Global Movie Emperor

Chapter 419

Chapter 402 “Being Born” to be continued


I lost my strength in my hand, the chopsticks fell, knocking on the side of the bowl, making a crisp sound, and spinning in the air, and finally fell to the ground, stained with dust invisible to the naked eye.

“how come……”

My parents used to be DINKists and never thought of having children, at least until their lives were extended. But as they grow older, witnessing the crystallization of love from friends being born in the world, this persistence is still shaken. Finally, after their lives continued, they decided to be parents once.

So Parker’s parents are much older than the parents of his peers. When the parents of other peers are in their prime of life, they are already facing retirement.

Mousheng is a very distant term for Parker. There are not many mourning houses nowadays. Only a few cities have been built to provide people who have lost hope in life and want to die.

He never thought that his parents who had just retired would face all this. Obviously, the leisurely old life was about to begin, and the endowment insurance was about to start. Obviously there were still many things that he had not done yet, especially when he was just 17 years old. Why are they willing to leave like this? How can I be willing to let them leave?

“Parker, we will not leave like this. At present, the number of departed homes is not large. The city’s departed homes have just started construction. The number of people who can sign up has already exceeded 10,000. According to the appointment, we can at least accompany you to grown-ups. After graduating from school, finding a suitable job, and knowing a girl you care about, we will stay with you until that moment. We will not choose to leave until life is stable.”

The mother did not lie. The number of people who choose to die is increasing rapidly. Too many people are disappointed in this world. No matter what the reason is, they just don’t want to live anymore. They don’t have any motivation to maintain their breathing, so they The right to death is given priority to those desperate.

But this is not the result Parker wanted.

“I’m full, so I’ll go upstairs first.”

He can’t hear anything, and he doesn’t have the power to support him in listening to his parents’ reasons for passing away, even if they have enough reasons to do so.

Just as timidly in the square, he ran away again, ran upstairs, locked the door, buried himself in the quilt, as if to drown himself before daring to cry hoarse.

“This is so bad… I can’t help it, I really tried my best, he is so young, I really don’t know how he will live in the future…”

Parker thinks he can cover up very well, but crying in the bed is not the best way to soundproof. In the wooden structure room, all his emotions can be transmitted into the ears of his parents.

These series of things made the mother sad and could hardly hold back the tears, so that the father didn’t know how to comfort him, or that he wanted to join the crying ranks.

The camera didn’t show the parents’ faces anymore, but shifted to the right on the small bar in front of the kitchen. There was a stack of newspapers on the bar, which was spread out to prove that it had been read by others. The headline in it was for parents. The real reason for the decision.

“According to relevant laws, the state has introduced a new old-age retirement policy to increase the economic consumption tax for retirees between the ages of 60 and 120 who have now retired but enjoy the 120-year retirement pension policy. The insurance amount has been raised by 30%, and the cost of survivorship will also be raised.”

This is why they choose to die. To die, they need a large deposit, and the price is not fixed. They have to continue to increase. If they do not pay the fee to make an appointment now, they may not be able to go anymore when they really want to leave. Leave more possessions for Parker.


“Parker, have dinner.”

Early in the morning, my mother had already cooked breakfast, and the room was filled with the fragrance of food, but Parker did not respond to her mother’s cry. Maybe she was worried about Parker doing something stupid. She worried, went upstairs and pushed Parker away. room.

The room was empty, and there was no place to hide. Although the bed was messy, but I could not feel the human body temperature. The mother could only sigh, spread the bedding, and when she turned to leave, she did not forget to close his door. .


Parker came out of the house very early, because he didn’t know how to face his parents, even if he knew the countdown of their lives.

He didn’t want to be like this, he also wanted to cherish this period of time that he had already determined how long he could get along with, but maybe it was a fire in his heart. This thought was pressed into his heart, and he didn’t know how long and how long he would release it.

“The people below are avoiding!!”

A shout came to his ears, Parker followed the conditions and immediately raised his head and looked to the top floor of the high-rise building. He immediately saw a person standing on the edge of the top of the building over the fence, and jumped down without hesitation. Accompanied by the sore bones cracking sound, he fell in front of Parker.

The whole person is flat, like a beef burger fried on an iron plate, smooth without a trace of ups and downs. At this moment, Parker was blind, until another person fell from the position where the man just jumped off. With a sound, the two overlapped and became a Big Mac double burger.

The blood was squeezed and squeezed out of the meatloaf, splashing Parker all over his body. The rich smell of blood stimulated Parker’s wakefulness and temporarily lost control of the bladder. It flowed along the trousers, mixed with the blood on the ground, and flowed towards the nearest manhole cover.

“My child, are you okay? God…”

“Are you okay, kid? Get out of here first! Maybe someone will jump down, shit, I don’t know how many people have jumped down from here these days, it’s a hell.”

The passerby was kind and forced Parker to leave. After more than ten minutes, he was constantly questioned, but his voice seemed to be locked, and he left without a word.

The police arrived, and the fire brigade arrived. Parker sat beside the flower bed without saying a word. He watched the firefighters shovel the man and woman into the coffin.

“My child, where do you live? I’ll take you back, take a good bath, and assume that nothing has happened.”

