Global Power: Awakening The Heart Of The Sword God At The Beginning

Chapter 120 Rules

This nationwide screening is to go to East Asia to save Lord Leng Aoxue and the half million soldiers of Daxia.

Those selected are definitely the 100 people with the strongest comprehensive strength in Daxia Kendo, and there is no possibility of fraud.

Not to mention the live broadcast, with hundreds of millions of people across the country watching.

Then how come this boy with black hair and extremely handsome appearance can sit with all the air-level bosses?

"Why does this young man's appearance feel so familiar to me?"

"Chao, I remembered, this young man is Li Ziyu!

That SS-level superpower is a peerless monster who has mastered master-level swordsmanship at the age of only sixteen."

Someone thought of something and looked at Li Ziyu at the judges' table with wide eyes and exclaimed.

The others also suddenly realized that the Internet was full of news about Li Ziyu recently, and they had all heard about Li Ziyu to some extent.

However, knowing that Li Ziyu's talent in swordsmanship was incredible, many people still raised doubts.

"Even though his talent in swordsmanship is incredible, he is so young, so he is not suitable to be a judge, right? Judges need vision and experience. He is only sixteen years old, can he play any role?"

"Who knows, maybe the big guys have their own considerations."

For such a young Li Ziyu to be a judge for this test, there was a lot of discussion in the audience, with mixed approval and skepticism.

In the live broadcast room, there was also a continuous barrage of comments and questions.

"Although Li Ziyu is strong, he is not good enough to comment on national tests, right?

After all, he is only at the fourth level of the Moon Level.

Look at the contestants below, there are a lot of Sun Yao level experts. He is the judge, so many people are probably not convinced, right? "

“I don’t agree with this point of view. First of all, the big bosses must have their own considerations.

There is one more thing you have forgotten.

Have you heard about anyone in the history of Daxia who mastered master-level swordsmanship at the age of sixteen, right?

This alone is enough to prove that Li Ziyu's understanding of swordsmanship has reached a terrifying level.

In this case, he must have seen clearly the following testers' understanding of kendo. "

At the judges' table, Mr. Long frowned slightly as he looked at the noisy environment around him.


There was a soft shout, not loud, but it resounded throughout the stadium.

Hearing it sounded like rolling thunder in the ears of everyone present.

The shock caused everyone in the audience to shut up their talking mouths and turn their heads to look at Mr. Long.

"I know you have objections to Li Ziyu serving as a judge this time. However, I, Long Jiuyao, guarantee with my reputation as the president of Canglong Superpower University that Li Ziyu is definitely qualified to serve as a judge this time!"

As soon as these words came out, most of the discussions among the people present disappeared instantly.

Mr. Long has a fair and upright character, and he still has a strong prestige in Daxia.

He, the air-level boss, has given his word, so Li Ziyu must be something extraordinary.

The people in the audience and watching the live broadcast were thinking.

Although there were still doubts and doubts in Li Ziyu's eyes, there was a lot less discussion.

At the far end, Li Ziyu, who was sitting next to Yu Ningmo, turned his head slightly and looked at Mr. Long who was speaking seriously.

He has never met Mr. Long, the president of Canglong University, and today is the first time he met him.

But I didn't expect that Mr. Long, the big boss who stood at the top of Daxia Pyramid, would have such a high opinion of himself and be so supportive of himself.

Li Ziyu secretly thought.

At this time, Mr. Long also felt Li Ziyu's gaze and gave Li Ziyu a charitable smile.


100% compatibility. Unexpectedly, the realm that only existed in theory actually appeared in front of me in real life.

Elder Long sighed in his heart.

100% compatibility, SS abilities, plus the three auras of mastering master-level swordsmanship at the age of sixteen.

Alas, it is a pity that Li Ziyu could not be recruited to Canglong University at that time, otherwise he would definitely be accepted as a closed disciple.

Elder Long sighed in his heart.

