Global Movie Emperor

Chapter 417

Chapter 400 《Stuck》 (above)

“Ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to watch the “Taylor Show”, the most exciting, hottest, and most popular TV show in the UK at 8 o’clock every Saturday night!”

The lights of the recording scene were on, the dj gently pushed the vinyl, and the men and women present stood up, applauding and screaming to welcome the host from behind the screen to the front desk, and the host was constantly dancing with the music.

“Have a good time, have a good time! Don’t stop applause, until I step down, I will wash my underwear immediately! Wow! I’m here, I’m here You can stop, I know you are always the best, huh, Thank you for your applause, please sit down.”

In a dark blue suit, Taylor walked around the desk, leaning lazily on the back of the cowhide boss, tilted his legs, and kept turning the pens between his fingers, until he shivered in pretentious posture, then his palms face down to the audience. The applause was suppressed.

“I believe that no one does not know a piece of news published in the Washington Post two weeks ago. This is why everyone is so enthusiastic today, but I still have to revisit the very few “primitives” in front of the TV. Tell me what happened two weeks ago.”

“My friends, **** has come! No, maybe he is better than Jesus. I’m not kidding. He has completed an incredible scientific research that can shock people’s jaw. He unlocked the lock of life and let life be drawn. A circular symbol, ladies and gentlemen! Let us welcome him with the most enthusiastic applause and scream, the God of the 21st century! Mr. Zambia Odéles Gea!”

This is the warmest round of applause since the “Taylor Show” was aired nearly eight years ago. The super-high decibel screams of the ladies even caused some elderly audiences to have tinnitus and heart discomfort, but no one cares whether they behave appropriately, or What effect will it have on your body, really, nobody cares.

The blond man slowly walked to the front desk from the backstage. At the age of more than 30, his ordinary appearance has been blessed to be dazzling and dazzling in the eyes of everyone. The gold-wire glasses made him gentle and gentle. At first glance, he was full of economy and full of connotation. .

“God, I remember Mr. Hea is sixty-three years old!”

“Rejuvenate! The real rejuvenation!”

“He looks only thirty years old! I believe what he said!”

To the audience’s unbelievable exclamation, Mr. Heya did not show any surprises. When he made headlines in major newspapers and media, this shock was destined to be retained by him.

“Sir, do you need my mouth? Still a fart? Or something else? Please let me serve you, please!”

As the most popular variety show of BBC but not suitable for children to watch, Taylor’s hosting method is as vulgar as ever, even if it is not the style of communicating with others in his life.

In spite of his mouthful of foul language and adult stories, everyone can still feel his respect for Heya from his words, the kind in their hearts.

You know, whether the guests who have ever stood on this stage, whether they are handsome, beautiful or superstars, or middle-aged bald, big-bellied politicians, Taylor’s yellow accent has always fired at the guests, and has never poured firepower on himself.

He graciously opened the chair for Heya, and wiped the pure leather seat with a handkerchief that he had never taken out from his chest. Finally, like a waiter desperate to get a tip, he waved his hand for Heya to sit down. .

Heya did not appear to be cramped for the gender-ignoring Huangqiang. Although the show did not have a script, Taylor had already communicated with him the precautions during the show. Obviously, Huangqiang was not within his taboo.

“Guys! This is God! This is God! Welcome him with the warmest applause! Mr. Heya, on behalf of the program team, I sincerely thank you for coming.”

The third cheer in one minute did not make the audience feel uncomfortable. The enthusiasm was enough to overturn the ceiling, and even the fully air-conditioned studio seemed a bit hot.

The two parties were seated and the program officially started. Tyler couldn’t wait to ask. He didn’t even notice, and his excited body began to lean forward.

“Sir, if my information is correct, you are now sixty-three years old and have become a grandfather, but you now look exactly the same as the photo 30 years ago, which is really incredible.”

“Yes, I’m rejuvenated. Just four weeks ago, my physical condition was about 30 years old. If I need it, I can be younger.”

Mr. Heya was very indifferent, took a sip of water, looked at Tyler, and nodded gently.

“How did you do it? It’s… incredible, God.”

“Science, how else can I do it? Since the death of my grandmother, I have been afraid of death. Therefore, I devoted myself to the subject of life. For this purpose, I carried out scientific research for nearly 40 years. In the end, it was costing a lot of money. With the joint efforts of thousands of experts, a major breakthrough was made two years ago, and after two years of clinical trials, it was finally presented to everyone.”

