeted the person in the back seat.

“Good evening, Miss Xugula.”

“The two really responded to the call to save energy, reduce emissions and travel with low carbon”

Camia is the resident guest of the Golden Bear Awards. Due to her influence and popularity, and because she is a native German actress, even if there is no work in the competition, the official will invite her to attend to achieve the goal of blogging. The two of Lu Ze had already met her in the venue just now, so they didn’t think it was strange to see her here.

The fact that the two of Lu Ze took the bus to the party has spread throughout the circle and has become a joke among the people, but Camia still looked at the two in a little surprise, and really did not understand what the two thoughts.

In fact, when the vehicle flashed on, she was already thinking about how to greet the two of them. Finally, she felt that the three of them had eaten together, and how much they could get along with friends. Secondly, she had something to say, in the future There are many meetings between the three, so I decided to say hello to the two in this slightly playful way.

In addition to her own aura, she is also a proper lady in terms of family conditions. She has always been known for her elegance and intelligence, but this time she joked. Mickey seemed to have received the signal and changed her tone.

“Yeah, I originally wanted to exercise and run back, but I took a look at the navigation. It was more than 13 kilometers. I guess we were too tired to finish running, otherwise we would really run back.”

“You two really love sports and life…”

“If you are middle-aged, how can you not exercise, hahaha…”

“Okay, no joke with the two of you, Mr. Taylor, I have been thinking about the script for a long time since I got the script. I think it is necessary for me to participate in this movie that is destined to remain in the film industry. What do you think?”

He opened the skylight and said something bright. This set of boxing methods caught Lu Ze and the other two by surprise, but after a brief stupefaction, there was a burst of ecstasy in their hearts.

“Of course I welcome with my hands Thank you for your decision. I believe this will be a pleasant shooting trip.”

“I think so too. This is not a place to talk about specific things. I think we can make an appointment and find a formal occasion to talk about this issue.”

“Of course no problem, we will return to Liverpool tomorrow, the exact time is up to you.”

“Okay, that’s it, bye.”

She smiled and nodded at the two of them, closed the window, and drove away. Lu Ze just finished smoking the cigarette, Erlang’s legs were raised, and the cigarette **** was wiped out on the heel of her shoe and thrown into the trash can. Mitch suddenly pinched Lu Ze’s shoulder and shook it vigorously.

“Did you hear Lu Ze! Kamiya Shugula is going to be filming under my hand! Did you hear that! Whoop!”

“I heard, but… do we have so much pay for her?”

“I don’t care, anyway, even if it’s a loan shark, I have to let her film under my hands. This is Kamiya Shgurah! The biggest wrist I have ever worked with in my life! Wait, why is she back again?”

The vehicle was not directly backed up. After all, it was quite strict in Europe to catch retrograde and road reversing. It is estimated that the car went around in a circle and finally parked in the position just right.

“Are you sure you don’t need to take a ride, Mr. Lu, what do you think?”

Lu Ze didn’t really want to do this kind of face-slapped thing like a tornado just after talking about energy saving and emission reduction. After all, this would tell the other party that he was really poor.

If this is someone who has nothing to do with him, he will show the bottom. The key is that the person who is asking now may have to join the crew and cooperate with Lu Ze, so Lu Ze intends to refuse.

“It’s okay, Xu Gula Little…”

“Lu Ze, get in the car.”

“No, when did you go up here!”

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