With regard to the word home, Parker now has a psychological resistance. This psychological resistance finally broke the door lock with words and spoke the first words to the police.

“I will not go home.”


Twenty minutes later, he appeared at the school gate. He was taken to the principal’s office by the police, covered in blood, and was taken to the school public bathroom by the principal. He was finally sent to the school psychologist’s hands. on.

It is difficult for most psychologists to change a person’s thoughts only by talking therapy, but it is not difficult to simply counsel them, although Parker is destined to be traumatized because the two died in front of him. But for now, he has got rid of the fear of blood and corpses, and will not be full of random thoughts. As for whether he will have nightmares at night, that is what happened after leaving school.

The principal contacted Parker’s parents. They would rush to the school in 40 minutes to an hour and a half and take Parker home for recuperation. He was placed in the school church and under the protection of Jesus, waiting for the arrival of his parents.

“Child, pray to the Father in heaven, he will bless you out of the shadows and enjoy your sleep every night.”

The priest had finished his daily prayers, confessed to **** for the sins he committed yesterday, and prayed for him to protect himself today. After Parker entered the church, he comforted him, and then turned around and faced those who suffered on the cross. The father confessed the facts and prayed for this innocent poor child.

Finally, he touched Parker’s head, he turned and left, leaving Parker alone, staring at the roof with blind eyes, watching the angels flying in the colorful glass, at this moment, he seemed to see the kingdom of God.

“Parker, Parker? Are you okay? I heard that something happened to you, right?”

The door of the room that the priest had left behind was pushed open. Lisa poked her head out and saw that there was no one in the church before stepping in, looking at Parker in a daze, her eyes full of worry.

“I’m pretty good……”

“It’s okay, thank goodness… Your parents will pick you up soon, right?”


“That’s good, take a good rest at home, we are all waiting for you to refresh yourself, there will be a parade in a few days, everyone is gearing up for the exhibition…”

“Sorry Lisa, I will not participate in this kind of activity in the future.”


“I won’t participate in parades anymore, it makes no sense.”

At this moment, Lisa really suspected that Parker was frightened stupid, which is not surprising, two living people just smashed down like this, and he broke his whole body, no one would be better off.

But to think about it in another way, this is a fortunate aftermath. At least he was not affected. He died before he was a teenager. This is a blessing in misfortune. But why, I see it in his eyes. Less than a trace of brilliance? It was like, he had been taken away by the way by those two people.


“Because it doesn’t make sense, it’s nothing at all.”

“But we are doing the right thing, are you so willing to be a screw?”

“When your parents retire, you will understand that we are destined to be ants crushed by the wheels of history, prisoners pulled by the carriages of the times, and the direction is always in the hands of the people holding the reins. What we do is nothing more than a praying man’s arm. .”


The phone vibrated twice, and Parker took it out and took a look. It was a text message from his mother.

“My father and I are waiting for you at the door, we pack our things, and we will take you home.”

I have all the things I need when I go home and rest. They are all in the schoolbag. He only took some teaching materials. As for the superhero comics that can save the world, he has thrown them into the trash can.

He got up and wanted to leave until Lisa called his name again. When he recovered, a pair of slender arms wrapped around his neck, and then the soft body got into his arms and gave him a belt. A sweet kiss with the smell of orange.

“Everyone thinks we are a couple, even I think so, you are weird today, so I hope I can heal you, Parker, I hope you can regain your energy, even if you don’t go to the parade, I just I hope you can “survive”, listening to Parker, I like you, so after going home to rest, I will come back full of energy.”

This is the first kiss in his life from an admired object. It finally touched his mind, but it didn’t make him sober. Instead, he became more flustered.

“Okay… I think, maybe… I will, well, I will.”

“Well, I will send you away.”

Pushing Parker forward, Lisa turned her head and folded her fists, hoping that her faith could forgive her for making such frivolous actions in such a solemn place. After praying, she caught up. Parker’s footsteps unabashedly drove him to the school gate, greeted Parker’s parents, and watched him get in the car and leave.

“She is very beautiful and cute. Maybe you can invite her to our house and try the cookies I made.”

The mother seemed to be very happy. Sitting in the passenger seat, she kept looking at Parker’s expression in the mirror. Parker was not surprised by the supportive and inclusive attitude of his parents. For boys and girls at this age, stealing forbidden fruits has become commonplace and they are in love. What? You don’t enjoy it at this age. After passing this village, there is really no such shop.

“Well, let’s talk about it…”

To Parker’s ambiguous answer, the parents just smiled at each other and didn’t bother Parker’s thoughts again. They let him lean on the car glass so gently and stare at his class until he could no longer see him.


“It wasn’t until a long time later that I realized the real meaning behind my parents’ smiles. It was not the joyful and ambiguous smile after learning that my son was in love, but rather a sense of relief from the heart.”

“It’s also not right. The time to really feel relieved has not yet come. They still need to get along, and then they can make a conclusion about Lisa after getting acquainted, and consider whether she is suitable for me.”

“Before marrying a daughter, we must not only think carefully about whether the kid is worthy of their trust. The same is true for the son to marry a wife. We must also consider whether the girl is worthy of their trust and whether they will harm their son again. The result is trust, and now, they are just happy to have a choice.”

