Global Reincarnation: I Can Sign In To the Dungeon World

Chapter 32:

  Mecha and human are as one body.

   "The type of thunder's breath: a thunderbolt flashes."

   In the deep seabed, a sudden electric light flashed.

   The mechanical wings behind Storm Crimson ejected a stronger air current, and the Storm Crimson seemed to turn into a red lightning, holding a red giant sword and swiftly approaching the sickle head.

  As he was about to approach the head of the sickle, the red giant sword in Storm Crimson's hand was quickly swung out, with lightning flashing on it.

   Two giants pass by on the bottom of the sea, the picture seems to be frozen.

   Behind the sickle head, Storm Crimson turned around, ready to attack again.

  The next moment, Chen Mo saw that the body of the sickle head was cut off directly by the waist.

   The blue blood is constantly spreading out in the sea water.

   "Congratulations on killing the monster*1."

   Chen Mo's ear heard the announcement of the intelligent voice of Samsara.

   "Is this dead?"

   Chen Mo was a little surprised.

   Before he was on the coast to deal with mecha hunters, but he used a thunderbolt for eight consecutive times before defeating him.

   Now, with just a thunderbolt, the sickle head is gone?

   It seemed that the enhancement of the strength brought by this storm red was greater than I had imagined.

   He opened the reincarnation panel and checked it, and found that he was driving in a crimson state, and his overall strength rating had directly changed from c+ to b+.

   A mecha directly makes one's own strength surpass a big rating.

   The system is really awesome.

   Chen Mo couldn't help but smack his tongue secretly.



   Suddenly, more monsters roared around.

   The blood from the sickle head attracted these distant monsters.

   "It's just right!"

   Chen Mo stayed in place, waiting for these monsters to gather towards him.

   When the monsters could be seen around, the storm blushed.

   "The type of thunder's breath: a thunderbolt flashes eight times."

   One kilometer under the sea, a red lightning flashes on the seabed.

   The bodies of the monsters attracted by the blood from the sickle head were severed.

  The thick blue blood of the monster has soaked the surrounding sea water.

   "Congratulations on killing the monster*6."

   Chen Mo listened to the announcement of the intelligent voice of Samsara, and controlled the crimson storm to go upstream to the sea.

   It took less than three hours for the Pacific Rim Dungeon to officially start, and Chen Mo had already killed six monsters, far exceeding the requirements of the mission.

   But his goal does not stop there.

  He has an idea, maybe he can get the extra reward of Samsara Tower again.

   Soon, the storm crimson came to the surface of the sea.

   Chen Mo controlled the mechanical wings to make the storm crimson fly into the sky.

   The system rewards the storm red. Like the J-20, the energy is unlimited, so there is no need to worry about energy consumption.

   He checked the map and confirmed the location.

   Then, the storm crimson galloped away in a certain direction.

   The wormhole connecting the human world and the monster world is there.

  Ps: Yesterday, Chapter 52 was accidentally sent wrong. It has been deleted and reposted and revised. If there are readers who have not seen it, you can refresh it. Sorry for the inconvenience. Starting tomorrow, it will return to the normal five-day shift. By the way, I would like to ask for a wave of flowers evaluation votes, thank you for your support. .

Chapter 56:

   On the coast of the Pacific Ocean, in a human city that has not been destroyed by monsters.

   A high defensive wall was built on the coast, and there were many wall workers working on it.

   As more and more monsters appear, even the powerful mecha hunters seem to be a little powerless.

   Those monsters seem to be constantly evolving.

   They are getting bigger and bigger, and their strength is getting stronger and stronger.

  Mecha hunters were tired of fighting and suffered heavy losses.

   So, the human top decided to abandon the mecha hunter plan and implement the coastal defense wall plan instead.

   They pin their hopes on these thick walls, trying to block the monsters from the human cities through these coastal defense walls.

   Raleigh Beckett lost his biological brother in a battle with the monster five years ago.

After   , he retired from the pilot of the mech hunter and now becomes a wall builder.

   In order to get more food, Raleigh took the initiative to take over the work on the top of the wall.

  Working on the wall is more dangerous than other places.

   This is the closest to the wall, and it is also the easiest to be attacked by monsters.

   Recently, three more workers were killed when they were attacked by monsters while working on the wall.

