Global Ocean Turtles: Developing a City on the Back of a Turtle

Chapter 55

Chapter 55

0055 Goblin Bear’s Fighting Power

0055, the combat power of the bear goblin

Lu Yun took a look at the goblin bear’s combat power.

He did not immediately order Josephine to kill it with the Sun-destroying Dragon Bow.

However, I was still ready to give Josephine a command.

“Josephine, do you see that giant goblin bear? It’s coming for our bronze hoplites. Get your Sunbow ready, and as soon as I tell you to shoot it, shoot it!”

Josephine has always stood by Lu Yun faithfully.

He spontaneously served as Lu Yun’s personal bodyguard.

Because, there is no strong protection around Lu Yun.

This made Josephine very uneasy.

Therefore, the task of protecting the lord is up to him.

Hearing Lu Yun’s order, Josephine immediately complied.

He lifted the Sun-destroying Dragon Bow on his shoulders, opened the bow and arrow, and aimed at the Goblin Bear.

At this time, the body is extremely huge, I am afraid there is a two-meter-five goblin bear, holding a terrifying mace, violently killing the three bronze armored warriors.

The three bronze hoplites were chasing down a small group of goblins.

Sensing the murderous anger of the goblin bear not far away, they all stopped, looked at the goblin bear, and were ready to fight!

The goblin bear is extremely strong and huge, and has a terrifying height of 2.5 meters.

After arriving, compete with Lu Yun’s hoplites.

The size is simply much larger than his own hoplites!

The size of the three hoplites combined, I am afraid it is only the size of a bear goblin.

The goblin bear stood up, swung a huge mace, and swept away according to the bodies of the three hoplites.

The three hoplites were also shocked by the terrifying aura of the goblin bear, how could they dare to neglect.

At the same time, he raised the bronze sword in his hand and blocked the block.

“Ding” sound of a steel sword strike.

I saw that the bronze swords of the three heavy infantrymen were swept away.

The first one who came into contact with him lost his bronze sword in his hand and was knocked out a long way.

The remaining two soldiers who were barely holding the bronze sword were not good either.

Both of them were numb, and their arms were shaking.

The strength of this goblin bear is too exaggerated!

After the goblin bear passed a mace, seeing the hoplite without a weapon, he seemed even more weak.

So he dropped his spearhead, rushed in, and slammed into the unarmed hoplite with a mace.

The mace slammed into the hoplite’s chest armor.

I saw that between the flashes of fire, the whole person flew up and fell five or six meters away!

Lu Yun stood on the turtle’s back and saw all this.

I am amazed in my heart, this goblin bear is very capable of fighting alone!

Three heavy infantry is still very difficult for it!

You know, your hoplites are all converted from level 10 militia.

And all of them are strengthened by the water of life.

The combat ability has been strengthened, far exceeding ordinary soldiers!

He is also equipped with full-body heavy armor, and the equipment is also extremely elite.

Unexpectedly, such three elite soldiers could not stop the onslaught of a goblin bear.

After the goblin bear smashed the soldier away with a mace, he roared and chased away again, with a mighty aura like a rainbow, unstoppable!

Lu Yun’s eyesight is amazing now.

I saw that the heavy infantryman lying on the ground had vomited blood.

The bronze armor on his chest was even more sunken.

It is estimated that the sternum was broken!

At the same time, the mace is covered with horrible nails.

The hammer hit the bronze armor, leaving a lot of holes on it.

It can be seen that after those nails penetrated the bronze armor, they also penetrated deeply into the chest cavity of the soldiers inside.

It seems that this soldier is seriously injured!

If he was chased by goblin bears like this again, he would definitely die.

So, he made a decisive decision and ordered: “Josephine, this is the time! Shoot that goblin bear!”

As for the combat power of the goblin bear, the test is almost the same, and it is very strong!

Can be shot.

Hearing this, Josephine kept firing bows and arrows, targeting him precisely on the goblin bear.

Resolutely shoot arrows!

A crimson light burst out of the sky, forming a red training.

The speed is extremely fast, like thunder and lightning, and it arrives in an instant.

Hit the goblin’s powerful body with precision.

The goblin bear suddenly glowed with crimson light all over his body.

Then after a second or two, there was no life.

Silently, he fell on the spot.

Seeing this, the other two heavily armed soldiers quickly went to support the injured comrade-in-arms.

How is his injury?

Unfortunately, he was seriously injured and it was difficult to answer the questions of his comrades.

……………………………………………… ………………………………..

The rest is unilateral slaughter.

After less than half an hour of hunting across the island.

Almost all goblins have been wiped out.

Some goblins who are afraid of death choose to swim and escape from this island.

Then, the soldiers are too lazy to chase after this kind of goblin.

Above the vast sea, it is estimated that it is difficult to survive.

Lu Yun also got down from the mysterious turtle and began to clean the battlefield.

……………………………………………… ………………………………..

This is 18000 flowers plus more. *

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