“They are dying. Everyone knows this. That’s why they are looking for someone so eagerly that she will become a strong rope and bind my desire for suicide, fearing that I will choose to die when I have nothing, or a lifetime. Lonely and alone.”

“They want me to live, I know that.”

“After all, even though life is bitter, there is still happiness.”


“Shhh, be quiet, Jason is asleep.”

Turning on the wall lamp at the door, Lisa found Jason lying on the sofa, already asleep, turned her head to Parker and put her fingers on the corner of her mouth, then gently took off her high heels, only when she found the bruise on the corner of Jason’s mouth Later, she frowned slightly, smiled relievedly, and said to Parker.

“He really looks like you.”

“It doesn’t seem to be like you. Make him a bowl of **** soup. You also know how cold the water gun is.”

Lisa was busy in the kitchen, while he was busy, sitting at the table, lighting a cigarette, suddenly having a meal, shaking his head and smiling, this scene is very similar to him who sneaked home after participating in the parade.

Lisa saved Jason a portion of the steak he made before attending Nelson’s party. It can be eaten after reheating, but the broccoli on it is no longer green and the taste is not very good. So, after all, he still Can’t go back once.

Perhaps it was the sound of pots and pans. Jason woke up and hurriedly got up from the sofa. He saw Parker sitting at the table, unconsciously covering the wound on his face, but found that his parents hadn’t taken care of the wound. To express something, he finally put down his palm, but sat at the dining table a little nervously.

“Let’s eat.”

“Oh, good… Dad, Grandpa Nelson…”

“He died, but he died well and he got his wish. Tomorrow he will be buried. We will attend his funeral together. Eat first, take a shower and go to bed early.”

This is the answer that Jason expected, and he has already acquiesced to the fact that he left, but his emotions are lowered again, and there is a feeling of inexplicability in his heart.

“He is a good man, he took me to play for a long time, and he also helped me with my homework.”

“We all know he is a good person.”

“So I would rather hope that he would die in bed in the company of his relatives, and quietly close his eyes instead of passively seeking death because he had to die…”

“Jason, no one will die in bed, stop talking, let’s eat.”

A meal was tasteless, and even the spicy **** soup entrance didn’t feel choking. Jason put down his rice bowl, took a numb bath, and entered the room early and turned off the light.

Lisa washed the dishes and started to wash, leaving Parker alone in the living room watching TV quietly, until Lisa leaned against the wall in her bathrobe and threw a square plastic wrap at him.

“Let me see if you really get back to health?”

“Well…wait for me to finish watching this TV show?”

“OK, don’t forget to take a shower, I will wait for you in bed.”

didn’t forget to fly a wink, she walked to the master bedroom, and when she closed the door, she deliberately pulled off the bathrobe and exposed half of her white shoulders before closing the door.

Come on, the talk show didn’t taste anymore, less than fifteen minutes after watching, Parker put the plastic bag into his pocket and walked to the bathroom, but just opened the bathroom door, Jason poked his head out.

“Why are you not sleeping?”

The old husband and wife for so many years, although it is not a routine, but it is not enough to burn the body, glanced at his son, calmly did not see a hint.

“I just thought that Grandpa Nelson couldn’t sleep, Dad, is life really that hard as an adult?”

“It’s harder than you think.”


“Perhaps you should drink two glasses of wine quietly to ensure sleep after an hour. Don’t drink too much. Remember to clean the glass and rest early.”

He hasn’t reached the age of drinking, but nowadays there are too many children smoking and drinking secretly, and even Fei Yezi has too many children. The original law prohibiting underage drinking is now useless, and there is no deterrent.

Parker is fortunate that his child is very well-behaved, and he is not as excessive as other children. It doesn’t hurt to drink a little occasionally, it’s just to get in touch early, and you will always learn in future.

He was just worried that Jason would throw up on the ground after drinking too much and forget to clean up, causing him to linger with Lisa tonight, and he will be scolded by ears tomorrow.

“I know.”

“I will get up on time tomorrow morning. Remember to wash your face well.”

This is his last piece of advice to Jason tonight. Finally, he retracted his head and returned to the bed, wondering whether the wine tasted sweet or not, and Parker closed the bathroom door.


“Jason is very much like me and his mother. At this stage, he is full of the sense of justice that this age group should have, but maybe the times are different, or maybe we have inadvertently affected him after working for many years. As a result, his temper is not as strong as we thought, or even more vulnerable.”

“We are not opposed to him going to the parade, just like our parents would not prevent us from participating in that kind of activity, because we know that it is safe. Apart from suffering some skin and flesh, everyone can still return safely on the day. Family.”

“Unless you attacked the police maintaining order, or destroyed the facility, and failed to escape, otherwise the police will not arrest you, they will not be able to catch you, and they will not affect their future prospects because they participated in the parade. .”

“So the parade is more like a way to vent, rather than a means of justice, to prevent these rebellious and energetic teenagers from carrying out illegal and criminal activities elsewhere.”

