Global Movie Emperor

Chapter 473

Chapter 453 Exile (in)

This is the deep sea that seagulls have never touched. The waves hit the reefs, making deafening noises, the clear sky and the blue sea, this is a beautiful picture scroll, but this beautiful scenery has been for a long time, but no one has appreciated it until Bo Tao, sent an uninvited guest here.

He was lying on the beach, and the fine sand would not hurt him. A small crab the size of a bottle cap left little footprints horizontally, but faced this “big mountain” in trouble.

The professional outdoor pants were tied to an orange lifeboat with a forty-centimeter-long safety rope. Fortunately, the kayak had broken, which was the main reason why he was not drowned in the sea.

Suddenly, he moved his fingers, dug lightly on the beach, and once again caused a little trouble for the little crab. The sea water surged up, flowing over his cheeks and rushing into his nose.

“Uh… ahem! Ahem!”

He woke up and slowly opened his eyes in a very indecent posture. What he saw was a white soft sandy beach. If he was on vacation, this would definitely be the best place to play beach volleyball.

But this is not a journey…

His stomach hurts badly, and his thirst is very serious. At this moment, he made a very simple inference. He must have drunk a lot of sea water, but he was not dead. He was alive and could breathe. It was the most beautiful in the world. The answer, the rest, as long as you live, you can solve it.

He turned his body, his belly facing the sun, looking at the blue sky, and hummed for a long time, with great sadness and a negativity that he couldn’t resist after being exhausted. He looked straight at the sun and didn’t care whether it would harm him. Eyes, until the tears slipped off, he closed his eyes and still could see a circle of green light spots.

He cried for the sake of his colleagues who died at sea and for the rest of his life. He didn’t pierce his heart, but sobbed softly until he was choked with his nose, which caused discomfort after drinking the sea water and began to vomit.

But soon, he realized that he was in a state of severe dehydration, forcing himself to pour tears back into his head and reserve a little precious liquid for himself. The first priority was to replenish fresh water.

There is still some physical fitness. There is no problem with walking some roads. It is just that he has not disembarked for a long time, and after his body is swollen with sea water, his limbs are a little unwilling, so he rises slowly and gives the body some time to adapt. In addition, he is also testing his lungs. Is there any water in the lungs? If water does enter the lungs, once you get up too quickly, it is easy to cause secondary damage to the lungs.

There is no water in the ears, which greatly avoids the risk of otitis media, and there is no water in the lungs, and naturally it will not cause lung infections. This is the greatest good news for people who have suffered a shipwreck. After all, once you get sick, Living on a desert island is just a few more days before dying.

“Is there anyone! Help! Is there anyone! The crew of the Field! Is there anyone!”

There was no response, only the waves kept telling Leo that there was only it. He staggered and walked slowly on this small beach with coconut trees on the island. This is good news, at least this paragraph. He will not die from dehydration within time.

“Is anyone! I need help! Paul! Donny! John! Damn it!”

Looking at the sea level, a white spot suddenly appeared in the line of sight. It was the uniform of the Fidel crew. His face was facing down, and as the waves rose and fell, Leo saw him, regardless of his physical fitness allowing him to do so and jumped into the sea. Swim toward the crew, but this distance of 100 meters is no less than the sky grab for Leo at this moment. Just a few meters away, his limbs become sour and weak, and the waves are brought back to the beach, and they can only watch the crew get ahead of themselves. Farther and farther.

This sense of loneliness is suffocating, so he wants to save the crew, even if the crew is unlikely to be alive, even if his soaked skin is white, his body is swollen, and his face is hideous and terrifying.

Because of this, he can still prepare a tomb for the crew, and then when lonely, chat with the crew member who has been dead for some time, he needs a spiritual pillar, even if the so-called pillar is a corpse.

“I can’t save you… I’m sorry, I can’t save you.”

Once again, he was sad and wanted to cry, but he held it back again. He could only watch the crew disappear into the vast sea and stood for a long time before turning around and watching quietly under the tree.

The fallen coconuts have rotted and the number is very small. It should have been taken away by the sea during the high tide. The remaining ones are not under the coconut trees, but scattered along the coast.

Picking up a broken coconut and smelling it, there was a pungent sour smell, and the coconut juice did not remain at all. Of course, even if it did, he did not dare to drink it. After all, the fresh water in the body was very precious, and he simply couldn’t bear diarrhea causing them to be excreted. .

But this does not mean that the rotten coconut is useless at all. I found a stone, mashed the coconut meat, and then evenly spread the coconut meat on the body. This is a natural sunscreen that can block ultraviolet rays and avoid sunburn. , This is also the most important point in the survival of the island, otherwise you will not be able to ask for food from the ocean even on the seaside with abundant supplies.

Leo can only be fortunate that he has enough knowledge in the ocean field to keep him alive. If he is a person in another industry, survival will be a great challenge.

Those desert island movies that I watched in the past are classics, but they are difficult to stand on a professional level. In the real world, most of the shipwrecked people living on the desert island will die of dysentery, poisoning, or Parasites.

Because it is really difficult for them to distinguish which types of fish and shellfish parasitize what kind of parasites, which fish and shellfish have toxins, and even divide the ocean area to infer what kind of organisms will exist on the island. These are precisely the prerequisites for surviving on the desert island.

After a difficult inspection, the beach area of ​​this island is actually very small, only about one kilometer in diameter. On both sides, and behind, there are towering cliffs. Due to the perennial erosion of the sea, they are already fragile. Thin stone flakes can be easily broken off.

This made him realize that his own situation is still quite dangerous. When the tide is high, the sea will submerge the beach until it touches a position about one meter on the cliff behind him. This can be seen from the salt stains attached to the rock surface. .

Secondly, the fragile rock structure is difficult to support him to climb up. Once he is thrown off his hands and injured, there is no need for fatal injuries or fractures. Only a long and narrow wound is enough to kill him, because in this humid and high temperature environment, The wound is very easy to be infected and difficult to heal. In most cases, it will become a rotten and fishy wound.

This is something he must keep in mind. On an uninhabited island, he must always be careful, otherwise it will easily overturn the boat in the gutter and become a delicious meal for marine life.

After vomiting, it brought extreme hunger. He needed to find food to recover his physical fitness. Fortunately, as a marine biologist in this huge treasure house of the ocean, this is not difficult.

There are some oysters attached to the rocks. Even if the shell is dark and there are seaweeds growing, it is undoubtedly a good news for Leo. After all, this is one of the few shellfish that can be eaten raw.

After carefully cleaning the seaweed on the shell, he easily determined the species of oysters, An Sulian oysters, grown in the Normandy region of France, deep-sea oysters, let alone the taste, after all, the untreated oysters taste far away Not as delicious as on the table, but first he can be sure of one thing.

According to the position of the sun, the time and direction can be roughly inferred. He quickly recalled the route map in his mind, and finally he determined that the sign for help should be placed in the southeast direction, which is the necessary route for merchant ships!

