Global Movie Emperor

Chapter 412

Chapter 395 Nothing card

Sitting in the back row, the atmosphere couldn’t be said to be too warm. After all, it was the first time Lu Ze and the second brother met, and Song Guiyuan was the leader of most topics.

Chen Yongbin’s first apprentice died of stomach cancer in April 2017 at the age of 49. This also made Liang Hongrui the oldest apprentice of Chen Yongbin. Standing in a high position, Liang Hongrui, who was in his 50s, was already half-white. His hair is not bloated, on the contrary, he is a little thin and thin, and looks a little older than other men in his early fifties, but one can still vaguely see from his face that he once belonged to him when he was young.

He didn’t talk much and didn’t smoke frequently. The car had been driving for more than an hour, and he had only received the first cigarette from Lu Ze, and both of Lu Ze and the third cigarette had burned out.

He didn’t often participate in the exchanges between Lu Ze and Song Guiyuan, and he said the most about Lu Ze’s filming abroad, which is very good.

It is not that he is not interested in the topic of the two. After all, he is also a professional background. He will naturally pay attention to the differences between domestic and foreign industries. In the final analysis, he and Lu Ze are still very strange, even if there are brothers. The relationship between him and Lu Ze was 21 years old, and there was a big gap.

Therefore, he could only listen quietly, being a nearly transparent driver, but looking from the rearview mirror from time to time, seeing Lu and Song talking and laughing, he couldn’t help but sigh.

The achievements that Lu Ze has made over the years are blatantly displayed here. Even though the international influence is not high now, how can it be more famous than the same period, and even most of the predecessors, whether it is strength or reputation, it is all finished. It is entirely possible to call the handful of top-notch representatives in China.

Nowadays, Lu Ze can also be regarded as a household name. Even an aunt and aunt can hear his name more or less. If this is a domestic drama, the salary is not nearly 100 million. If it doesn’t come down, this is still the price given after the actors’ salaries have been compressed in the past few years. If it returns to about 18 years, it is estimated that 100 million will not be agreed.

But the representative of such a Chinese actor is actually forced to go abroad to make a living. The pressure of capital and official acquiescence have indeed driven many outstanding actors to a dead end. He is dissatisfied, but there is no alternative. The entertainment industry is destined to be A circle, but actors, screenwriters, and even directors are not in this circle.

This is the reason why there is no backstage, that is, the difference between academy and grassroots. Imagine that if Lu Ze had a background in Chinese opera, he would have worshipped a famous teacher long ago. Would Sega dare to exchange him for money?

Therefore, Liang Hongrui is very angry. Even if he is also a beneficiary of the faction, he is still angry. The industry needs a lot of capital to operate. Therefore, the official has relaxed the limit on the operation of capital. But now the power of capital is gradually getting out of control. The official department has been unable to control the overall situation.

The intertwined intersecting interests make everyone afraid to move, because entertainment is a circle. Once this perfect shape is destroyed, the entertainment industry will not face a serious injury, but a complete collapse.

This is not good for anyone. Even actors and directors outside the circle are dead when it collapses. Once back to the TV series, the protagonist will be 5,000 yuan per episode, and the age of the movie protagonist will be 200,000 yuan. The prosperous occasions that often appear in three-to-five billion box office movies can be even more difficult. After all, it is difficult to move from luxury to frugality, and the audience has been supported.

Therefore, he was angry, but also helpless. The more he was in a high position, the more helpless and helpless he was. Even if the time went back to 2020, he would still acquiesce in the matter of Lu Ze and let him choose again.

Fortunately, in this way, Lu Ze can be regarded as a blessing in disguise. Instead of being buried, his career has become internationalized. In addition, due to the substantial losses of Rongchuang Group in recent years, the strength of the theater has also declined. Now Lu Ze If Ze wants to return to China to film, Qian Shijia can’t control it. This is exactly what Liang Hongrui wants to see.

The vehicle got on the highway from Shunyi and arrived in the city in one hour and fifteen minutes, passing by Chen Yongbin’s residence, slowly driving to the crowded area, and finally stopped in an alley.

Lu Ze likes this kind of environment. When he leaves the alley to reach the main road, there is a constant flow of people and traffic, but when he enters the alley, he quiets down. The rows of large courtyards look like high-ranking families. , The stone lion at the door would not be considered the kind of ostentation, the threshold is as high as half a calf, the vermilion door is bright and bright, just two characters, lavish.

I heard the sound of gongs and drums. The sound was not loud. You need to listen carefully to hear it. Lu Ze was looking at the layout of the courtyard, while Liang Hongrui walked to the door of a courtyard and gently buttoned the door knocker twice, one in a coat The middle-aged man opened the door and nodded politely to Liang Hongrui.

“come in.”

He greeted him, and before Lu Ze and Song Guiyuan followed, he entered the door by himself. Lu Ze wanted to go in together, but Song Guiyuan was not in a hurry. He stood at the door and handed Lu Ze a cigarette. And point it to yourself first.

