Global Planets: Build An Ancient Civilization From Day One

Chapter 14

Chapter 14 – Live Upholding The Dao And Come To Open The Sky!

Chapter 14 Live upholding the Dao and come to open the sky!

The thirty-sixth rank Chaos Qinglian was born in the awakening space, heralding that the awakening planet has entered a new era!

Once other creatures are born, countless people will inevitably follow suit.

Those capital-controlled planetary management companies will never let go of the opportunity to change the existing structure.

As for whether someone can succeed in following suit, this is the next thing.

Now, they are all paying attention to the live broadcast of the sky, recording every detail in the screen, for fear that if they miss it, it will affect the “follow the trend” (experiment).

However, the picture soon seemed to freeze for a while, and it didn’t move for a long time. Only the thirty-six-pin cyan lotus was emitting a weak cyan brilliance.

【Isn’t it evolving? Why hasn’t it changed after so long? ! 】

【strangeness! Is this a legendary civilization? No matter how you look at it, it looks like it! 】

【In addition to smashing the planet at the beginning, thirty-six cyan lotus flowers were born! The screen has not changed at all, is it really a legendary civilization? 】

【Strange, has this picture ended? 】

【I can’t say that the evolution of Dao will end here! 】

【Who knows? ! 】

Seeing that they didn’t understand the picture, people around the world started discussing again. Compared with the previous radical discourse, this time it seemed extremely mild!

Of course, there are still some radicals among them. To use the popular usage of Yanhuang Empire, they are a group of keyboard warriors. Apart from being able to whine on the Internet, they are all cowardly in reality.



There was a loud noise!

The still picture changes again.

The calmed gray gas in the awakening space rolled up again, gathering towards the awakening space.

In the blink of an eye, it becomes so intense that it is difficult to see the situation in the central area!

Seeing this situation, the people who watched it started talking about it!

【I go! The gray gas is gathering towards the cyan lotus again, it can’t be the second evolution, right? ! 】

【possible! 】

【This thing won’t become a world tree, right? ! 】

【Hey, it’s really possible! Once this thing evolves into a world tree, a “legendary” civilization will definitely be born! 】

【This planet owner named Dao is definitely a genius. 】

【This matter cannot be concluded yet, we will know when the picture calms down! 】


【Record the detailed content well, don’t miss any details, this is related to the success or failure of subsequent experiments! 】


【Has it started to change again? The master of this planet has such a powerful mind that he turned the impossible into possible! Worth learning! 】


【Interesting, the planet can still be awakened like this, and my planet is not more than one kilometer. Can I also learn from him?

But will the shattering of the planet lead to the death of the soul, the death of the body and the disappearance of the dao?

Someone has done this before, but it ended in failure. If I do this, will my soul die? !


Made, it’s done!

If you can’t let go of children, you can’t let go of wolves!

If you don’t fight hard, you can only be an ordinary person!

If it succeeds, I will be a master! 】


Many people who awakened to a planet, but were too young to evolve the energy of the planet, felt that the awakening process of the planet in the picture was feasible, and they put down their burdens and became eager to try.

Expect to imitate the evolution process in the picture!

However, they did not act rashly, but stared at the picture in the live broadcast, remembering every detail.

Once a civilization system appears in the picture, they will resolutely smash the planet, imitating the awakening picture of the “Avenue” in the picture.


Five minutes later, the center of the awakening space suddenly exploded, and a boundless airflow rushed in all directions, stirring up the entire awakening space!

The live broadcast screen instantly shook violently, and endless waves of air rushed into the distance one after another, like an atomic bomb explosion.

【Failed? 】

Looking at the berserk scene on the screen, all the people showed expressions of horror. Such a terrifying explosion, not to mention the blue lotus, even a planet that has evolved an extraordinary civilization cannot bear it.

【It’s over! 】

【Such a method is really not feasible! 】

【Fortunately, I didn’t imitate the other party, otherwise I wouldn’t know how I died! 】

【I’m so glad! 】


However, when the violent scene in the picture disappeared, everyone found that the blue lotus flower that was born first was still standing in the center of the awakening space, emitting a bright blue light, and was not affected by the violent airflow at all.

