Global Movie Emperor

Chapter 513

Chapter 491

“It’s you, Zi Xuan.”

Lu Ze stepped aside, leaning on the back of the chair, rubbing grease stains with his thumb and index finger on the paper towel, Wang Zixuan approached, picked up a French fries, and gently placed it on the top of the French fries tower under construction.

I thought that with Lucas’s light, he would buy a larger amount when he went to McDonald’s, but I didn’t expect that this girl was young and promising. She became a store manager at the age of 20, and abused her public power to put chips into the bag. Pretend, let Lu Zeqie experience what is called potato hell, dare you believe that just eating French fries can be full?

Lu Ze was okay. Because of filming reasons, he was worried about the calories and didn’t eat too much. But Wang Zixuan suffered. After eating French fries, he hiccups. In just a few days, his face became a little rounder. When he was in the car this morning Falling asleep, having nightmares, and talking in sleep, “No potatoes…no potatoes.”

“Lu Ze, stop playing, it’s your play.”

Since Fatini became the director, it seems that there has been a “problem” with his ears. He can’t control the volume at all when he speaks. Roaring is louder than a human using a horn. Lu Zezheng is stacking a tower of French fries intently. When he came, he was frightened and couldn’t control his power. In an instant, the “iron tower” that was supposed to be indestructible fell apart and scattered on the table.

“I’m on the show, Zi Xuan, don’t waste food, try this new Mexican sweet and chili sauce, I think it’s good.”

“Brother Lu…I can’t eat anymore…”

Putting the sauce in front of her, Lu Ze immediately chose to run away, turning a deaf ear to her begging, and quickly ran to Fatini’s side, his expression became serious again, and he bent over and lowered his head to watch the replay of the previous scene on the monitor.

I have to admit that Fatini’s progress is rapid. Although there is still a company to manage, which leads to occasional pauses in filming, as long as he enters the state when filming, he will become more comfortable at work.

After all, it is not a literary film, and out of the discretion of the new director’s grasp of the camera, the lens uses the more common shooting methods in commercial films, indent and out of the picture, indent and push into the picture, straight pull and straight push, important characters and The plot is slightly embellished with close-ups. Except for a few plot clips that specifically pursue visual effects, most of the shots are not difficult.

Lu Ze watched it twice and found no problem. This made the two actors who had just played the rivalry breathed a sigh of relief. They sat aside and patted their chests, whispering, not knowing what they were saying, but from Judging from the expression, it should be delightful.

“how about it?”

“no problem.”

The two of them are not talking about the use of the camera, this is not something the actors should discuss, even if Lu Ze has very rich experience, and Fatini is just a newcomer director, but this is not to fill the gap between the director and the actor. The reason for this is that no matter how big your wrist is, how new and cute the other’s director is, unless the director asks you, otherwise you can’t intervene in the director’s affairs at all, otherwise this is not compliant.

After all, movies are the art of directors, and movies should have the director’s style. To interfere randomly is to disrupt the director’s thinking and rhythm. This is fatal for a work. Throughout the history of film and television works, whenever there are actors No film that intervenes in the work of the director is a good movie that deserves praise.

It’s just talking about Lu Ze’s condition today. The two have been talking for a long time. Needless to say, they can understand what the other party is saying.

The props crew is changing the props that will be used in the next show. Taking advantage of this time, the two can also talk more about Lucas’s problem. It’s not about love. As long as the relationship does not delay the work of the crew, the director is not necessary. Regardless, what the two really want to say is that Lucas and Kesha are going to Cannes, France, to participate in the Cannes International Film Festival.

“Did you find a good photographer to replace it?”

“It’s been found, Herman Landowski.”

This does not seem to be a photographer in the film industry. Photographers who are really well-known in the film industry do not bother to substitute other photographers. Lu Ze is a little familiar with this name, but he can’t remember who this person is. Without questioning, he nodded, got up, and walked into the set.

Walking into the camera with him is a blonde woman who plays the protagonist’s wife in the play. This scene is about the disharmony between the protagonist and his wife in the youth. It is a scene that requires a quarrel, which is rarely used as a scene. The actress did not participate in the script seminar. Today is Lu Ze’s first meeting with her.

She was very nervous. No matter what anyone could see, she almost fell down when she was walking. Lu Ze had long been accustomed to this. After symbolically soothing her emotions, she adjusted her wig and Lu Ze sat at the dining table. Next, lit the cigarette **** that had been prepared, with an empty plate in front of him, and the woman breathed several times in the kitchen until her breathing was stable, and then she gave an OK gesture to Fatini, who was not impatient. Admission.

“The ninth scene of “Atonement”, the third scene! Start!”

“Nuna, when will the meal be ready? I’m starving to death.”

The man leaned against the window, occasionally poking his head out, and then quickly retracted. On the bright and clean dinner plate in front of him, he began to complain, biting the cigarette **** with his teeth, spitting out the last puff of smoke, opening the window, and throwing the cigarette **** out. Outside the window, in spite of the curses of the people downstairs, the window was pulled down without change.

“I told you to wait a minute, would you like to do it?”

The wife’s attitude is also very tough. The relationship between the two has fallen to the freezing point a long time ago. At this moment, she certainly will not verbally show weakness and give her husband a chance to mock herself. She moved her shovel and her mouth After a while, he came out with a pan and rudely poured the fried mushroom noodles into the man’s dinner plate. As expected, some of it spilled out and touched the man’s hand. He was scalded.

“what are you doing?”

“I’m cooking for you, what do you say I’m doing?”

“What’s wrong with you? What’s wrong with you?”

I don’t know when it started. Quarrels have become the norm in this family. Children’s crying, men’s and women’s quarrels, as if arguing for the benefit of tongues, has now become a necessary boring life spice for the two of them, like whoever loses. , It’s really so important.

“You haven’t got a penny back for three weeks, three weeks! I’ll give you a bite to eat, it’s not bad!”

She raised her finger and pointed it at the man who had sworn loyalty in front of Jesus. With her other hand pressed against the dining table, she roared and resisted the urge to keep the noodles on her husband’s face.

The biggest contradiction in marriage is that you and your lover don’t know why the emotions have become like this, and egoism is in the brain, trying to make yourself the victor of this family war, even though this victory, no There will be compensation for the loser.

“Then get out! Get out of my house! If you can’t bear it, run with that man, whatever you want! Let Joseph stop crying! I said let him stop crying! Give him some sleeping pills! Don’t make him cry again! Up!”

“Asshole what do you say?”

A mistake, the lack of power in the lines, made everyone on the set shake their heads. The qi is empty. It may be related to the excessive tension just now, or it may be crushed by Lu Ze’s aura. In short, this is not a good one. which performed.

“Stop, rest for a minute, then start again.”


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