“Then what… You don’t live with me in the past two days, here I am… something is wrong.”

It’s not that Lu Ze was reluctant to pay for the hotel room and kept eating and drinking at Song Guiyuan’s home. It’s just that as soon as Lu Ze arrived in the imperial capital, once Song knew the letter, he had to call Lu Ze to go there and accompany him. He had a good drink, and the two had a strong relationship, Lu Ze didn’t know how to refuse, so he followed Lao Song’s wishes.

This time is no exception. Song Guiyuan made an agreement with Lu Ze long ago. He will still live with his house this time, but I don’t know why. Today, he suddenly changed his mind, saying that Lao Song thought he lived in the past. Trouble, that’s impossible. As an unemployed master who is idle and painful, he is eager for someone to come and play with him, so there must be some reason for this temporary change of mind, but Song Guiyuan doesn’t say it, Lu Ze Just leave it alone.


“Well, there is something wrong with my family. My mother is sick and is living in my house.”

Thinking about it carefully, Song Guiyuan felt that it would be bad not to give an explanation. Even if Lu Ze had a strong relationship with him, it would really hurt feelings. Without a reason for the manager, he was afraid that Lu Ze would fool around.

“is it serious?”

“There is nothing wrong with the body, but the brain can’t remember things. It was good and bad. I was lost in Changchun. I was afraid that something would happen to her, so I took her and my dad over.”

“Okay, what can you say.”

“Hey, what can happen, it’s just my mother’s body, harder than me, it’s okay.”

He spoke plainly, as if he was narrating an ordinary thing, but Lu Ze knew that his heart would never be as relaxed as he showed. He sighed, Lu Ze did not speak, and patted Song Guiyuan on the shoulder. Seeing that the middle-aged man who opened the door was still waiting at the door, he put out the cigarette and entered the yard with Lao Song.

There was no one in the yard, and a piece of bamboo was planted in the middle, surrounded by artificial streams. The waterwheel made of bamboo rolled slowly, and finally flowed into a row of bamboo tubes. As the water flow slowly increased, when the bamboo tube was about to overflow, the bamboo tube tilted. The water poured out, and a muffled sound was made on the bamboo board below.

The ground is covered with blue bricks, it should be some years old, it is not smooth, but pitted, it is easy to get rid of high heels walking here, even Lu Ze has to be careful when wearing leather shoes.

A small yellow dog was tied to the edge of the bamboo forest. When a stranger came, he didn’t bark or even lifted his head. He just moved his eyes up on the ground, stuck his tongue and tapped his nose. He turned his eyes on the food in the bowl again.

“Two please.”

The door opened, and there was a curtain inside. The man opened the curtain and extended his palm toward the door to signal the two to enter. When the curtain was opened, the sound of gongs and drums was even louder. The room was dark and the walls Low-power wall lights with only one skirting height can make people see the road clearly.

The room was large, but there were not many objects on display. Lu Ze saw the stage at first sight. This was the only bright spot in the room. A woman was singing in a robe with a crown. Although she had a little makeup done, I can see the face clearly, and I shouldn’t be too old.

Several tables were placed directly under the table, and only one table was seated. It was Chen Yongbin and Liang Hongrui, and there were also men in their twenties and twenties standing by and waiting.


“Come and sit down.”

Nothing to be polite, the two of them sat down, and the young man served tea. Seeing that Lu Ze hadn’t moved, Chen Yongbin grabbed some nuts and placed them in Lu Ze’s palm, which made Lu Ze move.

Singing on the stage, Chen Yongbin watched it earnestly, so naturally nobody spoke. Lu Ze himself likes opera, and Huangmei opera can also hear it. This song “Praise the Human World” was once included in his playlist. The woman opened her mouth, just like a yellow oriole yelling, the scream was crisp and sweet, and it instantly grabbed Lu Ze’s ear, and for a while, he also fell in love with Chen Yongbin.

On the contrary, Song Guiyuan didn’t have much interest. He just bowed his head and ate nuts. He drank some tea and rinsed his mouth when he smashed his throat. Seeing that Lu Ze looked exactly like his master, he looked at Liang Hongrui and grinned. I didn’t want to listen to the drama at all. Now there is finally one who really wants to listen, but I didn’t expect to be the youngest one.

Listening to five songs, three cups of tea, two or two fruits and two or two, the sound of the string ended, the little servant left and lit the light, but never came back, the light was soft and not dazzling, the woman stood on the stage and did not go down, just bowed. After bowing, smiled at the four people behind his hands.

“Go give the reward.”

Chen Yongbin closed his eyes and didn’t speak. Liang Hongrui touched Lu Ze’s arm with a pair of jadeized official hats, took a stack of money from his wallet and handed it to Lu Ze.

She got up and didn’t give it to her right away. Instead, she took out the three thousand dollars of cash she had just taken out of her wallet, stacked it in the stack given by Liang Hongrui, reached out and handed it over. He sang well. He was happy to hear it, surely. Gotta give it.

