Global Planets: Build An Ancient Civilization From Day One

Chapter 11

Chapter 11 – Three Thousand Chaos Demon Gods

Chapter 11 Three Thousand Chaos Demon Gods

“Thirty-sixth grade creation green lotus gave birth to Pangu! It’s done”

Seeing this scene, Wang Yi couldn’t help laughing.

The giant egg on the Green Lotus of Creation, although there is no life fluctuation yet, life fluctuation will inevitably be born as time goes by.

At that time, “Pangu”, born adhering to the Dao, will be born in the chaotic world and become the darling of the Dao in the chaotic world.

However, after waiting for a long time, he still couldn’t see the life aura fluctuating in the giant egg, so he couldn’t help feeling puzzled.

According to the records of “Prehistoric Flow”, after such a long period of evolution, life fluctuations should have appeared in Pangu.

Why there is no such thing until now, what went wrong? !

“System, why is there no life in the giant egg?!”

In the end, Wang Yi chose to inquire about the “God-level evolution system”, which is responsible for the evolution of the world and should know the problem.

【Ding! 】

【Pangu was born upholding the Dao, and came to open the sky. He needs a drop of blood from the planet master to attach the necessary conditions for the birth of Pangu! 】

Sure enough!

As soon as he asked his doubts, the system’s reply came out.

“Need a drop of my blood? I’m not Dao, so it’s useless to give him blood!” Wang Yi said speechlessly.

【You are the master of the planet, and the chaotic world evolved from your planet.

Here, you are equated with “Avenue”. 】

The system explained.

“I see!”

Wang Yi suddenly realized, no wonder the system needs a drop of his blood, so the problem is here.

However, he soon became confused again: “System, my current body is a conscious body, how can I give you blood essence?”

【The planet owner only needs to agree to provide blood essence, and the rest of the system will help you complete it! 】

The system explains again.

“Oh! That’s it!” Wang Yi nodded thoughtfully, and said, “This is quite interesting!” After finishing speaking, he asked, “Give him a drop of blood, will it affect me?”

【It doesn’t affect much, just get some sleep! 】

“That’s okay, come on!” Wang Yi felt relieved, indicating that the system is ready to operate!

【Ding! 】

【Planet main blood essence extraction, 1% 15% 38% 65% 100%. 】

【Ding! 】

【Essence and blood have been extracted and are being injected, 1% 15% 38% 65% 100%. 】

【Ding! 】

【Injection complete! Start to catalyze the birth of life, 1% 15% 38% 65% 100%. 】

【Ding! 】

【Life has been born, please give the mission of “Pangu” to the planet master! 】

“Born!” Wang Yi was overjoyed, Pangu was born, and the three thousand Chaos Gods and Demons are not far away!

“Give him the mission to open the sky!”

Wang Yi did not hesitate, and directly stated the mission of “Pangu”!

【Ding! 】

【The mission of opening the sky is being given, 1% 15% 38% 65% 100%. 】

【Ding! 】

【The mission of opening the sky has been given, and the chaotic world continues to evolve. Please wait patiently for the planet master! 】

Wang Yi stared at the life fluctuations coming from the gray giant egg, and the joy in his heart could not be described in words.

Pangu who created the world turned out to be evolved by him, a “earth man”. If it were put in the previous life, it would be something that I would never dare to think about.


Soon, the peaceful world was broken again, and three thousand light spots of different shapes appeared in every position of the chaotic world, just like the scene where the “Thirty-sixth Grade Chaos Qinglian” was born.

【Ding! 】

【Three thousand Chaos Demon Gods are being conceived, please planet master provide three thousand drops of blood that will allow them to be born! 】

“Three thousand drops of blood? Nima, that’s a lot.”

Wang Yi said speechlessly.

The blood volume in the human body is about 7%-8% of the body weight. For example, if the body weight is 50kg, the blood volume is about 3500-4000mL.

Not all of this blood is in the blood vessels, 20%-25% is stored in the spleen, liver and skin.

When the human body is in urgent need of blood, such as engaging in strenuous activities or losing a small amount of blood, the spleen will continuously release blood into the circulation to maintain the normal physiological functions of the human body.

A normal person’s blood loss should not exceed 10% of the total, otherwise his own self-regulation system will not be able to recover.