“I know that Jason will not attack the police or destroy public facilities, so like the parents of other children, he will let him go. In this way, the harmony of the family will indeed improve. When they return home, they will Becoming the kind of good-looking children that parents want will not make us busy with work headaches.”

“It’s just the kind of self-denial and fragility that may be inherited from my self. It is the hidden danger that I must always be vigilant.”


Nearly a month after returning home to recuperate, Parker would have nightmares every night, sometimes dreaming of someone falling from a high altitude, sometimes the person who fell from a high altitude replaced him.

Whenever those people were lying on the ground, or a leg fell off the bed, he would always be awakened, but he would not use this fear to communicate with his parents. Yes, there is still a gap between them. .

A lot of things have happened this month. First of all, the school conducted the final exams and the summer vacation. Parker also took the exams. The results were very good. The ranking went from the bottom to the middle. This also made parents happy for a long time. .

Secondly, he moved and moved away from the place where he had lived since childhood. Perhaps his long nightmare was also related to bed recognition, but this was not all bad, because the house his father rented was not only close to the school, but also close to Lisa’s house. It’s very close, it only takes about ten minutes to walk, which greatly facilitates the communication between two people.

Lisa also visits occasionally and chats with Parker’s parents. She even started to ask Parker’s mother about Chinese food and how to make biscuits. For this, Parker’s mother is naturally very satisfied.

Finally, it was a major event. Since the number of suicides has been rising in recent times, the government has also taken measures to prevent more people who have ended their lives.

A device known as a health bracelet enters the market and is distributed to the public for free. It will detect your heartbeat, blood pressure, blood sugar, body temperature, cardiopulmonary function, and even mental state. The test report, even if you don’t want to wear it, the community doctor has the right to notify the police to force you to wear it.

It is said that the bracelet also has a monitoring function. Once the brain’s secretion of dopamine drops and the human body enters a state of depression and says something that should not be said, it will automatically alarm, and the police will knock on your door within two minutes, but this The function has not been officially confirmed.

This invention quickly took effect. The patrolling police arrived at the scene, broke the door, simply treated the person who had the wrist cut, and notified the hospital in only 45 seconds. This series of procedures successfully saved a life.

The media sang praises for this, saying that in the future there will be no more tragic incidents of elderly people living alone dying in the room without being discovered, and leaving suicides a little room for regret, allowing them to feel life when their life is about to die. Precious.

But is it just that?

Later laws were promulgated, and suicide was officially listed as an illegal act, and it was a major crime. Simply put, people saved their lives, went to prison, died, and fined them.

A measure was introduced, which restrained the large-scale occurrence of suicide incidents in a very short period of time. Daily suicide incidents fell in a cliff-like manner, infinitely close to zero.

All people who are desperate for life should think about it carefully to see if they can afford to enter prison after a failed suicide, feel that their life has been prolonged again, and engage in long hours of heavy manual labor until they are released from prison without money. Kind of price.

Don’t think that two hundred years is the end of life, want to die? I happen to let you live to be three hundred years old or even longer, which is a nightmare for most ordinary people.

But this incident did not have a big impact on the Parker family. After all, the parents had already made an appointment to pass away. They will probably wait until Parker is twenty-five years old. Now that he knows his death date, he will naturally be greedy for the scenery of the world.

For Parker, he has just experienced the beauty of love and received the blessing of his parents. He is tasting the sweetness of this world, and he is naturally reluctant to leave, and it is impossible to leave his parents one step ahead.

They just got up early on holidays, gathered around the dining table, turned on the TV to watch the latest news, and chewed mechanized cereals that tasteless, like buckwheat husks.

Until the phone rang, his father glanced at Parker, picked up the phone, turned on the speakerphone, and greeted the phone.

“Good morning Mr. George.”

“Good morning Kevin, we will arrive at your door at about ten in the morning, and you will need to sign a construction contract formally. When can you be there?”

“I can go there now, can I bring my wife and son? After all, it carries all the memories of our family of three. It will not be there from tomorrow, so we want to see it again.”

“Of course, you are still the owner of the house before you sign the construction contract. You have the right to do so. Then we will see you on the spot.”

Father hung up the phone, glanced at Parker, and saw that he drank the last sip of milk. He asked his mother not to rush to clean the bowl, put on shoes together, take the car, and head to the home they once belonged to.

The old house where a family has lived for decades, in Parker’s impression, it should be beautiful and clean, and should not be so decayed. It has been gone for more than a month, but it seems that time has passed for fifty years. Even he himself had the illusion that he had not come back for a long time.

The swing in the courtyard has faded, the weeds have grown to the height of ankles, and green moss has grown on the stone steps. It is easy to slip if accidentally. The three people helped each other to the door and opened the door at the moment they were in the sun. It is easy to see the dust floating in the air.

For a month, the dust was not too thick, but I don’t know which **** saw that the house had been emptied. Idle egg hurts and threw a stone toward the window, smashing the whole piece of glass. As a result, the house was filled with water when it rained.

The floor is peeled, hairy, and the smell of dampness is pungent. It has become a home for insects and bacteria. The parents are still sighing with emotion, but Parker has no desire and hope to watch, and instinctively does not want to see his home like this Desolate, he returned to the yard, stepped on the swing, swaying gently, the rusty swing creaking.