“Can you tell me more specifically?”

“In the beginning, we started with the lighthouse jellyfish and tested the limit number of times it can convert from mature to larva. The result was not ideal. Fortunately, we successfully extracted the relative genes responsible for “immortality” from its DNA. Thousands of experiments on white mice have been successfully matched and kept the mouse’s gene chain stable and unbroken. Unfortunately, during the reincarnation period, the mouse’s organs did not return to the juvenile period, but re-growth. During this period, the mouse remained unchanged. Meeting organ failure led to death, so that the experiment failed.”

“We have tried organ transplants, but the transplanted organs will fail sooner or later. Unless you keep changing organs, it will not solve the problem fundamentally. So we looked at the tenacious creatures such as earthworms, centipedes and water bears. Some genes and special base components have been extracted from his body, which have been replaced with the lighthouse jellyfish gene, maintaining the symmetry and balance of the gene chain.”

“At the same time, we found that the special bases derived from the water bear also reacted with guanine and thymine in the white mice, and two new bases were derived, which we call “water bear thymine” and ” Water bear guanine”.”

“These two bases in turn affect deoxyribose and ribose through covalent bonds, which have a great impact on nucleotides, and even change the order of DNA and RNA, but everything is a good result. This greatly enhances the activity of cells, increases the number of cell divisions, prolongs lifespan, and makes the gene chain very stable, not easy to break, and greatly improves disease resistance, avoiding terminal illness to a considerable extent, and water Bear thymine still has certain characteristics of thymine. It has a five-digit methyl group more than uracil, which maintains the accuracy of heredity. Therefore, the next generation of humans who change their genes will have a good inheritance of the gene chain.”

On the stage, Mr. Heya was talking freely, but did not touch on too many important details. He just repeated the experimental process published in the newspaper to the audience again. On the other hand, the audience still behaved very confused.

For genetics, most ordinary people are not interested in it. What these audiences want to listen to is not the experimental process that will put them into deep sleep. In this regard, Heya did not feel the slightest surprise.

“Wow…In other words, the laws of life you have broken have brought human beings to the realm of immortality?”

“No, there is a limit to life after all. Even though we do not have an accurate statistics on the number of conversions of lighthouse jellyfish, I believe that no animal can escape death. We just extend life as much as possible to humans. No regrets about death, this is enough, you know, if you really live too long, it’s not a good thing.”

“So, according to your prediction, Mr. Heya, how long can human beings live with the current level of technology?”

“About one hundred and fifty to two hundred years, and most of the diseases can be treated with the technology that you have. In the future, the technology will mature and life can continue to be extended.”

The rest of the time, I used the way you asked me to answer the film. Taylor asked all the questions the audience wanted to answer, such as whether there are side effects and how likely it is to cause a medical accident. Mr. Heya also did this one by one. There was an answer, until the end of the filming, Taylor gave all the remaining two minutes to Heya, asking him to announce a decision that was crucial to the progress of human history.

Heya got up and walked to the front of the stage, facing countless gazes, slowly speaking.

“I know how precious life is. In more than ten years after my grandmother passed away, all my elders have left me one by one. I often dream of them. When I wake up, the room is silent. Painful separation, but in the end we will all taste this regret in silence. I don’t want to do this anymore. I don’t want to lose other relatives and close friends who are vital in my life. I believe you are the same.”

“So, I decided to…sell all the experimental programs and technologies to all countries that are interested in this research at a very low price. I will not lose money to do business, and I will not profit from it. I only hope that one A hundred years later, I can still see everyone here, in the laughter, under the blue clear sky, and when the white doves are flying, take off their top hats and greet each other.”

“Everyone, let us be old friends!”

“God! Mr. Heya! Dear Mr. Heya!!!”

This was the audience riot, but it was caused by excitement. People left their seats, left the audience, crowded in front of the stage, squeezed to the front as much as possible, raised their hands high, just to get as close to “God” as possible, even if only I can gratefully tidy up his trousers, or kiss his leather shoes…

“I really saw a person’s back full of brilliance, even stinging my eyes, I shed tears, but at this moment I am happy.”

Taylor wanted to add this sentence to his autobiography, but it was not a lie to add to the legendary color of Heya. He really shed tears, and it was tears of real happiness.