“Xie Lu Ye.”

For the first time in this life, being called a master came from the mouth of an actor. This is probably the fastest way to rise to the next generation apart from staying through her life and being a true grandfather. She knows herself, Lu Ze is not surprised, laugh Nodded, she saw her folded her hands, put the money in her palms, and bowed deeply to the four of them. She stepped down and Lu Ze sat back again.

“I know you like it.”

The first two masters and apprentices met during a voluntary performance. At that time, they talked very happily. Naturally, he knew that Lu Ze liked opera. He was also very happy to see Lu Ze so absorbed.

“Yes, I sing so well and my voice is so crisp.”

“This is only in her twenties. It is a good time for her voice. If this girl is not from a bad background and cannot pass the political trial, it is estimated that she will be able to enter the national cultural troupe a few years ago.”

“That’s a shame.”

“Oh, it is said that her master can sing better. That’s the real actor, Xiao Fengdie, when she was singing in Omen, she was really full of seats, but unfortunately, something happened later and there was no chance to listen to her singing again. , Speaking of it here… It was you Lu Hua who ran the rivers and lakes with the little bird.”


“It’s almost 20 years, I can’t remember the real name, but what the nickname seems to be… Fox or something.”

As soon as Chen Yongbin said it, Lu Ze immediately got the impression. Although Lu Ze was young, he had never heard of this person’s notoriety. Twenty years ago, the fox’s reputation in Lu Hua was no less than Lu Ze. , It’s just that one is good and the other is bad.

After listening to the tune, naturally there was no need to stay. Chen Yongbin was put on a coat, and the four of them went out. Chen Yongbin’s driver was already waiting at the door.

When it was time to get in the car, Lu Ze originally intended to get in Liang Hongrui’s car and let him take him for a while, and waited for him to throw it down at the door of a nearby hotel, but just opened the door, Chen Yongbin spoke.

“Daze, where to live tonight?”

“Marriott, just finished booking.”

“Retire, come to the Imperial City to see what Master is like living outside, come over and get in my car.”

“Master, let Daze go to me.”

Liang Hongrui interrupted. Actually, he wanted to chat with Lu Ze and have a romantic night talk. After all, the two of them were a little strange in the car. Now that they are familiar, he also wants to communicate with Lu Ze more. Unfortunately, Chen Yongbin didn’t think so, so he rolled his eyes and didn’t show any face to the second senior in his 50s.

“What? Do you think I didn’t include you outside? Go, get in my car, your sister is still expecting you to come and see her.”

After closing the car door, Lu Ze glanced at Liang Hongrui. He was smiling wryly and shook his head to give up his plan to invite Lu Ze. In fact, the relationship between the master and the apprentice has not changed very well since a few years ago. Although he is still filial, Chen Yongbin Don’t eat his set.

The reason was that Chen Yongbin wanted to find Liang Hongrui to put pressure on Gan Shijia because of Lu Ze’s affairs, but was rejected by Liang Hongrui. The old man felt that he couldn’t get rid of his face, so he kept stiffening with him. What happened to Liang Hongrui back then.

After getting in the car, the driving skills of the driver Chen Yongbin are much better than those of Liang Hongrui. A cup of water is placed on the armrest box without spilling. It is particularly stable. The old man closed his eyes and rested from the moment he got in the car, and stopped opening his eyes. Speaking, after all, I am getting older. Although my body is still very tough, my spirit is indeed not as good as it was before.

“The relationship between China Huaxia and the UK has not been very good in recent years. You have been filming before, so I didn’t tell you. Next time you choose the script, and your words and deeds abroad should be considered. Don’t embarrass the country. But I believe you will not have a problem with this.”

“I understand Master.”

“Well That’s good, you are smart, and the three views are right. I don’t think you can do anything mindless, but, having said that, you have to pay attention to safety when you are abroad. The heart of defense is indispensable, this is for you, feudal superstition is not desirable, just treat it as auspicious, not much money.”

After finishing talking, Chen Yongbin took out an emerald green object from his arms and placed it in Lu Ze’s hand. This was something he bought more than 40 years ago. It is worth two dollars now, but it is not as valuable as it is. The object was given to his wife back then, and there are many stories behind it. This time he asked for it back and gave it to his apprentice, but he didn’t tell Lu Ze.

The object was held in the palm of his hand. Lu Ze took a closer look. It was confirmed that it was emerald, full of green ice, not as scary as glass, but invisible cotton, very transparent in the sun, the water head is really good, Fang Fangzheng There is a brand without any patterns carved on it, and the four circles are inlaid with old silver, giving it a sense of vicissitudes of age.

This brand has a unique name, Lu Ze knew it, so he was very warm in his heart. He didn’t immediately thank him, just held it in his hand and rubbed it lightly with his thumb.

This is called a safe and sound card, literally.


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