Looking towards the southeast, he did not find any ships passing by. He could only give up, and temporarily re-focused his gaze on the oysters in his hands, cleaned the oyster meat and silt, and gently cast it in the sea. As if made a decision, he quickly threw the oyster meat into his mouth.


The taste is worse than he thought. He has eaten the cultivated An Sulian oysters. After a simple treatment, the taste is relatively refreshing, with a strong seawater flavor and mineral taste, and the taste is quite good. It has a lot of praise in France. By.

But the taste of the wild…It is like expanding all the flavors of the cultivated oysters tenfold, becoming extremely fishy and salty, and carrying a heavy metal taste that ordinary people cannot bear.

He didn’t chew, so he avoided the taste exploding on the tip of his tongue, but it still made him nauseous, bending over and twitching constantly, making a retching sound. After a while, he recovered and dealt with the second one, which was difficult to swallow.” French food”.

He didn’t have the right to choose what to eat, he could only follow nature. He would eat whatever God gave him. Fortunately, the taste buds began to become numb, and subsequent eating was not as painful as he thought.

After receiving enough energy, his limbs gradually recovered his strength. He began to dig a hole on the beach. In the center of the hole was a coconut bowl. The leaky kayak was covered on the hole, and the surroundings were compacted with stones. , And finally put a small stone in the center of the kayak, aiming it at the bowl made of coconut shell, and a simple distiller was completed.

Under high temperature conditions, a few hours of distillation will bring him a lot of fresh water. Although he cannot be required for a day, it is not a problem to quench his thirst temporarily.

He didn’t want to waste the remaining time. Even if waiting in the shade can reduce the loss of body fluids, the three days before the shipwreck is very important for the survivors. He needs to save himself, but is not here to wait for death.

Determined a fairly solid climbing route, tied his shoelaces, and climbed steadily. The stepped rocks washed out by the waves were not so difficult to climb. Soon he climbed to the shortest hill in the southeast. Along the coastline, looking at the inferred course.

Still did not see the ship.

“Where did I float to…”

He murmured, and suddenly heard a crash below. On the bottom left, there were three connected metal boxes, which were being beaten by waves and hitting the rocks continuously, with the Field logo printed on them.


He thought that he would not be as lucky as the protagonist of the movie. There would be sporadic goods falling beside him, and everything needed to be solved by his mind, but perhaps it was really good fortune and good fortune. After pouring the blood mold, his luck has improved slightly, and his good luck has come.

The downhill is very dangerous, because he can’t see the thickness of the rock. Perhaps the stones that he thought could fully support his weight are only as thin as paper. This made him hesitate for a moment to think about whether he should go down, but in the end, he still had to deal with the goods. His desire defeated caution, and he chose to fight.

Climbing down with the slowest speed, accidentally stepping on the gravel, a little bit of sweat emerged from the forehead, rolling into the eyes, with a faint tingling sensation, and blurred vision, but in the end he managed to reach The location of the goods.

I picked up the strap, but didn’t pick it up. I didn’t know what was placed inside. It was heavy. I tried my best to lift the goods on my back. I returned the same way. My body was strangled. Purple traces.

Leaving these three boxes on the beach, he was exhausted, lying on the ground panting violently, but his heart was filled with joy, as if he was playing a game and unpacking, expecting something good to appear inside.

After relieving the soreness, he got up and opened the first box, which contained books and various materials, which made him dazed, barely calmed down, and opened the other two boxes, so his heart was cold.

If it is a dry book, it may still catch fire, but these wet books…what else can they do? It is impossible for these books to dry, and in such a damp condition, they will always remain wet.

“Fuck! fuck!”

He couldn’t accept that he had taken a huge risk, but he only fished out three boxes of books and pens, which was very different from the food, fresh water, instruments and other tools in the original fantasy.

Since the moment he woke up, his spirit has been tense. At this moment, the pressure completely broke the tense nerve. He picked up the dripping book and threw it into the sea, but was again The tide brought it back, and then, he was like a lunatic, running on the beach, kicking and stepping, these mental foods could not save the body.

It wasn’t until he was tired and his spirit recovered to calm down that he took a breath and sat on the beach in a daze, watching the sun, already swallowed by the sea, dyeing the sea water into a golden soup.

He is hungry again.

He regretted it and complained about why he wanted to go to sea. His wife’s retention did not become a reason for him to stop. The baby daughter did not stop him from his desire for money, so? Have they got the news?

Are they crying?

You…have become a “dead man”?

It is not difficult to imagine that his family members may be holding a funeral for him. From then on, only he himself knows that he is still alive, while Leo has already died on a social level.

This cannot be accepted, at least not accepted by Leo.

“Calm…calm…you can go home, you can go home…”

After washing his face with sea water, he continued to cheer himself up, and even slapped himself and opened the kayak. One third of the fresh water was stored in the coconut bowl, and he tapped it with his tongue. The sweet taste made him The whole person became happy, drank the water, no drop was wasted, and then rolled up the kayak and tied it with the **** the box. Maybe the tide will be high after a while. Such precious materials are absolutely not allowed. Was swept away by the sea.

Holding the coconut bowl, he walked to the side of the rock where there were still plenty of oysters attached, and ate a few casually. He could bear the disgusting taste.

At the same time, he tore the book apart, tore off the paper, soaked in the sea water, put it into a bowl and mashed it into a paste, then put the oysters, mashed it again, and had a certain viscosity, he climbed up the rock in the southeast direction, The ball of paste was put on the fairly flat stone, and a huge distress sign was written.

He has done everything he can, and now he can only wait, pray that people will find out and take him home.

The sea water began to surge, already submerging the place where the pit was dug. He didn’t need to climb up anymore. He was on the spot, spreading the kayak on the ground, resting on the books, looking at the stars in the sky, thinking about how to make a fire. Gradually, he lost control of his body.

He didn’t sleep well that night. The roar of the waves woke him up several times, and his body aches and pains also made it difficult for him to even get up. Looking at the beach, the sea has receded now, and the white beach is exposed again. , The traces left by yesterday have been smoothed by the sea, as if he had never landed on this island.

I dug a hole again to store water, and started looking for dry branches. The answer was no. Fortunately, I found a large coke bottle beside the reef, which can be used as a tool for water storage.

In addition, he needs to find a place to shelter him from wind and rain, otherwise the sea breeze at night will quickly make him catch a cold. Without medicine, he is really not far from death.

Secondly, he made a few fishing rods. The fishing line is a kayak suture that has been disassembled. It is very strong. The hook is a lock that was removed from the cargo box he picked up yesterday. He doesn’t know if this will work. , But try, there is always a way out.

After everything was settled, he began to look for a place to live, everything must be very careful, whether it is climbing rocks or carefully surveying the environment. After all, although there are no carnivores such as lions and tigers here, it is easy to hide deadly in the cracks of the stones. Killer, sea snake.

