Global Movie Emperor

Chapter 425

Chapter 408 Human deceptiveness is a great prize (2

Lu Bo’s “Death to Life” film review published on Douban has aroused a lot of repercussions in the domestic film circle. It is indeed very convincing to analyze the film based on various grounded combinations of reality, and people with different opinions are not good. Method to refute Lu Bo’s analysis.

Even this film review was translated into English and published on foreign websites with the help of good people. For a while, Lu Bo, an amateur film critic, had a certain amount of support among film lovers around the world.

But this is only a hot topic in the circle of movie lovers. The discussion on “Death to Life” is actually not out of the circle. For ordinary audiences, their discussion revolves around the “Women’s Federation”.

Many people say that the fight between “Departure” and “Women’s Federation” is an extremely stupid and arrogant decision made by Mickey, but anyone with a discerning eye can see that no matter when “Departure” will be released or with whom to fight, the final box office result is actually There won’t be much difference.

After all, his movies are not suitable for watching with his family. As a result, the viewers are all individual individuals, pure movie lovers or **** fans of Lu Ze, Mickey, Kamiya and others. Most ordinary viewers will not get involved in the screening room of “Departure”.

“Death to Life” is a very personal movie. The vast majority of passers-by were eliminated when the script was written. This is a gift from Mickey to a small circle.

Therefore, in addition to the box office performance in the first week of the show that was remarkable because of the full support of film lovers around the world, the box office a week later showed a cliff-like decline, falling from the second position in the box office list and being surpassed by many commercial films behind him. In addition to bad films, it has become the bottom of the high-scoring movies in the same period. Of course, this also has a lot to do with insufficient marketing efforts.

On the contrary, in the eyes of professionals, “Death” has become this year’s classmate, punching and kicking all the movies this year, no movie is the enemy of one, although it is only the beginning of the new year, will there be new ones? The appearance of the dark horse is not yet known, but the insiders do not have particularly high expectations.

All in all, like most in-depth movies, “Death To Live” has not been out of the circle and has not become a phenomenon-level work, but it still has an excellent reputation in the hearts of people in the circle and has become the most popular award winning this year. .

As for when and what awards, this question will be resolved later, only considering what changes “Departure” has brought to Mickey and others now, in addition to the cynicism of the entertainment newspapers, the most important thing is to reflect. In terms of the popularity of the male star Lu Ze in foreign countries.

“I want two Big Mac burgers, a Coke, a pair of chicken wings, and a chocolate sundae, thank you.”

Cullinan, modified in the black samurai color, slowly drove into the McDonald’s exterior ordering window. The tall body made Lu Ze basically level with the waiter who ordered. The window was slowly lowered. He was wearing pilot sunglasses and bowed his head. The waiter said.

“Sir, it would be more cost-effective to switch to a package… Wait, are you Parker?”

“Well…it is, but he is just my role.”

“God! Stop messing with me, man, if I didn’t recognize you after watching “Dead Life” several times, you are much stronger than Parker.”

The waiter stroked his forehead with a very rich expression. He didn’t know if he wanted to cry or laugh, but he was very excited and his face started to flush. He took the banknote from Lu Ze and folded it in the corner. A mark was made at once.

“Well, I have been working out recently.”

“Are there any new movie plans?”

“This needs to be kept secret.”

“Well, can you take a photo?”

Lu Ze did not refuse, took off his sunglasses, and waited for the waiter brother to secretly take out his mobile phone. After seeing the supervisor was away, he quickly turned around and took a photo. He didn’t see if the flower was taken. He took the packaging bag from the chef and handed it to Lu Ze, privately gave Lu Ze a sundae.

“Give you it for free, take it quickly, don’t be seen by my leader.”

“Thank you buddy, goodbye, and wish you a happy life.”

It was a simple kindness. Although it was not very open and upright, Lu Ze still accepted it. He smiled and fisted against the younger brother, put the item in the car, and tapped the accelerator.

“Come on, man! I am optimistic about you!”

The little brother stretched out the window and shouted loudly. Lu Ze heard it. The car did not stop, but he stretched his hand out the window and gave a thumbs up.

Perhaps this incident was just a small episode for Lu Ze, but for the little brother, it was a day worthy of joy. For an actor who liked his work even though he did not know the name, even when the next car stopped. , His smile became more sincere.

This is just a small episode, but Lu Ze really likes this way of communicating with fans. Although he is not as crazy as domestic fans, he can get along very comfortable.

In the past few days, more than one person has recognized him, but he will not be surrounded by people like in China, taking pictures of his mobile phone without his permission.