The camera freezes on Heya’s smile, and everyone below him worships him. Perhaps in the future, an artist will create a famous painting for him, but now, it is only included in a small memory card.

After that, Heya fulfilled his promise, sold the results to various countries, and signed a plan to transform the genetic material into civilians, so that the ordinary people can also enjoy the treatment of longevity, and the lives of all people have been greatly improved. Extension.

But Heya didn’t expect that his kind deeds would not be good and worthwhile on earth.

It’s the beginning of purgatory on earth…

“My name is Wang Ziqing, but no one calls me by this name. Everyone is used to calling me Parker. I was born 13 years after the popularization of genetic enhancement. I am a second-generation genetically modified person. My parents are British Chinese and an ordinary family. There is nothing to say. , If I really want to say something special, I can only mention it. I am a premature baby. Sometimes I look at the photos of me when I was born, and I looked at the mirror when I was only two catties and seven taels in the photo. This man who is the same as an ordinary adult male in China will always have some absurd ideas.”

“The modified gene is so powerful that it is a ghost. If it were born that year, it would have died.”

(Parker’s narration.)

“Mr. Parker, the results of your examination have come out. Congratulations on your recovery and you can go through the discharge procedures.”

“Ok, trouble.”

The nurse in a white robe is quite sturdy, and her face is a bit fierce because of her face full of flesh, but her attitude towards the patient is unexpectedly kind and enthusiastic. She smiled and nodded to Parker, then handed the case in her hand to Parker. , And asked whether other patients in the same ward were unwell. After getting a negative answer, he pushed the medical car away.

After accepting the congratulations from the patient in the same room, he got up, and under the watchful eyes of other patients, he quietly packed up his luggage, and finally cut off the hospital wristband on his hand, gently opened the door, and walked out of the ward.

After the longevity of human beings has increased, the hospital is no longer overcrowded, and all the way to the hall, it is quiet. The leather shoes on the floor tiles have echoes. The nurses who handled the procedures heard the footsteps and had been waiting for a long time, see Man walked up to the front, showing a warm and full smile, and took a series of proofs from Parker with both hands.

“Sir, bank card or credit card?”

“credit card.”

The nurse who got the answer smiled brighter, quickly went through the formalities for Parker, and calculated the cost of Parker’s seven days in hospital, and finally put the bill on the table and asked Parker to sign.

“Sir, please have a look. The cost of hospital beds, surgery, and physical examinations will be fully reimbursed by the insurance. This cost will be matched by the hospital and your insurance company, and the reimbursement of 70% of the drug costs, you also need to pay Two hundred and four hundred thousand pounds plus 12% interest, you have chosen a ten-year installment loan, so you need to repay £2,240 to the designated account every month. If you have no comments, please sign.”

After calculating and confirming that the amount was correct, Parker struggled for a while, and finally signed, collected the bill, and left the hospital with the nurse’s farewell.

This is a bizarre world…

Leaving the hospital, it was like falling into a pan. From silence to noisy, it seemed that it took less than a second before Parker reacted with the outside world. He was blown up and splattered with the smell of oil. He is destined to walk into the crowd, because he is part of the noise.

Numerous pedestrians hurriedly passed by in front of him, even children, walking and reading while holding books, even if the stranger bumped, both sides bowed their heads and ran towards their destination without saying a word.

Looking up, the tall buildings block the sky, and there is no clear blue in the sky. The neon lights are always on and will illuminate the shadows covered by the tall buildings. It seems to say that the sun is not one, it can be many.

The vehicle waited at the red light. When it turned green, it heard the whistle of the vehicle behind it. After a second, there was a chain reaction, like a long dragon roaring and wandering on the road in a hurry.

This is very strange. It is clear that the end of life has been extended a lot, but everyone has no time to stop. Instead, they become more urgent, as if being pushed by something.

Parker stood in the crowd for a while, and finally opened his legs and took the first step, and then the second step, faster and faster, gradually followed the crowd and disappeared into the vast crowd.

“Mr. Heya gave us life, but politicians are squeezing our flesh and blood.”

“Life is not a symbol. We live not to serve as a fuel for social development.”

“We are not tools, we are people.”

A large group of people gathered on the roadside, like a weak beast against the billowing torrent, struggling desperately, under the gaze of everyone, shouting out the dream they expected and would never realize.

Even if the number is large, they are very fragile. Pedestrians are still walking in a hurry, ignoring their existence. Only the patrolling police, sitting on the motorcycle, grinning dismissively.