   Raleigh dressed in heavy work equipment, finished his work, sat on the top of the wall and looked out at the sea.

   Five years later, the scene of his brother Yang Xi being pulled out of the cockpit by the monster in front of him is still vivid.

   At that time, he and his brother were still connected by mecha hunters. He could clearly feel the fear and helplessness of his brother when he faced death.

   That kind of feeling, Raleigh didn't want to experience it a second time.

   This is also the reason why he chose to retire.

   Looking at the sea, Raleigh was in a daze.

   Suddenly, in his line of sight, a huge shadow slowly emerged from under the sea in the distance.

   His expression immediately became serious.

   As a former mecha hunter pilot, he was familiar with the behemoth that slowly emerged from the sea.

   is a monster!

  The monster is coming!

   He immediately stood up, trying to remind others.

   But the next moment, he was stunned.

   At the same time that the monster appeared in the distance, he saw a red mecha hunter descending from the sky, holding a red giant sword.

   Behind the mecha hunter, there was a pair of mechanical wings he had never seen before.

   "Is it the storm crimson? But it's not exactly the same as the storm crimson."

   Raleigh looked at the mecha falling from the sky, with some doubts.

   Then, he saw the mecha hunter rushing towards the monster at an extremely fast speed, swinging the red giant sword, and there seemed to be flashes of electric light on the blade.

   The huge monster was immediately cut in half and fell into the sea.

   Raleigh looked dumbfounded.

   According to his visual estimation, the monster just now was bigger than any monster he had dealt with before. It should be a level four monster.

   But in front of the red mecha hunter, the monster had no chance of resisting, so it was killed in seconds.

Is    a mecha hunter newly developed by the government?

   is much more powerful than the mecha hunters he knows.

   Look at the red color, it may have been invented by Longguo.

  Roli saw that the red mecha hunter didn't stay the slightest after solving the monster, and directly soared into the sky, flew into the distance, and disappeared from sight.

   If this mech hunter can be mass-produced, then eliminating all monsters is no longer just a luxury.

   Raleigh looked at the direction where the red mecha hunter had disappeared, and the flame of hope in his heart that had been extinguished five years ago seemed to start to burn again.

   When he returned to the ground from the top of the wall, he learned on the TV news that a coastal city was attacked by a monster.

   The coastal defensive wall built with countless manpower and material resources, the people's wall of hope, is as paperless in front of the monster.

   In the end, it was the mech hunter that killed the monster that had broken into the human city.

   The wall workers around    fell into despair.

   Everything they did was nothing but futile.

   The sound of helicopter propellers suddenly came from outside.

   Raleigh looked out and saw a helicopter slowly parked on the open space outside.

   A black general in a blue coat got out of the helicopter and walked up to Raleigh.

   "Mr. Beckett, long time no see."

   The black general looked at Raleigh and said.

   "Can I talk to you?"


   On the other side, Chen Mo controlled Storm Crimson to fly in the direction of the wormhole.

   Along the way, when he spotted a monster, he would land and kill it.

   After all, these kills can improve their task evaluation level.

   After killing a total of twelve monsters, Chen Mo finally came to the top of the sea where the wormhole was.

  Storm Crimson took him directly into the sea and dived continuously.

   When the depth of the dive approached about 11 thousand meters, Chen Mo saw a huge crack glowing with fiery light.

   This huge crack is the source of all disasters—the wormhole connecting the monster world!

   Chen Mo controlled Storm Crimson and came near the wormhole.

   Just then, the bottom of the sea began to vibrate.

   The light from the wormhole is getting stronger and stronger.

   From the crack, there are three monsters, slowly crawling out. .

Chapter 57:

   Chen Mo's purpose is to go through this wormhole that connects the human world and the monster world to the other side.

  Go to the planet full of monsters.

   According to Chen Mo's understanding, these monsters were actually made by a creature called Pioneer.

  The pioneers created monsters, sent these monsters to other planets through wormholes, and then occupied these planets.

   In the Pacific Rim movie, a doctor who is crazy about monsters, connects himself to the monster's brain, and learns that as early as the dinosaur era, the pioneers sent monsters to their planet.

   It's just that the environment on the planet at the time was not suitable for these monsters to survive, and the pioneers' aggressive plan ended in failure.

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