About three small slopes were climbed, and the scene in front of him made him ecstatic. A cave appeared in front of him. This was not a cave formed by water washing. There were obvious gaps on the top and sides.

According to inference, this place should have been a crack a long time ago. The stone at the top of the crack cracked due to weathering and rain washing, and it fell on the top of the crack and became the “roof”. Because of this, the inside of the cave was not dark. On the contrary, because of the existence of gaps, sunlight can directly shine in, and mottled spots of light shine in, allowing Leo to see the thick moss on the wall.

He picked up a branch and turned over the gravel inside. There were no living things. Then carefully checked the status of the boulder above his head to confirm that it was safe. It would not collapse suddenly while Leo was sleeping. He moved his belongings here. When the book was placed in the deepest part of the cave, it was a quiet time. He seemed to hear… the sound of water droplets falling on the water.

He stiffened, and slowly approached the sound of water droplets. At the deepest corner of the cave, there was a big bowl of puddle with an inverted spiked rock above. Leo stared at it, watching it slowly condense. It became a drop of water, and fell on the puddle with a clatter, with a pleasant soft sound.

He tremblingly stretched out his fingers, clicked on the puddle, and put it in his mouth. There was a salty taste, but it was not brought by the water. The salty taste came from the fingers that had just touched the sea water.

He threw himself on the edge of the puddle like crazy, and drank this small amount of fresh water in one big mouth. The puddle was formed on a rock, indicating that the water had been dripping for many years. There is no need to worry that this is a one-off deal. After drinking this puddle, the dripping water will still fill the puddle.

He cheered for this little puddle, ecstatic for the fresh water that can be drunk in three or five mouthfuls. The pleasure is so wonderful, it mostly comes from the small episodes of your environment.

Later, he adjusted a fish in the evening. It was not big, only the size of a palm. It was swallowed by him in twos and threes. It also tasted bad, but it was strange that he suddenly had confidence, a series of good Luck convinced him that he could go back.

It’s just that, at night, I don’t know how long it took before a rainstorm came.


The loud sound awakened him, and when he looked at the thundercloud in the distance, he suddenly began to panic. Perhaps it was the instinctive fear of being in a solitary human being, or it was caused by the silent rainy night of the Field.

The sound of the wind poured into the cave entrance, and the tiny gaps were like clarinets, playing a creepy piece of music. He was not sure what the iron content of the rock at the entrance of the cave was, and whether it would conduct electricity. After thinking about it, he wanted to sleep again. Difficult, he could only sit at the entrance of the cave, with his arms around his knees, quietly looking at the clouds and rain in the distance, frightened and resigned.


He was sure that he heard it, amidst the thunder and rain, the cry.

Not far from the island, on the coastline in front of the beach, lightning pierced the night sky, like a huge camera flash, suddenly illuminating all the scenes in front of Leo.

It jumped out of the sea, stood upright on its forehead with huge scars, and shouted, with spray from the bottom up, fighting against the raindrops in the sky, and hitting the sea again, setting off a huge wave, and found rushing towards the beach, even a little bit Water splashed on Leo’s face.

It seems that it is always active when the rainstorm comes. Even if Leo hates it, he has to admit that it is beautiful and fascinating.

Inside the cave, water began to seep, and a little raindrops fell, but did not splash on his “bed”. He waited in a panic until the clouds and rain stopped, the sky cleared, and the scorching sun was no longer shy, and ran out of the dark clouds. It brought him a little warmth and tiredness, he fell on the bedding and gradually passed out.

After carving more than forty vertical lines, he watched the sunrise on this island for more than forty days. Every day, as usual, time became the cheapest thing here. He gradually got used to the sea breeze and got used to such boring things. In life, even if no communication made him mad, but gradually, he began to take in the happiness he should have every day from books.

He still did not choose to climb upwards, all risky actions were avoided by him, and all methods of getting fire had been tried, but there was no method until he found a floating uncoated iron sheet in the sea.

This made him ecstatic and placed the driftwood he picked up on the iron plate. After three sunny days, the surface finally faded from the moist gloomy color and began to turn white. This is a good sign, but the inside of the block is still wet. He can only wait. If it is rainy, he will protect the wood and take it out again until the sky clears.

Finally, draw the fifty-third in the vertical line, throw the wood on the ground, the sound is clear and no longer dull, this makes Parker smile with joy, take off the shoelaces, make the appearance of a bow and arrow, the bowstring is drilling The wood twists in a circle, exerting force like pulling an erhu, and it turns quickly on the board.

The drill bit and the hole have been polished to be smooth, and the intense friction made the sound unpleasant, as uncomfortable as scratching the blackboard, but it was indeed a good shot.

“Hurry up… come on, get burnt up…”

Gradually, the sawdust turned black, faint white smoke wafted out, and sweat was on his forehead. He did not dare to stop, so he could only dab a few random swipes on his shoulder. In the end, several red spots appeared on the sawdust.

Quickly put it on the dried confetti, blowing gently, after more than fifty days, he finally saw the flame, and then, the flame turned into a raging fire.

He was excited, surrounded the fire and sang loudly. Even if the singing was not good, the dance was very weird. It was like a sacrificial ritual in ancient tribes. It was also on this day that he finally ate cooked food, which meant that long The diarrhea is about to come to an end.

“Dear Tina and Lucy, I don’t know how you are doing now. It’s probably been a year and three months. Lucy should be able to run, right? It’s sad that I still haven’t heard of Lucy. Call me Dad, but I believe that one day, we will meet again. Then I will not leave again, teaching with peace of mind, revolving around family life, I am sorry that this diary will never be able to meet you, but I will remember What I say and do, and strictly abide by my promises, wait for me to go home and miss your husband, father, Leo.”

The camera zooms away from the fingers and the book. Chi Guo, a thin, bronze-skinned man, sits on the reef, with only a piece of fabric tied around his waist to hide his shame. His body fat rate is surprisingly low, and his skin is tight with muscles. Just a little move can The muscles are silky and unkempt, and the beard and hair have not been treated, sticking together, like a ruminant taken out of the mouth of a cow and sheep.

After closing the diary, he looked towards the southeast corner. In the extreme distance, there was a rice-sized ship sailing on the sea level. He was not excited, because at such a distance, the ship could not find his existence.

He is now on the edge of the unknown sea, close to the navigation area, not because of the expansion of the route, but from the island itself.

Through the ships, the sun, the flying birds that gradually appeared, and the different marine life that appeared, this island…is movable, that is to say, it is a very rare drift island.

Leo is not sure about the speed of drifting, but in just one year’s time, the ship can be seen in his eyes, presumably the speed is not very slow, and the direction of travel is not certain, because the ship is not always visible, sometimes looking southeast In the direction, you can see the ship itself, sometimes you can only see the lights from the ship, and even for a certain period of time, he can see nothing.

