Global Reincarnation: My Own Story Library

Chapter 108

Vol 2 Chapter 72: Uncover The Hidden Story: The Final Showdown

Lu Feng left the maternity house, and found that the eye scout was no longer there. He smiled, and after reaching his goal, he would withdraw, so cautious.

Two nights later.

Lu Feng is closing his eyes and resting. He will try his best to relax himself at night, and he will never waste his energy. Moreover, he does not live in his own residence, but in a wooden house in the training ground he has designated.

This is because it is relatively close to the Zaiyashiki mansion, but it is not too early to prevent the Zaiyashiki from detonating the explosives.

Yue Yingshan also made a similar arrangement, placing the training ground where she instructed other team members in a specific place and staying there by herself.

As the two behind-the-scenes masterminds who dominated this incident, they were also exhausted.

Quack, a crow is flying fast in the sky.

“Emergency call, emergency call, the Sanyashiki mansion was attacked, hurry to support!”

Squirrel is here to give an order. As long as there is no misfortune, all the squirrels who have been on the side of the maternity house will be launched into the sky and notify all the people of the ghost killing team nearby.

“It’s started.” Lu Feng jumped up and went to the maternity house. Before he took a step, a message box appeared in front of him.

【Discover Hidden Story: The Final Battle】

[Warning: In the current dungeon world, all players who have joined the ghost killing team and are still resident will not be able to perform the exit operation until the final battle is over. The player’s contribution in the final battle will affect the clearance evaluation of this dungeon world. 】

“Sure enough, there is a war, and there is no way to quit.” Lu Feng had expected this.

However, the degree of contribution to the final decisive battle will affect the customs clearance evaluation, which is a bit unexpected.

Because everything that will affect the evaluation is related to the task, this final battle is obviously not a task. Under normal circumstances, as long as the team rules are not violated, it will not affect the evaluation, but in fact it is not the case.

However, it can be seen from this warning that if the ghost killing team is eliminated, even if the player can escape, the reward after the dungeon is estimated to be very low.

The ending condition of the final decisive battle is not necessarily that the Ghost Killing Team wins, or it may be that there is no tragic victory. The current plot line is different from the original.

With the shrewdness of the player, of course, it may not necessarily die.

So it is obvious that, to trigger this hidden plot, you will either succeed and get great rewards, or you will fail, with poor rewards and possibly life-threatening situations.

Of course, Lu Feng didn’t have much time to care about these things, so he accelerated to the maternity house, no matter what the situation, he had to do his best.

Meanwhile, the Ghost Killing Squad resides with the others near the headquarters.

“No, your lord is in danger.”

“It’s too bad, this kind of special time can no longer be handled according to tradition, we should equip the lord with guards.”

“Let’s go quickly.”

“It’s too late, it will be too late, hurry up.”

“Have to catch up.”

The crowd was already surging nearby, and countless ghost killer team swordsmen got the news and rushed to the Sanyashiki mansion.

The Sanyashiki family didn’t care about his own safety, just as he easily made the decision to sacrifice himself to weaken Wumisu, and the successive generations of the family masters did not provide him with guards.

This has almost become a practice, and several pillars have persuaded them, but they are all ineffective.

As soon as they got the news that the mansion was attacked, some Zhu also felt regret and did not persuade him much.

“Control the time well, use your defensive skills to block Wuxian’s counterattack, and I’ll get closer to give Wuxian a fatal blow.” Lu Feng told Yue Yingshan through the team channel along the way.

“Understood, I will speed up.”

Yue Yingshan’s speed can only rank behind in all columns, but Lu Feng had to cooperate with her to attack, just to prevent unexpected situations, which was very important.

As a result, Yue Yingshan can only move forward at a 100-meter sprint speed. Fortunately, her battlefield position is support, and she can stop and rest for a while later.

It was almost approaching the mansion of the maternity house, and there was a huge explosion there. The flames shot into the sky, and the sound resounded through the night sky, which was very conspicuous in the quiet night.

“It was an explosion caused by a huge amount of explosives.”

“Oops, it’s the direction of the Lord’s mansion!”

“Damn, why is this happening?”

All the Ghost Killing Team members panicked for a while, but they still didn’t stop at their feet, and continued to run forward without saving any energy.

No surprise, Lu Feng was the first to arrive, but he still had to wait for Yue Yingshan for a while, so he stopped in the distance.

At the same time, it can be regarded as a rest. After all, his stamina attribute is not high, resulting in his lack of physical strength. There is still a big battle to come, and he needs to maintain the best state.

The front is a mess. Although it is night, there is still a lot of burning wood on the ground. The vicinity of the ruins of the mansion is very bright, because the houses here are all made of wood.

Seeing Wu Miserable in the firelight, Lu Feng stood in the ruins of the mansion. His broken body was recovering quickly, and his body soon formed.

Then, countless giant thorns suddenly grew out of the place where Wumei stood and pierced into his body. Those thorns still grew barbs in Wumei’s I can’t pull it out even if I want to. Come out and directly fix Wu Miserable there.

A figure appeared in front of Wu Mian, and he punched forward with all his might, his entire arm penetrated Wu Mian’s body. That figure was Zhu Shi.

Zhu Shi’s fist should be fused by Wu Mian. This is the basic operation of Wu Mian. Zhu Shi knows Wu Mian very well. Because of being fused, the medicine that turns ghosts into humans is also fused with Wu Mian.

Zhu Shi is so poisonous.

“I’m here.” No one was seen, but Yue Yingshan’s voice came from the team channel.

Immediately afterwards, starting from the woods, an icy giant force field advanced forward, passed through the tree, and did not stop until not far in front of Wumisian.

The illusory force field with only shadows, dozens of meters long and ten meters high, is extremely thick and exudes an icy aura.

Trick: The Great Wall of Despair.

This is the sub-skill card that Yue Yingshan mentioned last time. It is mounted under the ancient holy shield and requires LV16 to learn it. It can be pushed forward directly to form a defensive front.

Therefore, although she was slow, she attacked before the other pillars.

All teammates in the defense line can get defense bonuses. She tried it recently, and it seems to be effective for everyone in the ghost killing team. That is to say, players can only be teammates in the same group, as long as the aborigines are in one faction.

In fact, each person has a small defensive force field, because the current level is not enough, so the defense is very limited.

But for the swordsmen of the Ghost Slayer team, a little more defense can definitely keep them fighting for a long time.

It can also prevent Lu Feng’s absolute defense from taking too much damage. Instead of stacking defense, the enemy’s attack will first hit the defense field provided by the Great Wall of Despair.

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