Global Racing: My extreme operation show shocked the audience

Chapter 42

After Chen Yi came ashore, he put on his shoes and, surrounded by the enthusiasm of the audience, walked a short distance and arrived at the entrance of the Four Seasons Hotel. There was a big yellow sign on the ground that read Global Race. The host Wang Jian had already I stood there and waited..

Wang Jian looked at Chen Yi with eyes full of shock and said,"Chen Yi, congratulations on being the first to arrive at the first halfway station. You punch in first and I will tell you about the reward."

Chen Yi walked to the punch in machine. , the fingerprint input was successful and the information card did not pop up this time, because this is a halfway station and you can stop and rest..

Wang Jian looked at the time, wrote Chen Yi's name and arrival time on the first place on a sign next to him, and pasted a small picture of him..

At the same time, the program team looked at Chen Yi's arrival time, their eyes were dull, and they couldn't regain their senses for a long time. The program team set up three sections of the route a day, and after completion, they would take a break. This arrangement was calculated, and they felt that after completing these three sections The road basically ended in the evening..

Fortunately for Chen Yi, the time he arrived turned out to be 11:55. When he arrived at the halfway station, it was just the right time to have lunch. Why didn't he go to heaven?.

Wang Jian said:"Chen Yi, you are the first to arrive at the halfway station, and you will get a set of XX brand furniture worth 20,000 yuan. In addition, as a halfway station, you will naturally have to stop to rest and adjust. Different rankings will be arranged in different places." Some hotels, some stay in luxury suites of five-star hotels, and some stay in shabby hotels with several people per room. As the first place, you will enjoy the highest level of treatment and stay in the presidential suite of the Four Seasons Hotel."

Live broadcast room viewers, all for Chen Yi feels happy

"The first halfway station will be rewarded with 20,000 yuan worth of furniture, which is not a small amount.. However, compared to Chen Shen's current net worth, it seems a bit low. Who would have thought that he would become a god just after the game started?"

"Staying in the presidential suite is so cool"

"Chen Shen can have a good rest. Only after you have rest will you be strong tomorrow."

"Look at his feet, there are injuries everywhere. With such injuries, his speed is not affected, and no one can even see it. How awesome is this?"

"Will this injury affect tomorrow's game? ?"

"It looks like a skin injury. It will hurt, but it shouldn't be serious.. Tomorrow we can slow down a little bit and don’t have to work so hard, since we are already so far ahead anyway."

Chen Yi went to the presidential suite, took a hot bath, changed into quiet clothes, bandaged the wound on his foot, sat on the sofa in the presidential suite, ate a delicious lunch, feeling very happy...

And at the halfway station, the program team After returning his mobile phone to him, he turned it on while eating and found a lot of messages, many of which were sent by his classmates.

Some girls he was not familiar with also sent many messages to him, such as his classmate Lin Cai Son, my impression seems to be a girl who has been close to me before, but has been dismissive of me since she was admitted to college. Just ignore her if she is dismissive. Anyway, I am not interested in her, so why is she sending me a message now? , isn’t this sick? Chen Yi ignored these girls and didn’t even reply to the message.

When he saw the message from Zhou Yun, he replied immediately. Zhou Yun was very excited at first, saying that he actually became Celebrity. Later, he probably also watched the online video, and was so frightened that he kept sending messages telling him to be careful, as he only has one life.

Chen Yi could feel the real concern, and replied that he It will be fine after learning a skill. Now he has reached the halfway station and is staying in the presidential suite to rest.

Then he couldn't wait to log in to Global Racing and enter his live broadcast room to check the situation.

He saw that the number of his followers exceeded 1 million, and the number of people online The maximum amount exceeds 2.5 million, and the reward amount exceeds 1 million. I can't help but be pleasantly surprised that I can get 500,000. I originally thought that it would be enough to become popular and make money to support myself, but I didn't expect to receive 500,000 on the first day. , this is not the case for first-line anchors.

When he saw the photographers, they were still taking pictures of himself.