This is also one of his confidence that he can return to human society. Perhaps one day, when he opens his eyes, the passing ships may be near him.

What he needs to do is to prepare a raft. If the boat is a little closer, but he does not find him on the island, then he has to give it a try, go into the sea, and run toward the boat.

Of course, it is not realistic to make a raft by collecting drifting objects on the seashore. So not long ago, he finally decided to take the risk to climb the cliff and search around the two sides of the island. Fortunately, he found a road to climb the cliff steadily. And the top of the cliff gave him a big surprise. It was a large bamboo forest.

Burning the bottom of the bamboo with a fire, and then using a stone-grinding axe to cut it off. It’s about a rhythm of three to five days. Today, this time, he just transported a freshly chopped bamboo down the mountain and ate it. Some smoked fish, recovered some strength, trimmed the bamboo, and tied it with the previous bamboo. The rope is woven with bamboo strips and is very strong.

After finishing his work, he fixed the bamboo raft and tied it to the thick stone pillar. He climbed to the top of the mountain again, looking for suitable bamboo. This time he went a little deeper, set fire to it, and roasted the bottom of the bamboo into smoke. black.

Suddenly, the direction of the wind changed, and the white smoke from the burning wood protruded towards the forest. I don’t know where it was poured into, and it made a whirring sound. This sound was somewhat similar to the gasp of human beings, and soon attracted Leo , Put out the open flame, a large amount of thick smoke came out, and he walked deeper into the bamboo forest along with the smoke.

He has been strolling around the top of the mountain, but he has never heard such a sound before. If it is not for certain that there are no creatures here, he would not dare to look at it at will. After walking a distance of about 100 meters, what is greeted is A hole in the ground is not deep, about two meters high, and no plants have grown from the soil in the hole, indicating that it collapsed not long ago.

What shocked Leo was that there were words on the east side of the pit wall! It was carved on a green stone wall. It’s not clear what the material of the stone is, and the text only shows three short lines. It should be exposed after being washed away by rain. According to reason, the soil is covered underneath. Out, there should be more words.

The words did not belong to any kind that Leo could understand, and he had not even seen it. For a while, the curiosity of the scholars surged, and the pit was so big and deep. He was not worried about any It was dangerous, but to be on the safe side, he still found a few big rocks, and smashed them into the bottom of the pit to confirm whether the collapse was complete. Don’t jump down. The result was that the pit was far more than this deep. In addition, the stacking of stones made it easy for him to climb outside.

After a few muffled noises, what was smashed was a very solid ground sound. After confirming that the ground in the pit was solid, he jumped down and stood firmly in the pit.

There is actually a written record on the deserted island, which is enough to arouse the curiosity of all scholars. After all, there is no trace of human existence on this island. If it is left by man, then the matter is worth studying.

Gently wiped off the dirt on the green stone wall, he discovered that the stone wall was bigger than he thought, and nearly two-thirds of its size was covered by the mud. The text on it was still unclear, but it could be confirmed by touching it. , There are chiseled marks.

The stone walls are not polished, some are similar to the low-end full green jade, but compared to the jade, it is more stony, not as oily as the jade.

After thoroughly clearing the soil, he determined that there were twelve lines, three hundred and seventy-two words. He was going to go back to his residence to get a notebook, rub the text and study it slowly, but the moment he stood up, he was dizzy intensely. Sensation surged to his head, accompanied by a strong desire to vomit, which made him immediately withdraw from the fiery mentality of scientific research, and made a subconscious judgment.

“There is radiation!”

Not daring to stay too much, he immediately crawled out of the hole and prepared to get away from here, but just after a few steps, his eyes were completely black, and the palm of his hand shook in front of him, and it was still pitch black.

Accompanied by weakness, dizziness, and a strong acceleration of heartbeat, a few steps later, he breathed fiercely with his hands on his knees, and finally fell to the ground…

Wake up again, it is already the next day.

His eyelids trembled slightly, and he slowly opened his eyes. He still clearly remembered what happened yesterday, but now, his vision has returned to its previous state.

There was a pile of vomit on the ground, and he rubbed himself, even on his hair. His body was still weak, feverish, and severely thirsty. His mouth was cracking. He struggled to get up and glanced at the pothole behind him. , As if seeing a monster, staggering, running down the mountain.

When he arrived at the residence, he drank all the remaining water, and his condition was relieved. He was panting, breathing a little hard, his throat seemed to be stuck with a mouthful of sputum, and his exhalation was rustling.

Hungry and hot, he needed a bath, so he ran towards the beach, plunged his head into the water, and after cooling down his body completely, he lay motionless on the beach, closing his eyes and resting.

I can’t remember how long it took. He sat up, looked at the sea, and reflected his face. There was no decay, no pustules, and no changes. This made his mood a little more stable.

After washing his hair and beard, he wanted to wash a few raw oysters to eat, pick off the oysters attached to the rocks, and squat down on the beach to wash them. Suddenly, he seemed to feel…someone was watching him.

He raised his head fiercely, and there was nothing. The vast sea could not hide a voyeur. After looking around carefully, there was only one fish wandering.

Continue to lower his head to clean the oysters, this feeling of being peeked still hasn’t disappeared, but it is becoming more and more obvious, as if a **** is coming towards him.


There was a shout, but no one answered. If it was not sunny, he thought he had seen a ghost, so he swallowed the oyster. He wanted to leave this evil place quickly, but just turned his head and strayed, suddenly he heard a pop The sound.

Turning his head, a fish jumped out of the water and fell on the beach. The tail kept flapping. The moment he saw the fish, the feeling of being peeped disappeared. Instead, he felt the same suffocation for this fish. sense.

“what’s the situation……”

It was staring at him. Although the fish’s sight was unrecognizable, he could feel it. It was asking for help. He walked over, picked up the fish, and put it back into the sea with an inexplicable tenderness.

The fish did not leave immediately, but remained in place. He walked into the water, and it was not frightened either, but instead swam around Leo’s feet.

It was filled with joy, somehow, Leo could feel it, like finding a playmate, or looking for a family member, even if it was touched by Leo’s finger, he would not dodge.

“Damn…what’s wrong with me?”

This is definitely a kind of superpower, a kind of ability that cannot be explained by science. It exists objectively. This fish is the best proof. Just with a mind, an idea in your mind, this fish can swim to him obediently. In the palm of his hand.

At this moment, he was astonished, standing still in the sea, staring at this humanistic fish, and had not been able to accept such a phantom thing to happen to him for a long time.

But when this most common and common sea bass was obedient like a pet, his lonely heart seemed to flood into a circle of warm currents. The dog owner and his pet dog, this is the emotional portrayal of Leo’s heart.

“Come here.”

He went ashore, walked away for nearly twenty meters, and whispered to the fish in his heart, so it quickly swam over and got into Leo’s palm.


He tore a little bit of oyster meat and fed it to this little guy, and he swallowed it in his stomach with great trust, and then listened to Leo’s transfer to become more active.

