Global Racing: My extreme operation show shocked the audience

Chapter 301

Chen Yi galloped all the way, how fast the tsunami was, he was one point faster, just like a warship bird flying close to the sea, and the helicopter in the sky drove the fastest to barely catch up.

And because the speed is too fast, it becomes very difficult to shoot, when Chen Yi occasionally changes direction, he flashes to the side a few meters away, and occasionally when he is covered by the mist at the head of the waves, it flashes dozens of meters in an instant, it is no exaggeration to say, it seems to be teleportation, even with the reaction of Liu Ying and Baihe Tu, it is difficult to keep up, and from time to time he will lose his vision, and look for a moment before finding it again.

Chen Yi continued to drift at times, leap at times, bow down into an arrow, chic, cool, even in such a dangerous situation, it still presents an artistic beauty.

"It's so strong!" Liu Ying looked shocked.

"Is this still human?" Bai Hetu looked hell.

It's not that they haven't seen Chenyi's previous game videos, but seeing them with their own eyes and watching the videos are two different things, and the level that Chenyi is showing now is incomparable to any time before.

The night when he first saw Chen Yi, Chen Yi killed eleven enemy agents in seconds, and he was impressed by them, making them realize how strong Chen Yi was, but now it seems that it is just the tip of the iceberg of Chen Yi, let alone an agent, if it is in this environment, he may be able to kill a warship with a surfboard.

The audience in the live broadcast room was also shocked.

Especially those surfing enthusiasts, they are about to kneel, Chenyi surfing is very good, they have long known this, they have long regarded Chenyi, as the god of surfing, there are many people, it is to see Chenyi's surfing to start liking surfing, but looking at the scene in front of him, or was shocked again.

"Tsunami surfing, my perception has been refreshed again. "

"This is too shocking, Tatsujin is really a god-like man. "

Looking at this scene, I feel that legends such as Nezha's troubled sea flooding Chentangguan are not false. "

I saw,Chen Yi kept in front of the tsunami,Advance all the way for dozens of kilometers,As I said before,Tsunami is different from ordinary waves,Waves are just fluctuations in sea surface caused by factors such as wind and tides,Tsunami is caused by earthquakes from the sea surface to the 967 seabed fluctuations,Not only the wave is high,The speed is fast、Turbulent,And the energy loss is very slow,A big wave surging forward for dozens of kilometers,Minutes thing。

Chen Yi took advantage of the remaining waves and continued to gallop forward, he didn't have any time to rest at all, and soon the next wave chased quickly, and it can be seen that the wave is high, and it seems to be a little higher than before. Thirty meters or more, like a giant wall of water, this is the height of a 200,000-ton cruise ship, don't want to rush over.

Chen Yi drew a scoop according to the gourd, and once again rode the tsunami, in front of the tsunami, speeding rapidly. This time there is no sail, and the difficulty coefficient is greater, but fortunately, he has a clear understanding of the frequency of this tsunami, and he has also exerted his own strength to the extreme, and still remains in front of the tsunami.

Next, Chen Yi successfully took several tsunamis in a row, each time it was dangerous and dangerous, but with the ultimate operation, it turned the danger into a disaster, and it advanced rapidly for dozens of kilometers, getting closer and closer to the shore, and it was already vaguely able to see the buildings on the shore, of course, the degree of danger is getting higher and higher, because the waves on the shore will be higher.

At this time, the Meteorological Bureau of the United Kingdom announced the level of this tsunami, which is the highest level of six, and the general level of four, which is the disaster level, and if it is level six, it is absolutely devastating. It is no exaggeration to say that even if the aircraft carrier is on the shore, in the face of such a tsunami, there is a danger of capsizing.

When the director announced the news in the live broadcast room, everyone gasped.

"Level six, what is this concept?"

"There have been a few times in human history, and it is a destructive level. "

"Horror, Tatsujin is really unlucky. "

"I can't say that, in fact, he can wait to avoid it, wait for an evening to be in the overall standings and still be far ahead, he just chooses to challenge the tsunami. "

"The tsunami on the shore is higher, and the next one is more dangerous. "

"Mom, I'm afraid to look at it. "

"Tatsujin get on the helicopter quickly, and with his reaction, put a rope down and climb up. "

Chen Yi Niu exploded, and everyone saw it.