“Parker! Look what I found!”

The mother suddenly shouted, smiling brightly, and waving her hand on the comic that Parker had forgotten to discard. The cover has many creases, and even the corners and corners are moldy. There is a picture of a man in a red and blue tights. A man with a mask hanging upside down on a lantern.

This is his father’s favorite superhero and also Parker’s childhood. The young Parker had to watch Spider-Man comics for half an hour with his mother every night to sleep. It was only with age and other entertainment activities. , The hobby of reading comics can only play a role in killing time in class.

“I found it in the cupboard. When you were young, you had to sleep with it every day.”

Parker took the cartoon handed by his mother and flipped through a few pages. Suddenly, his memories flooded up like a tide, allowing him to remember the plot of the latter part, even most of the dialogue, after several years.

This comic is no less than a treasure to Parker. Even if it has begun to mold and break, it is very memorable and gives him a sense of joy that he has lost and recovered.

Father’s cell phone rang again. He connected, but soon hung up. Soon, several bulldozers and trucks drove from a distance. Parker understood that the destination of these vehicles was his home.

After the father’s signature, the staff responsible for the demolition distributed protective clothing, masks and goggles to the family of three to prevent injuries caused by dust and debris.

They stood far away and watched quietly until the iron ball easily smashed through the wall of the second floor, destroying and disassembling Parker’s bedroom. At this moment, the three of them felt that the iron ball had hit themselves.

The term “home” for Chinese people means too much, and it cannot be measured by money. Even if Parker is not fluent in Chinese and has never been there, it does not affect his feelings towards his parents. Empathize.

The wooden structure house was easily knocked down by machinery. In just over an hour, their home was turned into ruins, and all memories related to it were destroyed.

Tears overflowed my eyes, playing with the dust in the air, then fell on the ground, absorbed by the soil, waiting for a moment to be evaporated, until it lifted up to the top of the cloud and mist, gathering with the tears of others, and when the cloud was overwhelmed, the tears shook my eyes. Once they are clean, they will eventually return to their masters, repeating the cycle.

So this downpour is not God’s tears, but mortal sorrow.

Parker held his parents by the hand until the truck pulled their homes one after another, and the staff informed them that they had to leave.

There is nothing better to maintain family unity than losing a piece of grief that the whole family considers a treasure. So at this moment, some of the barriers stuck in Parker’s heart are dissolved, and he accepts the fact that his parents are leaving, even if he I don’t want my parents to make such a choice.

Today, he just wants to accompany his parents more while they are still alive, be a good child, and find a good job in the future, so that he has no regrets and leaves them without worry.

In the following few years, he stopped participating in the parade, even if he had conflicts with his original friends, he did not hesitate to study, his grades improved steadily, and he was with Lisa.

The relationship between the two is also very stable, the interests and hobbies are the same, and there is little conflict. A third party without blood intervenes, and parents do not interfere. Even if they were not in the same school during college, the distance did not affect the relationship. After graduating from university, both parties found decent jobs and got married as quickly as possible, becoming the earliest married people among their classmates.

A happy life and a harmonious family. This is a life that others envy. Parker thought that such a happy life would last for a long time, but on a weekend not long after, a phone call broke the peace of the morning.


The soft mattress shook a few times, and Parker glanced at the bedside sleepily. Lisa was drinking water. Seeing Parker woke up, she smiled sorry.

Turned over, buried his head in the folded pillow, like a child lying on the bed, ready to go back to sleep, but one hand passed his belly, through the elbow, and finally stopped on his chin. Gently stroking the rough stubble that grew overnight.

“When I first met you, you hadn’t shaved your beard. In a blink of an eye, your chin was like sandpaper.”

Turning over lazily, holding her in his arms, feeling the warmth of this body in his arms, he took a deep breath, obsessed with the warm smell of the room at this moment, and the soft sound of the mattress spring, joking Said.

“So is it good or bad?”

“Why distinguish between good and bad? This is the change brought about by time, which makes you mature and makes you more…sexy ”

Twisted Parker’s buttocks, she drilled into Parker’s arms again, touching her nose together, she could feel the coldness on the other’s nose, her cheeks rubbed his hair, and she hummed comfortably. , She likes Parker’s hair very soft, with a smell that she doesn’t know how to describe.

“What can I have for the morning?”

“Whatever I do, you can eat whatever, and the wife’s recipe will never be announced to the husband.”

“Well dear madam, then I will eat this morning…”

Before finishing talking, she stretched her hands directly to Lisa’s ribs and started scratching her. She was always afraid of this. Once she was itchy, she would laugh all the time until the phone rang, and she panicked. He put his arms around Parker’s neck.

“It’s done, well, stop making trouble, I’ll answer the phone.”

The bright red lace nightdress is a bit messy, but more sexy. She gently tucked the hair hanging in her ears. Her long white legs stretched out of the bed. The slippers between the toes were pulled closer, and her feet were put in the slippers. , She got up, stretched out her index finger to his forehead, pressed Parker who was sitting up on the bed again, bit her lower lip with tiger teeth, wink wink.