“I would like to give you a name, how about Paul? My good friend’s name, you are also my good friend, go! Catch me a little shrimp.”

This is not a communication with thoughts. He is not used to that, but opened his mouth. It’s just that he hasn’t spoken for a long time. Although chewing and swallowing will still maintain oral mobility, the language has begun to be a bit strange. It’s just that he hasn’t communicated with people for a long time, and he didn’t notice that his accent was a little off.

It also understood people’s words, and quickly swam towards the deep sea. After a short while, Leo was already anxious, for fear that Paul, who had just made a new friend, would never return.

He stretched his head and looked into the distance. About a minute later, seeing it swimming back, he breathed a sigh of relief and tore off some oyster meat, intending to give it a reward regardless of whether it brought back the shrimp or not. Really brought back a shrimp to Leo.

This must have something to do with the radiant stone wall, but he no longer thinks about the side effects of this stone wall. In more than a year, the first friend has made him forget about it happily.

Tired of playing, lying on the beach, did not speak, just watched the bass quietly, saw it swimming by his side, he smiled happily, but its next move made Leo start to panic.

“NONONO! Don’t bite!”

It opened its mouth toward the fishing rod made by Leo. Leo immediately got up and kicked the fishing rod far away. He had given up on using this thing that would accidentally hurt Paul. He didn’t think about it for the time being. If you lose the fish that the fishing rod occasionally provides him, how to find food in the future.

He said goodbye to Paul until it was dim and the sea was upwelling. He had forgotten his job of building a bamboo raft, and he still had to go home after playing.

“Stay here! I’ll get you food, don’t run into deep water, don’t be eaten, understand? We will see you tomorrow, waiting for me here.”

After saying goodbye, he turned his head and left. It suddenly jumped out of the water and lay on the beach again calling out to Leo for help. It was reluctant to give up. Leo understood. After repeated education, it understood the meaning.

Fish is fish, IQ is really not high.

This night, Leo didn’t fall asleep. Looking at the palm of his hand, he remembered the feeling of Paul swimming in his hand. It was really like a dream. He had friends and pets on the deserted island. It turned out to be him. fish.

In the next few days, Paul spent nearly half of his time interacting with Paul, and testing whether his strange ability has a better way to use it, but after several tests, he confirmed that this ability is only of concern to him. , Or pay attention to his marine life.

The problem also ensues. He doesn’t have enough food. Close to raw oysters and other shellfish, he can’t maintain what the human body needs. He has long been bored by eating shellfish, and one of the few ways to get food is fishing rod He was also given up because of Paul’s existence. In the past few days, he was fainted from starvation.

Until a certain day.

“Paul, you can ask your companions to play together…”

In the sunset, dozens of perch gathered in the shallow waters of the beach, playing in the water, flicking their tails, splashing water, and sporadic slapping on the face of Leo, who was bending over to tell Paul.

He smiled and asked Paul to wait for him here for a while. The silly fish looked at him quietly, and the joy seemed to tell Leo that it would wait for him to come back to play together.

After a few words, he was facing Paul, slowly backing back to the beach, and with his hands behind his back, he was holding a bass that was still jumping around…

What kind of picture is this…

The fish are in groups, drawing circles in the not deep water, waiting for this human friend to come back and participate in their play.

And behind the rock not far from the beach, he sat on the ground, leaning on the rock, holding a bass that was happily playing with him just now, and his face was full of blood…

He became the wolf grandmother.

A full stomach is not only thinking, but also other emotions will be mixed. When I saw Paul again, the blood on his hands and face was not wiped clean, because this silly fish couldn’t see the difference.

He was really upset just because he had done something wrong. It was difficult to show a smile to Paul again. After playing soon, he announced the end of today’s game time, hurriedly returned to the residence, covered the kayak on his head, and said nothing. Hair, eyes closed, he lost sleep this night.

But insomnia and restlessness will never be the reason for him to stop, hunger, or physiological reaction. Hunting, animal instinct. But he still apologizes, still torturing his body and mind every night.

As time passed, the bamboo raft became more and more perfect, the perch gathered more and more, and the bones of the fish became higher and higher. He became the leader of the fish school. The advantage is that they often catch some shrimps and give them to Leo. , Can make him eat the sea bass and change his taste, although he can’t have a full meal.

In this way, the time flies, the vertical line can no longer be drawn in the cave.

He doesn’t know how long the time has passed, but this time, it’s the closest to the route. It’s about the size of a little finger. He can bet that he will be closer next time, but no one dares to bet again, nor does he dare. .

He is eager to go home, and the blank spaces in the book are filled with diaries. This urgent mood is completely intolerable, so he wants to try, taking advantage of the color of the sky, the temperature, and the degree of humidity to infer. The last few days There was no heavy rain, and today was just a southeast wind.

The bamboo raft was pushed into the sea, and a kayak that had already slept on it was covered with a kayak. There were also several large bottles of fresh water, all of which were picked up on the coast. Paul was still swimming near the beach. He hurried over after hearing the movement .

He is going to take Paul away. The lifespan of sea bass is about 25 years. According to inference, Paul is still more than half of his age to live. This time, he wants to take Paul home, and he wants to provide Paul for the elderly.

The woven bamboo basket is not good-looking, but it is practical. Seeing it swim into the bamboo basket obediently, he finally mustered up the courage to push the bamboo raft into the sea, open the iron sail, and head southeast without the need to paddle.

At sea, we must pay attention to prevent sunburn. Coconut meat should be smeared on time, and we should disembark from time to time and soak in the sea to cool down.

Going out to sea very smoothly, he turned his head and looked at the island, feeling uneasy in his heart. The island that he had lived for a few years, the hatred at the beginning, is now strangely hard to leave.

Opening the bamboo basket, Paul unexpectedly jumped out and fell on the bamboo raft. The scared Leo quickly picked it up and put it back in the box, and kept admonishing it to be safe.

They have reached the shark’s territory.

Think of yourself lying on a bamboo raft. Under the bamboo raft is a swimming shark. The fin cuts a wound on the water that will be immediately healed. No one can restrain this fear. Leo is in this environment. under.

For bamboo rafts, sharks are not interested in attacking, but Paul is different. He doesn’t want his good friend because he wants to take it home. He was eaten by sharks after walking for half an hour.

At night, the fish’s activities became more frequent. Although the waves became smaller, he still frightened him, opening the bamboo basket from time to time to see if Paul was safe.

The next day, the wind and waves became stronger. This was not a good signal. Although the sky was still blue, Leo, who had lived on the desert island for so long, knew in his heart that a storm was coming.

On the fourth day of rafting, the storm was already in sight, and the waves rolled up to tens of meters high. Faced with such a giant wave, it was difficult for him to return enough confidence in his bamboo raft.

