Global Racing: My extreme operation show shocked the audience

Chapter 104

Although Yan Xueqi guessed that Chen Yi would jump directly, no one was mentally prepared when Chen Yi stepped out without any warning. Everyone was almost frightened. Jump up.

I was shouting in my heart, Oh my God, he actually jumped again. This was 50 meters, and there was no parachute. The highest diving competition in the Olympics is only 10 meters, which is not unreasonable. Those who challenge the limit are only twenty or thirty meters at most, which is extremely dangerous. If it is 50 meters, it will really be fatal.

"Get ready for rescue."Director Xie Kui shouted, and the on-site staff immediately took action. Some were preparing to sail, some were preparing to provide first aid, and some were preparing to call 120. Their stress reactions could be regarded as being trained by Chen Yi. If it were at the beginning, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to react.

After Chen Yi stepped out casually, his body fell freely from a height of 50 meters, and his speed began to increase rapidly, 50km/h, 70km/h, 90km/h,...

His movements seem random, but if you look closely, you can see that his body is as straight as an arrow, keeping in line with the speed of his fall without any deviation. The reason why it is dangerous for people to jump on the concrete floor is because The braking phase of the body's falling speed occurs in a short period of a fraction of a second, which causes the body to bear a considerable burden, resulting in serious injuries. This is the biggest difference from falling into water. The deceleration process of the body is over a relatively large distance, so the burden on the body is less, and it is possible to avoid injuries.

However, if you cannot control your posture when jumping from a high altitude, causing your back, abdomen, or sitting position to enter the water, when it comes into contact with the water, The human body will encounter great resistance and rapid deceleration, and the damage caused may even be similar to that of hitting the concrete floor directly.

Therefore, the correct posture should be to reduce the contact area and insert it into the water instead of hitting it on the water surface. , effectively reducing the instantaneous stress and increasing the deceleration distance.

When Chen Yi's body was 30 meters above, everyone could still clearly see the trajectory of Chen Yi's fall, but 20 meters below, the audience didn't even see it clearly, they only saw a line The shadow shot into the water with a whoosh. The speed at the moment it entered the water was close to 120km/h. What is the concept? Imagine driving on the highway until it is close to the speed limit, and then suddenly jumps out of the car.

The sound of Chen Yi entering the water was very small, not much louder than the bamboo inserted into the water before. A small splash of water splashed on the water, and then it became calm.

This made everyone at the scene and the live broadcast room stunned for a moment. Those who don’t know how to do it feel a little inconsistent. There is no splash when jumping from such a high height, and it is so silent. Those who know a little bit about it feel that it is so perfect that it is unreal. Even professional divers cannot say that they can achieve hundreds of postures. 100% accurate, more or less, there will be some deviations. The higher the diving height, the bigger these subtle deviations will be, so the higher you jump, the bigger the splash. There is almost no splash when you jump from a height of 50 meters. This is What kind of god-level operation can be done? Now there is only one last question left, how is Chen Yi? They waited, and after one second, two seconds, three seconds... there was a crash. Chen Yi floated up, no. There was a row of small boats in the distance, which were obviously intended for the athletes who were going downhill. Chen Yi swam over and climbed onto the boat, and it was seen that he was completely unscathed. Everyone was dumbfounded, shocked and overwhelmed. I believe that this scene happened so fast. Many people were still in fear of Chen Yi stepping out and falling. They didn't have time to react. Some people even wanted to turn off the live broadcast and not watch it. As a result, they saw that Chen Yi shot into the water and floated safely, which gave them an unreal feeling.

There was dead silence in the live broadcast room, and it suddenly exploded after a few seconds.

"Success, actually success?"

"Oh my God, Chen Shen was not only not dead but also uninjured."

"Not only was he not injured, he was completely unscathed."

"I survived the 50-meter dive without incident. Is this true? Isn't it an illusion that I made up because I don't want to accept the reality?"

"I just made a comment before I had time to comment. Oh my God, Chen Shen jumped again. As a result, Chen Shen fell into the water the next moment, and then came back safe and sound. This is just like a doctor pulling out a tooth. He started pulling it out on the count of three, but he ended up counting to three. As soon as he pulled out suddenly, it was over before I could scream."

"Not only is Chen Shen safe and sound, but if you look at his posture, movement and expression, he is as casual as if he jumped from three meters away. All I can say is, he is awesome."

"Although Chen Shen didn't do any fancy somersaults just now, his casual and unrestrained posture like an arrow thrust into the water was so handsome."

"Before, I thought that Chen Shen was trying to exploit loopholes in the rules just by weaving a small rope. This time, I was afraid that the game would be over, but once again, my understanding was refreshed."

"Tianxiu, this is simply Tianxiu"

"Mom asked me why I was kneeling and watching the live broadcast again"

"Qingjun sent 10 super rockets in a row: This is awesome, is this okay?"

"The prodigal son returned and sent 10 super rockets in a row: Chen Shen’s jump instantly raised the human diving record by 20 meters. There is no doubt that this is another milestone in the sports world."

"The prince sent 20 super rockets in a row: I live on the 15th floor now, less than 50 meters away. I looked down from the balcony and thought, oh my god, can you jump here? And safe and sound?"

"Six Paths sends 10 super rockets in a row: Is this level over like this?"

"The mountain eagle sends 20 super rockets in a row: It’s over, Chenshen Three Seconds Man"

"The crow sends 100 super rockets in a row: I really didn’t expect that a rope rappelling could be performed like this by Chen Shen. The program team is still too naive. When has Chenshen ever used a rope?"

Lin Hai, Liu Jing, Su Ya, and Yan Xueqi all had pale faces and lingering fears at this moment. The fear had not dissipated, and it was even hard to believe that Chen Yi was safe. The cliff rappelling staff and photographers at the scene The team, the chubby village owner, Sister Liu and others were all speechless, as if they were petrified. Nothing would happen if they jumped from a height of 50 meters. Is this still a human being? The staff who were preparing for the rescue felt like they had seen a ghost. He 743 They were just about to prepare for rescue, but the call for help had not been answered yet, but they saw Chen Yi falling into the water and was safe and sound. He was safe and sound after diving from a height of 50 meters. What kind of monster is this? I saw Chen Yi standing on the boat and shaking the hand in his hand. The thin rope that I made with asparagus grass seemed to say that the rope I made was not broken and intact, so I did not commit a foul. The staff were speechless. You didn’t use that rope to rappel at all. , how could it break? Our regulations are not designed to deal with your way of going off the cliff. You did not commit a foul, you just cheated. There is no need for rescue. They silently returned to their posts.

Xie Kui said this At this time, I slumped in the chair again, looked at the time, and twitched the corner of my mouth. Today's first two levels, the first zipline, although a bit scary, is actually more entertaining, and the second level is the hot air balloon. , although it is slow, it saves worry and effort, and paragliding is not too strenuous. What is really time-consuming and labor-intensive is actually the third level. You have to cut the asparagus, sort and weave a 50-meter-long rope, which is very difficult. Even I am relatively good at braiding ropes. It is normal for it to take more than three hours. If I can't catch the door, it may take five or six hours or even longer.

However, how long did Chen Yi use it? Five minutes. Among them, there were three minutes for him to cope with the problem. According to the rules, it was wasted by weaving a small rope, but in fact he didn't need the rope at all. There was more than a minute that was wasted by him chopping bamboo to test the depth of the water. It only took three seconds to actually go down the cliff._Fei

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