Most of them just greet them for a group photo or shoot a short video and leave neatly. Only a few people will ask for an autograph. Lu Ze agrees one by one, which also leaves him on foreign social media. A good reputation.

The vehicle was driving on the road, and he took a bite of a hamburger at a red light. Now his weight basically meets the requirements of “Exile”, but the price of gaining muscle is a lot of physical energy. He needs a lot of food to make his own The stomach will not complain. Of course, his body fat will be higher in this way, and he needs to cut carbon water for a week during the shooting period.

About half an hour later, he arrived at the company and blew the whistle. The newly hired security guard lifted the gate and greeted Lu Ze.

Nowadays, the Universal Brothers are no longer arrogant, and there are paparazzi shooting at the door from time to time. After all, Mickey, who makes enemies everywhere, is also a popular entertainment object.

In the past, swiping the access card to enter the hospital can no longer protect the integrity of the company’s internal information. Lu Ze also believes that it is necessary to hire security personnel from several professional security companies for 24-hour patrols. After all, it is necessary to set up multiple monitors. .

“Good morning, Mr. Lu.”

“Hello, Jill.”

The black brother in the mail room was fired for collecting money to secretly take pictures of Mickey. After many tests, the fifty-five-year-old Jill took over the job that had increased his salary several times.

“Want to have a sundae?”

“If you can, it’s better than Mr.”

After a brief chat with Jill, he returned to his office and moved a Golden Rooster award trophy that was crooked by the cleaner to a proper position. Then he took his seat, turned on the computer and wrote this quarter’s report.

To be honest, this kind of official report is enough to cause a headache for someone who has never entered the system and has not worked in a civil service. Its format is well-regulated. You can’t use one hammer and one stick. In the past, his master would definitely have to send the report back for him to rewrite.

That’s right, every report of his has to be sent to the father first, and then can be officially released after the father’s check. This is also a disguised **** for Lu Ze.

“Boom boom boom.”


The door was pushed open, and Mickey sneaked out his head and looked around. Then he smiled and walked in swaggeringly.

“Why do you act like a thief.”

“I heard from the security guard that the camera in your room has never been turned on. I thought you were doing something bad. I’m not afraid to disturb your Yaxing.”

“If you have business, just say it, and get out if you don’t have business. I’m busy here. Don’t have fun here.”

It’s true that the camera was turned off by Lu Ze, but it’s because he didn’t like being monitored, even if they were to protect his own safety. As for the bad things Mitch said, it was purely a joke. If you don’t know if it’s going to be bad, you won’t be in the company even if you do.

“I have just discussed the specific matters of the share transfer agreement with the negotiating company, and there are not too many requirements, so I just follow the normal contract obligations, but I don’t want the new shareholders to manage too broadly.”

“You can decide these by yourself, you don’t need to discuss it with me.”


Lu Ze did not look up, still writing and drawing on the manuscript paper, sometimes concentrating his eyebrows and sometimes pensively, Mickey looked a little boring, after all, he couldn’t recognize the Chinese characters, and he didn’t know what Lu Ze was writing. Pick up the wrench like a key, open the dust cover of the cabinet clock, tighten the swinging pendulum, sit down and pick up a pen, pull the cap out, and press it back again. I wiped my nose on the wall.

It wasn’t until a flash of inspiration and a good idea came up that he patted the table violently, shaking Lu Ze, and leaning back in the chair reflexively.

“What are you doing?”

“I ask you, what is my goal in founding Universal Brothers?”

The sudden question made Lu Ze think about it for a long time. Mickey’s question stumped him, not because of his poor memory, but because Mickey’s goal was too **** good. The ghost knew which he was asking. After thinking about it for a long time, Uncertain opening.

“Become a big film company…?”

“It’s not this, guess again!”

“Where am I going to guess? You talk so much **** a day, I don’t know which one it is, you can just say it.”

“It is to attract film and television talents from all over the world for their own use!”

“So? What are you trying to say?”

Lu Ze certainly remembered this dream. Lu Ze still has a deep impression of Mickey’s rhetoric on the day the share transfer contract was signed, but he still did not guess Mickey’s intentions.

“I can sell shares, even 20 million or 10 million. It’s OK, but I want an additional project, and I want a treaty that connects talents.”

“Be specific, what do you mean.”

“What is the most lacking of the Universal Brothers now? It’s people! People, there are only seven people in a company, and I have to add three more. I don’t just have to face it, but I also feel stretched when I need a team. I just want to , I will not form my own team at all. As the big brother company that holds the shares of Global Brothers, do you have to help the younger brother? The nominal person is still your company, but when I need it, you must borrow me, of course their salary We will also pay for it. Similarly, when they are in need, they have to rush up when they are younger brothers, right? As long as they give the money, we will help!”