Time and time again, the sea slapped him fiercely, and the bamboo raft began to disintegrate from the outermost part. The first bamboo separated and drifted into the distance. This made him nervous, and his hands desperately grabbed the rope woven from bamboo skin. , Soon, the hands began to bleed, and the extremely high salt in the seawater poured into the wound, causing severe pain.

He began to roar loudly, like a wounded beast, roaring frantically, but it still didn’t help. The second bamboo broke apart, scattered in the distance, covered by sea water.

The smell of blood attracted sharks. They were swimming around on the bamboo raft. The white fins were exposed to the sea from time to time. He could feel how hungry these guys are.

“Go away! Go away!”

He yelled at the sharks, but it didn’t help. These crazy hungry guys wouldn’t pay attention to the rage of a prey who was about to become a Chinese meal until he talked about the bamboo oar, turned it over, and pierced the shark’s skin with a thorny wooden handle. .

“Go away!”

This time, his actions worked. The sharks did not go mad and did not overturn the bamboo raft. Their IQs were still not that high, and they would not consider how to get their prey into the sea. Even if these animals eat or eat other creatures, It’s just an attitude of being hungry and needing to eat, just like seeing a dish when a person is hungry, rather than having the malicious intent of killing someone.

He had weapons and kept communicating with the sharks. In this way, his method worked. They swam a few times again, then turned away.

But this was just an episode in the great crisis, not the crisis itself. The rain hit the body, blurred vision, and even breathing became difficult. The third bamboo broke and left.

When he turned his back to the wind to catch his breath, he opened his eyes and the fourth bamboo was about to split, but at this moment, he suddenly saw the light, not far away, at most one nautical mile.

He saw the freighter standing on the surface of the sea, far more than the size of the little finger cover, and the huge figure with a strong sense of oppression, even in the fierce storm, it still remained motionless, and it was amazingly firm.

“Help! Help! Oh, bah! Help!”

He shouted, excited until the blood vessels began to expand, his free left hand swung desperately, and the sea water poured into his mouth. At this time, he could not taste any bitterness. The bamboo oars were violently stroked, but he was unable to move in the storm.

What’s more dangerous is that the oncoming huge wave is completely unmeasurable. The huge wheel can withstand this level of impact, but the bamboo raft can’t, and it completely disintegrates with a bang.

He fell into the water and drank a big mouthful of sea water, ignoring the pain in his palms, and swam towards the position of the ship, but the pulling force of the sea water was too strong until he was exhausted and only swam less than 100 meters. .

The cold sea water soaked him, and soon, his legs began to cramp. He completely lost his strength, sank under the water, lowered his head, and looked at the bottomless and completely dark deep sea. The last desire to survive began to erupt, and he pushed He followed him and didn’t understand what happened.

“Save me! Paul! Save me! Who will save me!”

This was the strongest desire to survive in his mind. Then, he suddenly saw that there was a riot on the bottom of the sea. There were tens of thousands or more. Schools of fish of all kinds began to rush towards him, directing his body directly. Pushed out of the sea.


More followed! More! More fish clustered together, even rare and precious fish species were among them. They held Leo and swam quickly towards the giant ship until he could touch the red paint on the water line of the giant ship.

“Help! Friends on board! Help!”

His voice was too small under the storm. He yelled with one mouth and slapped with both hands. It was not enough to attract the crew until a big-eyed tuna jumped out of the water and slammed on the ship board. Spend a lot of blood.

More and more fish began to launch self-killing attacks toward the ship’s board. For a while, they continued to be like firecrackers, and the fish became bigger and bigger.

He suddenly felt a kind of goodwill, the ultimate intimacy and trust, with firm belief, even in the heavy rain, its scales were still shining with silver light, and it jumped sharply in the water, and Leo could even see it constantly Wagging tail.

“NO! Paul! NO!”

He has seen many fishes and became friends with many fishes, but what he really cherishes is still the first ordinary sea bass that he first met and regarded as his family.

With a bang, it hit the iron plate and became part of the dense blood. There was no more, at least Leo didn’t feel his emotions anymore.

“Sail is finished, wait, first officer! There are people in the sea!”

“What? What nonsense are you talking about! Sorico come back soon! now!”

“There are people! I swear in my father’s name! Damn! He is sitting on a fish!”

“Don’t be kidding! Danger! Come back soon!”

The chief mate, dressed in a green raincoat, pulled the cabin handrails and yelled at the black brother standing on the deck, but Solico didn’t listen to him, so he put his body down as much as possible, walked to the side of the boat, looked down for a few seconds, and then quickly Throw the rope ladder down.

“Try to pull! I’ll pull you up, friends!”

He pulled the rope ladder, and the man in the sea was lighter than he expected. Although he was a little hard, it was no problem. At this time, the first officer also came to help, and then the first officer really saw a unkempt man who was caught. The two slowly pulled up.

“Geez… how did he…”

Human curiosity prompted the first mate to look at the sea, but at this time the sea was empty, and the blood of the fish was also hidden by the same bright red paint.

Lying on the deck, this long-lost slippery feeling was much more comfortable than lying on a rock. He was saved, but not happy, but fortunately, he could cry loudly this time.

“Asian? China? Japan? Korea? Vietnam? Can you understand English? Forget it, it doesn’t matter. Anyway, you are safe, man, you can go home safely.”

This is what he heard when weeping bitterly, the comfort from Solico.

“It looks like you should have been shipwrecked not a teenager.”

“How many years is it now?”


“I went to sea in May 2013.”

When the wind and rain stopped, Leo stood on the deck under a blanket, with a starlight above his head and a blue sky before his eyes. The first meal after returning to civilized society, oyster milk soup, as expected, he was near the Normandy waters.

The sea breeze was still strong, blowing his beard and long hair. By his side, Solico sneaked around him with a curious look. After getting the answer, he clapped his palms sharply.

“The survivor of that scientific research ship?”

“you know?”

“Of course, more than one hundred crew members, six survived, oh no, count you as seven, the only major shipwreck that year, brother, you are really lucky.”

The English of the two is not good, Leo has not communicated with others for a long time, and his accent has been severely changed, while Solico has a strong French accent. He is French.

lucky? He was noncommittal, so he was silent, not speaking.

“How did you sit on the fish? I mean…it’s so cool, it’s incredible.”

“I don’t know, my bamboo raft turned over and I saw a lot of fish…”


A long cry, like sinking into the deep sea, with a wonderful charm in the loneliness, the surface of the sea suddenly no longer quiet, it appeared again, jumped from the surface of the sea, merged with the moonlight, as if the moon was swallowed into its stomach, Under the starlight, the splashes of seawater are even assimilated and become part of the starlight.

A jet of water several meters high even crashed on the faces of the two of them. It fell into the sea again, setting off waves and shocked Solico’s jaw.

“What have I experienced this night? WTF! It’s incredible, but I think…The reason why you can sit on a school of fish has been discovered by me. You are really lucky.”

