Global Planets: Build An Ancient Civilization From Day One

Chapter 4

Chapter 4 – He Smashed The Planet Into Pieces? !

Chapter 4 He smashed the planet into pieces? !

【Ding! 】

【Your original power is insufficient, and the time flow rate of 1:10000000000 cannot be used!

In order to complete the first transformation of the planet, the system presents a time acceleration of 1:1000000000! 】

【Reminder: There are still three minutes left to awaken the planet, please prepare the planet owner for your psychological expectations! 】

“A gift package for beginners?”

Wang Xian smiled.

Although three minutes is not long, it has a time ratio of 1:1 billion.

Converted into minutes, there are 3000000000 minutes;

Converted into hours, there are 50000000 hours;

Converted into days, there are 2083333.3333 days;

Converted into years, there are 5707.762557 years.

These times are enough to evolve the planet into a chaotic world.

After all, the son of Dao, Pangu, is only 18,000 years old.

He has a third of the time, enough for the planet to evolve!

It’s a pity that the power of the original source is insufficient, otherwise, with a flow rate of 10 billion times, it will definitely be able to catalyze three thousand Chaos Demon Gods.

After all, in theory, as long as there is enough original power, time can be accelerated indefinitely.

However, even if there is enough original power, few people will do this.

The evolution process of the planet is like the growth of a baby.

Excessive catalysis is prone to backfire.

If it is serious, there will be premature death.

So, in the absence of absolute certainty, all planet owners will choose to play it safe.

After all, there are many cases of planetary collapse.

Before, there was a college student with good talent, because he wanted to quickly transform the planet, evolve advanced civilization, and use 10 billion flow rates.

As a result, the catalysis was too fast, causing the planetary ecosystem to be unable to bear it, all creatures died, the civilization system withered, and even the planet owner and the planet were destroyed together.

This is a blood lesson, no one will take it too hastily. But Wang Yi is not afraid of this.

He has a complete prehistoric system and a “god-level evolution system”. As long as the origin is sufficient, he can infinitely use tens of billions of flow to transform the planet and evolve prehistoric civilization.



There was a loud noise.

Wang Yi’s less than one-meter-long planet suddenly exploded, and countless gray gases erupted from above.

In the blink of an eye, it merged with the surrounding gray mist, and there was no trace of the existence of the planet at all.

“This is?”

Wang Yi’s expression changed wildly. Just as he was about to ask, the system’s voice rang.

【Ding! 】

【Planet evolution has entered the second stage, transforming the chaotic world! 】

“I see!”

Wang Yi suddenly realized that the planet was too small to meet the conditions for the birth of creatures from the prehistoric civilization, and the system blew him into chaos.

Tao begets one, one begets two, two begets three, three begets everything.


Everything is possible!

monitoring room.

The principal and others stared at the big monitor screen, talking and discussing a few words from time to time.

Said that this student has good qualifications, and that student’s planet has a large diameter…


A hurried voice came from the radio:

“Student No. 5’s planet has collapsed. Medical personnel are requested to enter the awakening room for rescue as soon as possible.”


The monitoring room became completely silent!

All eyes are on the number five position on the big monitor screen.

“how so?!”

Li Wanlin’s expression was serious, and before he had time to say hello to the principal, he turned around and ran out, towards the awakening room.

Wang Yi is his student, and if something happens, he can’t explain it to Wang Yi’s parents.

The head teacher of class three, Qu Shuli, is Wang Yi’s teacher. After hearing the news, her face changed wildly, and she murmured:

“His planet is the Death Star, why did it suddenly collapse?!”

This sentence is undoubtedly a question, and it is also where everyone is puzzled.

A planet with a distance of 0.92 kilometers cannot even convert the energy of the planet, so it shouldn’t collapse!

Why did his planet collapse? !

“Go! Go and have a look!”

The headmaster’s face is not good-looking. There is indeed a risk of falling during the process of awakening the planet, but as the headmaster of Lanling Middle School, he doesn’t want students to have accidents when the planet is awakened.


Everyone walked out of the monitoring room and walked towards the awakening room.

Awakening indoors!

The teachers in charge of awakening all came to Wang Yi’s side with horrified faces to check his situation.

He didn’t dare to take his hands away from the crystal ball rashly, for fear of being backlashed by the original force inside the crystal ball and causing secondary damage!

The teacher in charge of Wang Yi’s regional awakening looked at Wang Yi suspiciously and said:

“what happened?