When she walked to the landline, she picked up the phone with her right hand, put the other hand on her chest, and gently shook her body. The sling on her left shoulder slipped off, revealing her white shoulders. She knew what she would encounter after hanging up the phone, and looked forward to the morning. The first drop of sweat, leaning against the wardrobe, raised the corners of his mouth, looking straight at Parker, beautiful and hot.


“Yes, we just got up…”

The fingers entwining the phone line paused, hanging down weakly, and the smile on his face gradually disappeared, turning into a kind of unspeakable for Parker. He turned his head and looked out the window, with his left hand passing through the hair in a panic, turning the curled hair. Smooth out.

“Okay, Parker and I will be there in a while, eh.”

Put the microphone back on the landline and lowered his head. The blond was gleaming dazzlingly in the sun. Parker was a little puzzled. He leaned on the bed with his hands on his chest and expressed doubt.

“Parker, listen, I just hope you don’t get too excited, just now my mother called…”

“What did she say?”

A shadow swept over his mind, he threw the condom aside, his body was not languidly in need of support, he sat up straight, and looked at Lisa in a straightforward manner.

Taking a deep breath, Lisa just felt like she was blowing a balloon of very good quality, expelling the air from her chest cavity hard, even her cheeks bulged, and finally she lifted her hair and told Parker the fact.

“Huh… Mom and Dad are going to die tomorrow.”

He rushed to the ground in an instant, without even wearing slippers, rushed directly to the closet, searched for clothes, only put on his pants, and strode towards the door.



With his head stuck to the window of the car, his eyes were a bit sluggish, feeling the vibration of the vehicle, and his ears were itchy, but he was too lazy to pick it. Lisa was holding the steering wheel, her eyes full of worry, but she said nothing. Hair, just stretched out the hand with the diamond ring, covered Parker’s hand, and passed his own body temperature.

The diamond is not big, less than one carat, and the platinum ring material is also very poor, but in her heart it is very heavy and heavy, a little heavy.

The two are still living in Parker’s high school residence, and Wang Hui and his wife have moved into a house built on the original address. There is some distance between the two places. Although Lisa is driving fast, it takes an hour and a half to take it. Arrivals.

The car stopped. At this moment, Parker was like a walking dead. Without the vitality of the morning, he pushed down the elevator and looked straight at the floor display.

She carefully smoothed the folds of her husband’s dress, folded his collar, and even rolled up his trouser legs twice before she got up and looked at Parker’s godless eyes.

“Parker, listen to me, can you cheer up? Mom and Dad don’t want you to be like this, at least not to be so lifeless. You need to reassure them, OK?”

“I try my best.”

He wanted to grin, but the plan failed. After learning the news, he had lost the ability to control facial expressions. When the elevator door opened, he knocked on the door like this.

“Are you here so soon? Come in.”

The mother opened the door and smiled at the two of them. The moment they opened the door, they smelled the food. At the table, it was not as they thought. Only the husband and wife were eating. Instead, there were three guests. It’s a lively.

“Hey Parker, Lisa, how are you? Lisa, you are getting more and more beautiful.”

Nelson originally turned his back to the door. Seeing the two of them arrived, he turned around, put his hands on the back of the chair, his face was slightly reddish, and there were still red wine drops on his white upper lip and beard.

Parker couldn’t laugh, so he nodded and said hello to his wife and daughter. He looked around the room, and it was still so clean and tidy, except that the daily necessities of the couple had been packed and piled up in the corner.

Lisa gave her mother the formal clothes she was going to wear tomorrow, and after greeting her kindly, she immediately put on her apron and went into the kitchen to help her with the last dish she had not finished.

“Have you eaten yet? Wash your hands and come over to eat. Nelson brought a good bottle of wine, taste?”

The father’s mental state is normal. It seems that it is because of drinking. Maybe he is happier than usual. The father and son looked at each other for a long time before Parker answered.


“it is good……”

Washing hands, sitting down, Nelson shook the decanter, the scarlet liquid made beautiful waves in the decanter, and remained on the wall for a long time before it slowly merged with the large amount of wine at the bottom of the vessel.

After pouring a glass for him, Nelson started, the three raised their glasses, and a crisp collision sounded. Parker drank all the drinks in one sip. The alcohol was still alive, so he did not exhale immediately, and held his breath for about three or four. In seconds, he exhaled the breath for a long time.

No one cares about his drinking appearance, nor will he ask him about the taste of the wine. He came to find drunk. Everyone knows it well and doesn’t say a word about it.

Nelson and his father had a very good chat. The two began to communicate frequently when they first moved here. For this not-rich old gentleman, there is a foreign friend who can listen to interesting stories from other countries. It is true that you can gain a lot of knowledge. Unfortunately, this friend will go to heaven tomorrow.

So at the dinner table, the two old friends tried their best to find happiness in the last time, but Parker didn’t say a word, and easily killed half a bottle of red wine and a whole bottle of whiskey, dangling cigarettes, and occasionally flicking cigarette ashes, but said nothing. hair.

The party did not last long. It ended 40 minutes after Parker arrived. Old Nelson put on a suit and his eyes were full of meaning. He patted Parker, took his wife and daughter away, and handed over the rest of the couple’s time. For the young couple.