He was replenishing his brain, he had rounded up the lie for Leo, holding his head and shouting, as the other crew members described, and Leo drank the soup.

“Hello, this is Tina.”

Tina glanced at Lucy who was sitting on the sofa drinking a drink, watching the cat and mouse attentively, and with a gentle smile, replied to the other end of the call.

After that, the phone fell to the ground and cracked. She knelt on the ground, holding her forehead, almost fainting.

“What’s wrong with you, mommy?”

“It’s okay, Mommy is okay.”

She slowly climbed up from the ground, ran towards her bedroom, closed the door, and heard a wailing cry. Lucy turned her head to the side, looked at her own golden retriever, and touched it. head.

After six years, a lucky person who has been determined to be killed returned to human society with an extremely tenacious attitude. In an instant, Leo became the darling of the news. On the way, he did not know how many photos he was taken.

Take care of his own image, he looks like he has not changed much from six years ago, but he has become thinner and thinner. Dao’s wrinkles are minimal. No one believes that a person can live on the sea for six years without dying, and can return to the mainland, but the reality is so absurd.

“Sir, your identity certificate has been reactivated, and other files will be reopened one after another. You need to go to the bank to apply for the reissue of bank cards and other documents, so… welcome home.”

The sheriff stretched out his hand, and the audience was a reporter who was constantly filming Leo. When he shook hands with the sheriff, the reporters present began to cheer and applaud.

“Leo, you need to re-take the driver’s license. If you want to go somewhere in the future, you can take a taxi on Uber. You don’t need to stop the car on the street. It’s very convenient. Turn on your phone like me and add your own Identity information, uh… sorry, I forgot that your bank card has not been unfrozen.”

He was sitting in a police car, and the police officer beside him seemed to teach a child how to use a smartphone. The money for the mobile phone was given to him by haircuts around the world. Although the pension has been paid to Tina, see here When Ao came back alive, they paid Leo again a sympathy fee, but the amount was not much.

The policeman driving the vehicle laughed loudly. The two policemen kept chattering with each other. Leo looked out the window. This was completely unfamiliar scenery in his heart. He was indistinguishable from being in jail. He was even better than having been in prison for six years. Getting out of prison is even more old-fashioned, and this feeling of being out of touch with society is not wonderful at all.

Suddenly there was a call from the cell phone, and the police officer beside him lost his voice. He connected, it was Tina, but neither of them spoke.

Tina was married, he knew, and it was not surprising that no one would wait for a dead person, she had to work hard for herself and her daughter’s life, so Leo understood.

This time, the direction the police took him to is Tina’s current residence. He needs to get back the compensation that needs to be recovered by insurance. Insurance companies are not as humane as Global Geography. People who die are dead. If you didn’t die, you didn’t die. If it wasn’t for Rio’s disaster that caused a sensation in the world, insurance would have legitimate reasons to suspect that Rio cheated.


He was a little cautious, and asked the full stop cautiously. There was no answer on the phone, only a slight blowing nose. She was crying and could be heard, but Leo didn’t know how to comfort her.


About ten seconds later, the phone was hung up, and she probably had the same mentality as Leo.

The two police officers also calmed down. The atmosphere in the car no longer played around. The police officers were there, doing their jobs. Only when passing by a large landmark, would they tell Leo when it was built. Building.

The vehicles shuttled, and finally they arrived at a middle-class community, a single-family wooden villa that has remained unchanged for a century. There were no gangsters at the door of the community all day, and no graffiti on the wall. The good community environment was relieved. At least it proves that Tina and their current income level is pretty good.

“No. 18, the one in front is, uh… good luck to you Leo.”

The police shook hands with Leo and got out of the car with Leo, but did not leave immediately. Instead, they watched quietly not far away. They were worried that Leo would have a dispute with Tina’s current husband and had survived on a deserted island for many years. As far as the lifesaver is concerned, how much legal consciousness still exists in his heart really needs to be considered. On the contrary, people will not doubt that Leo has been stimulated with wild instinct.

The police officers turned their backs to the police car, folded their hands on their abdomen, and blessed Leo with kindness, but there was a little defensiveness in their eyes. They quietly watched Leo walking towards house 18, they didn’t want to be hailed as modern Lu. Not long after the human miracle of Pingson returned to human society, he was imprisoned for murder, otherwise it would definitely be the biggest scandal in the city in recent years.

He arrived at the door of the villa. The spider plant next to the door was planted with hyacinths. This is Tina’s favorite plant. He did not knock directly on the door. He touched the flower bone a few times with his fingers, and with a little hesitation, the finger bones were on the door panel. There were a few taps on it.

The door opened quickly, as if someone had been waiting for a long time at the entrance. In just a few seconds, the door was opened, but it was not Tina, but Tina’s current husband.

He should be a German, green eyes, brown hair, a little taller than Leo, deep eye sockets, tall nose, looks a bit vicious, but at the moment, his expression is a bit embarrassed and speechless. When they see Leo, they are silent. After a while, he first stretched out his hand to Leo.

“You can call me Joseph and I’m glad you are back safely, Leo.”

“Thank you……”

“Tina…the community doctor said that she is a bit sad, so it is not convenient to see you now. I am worried that she will be emotional when seeing you. I don’t want her to be hurt. I think you are the same.”


The man took out the bank card from his pocket and placed it in front of Leo with one hand, instead of holding it between his fingers. He respected Leo, and patted Palio on the shoulder with the other hand, hoping he would accept it.

“She didn’t spend the money, she kept it, thinking that if Lucy gets married when she grows up, she will give her the money as a dowry, but… it’s kind of lucky. ”

He was silent, put the bank card away, and peeked into the room blankly. Joseph saw this, and behind one hand, he closed the door slightly behind him, blocking most of the room.

“Can I see Lucy?”

“Actually… I don’t recommend you to do this. After all, Lucy is still young. We should give Lucy some time to accept, otherwise the impact on her will be greater…”

“So you never told Lucy about my existence, did you?”

“Um…yes, Tina didn’t want to tell Lucy that her father…died, so…he didn’t say it because she was too young, only six years old buddy…maybe until she realized it, When she is a mixed-race child, it is better for us to tell her, what do you think?”

“Dad? Are you calling me?”

“No, you watch TV just like a baby.”

In the room, there was a cry from a child. At this moment, Leo opened his mouth, but his words were stuck in his throat, and his heart suddenly felt pain, as if it was broken.

He pointed to the room, twisted his outstretched finger, stared at Joseph’s face and said, “She should know who her biological person is! If you are her father, what about me?”

“Please speak quietly. I don’t want our conversation to be heard by Lucy, buddy. Before I get angry, please lower your voice or leave.”

“This is my child.”

“But you don’t have her custody rights, do you?”

“That’s because everyone thought I was dead! But now I’m still alive, I want to see her.”