They are marching, demonstrating, and protesting against the newly formulated 155-year-old retirement plan, but everyone knows that at 8 o’clock tomorrow morning, all of them will appear at their desks or desks. In the past, I tried hard to work and study for the sake of eating and drinking Lhasa or not to trouble my parents.

If their resistance to stress can really be heard by some people, then the retirement age will not increase from sixty-five to ninety.

What they are looking forward to is just the unrealistic dream of nurturing life early. Dreaming is allowed, so the parade is also allowed.

“We are destined to become fuel, like a match, driven by the phosphorous fire, and fully burned until the fuel is exhausted and turned into ashes. This is our destiny, a destiny that everyone can never escape.”

“In the face of fate, we can only accept and work hard to make the city more magnificent, science and technology more developed, and the economy more prosperous. This is the obligation of all citizens living in this city. Will be refuted by everyone.”

“What we care about is not how much we contribute to this city, how much we give, and how much we can get in return, but hope that some people can ask us.”

“Will it be fuel.”

(Parker’s narration.)

“Mr. Heya gave us life, but politicians are squeezing our flesh and blood.”

“Life is not a symbol. We live not to serve as a fuel for social development.”

“We are not tools, we are people!”

They were marching, demonstrating, and protesting against the newly formulated 120-year-old retirement plan. Parker was also among them, holding up the board, his face flushed, roaring hoarse, facing the street pedestrians who turned a blind eye to maintain order. The blatant ridicule, the more angry, the outrageous anger.

Until a water gun extinguished his anger, he poured him from head to toe, bone cold, ears full of exclamation and pain, and the crowd collapsed backwards.

He only discovered that the pain of the rubber roller hitting his body would be so unforgettable. When he pumped, he screamed, screamed, and ran back. Even the newspaper he had made overnight was thrown on the ground, covered with muddy water. Footprints.

Until his nose was blue and his face was swollen, he returned to the door wet and looked at the dim light on the door. He hesitated, turning around the door until the door was pushed open.

“Ziqing, why are you standing at the door? Why haven’t you come in yet?”

“Good mom.”

In response, the originally frightened emotions slowly dissipated. Perhaps a mother’s ordinary greeting is the best medicine to soothe inner restlessness.

He entered the house. If the door was dim just now so that his mother did not notice the wound on his face, then his miserable appearance should be fully revealed to his parents in the home that is as bright as daylight.

But the reaction of the parents was very ordinary, and even the words were not as usual. Now it is 8 o’clock in the evening. The parents have already had dinner. A bowl of **** soup on the table still has a faint white steam. The broccoli next to the steak is still the same. As emerald green and chewy.

When he finished eating and eating Hesai, his mother cleaned up the dishes and went back to the room to rest with his father, leaving him alone. She secretly picked up the conspicuous iodine, took off his shirt, and grinned evenly on the wound. , And then went back to bed, spent a night that would wake up after turning over.

Sometimes, the scar is not the medal of the winner, nor the proof left after the defeat. It just appears ordinary, very ordinary in people’s eyes, then ordinary healing, and finally ordinary disappearing.

In the eyes of the teacher and most of the classmates, I don’t see any surprises, nor do I have any insights or thoughts about it. It’s only in such a small group of people, even among such a small group of people with the same scars. There was a ripple and a little splash of water.

“They were so cruel. They beat me so hard that they even had difficulty breathing. For a moment, I even thought that it would be best to faint me.”

“Who would say no? At that time, I felt that my ribs were broken several times, and now my breathing hurts.”

“Then you won’t go next time?”

“Of course…Go!”

In the spare time, this small group of little **** who don’t know the height of the sky are still gearing up, waiting for the next rise, looking forward to what they can change, but never thought about what the consequences would be if they were caught.

“I was really beaten and disfigured, look at the wound on my eye socket.”

During the jerk, the only girl looked in the mirror and saw that her eyes were blue and blue. She sadly buckled the mirror on the table and pressed her chin with her hands. She was excited to listen to the gang of jerks’ next plan. Don’t remember the temper.

“I have some safflower oil here, Lisa, do you need it?”

“Oh my god, Parker, you are really interesting. I thought you would never bring it again. There is nowhere to buy this thing.”

“Then you take it, I still have it at home, this bottle belongs to you.”

Parker’s words were a little flattering. Under the teasing of other little bastards, Lisa did not refuse his kindness, but accepted it openly.