Li Ziyu also returned a kind smile, but was secretly shocked at the same time.

The five senses of an empty-level expert are so frighteningly sharp that even if he glances sideways slightly, he can still sense it.

It seems that the strength of high-level superpowers is much stronger than I imagined. Please be careful in the future.

Li Ziyu's heart was solemn.

Although he has now mastered the Thunder Body Forging Technique, his explosive strength is comparable to that of a junior Sun Yao powerhouse.

But in the whole of Daxia, his strength is not enough to make him fearless.

We have to continue to improve!

On the judges' bench.

Liu Changkong, Yu Ningmo, Wang Bingge, and Nangong Aotian, the president of Shengpan University, had paid attention to Li Ziyu when he was taking the martial arts exam and knew about Li Ziyu's talent in kendo.

So I have no objection to Li Ziyu becoming a judge this time.

But the Dragon Sword Master sitting opposite Li Ziyu on the far right side of the judges' table had a look of displeasure on his face.

A sixteen-year-old student with a hairless mouth.

I haven’t graduated yet, and my horizons are still here.

Even if his talent in swordsmanship is strong, he is not worthy to sit with veteran experts like them and be a judge, right?

A look of displeasure flashed across the eyes of Wandering Dragon Sword Master.

However, Mr. Long came out to speak for Li Ziyu. Although he was displeased, he did not show it in front of so many people.

I just want to show off my experience and strength as a veteran swordsman during the test.

Li Ziyu was checking the test rules at this time, but he didn't see the expression of Dragon Sword Master.

At this moment, Elder Long's loud voice came.

"Okay, without further ado, it's now eight o'clock, I announce that the test has officially begun!"

After Long Lao's words ended, Wang Bingge stood up and cleared his throat.

Facing the tens of thousands of people in the stadium auditorium, as well as the hundreds of people with supernatural powers standing in the center of the stadium waiting for the test to begin.

Talking about the rules of this test.

In order to ensure absolute confidentiality and to select the top one hundred kendo masters with the strongest overall strength, no one knew the rules of the test before it officially started today.

Wang Bingge faced tens of thousands of people present.

"This test tests your comprehensive strength and is divided into three links."

“First, it is to test the understanding of everyone present.

Later, our staff from Beijing University will give each person a combat skill related to kendo. Those who can learn this combat skill within the specified time can enter the second stage."

Wang Bingge said slowly, and his voice clearly reached the ears of everyone in the stadium.

This is the first link.

This is a topic jointly thought up by the four presidents of Soryu University and Seiban University, as well as many deans.

Except for Canglong University and Shengpan University, even Wang Bingge didn't know what the secret was.

"The second part.

What is tested is your understanding of swordsmanship.


Everyone has different levels of kendo, so I decided jointly with the four major schools and the military.

It is up to everyone who participates in the test to use your strongest kendo fighting skills.

Our judging panel will judge the rest. "

Wang Bingge said slowly.

This second link is a method that all the powerful people from the four major universities and the military came up with at the same time.

Originally, they wanted to let everyone participating in the competition sit down and discuss the matter.

However, it is difficult to judge the strength and weakness of something like theory after all.

It's better to actually compete directly.

After all, if you want to practice a combat skill to a high level, it is absolutely inseparable from the understanding of the sword.

Thinking about it, Wang Bingge continued.

"Two hundred people are selected for the second stage and enter the final stage."

Speaking of this, Wang Bingge glanced around for a week. At this time, everyone was looking at him seriously. He did not resort to litigation and just smiled and spoke.

"I don't need to say this, everyone should be able to guess it. The last step is actual combat, and finally, ranking based on comprehensive score."

After Wang Bingge finished speaking, the audience started talking among themselves.

“It’s really interconnected.

The first link tests understanding, and the second link tests talent, which also includes perseverance and practice.

Not to mention the third one, it was a direct fight with real swords and real guns, using hard strength! "

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