He raised his head and said to the audience:"I didn't expect that this is only the first day, and I am so popular. Thank you everyone. Love it, thank you all for your tips."

The audience in the live broadcast room was very excited.

"Wow, I can finally talk to Chenshen."

"What do you mean, I didn’t expect it to be so popular? Who will be popular if you don’t?"

"I don’t know why I’m so nervous, I feel like I’m having a conversation with God"

"Qingjun sent a super rocket: a meeting gift"

"The prodigal son turned back and sent a super rocket: finally we can communicate"

"The prince sent a super rocket: For the first time, I was excited because I could talk to a man."

"The mountain eagle sent out a super rocket: Suddenly, I discovered that Chen Shen's voice was quite nice."

"Liu Dao sent out a super rocket: his skills are amazing, he is handsome, and he has a nice voice. Damn it, if Chen Shen goes to pick up girls, he will definitely be a girl killer."

A large amount of gifts swept the list again."

Chen Yi was dumbfounded. I just said a few words, so how could there be so many gifts?? In the past, he complained about some anchors who gave so many gifts to every meal, but he didn't expect that he could also have such gifts. Such treatment... What surprised him even more was that a group of people came to the door. They were all clamoring to be endorsed by him. There were running shoe brands, skateboard brands, and the Qiankun Bay Tourism Bureau. The prices were all two to three million... If it weren't for the staff who stopped me, I'm afraid these people would have rushed in...

To be honest, for non-celebrities, this kind of price is very affordable, but after thinking about it carefully, he decided not to endorse running shoes, skateboards, and tourism for the time being. Okay...

Signing an endorsement deal and receiving the endorsement fee must come with certain restrictions and obligations. Not to mention anything else, it’s necessary to shoot an advertisement, right?? It’s necessary to do publicity, right?

But I’m still in the competition now. , where is the time??

If you wait until the game is over to shoot the commercial, it is better to wait until the game is over to sign the contract. Chen Yi has the confidence, and the endorsement fee will be higher by then...

After all, the game has just begun, and many extreme sports I haven’t even used it yet. Once I use it all, my popularity will increase several times, right?? And maybe, there will be sections where parkour, skateboarding, crossing the river with a reed and other skills will be used in the future. By then, I will Upgrading his skills to LV3 will definitely make him more popular...

Chen Yi was about to ask the staff to help politely reject those people, when a voice came from the door:"Mr. Chen, I am a Red Bull agent, and I have a sponsorship cooperation, and I would like to cooperate with you talk."

Chen Yi's eyes lit up. The legendary Red Bull came to the door so quickly? The others are endorsements. Generally, you can't endorse similar brands after signing a contract, but Red Bull is usually a sponsorship. It doesn't care what you play. No matter what brand of running shoes you use for skateboarding, he only cares about whether you can play to the limit. There is a rumor in the world that as long as you dare to commit suicide, they dare to sponsor you... You can sign the endorsement after the competition, the fame is there. , but Red Bull’s sponsorship is usually spent when you are trying to die. You have to compete anyway, so why not accept sponsorship by the way??

However, he was not sure whether it was okay to accept sponsorship during the competition, so he asked According to the staff of the program team, the answer given by the program team is that it is absolutely possible, but the program team will take a 20% share as the operating and publicity cost of the program itself.

Chen Yi had no objection to this, so he asked Red Bull to act as the agent. People came in and the three parties talked together... However, they soon encountered a problem, which was the way to move forward. The program team could not tell Chen Yi in advance, and Chen Yi could not guarantee what he could perform, and Red Bull could not estimate the value....

Finally, Red Bull made a proposal, which is to try it out tomorrow, and the sponsorship fee will be 300,000 yuan a day. If you are satisfied, we will discuss the official price in the future...

Although compared with other endorsements of 2 to 3 million yuan, it seems to be less, but don't Forget, this is only the price for one day. The average star's one-day appearance fee may not reach this price, and this is on the premise that he doesn't know what show he will perform next.

Chen Yi had no objection and signed the contract. I believe that my performance tomorrow will not disappoint Red Bull. After a formal contract, the price should be higher.

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