No one in the school didn’t know that they were interesting, but they hadn’t reached the point of being in love, and they would go farther to go to bed or something. However, everyone always thought that they would soon be home base.

This is a kind of joy that will no longer be possessed as an adult, and will no longer be elated from the heart because of whom one can help. It is worth cherishing and savoring. Parker is experiencing and experiencing, but In the end, it will be lost.

The biggest difference between the likes of adults and children is that children like a certain point of the object, and adults always consider all of the object before deciding whether to like it.

Children’s likes will be shifted due to the gradual expansion of their cognition of the other party, and even be polished. This is not stable, and adults’ likes will learn to be tolerant because of their understanding in advance.

But the thing like love, or love, can always be broken with a little bit, and the face can only cover the surface of love, and then fully penetrate, but the little bit can directly penetrate the heart and reach the soul of a person.

I am the one who was stabbed.

(Parker’s narration.)

The parade is always accompanied by violence and conflict. The water cannon on standby is finally fired. This familiar exclamation and scream came into his ears again. Parker extinguished the cigarette in his hand and threw it into the trash can, avoiding the splash of water. Step forward and walk towards the direction of home.

“Sir, do you need a worker? I need a job, I can clean the sewer pipes, bricklayers, carpenters, I can do all the sir.”

“Sir, do you need to take care of the car? Even repair the car. No matter what the problem is with the car, I can help you repair it. My price is very cheap sir.”

“Sir, do you need me to paint for you? I paint very well, and the price is very cheap. I can frame it for you, and put it in a beautiful sir at home.”

Many people gathered around, praying for a job to ensure that they have enough food and clothing today. This is a gathering place for unemployed people near his home. They will keep coming and going. People ask whether they need cheap labor and are willing to do any job. Regardless of whether he holds a qualification certificate in this area, it is not illegal, and he does not care whether the person being asked is annoying.

“No, I don’t need it.”

After getting a negative answer, they stopped entanglement, and even looked disappointed. They returned to the side of the road as if they were all right, waiting for the next person to pass by to meet their harassment.

Parker really didn’t have a job to hand them over, and even if he did, he wouldn’t look for these people because they were cheap. Once he took these people home, he would risk waking up early tomorrow morning to find that the house was vacated. The risk of losing.

They always stand at the intersection, like a lady waiting for the business to come, carrying 1.5 pounds and 1.5 liters of big cola, or cheap hot dogs, one stop for a day, earn some money, and go after eating. Buy lottery, spend your savings on lottery tickets and scratch-offs, hoping that one day you can turn into a local tyrant.

Occasionally a newcomer will occupy their place, and some physical conflicts will occur. You must know that these people who eat junk food and drink carbonated beverages all the time have amazing tonnage. Fighting is like a bear fight, looking clumsy, in fact Fierce, Parker didn’t want to get into trouble, so he left the hospital for less than half an hour and went back to lie down again.

A melodious saxophone tune was blown into Parker’s ears by the wind, allowing him to bypass the old performers and avoid stepping on the musical instrument box he collected and the low-quality CDs he recorded.

Interestingly speaking, on the other side of the street, a group of people were beaten up for resisting the delay in their retirement age. On this side of the street, a group of people wished they could work until they were 200 to maintain food and clothing.

At a distance of only one kilometer, two completely different thoughts have emerged. Capital divides people into three, six or nine classes. People living at the bottom seem to have degenerated into beasts, wandering in every corner of the street, or Begging, or exerting physical strength, just for a bite, and a bed for him to sleep soundly.

The purpose of these people’s existence seems to be just to alert others, make others fear the bottom life, strive to sublimate themselves, and be willing to be used as fuel, which is better than being an animal.


This is the closest bridge to his house, right near his residence. The bottom is not the surface of the water, but one after another train loaded with cargo.

This is the residence of the common people. As the ratio of the number of deaths to the number of births has landslided, there is no room for single houses around the city. Instead, the buildings fall down and can throw people into mud. High-level.

He stood on the bridge in a daze, reached out and grabbed the dandelion floating in the air. It seemed that his movements were too great, and the fluffy fluttering instantly avoided his palm, so he listened carefully. It was so familiar that he could no longer be familiar. , Even occasionally when sleeping, the train roared by it.