Wasn’t he fine just now?

Why did the planet collapse suddenly? “

“have no idea!”

” Logically speaking, his planet shouldn’t collapse!

What went wrong? ! “

“Do you see the problem?”



While several Awakening teachers were discussing, the Director Awakening spoke to stop the discussion and issued an order:

“Don’t care how his planet collapsed, let the doctor look at his condition first to determine whether his life is in danger?!

If there is, send someone to notify his parents to come, so that he can be given a ride;

If not, find out the cause of the planet’s collapse as soon as possible.”

“Yes, Director!”

A few awakening teachers heard the words and backed away one after another, letting the doctor who came in check the situation.

Soon, the doctor put down the instrument in his hand and said, “The child is fine, don’t worry…”


Director Awakening breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words.

It’s fine!

After that, he looked at the awakening teacher in charge of Wang Yi’s area, and said, “Go, turn down the recording of the awakening instrument, I want to find out the reason for the collapse of the planet!”

“Yes, Director!”

The awakening teacher heard the words, turned around and walked to the console, entered the password, and began to call the video in the “No. 5” awakening crystal ball.


at this time!

The door rings!

Li Wanlin walked in hurriedly, looked at the awakening director and teacher around Wang Yi, and immediately asked:

“Director Chen, what’s going on? Why did my student planet suddenly collapse?”

Unable to awaken the director and others to answer, the principal pushed the door and walked in with a group of class teachers.

Like Li Wanlin, they went straight to where Wang Yi was.

The principal looked at Director Awakening and said, “How is the child?”

“It’s okay! It doesn’t affect life!” said the director of awakening.


Everyone breathed a sigh of relief when they heard the words.

People safe is good!

The planet is blown up, let’s blow it up!

This is a Death Star, as long as it doesn’t affect anything!


The principal let out a long breath, looked at Director Awakening, and said, “Old Chen, you are also a veteran, and this kind of thing shouldn’t happen.

Hurry up and figure out the cause and effect…”

The Death Star cannot transform the energy of the planet and will not collapse.

This is something everyone knows!

Wang Yi’s “dead” star collapsed!

As the principal, he has the responsibility and obligation to know the problem!

“I have asked Xiao Li to retrieve the video of the awakening device, and I will know the reason in a while!”

Director Awakening’s complexion was not good-looking, and he was reprimanded by the principal in front of everyone, which somewhat made him unable to step down.

But this happened during the awakening period, and as the director of the awakening room, he could hardly escape the blame.

“Principal, director, the video is tuned up!”

Xiao Li’s voice sounded in vain, interrupting the principal’s reprimand!

“Go, go and have a look!”

The principal took a deep look at Director Awakening, and walked towards the equipment desk first.

There are surveillance videos there, and he wants to figure out the cause and effect of the planet’s collapse.

Li Wanlin and others followed closely behind!


Everyone came to the console and was startled when they saw the broadcast on the monitor screen.

Then his face became weird.

“Is this kid crazy! How did he smash the planet into pieces?!”

Li Wanlin became furious when he saw the picture on the screen.

If he hadn’t been in the awakening room, he would have scolded Wang Yi as an “asshole”.

Although there is no Death Star, it is easy to break the soul if it is smashed rashly.

It doesn’t matter if he died, how can I explain to your parents!

Bastard bastard, I will clean you up later!

“This child… is really worrying!”

“I don’t take my own life seriously!”

“Mr. Li, after the awakening is over, you educate this child and let him know the importance of life!”



Facing everyone’s “good words”, Li Wanlin responded one by one.

He can’t tell what he’s suffering now, and he can only consider himself unlucky to have a student like Wang Yi on the table!

“Okay, now that the matter is clarified, let’s leave!” The principal stopped everyone’s discussion, waved his hand, and said, “We will talk about everything after awakening!” After speaking, he looked at the director of awakening and said, “Watch Be careful, don’t let something like this happen again!”


Director Awakening nodded.

The principal shook his head, and led Li Wanlin and others to the awakening room.

The awakening of the students is not over yet, so it is inconvenient for them to stay too long.

Wang Yi who caused this incident did not know that he was tricked by the system, nor did he know what happened outside.

His eyes are shining now, staring at the center of the chaotic world, where there is a thirty-six cyan lotus flower.

Although it is not big, the appearance of Qinglian indicates that his chaotic world has evolved into…

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(end of this chapter)

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