What surprised them the most was that the thirty-sixth-grade cyan lotus had a strange change. The green lotus that had no lotus seeds grew five lotus seeds of different colors at some point, like the product of flowering and fruiting!

This discovery shocked everyone!

【How can this be? ! 】

【Then how did the cyan lotus withstand the violent blast? Could it be that it caused the explosion? 】

【Has the cyan lotus evolved? Actually grew five lotus seeds of different colors! 】

【Flowering and fruiting, is this a further evolution? 】


A melon-eating crowd shouted excitedly as if they had discovered a new world:

【Look! There is a big gray egg in the center of the lotus! 】

【Big egg, what kind of big egg? where? 】

【Lotus Center! 】

Following the yelling of the melon-eating crowd, everyone noticed the dome in the picture, and their eyes widened in surprise.

【Dome? The lotus has produced a giant egg? real or fake? 】

【I’m going, subvert our cognition! The lotus actually crossed species and produced a giant gray egg, which really overturned my previous cognition! 】

【I have to say, this planetary master named Dao is really a **** genius, can this kind of **** thing be done by him? ! 】


Just as the people eating melons were discussing, the scene in the picture changed again, and the calm gray gas surged into the awakening space again.

This time, the gray gas was not absorbed by Qinglian, but by the giant gray egg in the center of Lianxin.

Extremely fast!

In the blink of an eye, the gigantic egg became extremely huge, a full one-third the size of the blue lotus.

After about a minute, the giant egg finally stopped, and the gray gas in the awakening space also calmed down, as if nothing had happened.

【Bigger! 】

【This is fine too! 】

【Da Dao doesn’t want creatures to hatch in this giant egg, does he? ! 】

【possible! According to the current evolution process, creatures should be hatched! Just don’t know what the hatched creature is? 】


【Look, the disappearing avenue has appeared! 】

A sharp-eyed citizen suddenly screamed when he saw the tall figure appearing without warning on the screen!

【Avenue? Planet Lord! 】

Everyone looked at the screen, and the figure of Dao did not know when he appeared beside the blue lotus.

This time, Da Dao’s face manifested, but whenever people wanted to remember his face, they always felt unable to remember the other person’s appearance.

Very weird!

The face on the opposite side is no longer as mysterious as before, but I just can’t remember it.

This feeling makes them very uncomfortable!

【what happened? Why can’t I remember his face! 】

【I can’t remember either! 】

【very strange! 】


Everyone was puzzled, and they didn’t know where the problem was, so they started talking about it.

However, the scene in the next screen made them stop talking.

I saw the Dao in the picture staring at the gray giant egg on the blue lotus for a long time, and then said in vain: “You were born upholding the Dao and came to open the sky.

As the creator of the chaotic world, I am equivalent to your father god!

Today, I will give you a drop of blood to help you give birth to your soul and body! “

After finishing speaking, the center of the eyebrows split open, and a golden drop of blood emerged from one eyebrow, emitting a golden light, illuminating the entire awakening space.


Da Dao waved his right hand, and the golden blood beads instantly sank into the gray giant egg, like enlightening creatures!

After doing all this, the figure of Dao gradually faded away and disappeared into the awakening space!


The gray giant egg absorbed a drop of blood essence gifted by Dao, and visible changes appeared on the entire egg body, countless golden lines emerged, covering the entire gray giant egg in the blink of an eye.

The cyan lotus that is enshrined below it, seems to be nourished by the essence and blood, and grows rapidly.

In the blink of an eye, it becomes like the sky is blocking out the sun.

Endless breath of life emerged, covering the entire awakening space in a short time, adding vigorous vitality to it.

【Born upholding the Dao, come to open the sky? What the **** is this? ! Can anyone explain? ! 】

【Chaotic world? ! Dao turned the awakening space into a planet? ! How did he do it! 】

【Avenue blood essence? Catalyze soul and body? real or fake? Does the blood essence of the planet master have this function? 】


To be continued!

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(end of this chapter)

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