He pushed away the palm against his chest, and wanted to walk into the house, but was pulled back by a force of strength, leaning against the load-bearing pillar of the awning, and pinched his collar with a pair of big hands. In this way, Joseph looked like The fierce spirit was completely exposed.

“Listen, buddy, if you dare to break into my house, I don’t mind beating you! Reasonable and legal! Do you understand? I said, Lucy is still young, she can’t accept this kind of thing!”

“Heh… you decide whether to accept it, not her. Besides… you can’t beat me, I can kill you.”

“Then you can try! Come on, like you were killing fish on that **** island, do you dare? You shouldn’t come back, you should die at sea! People always can’t accept that life is disrupted and can’t bear it The accident in life, you are this accident. Look at the pain you bring to Tina! Do you want this pain to happen to Lucy?”

Inside the room, the golden retriever seemed to feel something. With alertness, he quickly got up and ran out the door, standing beside Joseph, barking at Leo, a pure evil thought that Joseph could not feel, but it could, for protection Lord, it confronted Leo, but its hind legs were shaking and its tail was clamped.

“Gentlemen, stop. I don’t want anyone to bleed under my nose. This is the first warning. I will spray chili water after the warning is invalid. If you don’t want to wash your eyes or even have sequelae, you are the most Be honest.”

The two police officers each held weapons, pepper spray and stun gun. The spray was aimed at Joseph, and the stun gun was aimed at Leo. It can be seen that they attach more importance to Leo than Joseph.

The two had to stop. Leo looked at the Golden Retriever and saw that it was scared and hid back into the house. Then he rearranged his clothes, followed the words of the two police officers, temporarily gave up the idea of ​​visiting Lucy, and got back into the police car.

“Leo, no matter what Joseph is like, he is right. The fact that you are Lucy’s biological father requires Tina and Joseph to slowly reveal to Lucy if you appear directly in front of Lucy. , Indeed… Forget it, where else do you want to go? I’ll send you off to relax.”

“So you also think it’s better for me to be a dead person?”

“I don’t mean it, buddy, I just think…life really should be gradual. If it is disrupted, it is difficult to adjust. If you don’t say this, anyway, Lucy will definitely know the truth in the future, maybe We shouldn’t be in a hurry, let’s go, let’s go, relax, where to go?”

“I want to go to the beach…”

This time, the police officer finally left. He was at the pier. There were a lot of people and a little crowded. Many people were fishing. The weather was good and the nests were well caught. The goods were well received, and every fish was caught. , Leo could feel their pain, but did not stop it. People eat fish, this is the rule of nature.

As a person, you need humanity, but this individuality does not refer to good qualities such as kindness, loyalty, love, etc., but to always have the consciousness of being a human being. You should stand on the side of humans, not animals, otherwise… …Are you human? Or an animal that speaks human words?

For the need not to report malice, but purely for eating, it should not be blocked, but malicious or greedy killings should be prohibited.

On the beach, this season is suitable for swimming. He is sitting on the beach. Men and women in swimsuits pass by him holding surfboards. No one recognizes him. There is less trouble. In the era of information explosion, a shipwrecked survivor looks natural. They will not be remembered, they will only have a slight impression of Leo’s experience, just as a conversation in their spare time.

Just like the couple of men and women around him were talking about his story, but they had no impression of the Lord sitting next to him.


There was a dog barking beside him. It was a black back, squatting next to Leo, giving him the idea of ​​hungry and begging for food. Black back has a high IQ, so it can find a different person among many humans.

After a round of inspections, Leo didn’t find the owner staring at it. He checked his neck. He didn’t wear a collar or a dog tag. Combined with its skinny and dirty appearance, Leo could be sure that it was a stray dog.

“You are hungry?”

It yelled a few more times, dangling its tail, turning a few times, then squatted down, looking at Leo with bright eyes.


He got up and walked to the hot dog stand, and the dog followed him faithfully until half of the hot dog was stuffed into its mouth, and the other half… actually Leo was hungry.

I didn’t have enough to eat, but that’s it. One person and one dog went back to the beach and watched a dog owner with a dog playing frisbee on the beach. The Frisbee grabbed it and circled Leo again.

“Hey buddy! Your dog is good!”

He was complimented inexplicably, he couldn’t say anything, he said thank you, and forcibly snatched the frisbee from the black back’s mouth, threw it back, come on, and he looked at him with big shiny eyes, one person and one dog. Looking at each other, there was a silence…

“Boss, how much is the Frisbee?”

Let it succeed. With a frisbee in his hand, with a triumphant smile, it found an open space and lay on the beach. There was nothing to follow. Leo took the takeoff disk and threw it out, but at this time, the black back was gone. Go after the interest of the Frisbee.

“I just bought it, so why don’t I buy it and stop playing? Go, pick it up!”

Fortunately, he was able to communicate with the dog and urged it to pick up the Frisbee. Then he got up, walked over slowly, and made a nest where the Frisbee fell.

“Don’t you know how to pick up the frisbee? Didn’t you want to buy it, buddy? Go, pick it up!”

He threw the frisbee again, the black back still remained silent, helpless, he had no choice but to give the black back a demonstration, pointed at the frisbee, threw it, and ran, grabbing the frisbee, and rushing into the black back. Pointed to his mouth.

After repeating it several times, it finally regained interest, and after Leo threw it out again, it chased the Frisbee and held it in its mouth very smoothly.

“Goodboy! That’s it! Come again!”

Gradually, one person and one dog are playing, and they are chasing the take-off disk at the same time. Even when excited, Leo will kneel and crawl on the ground and **** the frisbee from it.

The camera gradually zoomed out and captured the entire scene. In the sunset, one person and one dog were running wildly, chasing the Frisbee, and the sun shone the shadow of one person and one dog, entangled on the beach. For a while, it was a bit confused, which one is the person and which It’s a dog.

At sunset, the crowds on the beach were gradually dwindling. Leo and Blackback were resting on the unmanned pier, sharing fried chicken and hot dogs. Out of a sense of sympathy, he hesitated and said.

“Would you like to go with me? Anyway, I have no home. Come with me and have a companion. Don’t worry about eating and drinking. I will take care of you.”

He said that he thought it would not refuse, but the next moment, he felt its resistance.

“Are you waiting here?”

It actually nodded humanely Even if he won’t come back at all? ”

After a long while, he got the answer. It was regrettable, but there was nothing to be a pity. He patted his **** to distinguish it from the black back, and it did not retain it.

“Well then, I will come back to see you, as long as you are there, I’m leaving, bye.”

Throwing the last chicken leg to it, he walked free and easy, the dog did not look back, just lowered his head and bit the fragrant chicken leg, lying on the unmanned dock, looking at the cruise ship with the lights on the sea in the distance.

There is a deviation between the text and the idea. The first time in this book, it is very contradictory. First, I will put 18,000 words. The follow-up content needs to be considered. It is relatively slow. The follow-up is the climax of the plot. I’m still counting, I’m sorry everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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