The cap of the pen was not fastened, Mickey slammed it on the table again, exploded a little bit of ink, splashed onto Lu Ze’s manuscript paper, but Lu Ze didn’t care, instead thinking about the possibility of the problem. It still feels impossible.

Although it was not a precedent that there was no artist’s contract being divided by two companies in half. It’s even more common for artists to participate in other companies’ projects, but they are all personal contracts. I have never heard of any two companies’ teams that can mutually share each other. Circulating.

And what does Mickey want? It is not only the mutual loan of directors, screenwriters, and actors, but also the use of service, transformation, Taoism, post-production, special effects, and even the right to use the propaganda team. No matter what you think, it is a little unrealistic.

“People are also film and television giants anyway. The leading boss of European film companies is not impossible if the same level is connected to each other. After all, the contract will not be transferred. But we have two or three big cats and kittens. An actor, two directors, plus a cameraman, there is too much difference in rank, I think it’s impossible.”

“You are despising yourself!”

As soon as the voice fell, Mickey struck his neck. Perhaps it was because of his extreme arrogance and swelling. He did not allow himself to be in the position of the weak. He had the momentum that one person could block the army of millions of people. Occupy the high ground, analyze with Lu Ze carefully.

“Actually speaking, yes, the four of us are definitely not as strong as other companies. After all, the gap in the number of people is here, but we also have our own advantages. Think about it, how long have we just established the company? Two movies? Two! But what? A small-cost “Effect” has overturned many big-produced movies, and a “Dead Life” that wants to win an award is simply a certainty.

“Death to Life” did not go out of the circle and did not become a phenomenon-level work. Why? Isn’t it because we have no money and no publicity channels! But they do! Let’s borrow their people and give them an important role. The new movie has been a big success, and they will use propaganda channels to promote it, and they will become popular! So you think, did they come to us as rescuers? This is his mother’s gilding!”

“You lend me a person of decent ability, I will give you gold rims and return it back, so the fool will not do this kind of business! At first, our goal was not big, borrow a few, just borrow a few! Let them try the effect , Let’s see if the work done by our metallurgical plant works. Once the effect reaches their expectations, they will naturally borrow in large numbers, and all of them will have to borrow! After all, this is also a qualification, and the salary is borne by us. The contract is still in their hands, can they not do it?”

Lu Ze thought for a while. In this regard, it was not impossible. The other party took the shares. The two companies are equivalent to being joined together. They have to be more or less polite. It should be okay to borrow a few people to play a role. After all, the other party It also requires dividends.

Of course, this is on the premise of not borrowing the big names, otherwise once the movie is bad, the big names will be affected more or less, and the other party must not dare to take the company’s mainstay to gamble.

But if he borrowed a few strong but not well-known soldiers to take a gamble, I believe that the talent pool of Gambiano Pictures should not hurt or itchy, and if he loses it, he will lose it, but if it is red Yes, they all have to give Mickey a pennant to thank Mr. Qiao Mi for selflessness.

At first, you can set up a clause to only borrow a few people at most, and set a limit for the highest value of the loaned person. This clause should be easy to agree to. After all, Mickey’s strength is also clear to them, and they will wait until they really participate. The movie is on fire, and the other party is also expecting Mickey to modify the contract. Thinking of this, it is very feasible! It’s just that there will be a shortcoming, Lu Ze must remind Mickey.

“There is nothing wrong with thinking like this, and it is also a good idea. It can temporarily solve some of the manpower problems. I agree with this clause in the contract, but the team has to be formed. Other people’s teams are easy to use, but after all, it is someone else’s. To part ways with them, we still have to fall into a situation where no one is available and can only find free actors, so I think it is also important to form a team.”


Regarding Lu Ze’s worries, Mickey suddenly laughed three times like a frustration, got up from the stool and squatted on the ground, imitating the actions of planting flowers in Lu Ze’s flower garden the other day www.mtlnovel. com come! Guess what I want to express! ”

Lu Ze held his arms in his arms and leaned on the back of his chair to look on with cold eyes. Sometimes he really couldn’t stand Mickey’s whimsical human confusing behavior awards, and he wanted him to guess the meaning. How about playing the action and guessing the idiom?

“Mentally handicapped children.”

“Bah! Seriously! Guess!”

“The happiness of the baboon.”

“Fuck off! No need to guess!”

He jumped to his feet and stood up straight, imitating MJ, touching his crotch with his left hand, holding his forehead with his right, pursing his mouth, exhaling, turning his head and pointing at Lu Ze like Conan.

“It’s called! As long as the pickaxe digs well! There is no corner that I can’t dig!”


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