The phone vibrated twice, and he picked it up and took a look. The insurance company was very fast and had already transferred the hospitalization and surgery fees he had paid in advance to his bank card, but the hospital was a step faster, after receiving the account. In one second, more than two thousand reimbursements were taken away.

The train came in his direction, and he could feel the vibration of the handrail beside the bridge. This might come from the roar of the train, or perhaps it came from the deepest cry in his heart.

He stepped up his right leg, stepped over the handrail by the bridge, just sat on the handrail, with his feet hanging in the air, and then touched the ground with his left foot and touched the ground with his right foot, closing his eyes until the train passed by, he would walk The right foot that went out retracted and returned to the side of survival.

It’s time to go home…

“Speaking of which, I used to have a vague concept of home, and I have never been sure whether home refers to people or the attic in the steel forest.”

“If it’s my family, I can’t bear staying in a place that doesn’t belong to me for too long. I don’t like to wander around and live in no fixed place. I want to meet life in a fixed place.”

“But if it refers to the house, then I, without my family, can’t possibly resist the pressure of various loans, taxes, insurance bills, and living expenses, even though these things have followed me since I was young.”

“Later I thought of my mother’s words, maybe home, not just referring to something, but an integrated body. I need a place to live and my relatives to stand for life.”

“Settling down and standing up for my life may be the most important idiom in my life for me. Even if I am incapable and have no time to go to that country, it does not delay my yearning for it in the slightest.”

“All in all, I don’t want to lose my home or residence. This is the reason why I am willing to act as fuel.”

The nineteenth floor is a three-family one-staircase building. The corridor is full of daily necessities, but it does not delay the escape in case of a fire. This is the cleverness of the elderly living in the small apartment in the middle, even though the Parker family He Dumen complained about this, but it was difficult for an old lady who was over 180 years old and still working hard to live for her children.

He took out the key and opened the door. Suddenly, he smelled the smell of food. The wife was busy in the kitchen. Hearing the sound of the door, she turned her head and saw Parker come back and smiled.

Lisa eventually became Parker’s wife, and did not live up to the expectations of those **** in high school, one point, and finally pierced to the deepest point, to the end.

The two got married and gave birth to a boy. Although the love has basically faded away, the fetters have also arisen from this. This kind of affection called family affection is stronger and more secure than love.

“Cooking so early?”

Now Jason is in high school. The school is far away from home. It takes about an hour to take the subway back and forth. Moreover, as a high school student, his spare time must be increased as it should be. According to his usual law of going home, he at least It won’t be home until around seven in the evening.

“Mr. Nelson’s house is going to have a party. I just notified me that there is nothing in the house as a gift. The time is a bit tight and I can only take it to order.”

The Nelson and his wife live in the opposite door. They have been neighbors with the Parker family for more than 20 years, but the old couple are much older than Parker and Lisa, who are already over 160 years old.

Without waiting for Parker to speak, Lisa asked Parker a question instead.

“How is your body?”

“no problem.”

Freshly baked biscuits were also placed on the stove, which was still warm to the touch. He picked up one and put it in his mouth, chewing it, feeling the rich flavor of condensed milk in the biscuits.

“How much do we need?”

Parker’s mouth suddenly stopped, he grabbed a kitchen paper towel and gently picked up the crumbs of biscuits on his chest until it was cleaned up and threw the paper towel into the trash can. Then he continued to chew until he swallowed it thoroughly before taking it out of his wallet. The medical bill was given to Lisa who was still looking at the frying pan.

“It… it doesn’t matter. We save a little bit during this period, but Jason wants to change to a new S5. Please persuade him to bear with it.”

The high cost of drugs and the monthly loan repayment did make Lisa feel that the pressure on her body was a little heavier, but at this time, she could not show any distress After all, she is also seriously ill. It was not what Parker herself hoped. If she complained to her husband again, it would only increase the trouble.


“You shouldn’t say that, listen to Parker, I love you.”

“Thank you, baby, by the way, why did Mr. Nelson suddenly think of having a party? His circle of friends is obviously not wide.”

The two kissed, and Parker continued to stretch the magic scratch to the biscuit, he was really hungry.

Lisa turned the beef in the pot, then turned around and answered Parker’s question in a low voice.

“Mr. Nelson… is going to die.”

His hands stopped again, and Parker carefully recalled Nelson’s age and economic situation, took a glass of water, rinsed away the residue from his mouth, and looked out the window with a little bit of envy in his eyes.

“Departed… That’s great.”


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