When the blood loss reaches 20% of the total blood volume, symptoms such as rapid pulse and drop in blood pressure will appear.

If more than 30% of the blood is lost in a short period of time, it may be life-threatening.

Generally speaking, 1mL of blood is 20 to 25 drops, one drop of blood is 0.05mL, and three thousand drops of blood is 150mL.

This amount of blood may not have a big impact on people, but it will take about two weeks to return to normal. Counting the drop of blood that was taken away before, it will take at least half a month to recover.

This definitely killed him!

“Made, fight!” Wang Yi hesitated again and again, and decided to let the system draw blood.

Can’t let go of children, can’t let go of wolves!

For the birth of prehistoric civilization, three thousand Chaos Demon Gods must be born.

If not, 150mL of blood will be drawn, it doesn’t matter!

【Ding! 】

【Planet main blood extraction, 1% 15% 38% 65% 100%. 】

【Ding! 】

【Three thousand drops of blood have been extracted and are being injected. 1% 15% 38% 65% 100%. 】

【Ding! 】

【Injection complete! Start to catalyze the birth of three thousand Chaos Demon Gods, 1% 15% 38% 65% 100%. 】

Time is like running water, and thousands of years have passed in the blink of an eye.

During this period, the three thousand light spots lit up in the gray chaotic world have become like Pangu on the green lotus of creation, presenting the shape of a big gray egg.

“Three Thousand Demon Gods, I look forward to your appearance!” Seeing the rich life energy emanating from the chaotic world, Wang Yi’s mouth overflowed with an unconcealable smile.

The birth of three thousand chaotic gods and demons heralds another step forward in prehistoric civilization. When all of them are born, the chaotic world will be splendid.


There was a loud noise.

The three thousand big eggs began to vibrate, and the boundless chaotic energy seemed to be attracted, rushing towards the three thousand big eggs frantically, no worse than Pangu absorbing the chaotic air.

【Ding! 】

【Time Demon God, give birth! 】

【Space Demon God, give birth! 】

【Chaos Demon God, give birth! 】

【Xiandao Demon God, bred! 】

【Magic Dao Demon God, give birth! 】

【The Demon God of Life, give birth! 】

【Devil God of Death, give birth! 】

【The Demon God of Truth, bred! 】

【The Demon God of Fighting, give birth! 】

【Swallowing Demon God, bred! 】


One after another, the embryos of demon gods were successfully conceived in the chaos, and the terrifying breath of life completely covered the entire chaotic world, making Wang Yi beside him laugh from ear to ear!

Three Thousand Chaos Demon Gods correspond to Three Thousand Ways!

Once the three thousand demon gods break out of the egg, the energy conversion of the planet must be massive!

When the time comes, the benefits that he, the planet owner, will receive cannot be described in words. The transformation of massive planetary energy alone is enough to make countless people greedy.

Once the body of chaos is rewarded, Wang Yi will be developed!

Don’t talk about becoming a god!

At least it will crush countless people!

【Ding! 】

【The original power is exhausted, and the god-level evolution is terminated. If you want to continue to evolve, please provide enough original power as soon as possible! 】

Just when Wang Yi thought that the three thousand Chaos Demon Gods would break out of their shells soon, the mechanical sound of the system suddenly sounded, extinguishing the heat in his heart like a basin of cold water.

“Used up so soon?” Wang Yi asked suspiciously.

This time, the system did not reply to him and chose to remain silent.

Wang Yi knew that the system didn’t want to answer his low-level question, and it must have taken a lot of time to conceive three thousand Chaos Demon Gods.

He can’t feel the speed of time in the awakening space because of the bonus of time flow. If there is such a time flow in the real world, his bones will rot!

“Forget it, the seeds have already been planted, just wait until they take root, germinate, bloom and bear fruit!”

Wang Yi took a deep breath and stopped worrying about the rapid consumption of the original power: “The system, the evolution of the early stage of the prehistoric civilization has been completed, what benefits have I gained?”

To be continued!

Ps: It’s about 30,000 words, and I haven’t been shorted by the site so far. I guess there is no hope of signing a contract! ε(┬┬﹏┬┬)3

(end of this chapter)

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