However, anyone can see that he is also approaching the limit, but this tsunami has not yet reached the limit, and the most deadly butcher knife of Hades has not yet been cut off.

Chen Yi couldn't see the forecast (cjdh), but he was sailing LV3 (perfect), and he had already roughly judged it according to the tsunami, and his expression was extremely serious, and he galloped forward desperately with the remaining waves.

In such a tsunami, there is no place that is calm, so you can't float up and need to lie on it, there is no, with Chenyi's level, as long as there is a little wave, he can stand, of course, this is not necessarily a good thing, which means that you have no time to rest.

Another wave in the rear quickly caught up with him, and the sharp rise of the seabed made the tsunami rise sharply, and I saw that the ocean behind me seemed to be about to overturn.

Thirty meters of tsunami, everyone has seen several of them, but this tsunami, 40 meters high, 13 stories high, what is this concept?

It is difficult to estimate how many tons of the huge water wall is 40 meters high, and it is rushing at a speed of hundreds of kilometers per hour, and the destructive power can be imagined.

Everyone at the scene and in the live broadcast room gasped, as if their necks were stuck and they couldn't breathe. The pilot hurriedly increased his flight altitude a little to save himself from being accidentally swept away by the tsunami.

The tsunami was turbulent and deafening, but this moment may have been too nervous, and everyone felt very quiet inexplicably, only to see the terrifying forty-meter tsunami, pressing towards Chenyi.

At this time, it was said that Chen Yi was an ant, and he was being lifted, and if he wanted to shoot most of this tsunami into the camera, then Chen Yi would be too small to see in it.

The tsunami ruthlessly lifted Chen Yi high, ten meters, twenty meters, thirty meters, thanks to his correct judgment, otherwise he might not have the chance to be brought up by the tsunami, and he was directly smashed by the forty-meter tsunami.

Ordinary waves, maybe you can get into the water to dodge, the physical fitness is strong enough, the professional skills are excellent, maybe there is nothing wrong, but this is a tsunami, the impact is not the same.

When Chen Yi just reached thirty-five meters, the top of the tsunami began to collapse, not that Chen Yi was inaccurate, but that the tsunami was so unreasonable, the sea water under his feet was still rapidly lifting Chen Yi, but the waves above were smashing down at the same time, which made it clear that he would not give a way to live.

At this time, if you want to rush down directly, you can't do it, because the gravitational potential energy is far less than the tsunami kinetic energy, and he has no sails and can't accelerate, unless he breaks away from the wave wall and jumps directly, which is tantamount to seeking death. But if you continue to go up and be hit by the waves above, you will probably end up and die even worse.

It is true that Chen Yi once jumped from a waterfall of more than 50 meters, but the amount of water and the speed of the impact of the waterfall cannot be compared with the tsunami.

At such a critical juncture, Chen Yi did not panic at all, at this time, his mental power was unprecedentedly concentrated, and it is no exaggeration to say that he was so concentrated that he forgot about death.

The entire tsunami is ten meters in circumference, and even down to the fluctuation of each wave, it is all in full view of Chenyi, and the combination of the senses of the eagle and the senses of the dragonfly produces a sublimation-like effect.

Chen Yi squatted down suddenly, let Tsunami take himself and the surfboard, continued to rise two meters, and then suddenly jumped up, volleyed, the surfboard crossed a graceful arc in the air, and directly split the part of the wave head that fell above, from a relatively weak place, to the top of the wave.

Now, it's really riding the waves, the audience in the live broadcast room is stupid, especially those surfing experts, they feel that this scene violates common sense, all professional surfing knowledge is telling them that they can't surf under the waves, and that's a place that needs to be avoided as much as possible, but Chenyi actually surfed on the waves.

I saw Chen Yi standing on the waves, there is only one handsome word to describe, but Chen Yi only stayed for a moment, otherwise he would almost die if he followed the waves and fell from thirty or forty meters.

He flicked his surfboard again and drifted off the top of the wave for a while, falling back to the wall from a position on the side where there was no crash.

At this time, the upward trend of the wave wall has decreased, and it began to move forward, Chen Yi began to rush down with the help of the downward inertia that had just been driven by the wave, and at the same time leaned forward, he suddenly bowed and contracted, and the whole body was instantly controlled to the minimum cross-section, and the air resistance reached the minimum.