“You shouldn’t drink so much alcohol.”

“I can get up tomorrow morning.”

“But it hurts too much.”

“It doesn’t matter once in a while.”

Mother and Lisa were washing the dishes in the kitchen. They only listened carefully to the conversation between father and son, but Lisa felt that Parker’s attitude was a bit blunt and gave Parker a slightly dissatisfied look, but Parker didn’t notice and asked instead. father.

“Why did you tell me today.”

“You have just worked, and we can’t affect your working status. Now it’s hard to do work. It’s easy to lose your job if you make a little mistake.”

“But after tomorrow I will still be affected by work.”

“Everyone has that time.”

“you are selfish.”


Father waved his hand to Lisa, who was dissatisfied. He knew well that at this moment, father and son, life and death are on opposite sides. If you are a child of whose family, you will be unhappy if you are a little filial.

Staring at the cigarette on the table, he picked it up and lit one for himself. He quit smoking before the longevity gene became popular. He just wanted to indulge at this moment. He opened his mouth and inhaled a little, and the smoke entered with the air. One of the lungs coughed out without holding back.

“Tobacco power is really great now, huh… From your perspective, I am selfish.”

He didn’t say half a word, but even if he didn’t say it, Parker understood what his father meant. From his own point of view, his parents didn’t inform him until the day before his death. He was caught off guard. It was really selfish, but he stood still. From the perspective of the father, it is even more selfless.

Parker didn’t speak, but he didn’t want to look at his father’s face anymore. He held up the glass in silence, and took a sip of the whiskey diluted after the ice cubes melted. The taste was no longer spicy, but rather fragrant.

It was just after this sip of wine that all the alcohol in the body was completely detonated. In an instant it began to surge, and his consciousness began to become unconscious. He was very sleepy. He supported the corner of the table to get up, staggered to the sofa, lay down, and covered his ears. Covering the head with a cushion to isolate yourself from the world, unfortunately, the effect is very small.

He wanted to escape and didn’t want to feel that time was still flowing before his parents died, but all this was just self-deception. He could still hear his parents’ conversations and still feel guilty about his cowardice. Eventually, he fell asleep, but unfortunately there were no good dreams. long.


Until late at night, his stomach began to churn, accompanied by a fiery pain, and he turned over, and then came back sober, opened his eyes dimly, and there was a person sitting beside him, but the room was too dark to see who it was.


“It’s me, dear, do I need some water?”

“If you can, come some.”

The water temperature is just right, not too hot to drink into the mouth, nor too cold to irritate the stomach, the warmth soothes the discomfort of the stomach, making Parker groan comfortably.

“what time is it?”

“Just after zero o’clock, let’s get some sleep.”

Lisa lay down, lying on the other side of the sofa, reached out and put her arms around Parker’s shoulders, and patted gently, as if she was comforting a lost child, making him sleepy again.

“I know you are sad…but I will always be with you.”

“Thank you Lisa.”

“This is what I should do Hani.”

The room was quiet, only the even breathing of the two could be heard. He didn’t know whether it was a confession or a chatter after falling asleep. He said vaguely.

“Lisa, I don’t have parents anymore…”

There was no response, but there was a slight sniffing noise in the room.


Early in the morning, at five o’clock, the parents changed their formal attire and greeted the death decently. Parker and Lisa were busy in the kitchen preparing the last breakfast for their parents. Suddenly the doorbell rang and he wiped his wet hands on the scarf twice and walked over. Open the door.

His father-in-law and his mother-in-law, neighbors, the Nelson family, and Parker’s classmates from high school, all stood at the door, and they gave Parker a warm hug when they waited for the door to open.

It’s not surprising to see his father-in-law and the Nelson’s Parker family. It’s just that these classmates of his were present that made Parker very surprised. He turned to look at Lisa. After getting her affirmation, he shook his head helplessly and treated them Originally, Parker broke up because of his separation from the group, but after he stepped into the society, he said goodbye to the second thoughts and reunited with the friends who reunited with the innocent friendship.

The last breakfast was Chinese style, otherwise Parker would not be needed to help. The parents took a seat after thanking these friends and relatives who were present. They were obviously surprised to see Chinese style earlier. They were surprised and praised the young couple. Next, I chewed slowly and tasted the craftsmanship of my son and daughter-in-law, and answered other people’s topics from time to time, so that the atmosphere would not be too heavy.

Only Parker did not participate in any topic, but stood quietly at the door, watching his parents until they finished eating, got up and put on their coats, and the group took the elevator in two groups and got into their respective cars.

set off.

Along the way, many passers-by stopped, looked at the team, and paid enough attention. Today’s death has become a luxury, and it has become the only time most people can enjoy it before their life ends. Luxury behavior.

Wang Shengyuan is not far from Parker’s high school, only three streets away. I remembered that when I was in school, I saw that there was a motorcade before the often Shengyuan. At this moment, I passed the road that his parents had to pass when sending him to school.

It’s been a long time since high school, and his parents are about to leave him. Entering the society, he has already understood how difficult and hard-working the decision made by his parents is, but time runs through his fingers like a stream of water.

