Global Planets: Build An Ancient Civilization From Day One

Chapter 17

Chapter 17 – Identity Exposed? !

Chapter 17 Identity exposure? !

“Wang Yi, tell me, what is your relationship with Dao? Why do you two wake up planets in such a similar way? Even the evolution of civilization is the same route?”

Curly Hair obviously didn’t want to let Wang Yi go, and continued to press him about his relationship with Dao Dao.

“Yes! Wang Yi, tell me quickly, are you a relative of Dao?”

“Truly recruit! We are all classmates, you can’t hide it!”

“Tell me about your experience of awakening. I will soon be old enough to awaken. If I can’t awaken a planet, I will follow the way of you and Dao!”


Wang Yi was speechless to the point of being questioned by the people around him. What could he have to do with Dao? He was just alone.

As for those who said that they wanted to imitate his way of awakening the planet, Wang Yi was speechless to the extreme. How can you awaken according to my way without the completion of the prehistoric civilization system and system assistance.

Even if you can imitate, how do you evolve the subsequent civilization system?

Draw a scoop according to the gourd?

Awakening is obviously not allowed.

Wang Yi can only complain about these words in his heart, but he cannot get them on the table, otherwise he will be exposed!

At that time, it will inevitably lead to endless troubles.

He is still very weak and cannot withstand any strong winds and waves. “Gou” life is the right thing to do, let “Da Dao” do the things that show off!

Thinking of this, Wang Yi pretended to be surprised, and said, “Let me go! I really don’t know the Dao you mentioned.

If I knew him, I would have flown a long time ago. Do I still need to go to school here? “

“Well, what he said seems to be right! If Wang Yi knows Dao, he doesn’t need to go to school here at all, and he can just follow Dao for a while!” Curl and others also realized that Wang Yi was right. There is no need to mess around in school.

“Okay, let’s go! It won’t be good if the old class sees it for a while!” Wang Yi saw that Curly Hair and the others lost their will, and hurriedly moved the old class Li Wanlin out, and then escaped from the encirclement of several “animals” out.

Walking to the seat, took out the general language document, flipped through two pages symbolically, then took out the mobile phone, opened the Du Niang browser, logged in to the forum, and searched for the words “Avenue” and “Prehistoric Civilization”.

Sure enough

As Curly and others said, words about “Avenue” and “prehistoric civilization” are everywhere on the Internet!

Du Niang’s hot search list, the first is “Avenue”;

The second place is “Prehistoric Civilization”.

The third place is the reward for the identity information of “Da Dao”!

Except for the tenth most searched list being “Planet Genius Ranking”, the other nine are all related to “Avenue” and “Prehistoric Civilization”.

“Is the heat so high?”

Wang Yi was taken aback.

If people know that he is the avenue for the evolution of prehistoric civilization, he will never have peace in the future, not to mention being “torn apart” by the crazy profit-seeking capital, and he will also be persecuted by capital.

Life is the most important thing, and you must not waste it!

Not yet, wait for three thousand Chaos Demon Gods to be born

“Hey, what is this?”


A rapidly rising trending search attracted his attention: [The prehistoric civilization that evolved from the Dao is not the only one, and one person is known to have completed a similar planetary awakening! 】

The ranking of the post has risen rapidly, from the ranking of 10086 to the top 20 in the blink of an eye. If it continues at this speed, it will soon break into the top 10.

Click the link to enter the post!

What caught my eye was the self-introduction of the host.

【Hello, all spectators!

I am the landlord Xiaodao.

Yesterday, I heard that someone in the Yanhuang Empire had evolved a “legendary” civilization, so I watched it!


The evolution of the main avenue of the planet – “prehistoric civilization”, seems to be familiar.

In order to confirm that I have seen similar “Awakening of the Planet” and “Birth of Civilization”, Xiaodao deliberately browsed through countless pictures of awakened planets and past materials, and finally confirmed this with a friend.

According to my friend, in a certain area recently, a boy who just turned 18 years old resolutely smashed the awakening planet because the awakening planet was too small

In the end, a civilization 90% similar to Da Dao emerged.

Xiaodao has already found out the identity information of this person. If you want to know, you can post it below and leave a message! 】

The content of the post is not long, with a chat of more than a hundred words, but the reaction it triggered was extremely huge. In a short period of time, not only did it rush to the top of the hot search list, but even the proficiency of the message became 1006111111+.

It can be seen that this post is hot!


Others are leaving messages asking who is the person who awakened and evolved civilization with Dao Planet, but Wang Yi scolds his mother in his heart.

This is the bastard, he almost announced his name!

“Not a son of man!”

Wang Yi’s mood became less beautiful.

Once his identity information is exposed, he will inevitably attract the attention of countless people, and he will even be threatened and lured.

This is not a good sign!

However, he also understands that even if this person does not expose him, the students in the school who have seen him awaken will also expose him.

There is no impenetrable wall in the world.

What needs to be done now is to evolve the “prehistoric civilization” as soon as possible. Even if a Chaos Demon God is born, he will not be afraid of malice from the outside.

“Fuck 0!”

Wang Yi cursed unhappily, and then read the comments below the post bar.

On the second floor of the post, a netizen named “I am a big persimmon” left a message: [Really or not, Xiaodao? 】

On the third floor of the post, a netizen named “Dream Like Eating Chicken” left a message: [Xiao Dao, do you want to stir up heat? Hire it! 】

On the fourth floor of the post, a netizen named “Chicken Eats Rice” left a message: [You are so amazing, you actually said that someone with a legendary civilization evolution system appeared! Why am I so unbelievable? 】

On the fifth floor of the post, a netizen named “Tian Remnant Tudou” left a message: [Xiaodao, can you explain the IP issue of the Lighthouse Country? 】

On the sixth floor of the post, a netizen named “Da Dao Xiao Japan” left a message: [Upstairs cowhide, this person called Xiao Dao is too shameless to post false information, garbage! 】

On the seventh floor of the post, a netizen named “Lying Jia Tong Spoon” left a message: [I feel that this person called Xiaodao has ulterior motives, otherwise who would post like this! 】

On the eighth floor of the post, a netizen named “Seeing the Dragon Unloading Armor” left a message: [I am a hacker. According to Xiaodao’s IP, I successfully found his address.

He is Fo Bole from the Lighthouse Kingdom, named Wo Shi Dabi, a person who spreads fake news, and a friend of the Yanhuang Empire. Don’t believe his words! 】

On the ninth floor of the post, a netizen titled “Get to You” left a message: [The dog in the lighthouse country, rubbish! 】

10th floor “Killing Dogs” left a message: [The dog in the lighthouse country, garbage! 】

The 20th floor “Killing Animals” scolded: [The dog of the lighthouse country, garbage! 】

Floor 60, “Pig Killer” scolded angrily: [The dog in the lighthouse country, rubbish! 】

Floor 250, “Donkey Killer” scolded angrily: [The dog in the lighthouse country, trash! 】

From the netizen on the 8th floor revealing the real identity of the host, the picture has changed!

After the ninth floor, except for a few, there were all cursing messages. Wang Yi was very happy to see it!

He really wanted to thank the eighth and ninth floors, without these two taking the rhythm away, he would really consider running away!

To be continued!

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(end of this chapter)

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