The long, pointy surfboard began to rush down the wall of the waves, and the acceleration of gravity and the speed of the tsunami itself superimposed on each other, and the speed began to skyrocket wildly.

Above and on the wall of the waves, the waves continued to swell down, Chen Yi dodged while using the waves to accelerate, and the speed of progress did not decrease but increased, fast to the extreme.

The 40-meter tsunami was surging forward, terrifying enough to destroy an ant, it was easy, but Chenyi, an ant, was still in front of the waves.

What's even more exaggerated is that the surfboard under Chenyi's feet is getting shallower and shallower on the sea, until finally, it is almost invisible, like a trace of a gust of wind.

The audience in the live broadcast room saw a blank brain for a while.




"Mom, how fast is that. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"It seems to be faster than when there were sails before. "

"The surfboard doesn't seem to have any contact with the sea, so it's the first time I've seen it in a long time. "

"But in the past, Edgeworth's flight was also falling, and the downhill ratio was definitely not as good as that of a wingsuit flight, but now it is galloping in front of a wave with a very small slope, and the downhill ratio is simply higher than that of a wingsuit flight. "

"I guess,It should be the reason for the Bernoulli effect again,Have you noticed,Chenshen bows not only to reduce air resistance,The shape of the back is also similar to the principle of wings,This will produce a certain amount of lift,Under such a rapid speed,This lift is enough to make the body float to a certain extent,And the surfboard is not completely out of the water,There is still a certain support,Chenshen is to use the momentum of the wave to make the surfboard draft,When you need to reduce the resistance of the water, let the surfboard lift a little。 "

"Speaking of which, this is flying. "[]

"I don't think it's physics, it's metaphysics. "

A closer look can be found that Chen Yi is indeed controlling the draft of the surfboard, sometimes accelerating wildly with the help of the waves falling from behind, and sometimes as if suspended above to avoid the irregular waves ahead, in order to reduce the resistance of the water, without wasting the slightest speed, otherwise how could he run through the tsunami?

With a bang, a wave of hundreds of thousands of tons slammed down from behind him, his pupils suddenly contracted, his body suddenly twisted and drifted sideways for a while, and then instantly re-contracted his body.

The wave smashed into the water, like an explosion, filling the sky with mist, exploding in an instant, and at the same time, the turbulent tsunami behind quickly pressed up, not even giving you half a second to enjoy the mist.

At that moment, everyone was so frightened that they were shocked, as if they were being held by death by the throat, unable to breathe, and the next moment, a figure shot out from the only little mist left in front of them.

Before the audience had time to cheer and catch their breath, Chen Yi was caught up by the waves again, boom, boom, another wave fell, boom, and another wave fell.

The forty-meter tsunami was surging, devastating, as if God was angry, wanting to destroy everything in front of him, every time the wave fell, it felt like Chen Yi was going to die, but every time, Chen Yi just dodged, even if he was hit by some edge waves, he could rush out of it.

What's even more shocking is that Chen Yi's look, in such a dangerous situation, there is still no trace of panic in his expression, and there is only extreme concentration.

The audience in the live broadcast room watched and felt a shock from the depths of their souls. Although this is not the first time that a similar situation has occurred, I still can't help but worship.

"Here it is, this feeling is coming again. "

"The more dangerous the situation, the more you can see the strength of the Chenshen, not only the strength, but also the strength of the heart, maybe the real god, is to be invincible from the outside to the inside. "

"My heart couldn't help but tremble again. "

"I can't help but ask again, is Tatsujin really an eighteen-year-old boy?"

"Come on, Chenjin, you must survive. "

"it, isn't it a forty-meter tsunami, Chenshen, you will definitely be able to do it. "

"Rush, faster. "

All the audience are cheering for Chenyi, everyone clenched their fists, and they all wanted to give Chenyi more strength. Lin Hai, Liu Jing, Su Ya, Yan Xueqi, director Xie Kui, Bai Hetu, Liu Ying and others were all so nervous that their faces turned pale, their fists clenched, and they were almost bloodless.

Surfing masters from all over the world, extreme sports players, and ordinary netizens who stayed in the live broadcast room were also nervous to the extreme, and their hearts were beating wildly.

At this moment, Chen Yi's strength to the point of perversion, as well as his heart as stable as Mount Tai, infected everyone in the live broadcast room, racing with Hades, what a courage! .

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