At first we wanted it to leave sooner, so the water wave pushed away from our palms, the flow speed accelerated, and disappeared accidentally, until we remembered the coolness and gentleness it brought, and then wanted to look for it, it has already rushed downstream , Pouring into the sea called history, becomes a memory that will not be recorded but only exists in our hearts.

The best fried chicken restaurant nearby.

The old shoe shop that sold his first pair of sneakers in his life.

In the cold drink shop downstairs in the mother’s company, the ice cream made by the beautiful clerk is always exceptionally sweet.

In the park where he and his friends used to go when he was a child, the railing was rusted and broken, and he could no longer protect the skater boy.

Looked in the rearview mirror, his parents were smiling and they may be missing him. He silently turned his head, wiped the corners of his eyes, and tuned the car radio channel. The music channel he had listened to since childhood was playing a very old song. music.

Until Mushengyuan, because he was the first one this morning, there was no need to arrange a number, so he went straight into the room that Parker feared. The fully protected staff came in with a cart, confirmed the identity of the parents, and brought the two in. The compartment inside.

“Parker, Parker…say something.”

When you enter the courtyard, your voice will become a good girl. There is always an uncomfortable atmosphere here, allowing people to adjust the volume to the lowest level. Everyone urges Parker, and he is pushed forward, between the glass , Face to face with parents.

The parents were very calm, and the calm staff all glanced in surprise, but this kind of performance did not surprise Parker at all. He knew that his parents had been preparing for this moment for many years.

clenched his fists on his mouth, and coughed. People could see his hands trembling constantly, and his eyes were randomly looking at other places.

“I will be fine… I will work hard, treat Lisa well, there will be a child in the future, and I will give everything for him, just like you did to me, Dad, Mom…”

“Self-cleansing, we are leaving now, are you alone, are you afraid?”


He was nervous, he was scared, so he talked nonsense, like an apology from a child who made a mistake, and said some silly things. The mother saw his embarrassment, and just a word exploded a long time in Parker’s heart. Tear bomb.

He couldn’t stand this, he really couldn’t stand it, so he turned around, covered his face with his hands, whispering his faith, and didn’t want his parents to see him collapse at the moment.

His behavior did not surprise his parents. Knowing her son Mo Ruomu, she had already seen that he was not strong, and smiled gently. Looking at Lisa, she clenched her fists and twisted her hands under her eyes, making a crying gesture. , Pointed at him again, opened his arms, and motioned Lisa to comfort him.

“I love you Parker, as a mother, I will never be by your side. No matter whether our lives are extended or not, this day will come. In the days to come, you still need someone who loves you and guarantees yourself You must love her and take care of Lisa, okay?”

“I know, I know.”

“Lisa, thank you very much, what do you want to say?”

Father looked at his son and shook his head with a smile. He didn’t want to **** him and cried, even though his eyes were already in tears.

As a Chinese-educated father, he can only be a father, and it is difficult to be friends with his children. Until now, he also needs to maintain his father’s image. Once he speaks, he is discouraged.

“Mr. Wang, Mrs. Wang, I’m ready, you two lie down.”

“Okay, please take care of some of my introverted sons after we leave. It is troublesome for everyone. Parker, Mom and Dad love you.”

bowed lightly, thanking all the relatives and friends for being there. The two lay on the cold iron bed, waiting quietly, waiting for their share of death.

“Don’t be nervous, Mr. Wang, Mrs. Wang, you can feel an extremely strong sense of excitement later. This is a normal reaction. Don’t panic too much. Please allow me to check your bracelet to confirm your identity and check it correctly, Mr. Wang. Mrs. Wang, the exhausted and bitter life is over…”

“Welcome to life.”

Finally, check the personal information of the health bracelet and remove it.

Injection medicine…

Until death came, the two did not let go of their opposite hands. In hallucinations, it was the sunset that day Parker was playing on the swing in the courtyard, seeing his parents go home, and approaching to ask for the new issue of Spider-Man Comics.

The tender grass just sprouted, and sometimes dragonflies fell on the tips, and his father put Parker on his shoulders and pushed away the home that had not yet turned into ruins.

“Go home…”

“Well, let’s make sweet and sour pork tonight…”


“You can take Wang Hui and his wife home. I hope that the couple will accompany their father and enjoy happiness and health all day long.”


pushed open the gate to the Shengyuan, the families lined up behind stopped to look, Parker headed, carrying two body bags, and his other hand was holding a yellow and tattered Spider-Man comic…


“In the following period of time, I began to inexplicably hate the country I had longed for. I no longer like their education methods, and no longer like the attitude of selfless dedication after being a parent. This is for an independent individual, a It’s not fair to people.”

“It wasn’t until a long time later that I had a child, I realized that I didn’t actually hate this kind of education. I continued to teach my children the same way as my parents, and I admit that I am willing to dedicate myself to my children All of it is out of responsibility, and even more out of my love for him.”

“The original dislike and resentment were only when inheriting the inheritance, and seeing that the balance in the parent’s bank card was unexpectedly large, which resulted in guilt.”

“Only after becoming parents can we understand the difficulty of being a parent, and when our parents leave, we will understand what parents mean to us.”


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