Global Reincarnation: My Own Story Library

Chapter 256

Vol 6 Chapter 12: Lu Feng And The Two Lost Their Way

“We took a few prisoners.”

Lu Feng lowered the height of the Ghost Bat Dragon and searched the sea.

The leader, Klick, was an extremely ruthless person. In the escape just now, he did not give those drowning companions any time, did not make any rescue actions, but was quite decisive, directly abandoned his own people, and fled in a hurry.

Lu Feng and the others quickly found a lot of pirates at sea. These pirates were not able to escape to the boat. Most of the pirates thrown here were the most common type, and they were completely blinded by the abuse. They would say whatever Lu Feng asked. , did not dare to resist.

Although One Piece is a world of great danger and experts like clouds, there are a lot of powerhouses above the epic level, and there are not too many people with superpowers such as devil fruits.

But like Artoria’s sword that sank three pirate ships in a straight line, Lu Feng’s attack that hit a giant flame column from a high altitude was still beyond the understanding of these bottom-level pirates.

In fact, devil fruits and the like seem to be well-known in the pirate world, but in fact, the bottom pirates don’t know much.

The East China Sea is known as the weakest of the four seas. Although the Crick Pirates are the overlords of the East China Sea, they are more like they are known for their size.

With the strength and knowledge of their pirate group, it is estimated that there are very few people who know about the devil fruit.

The so-called four seas are the four seas separated by the Red Continent and the Great Shipping Route, namely the East China Sea, also known as the East Blue, the West Sea (Western Blue), the South China Sea (Southern Blue) and the North Sea (Northern Blue).

“Is this the great route?”

Lu Feng had already confirmed this. The Crick Pirates had not been here for a few days, and then they were attacked by Lu Feng and the two of them, and they were abused.

“This trip is worth it. Not only did we defeat the Crick Pirates, but we also determined the location here.”

Although the large pirate ship was destroyed, there were also several small lifeboats that fell into the sea along with the destroyed ships.

Lu Feng kept three pirates with the highest status in the Click Pirates, and asked them to use a lifeboat to lead them both.

This lifeboat is the largest, about ten meters. The important thing is that it has sails and is very fast.

Arturia was watching the three pirates on the boat, and Lu Feng was on the back of the ghost bat dragon. He planned to go back to the original boat first, then go to the nearest island and do some supplies. .

The boat was much smaller and had smaller sails than the grabbed one, but because some fresh water was left on it, it had to be brought back.

The sky was completely dark, but the moonlight was good. Under the leadership of the ghost bat dragon, they continued to move forward, but after an hour, they still did not reach their destination.

“This beautiful lady, um, and this boss in the sky.”

The person with the highest status among the three pirates is called Jamie. He is the captain of a combat team, who leads dozens of people. He weakly said: “We may be lost.”

“Looks like I’m lost.”

Arturia was also a little helpless, how to get around and get lost, it’s not a good thing to get lost in the sea.

“Little Feilong, did you lead the wrong way?” Lu Feng tapped the ghost bat dragon on the back, and was speechless.

The dragon of ghost bats descended to a height of a few meters above the sea, kept turning in circles, and even called a few times.

“It’s a little troublesome not being able to speak.”

Lu Feng knew that the ghost bat dragon was expressing something, but it was difficult to understand.

“This, I think it can’t tell the direction. The Great Airway is a strange place. Not only is the magnetic field different from the outside, but the weather is also different. Common sense outside is invalid here. I think this is the reason.” Jamie said.

The Ghostbat Dragon nodded fiercely.

Although the ghost bat dragon has wings, it does not use wings to fly, nor is it that kind of bird, but floats directly.

The magnetic field problem here makes it impossible to tell the direction.

Along the way, Ghost Bat Dragon has been relying on visual identification, so it has been flying in a pure straight line. After a big battle, Ghost Bat Dragon has been unable to distinguish the original flight path.

In addition, at night, the vision is limited, and it is even more difficult to distinguish the way from which to come. After all, there is a lack of relative coordinates at sea, and the vast sea makes it difficult to recognize the way.

“So it is.”

Lu Feng finally understood. In the beginning, the reason why Ghost Bat Dragon got angry was not because he was begging for food, but because he had discovered this weakness of himself and did not dare to take Lu Feng out because he was afraid of getting lost.

“Looks like there’s no need to waste time looking for that ship.”

Lu Feng made a decisive decision and decided to give up returning. Although there was a lot of fresh water supply on the boat, if they continued to search like this, they would most likely be completely lost in the sea.

The great route is not a gentle ocean. There are many dangers here. Finding land as soon as possible is the best policy.

Anyway, there is no problem with their current supplies for three weeks. As long as the mission completion message appears, they can use the teleportation provided by Infinite World to leave this sea area and go to the next location without even having to move around.

They also didn’t put all the fresh water on the boat, and put a lot of it into Lufeng’s plastic bucket capsules, which would not increase the weight.

The plastic bucket capsules obtained from Dragon Ball World are just a common item, but they are very important.

“Can you guys sail to the nearest island?” Lu Feng asked the three pirates.

“This may be too far away for us to guarantee.”

Jamie was very careful, lest Lu Feng and the two would kill him with one sword. When he found that neither of Lu Feng answered, he felt a sudden shock and said, “We didn’t record the pointer, but I know how to get back to where we came from. It may be easier to go from there, and there should be a good chance of successfully reaching it.”

The recording pointer is a special compass that can record the orientation of the magnetic field. Because the magnetic field of the great route has problems, it is necessary to record the magnetic field every time you go to an island.

Navigating here, a normal compass is useless and the direction will be confused.

In fact, Jamie and the others are simply unable to go to the nearest island. After all, the distance is too far, and there is no record of pointers, so they have absolutely no choice.

However, how to return to the But they know that these pirates are active at sea all year round, and they are very good at identifying the direction in a short distance, so they will not get lost.

The ghost bat dragon’s lost way actually started from the ruins. After a big battle, it circled in the air, dodging and diving from time to time. It was unable to determine which direction it entered the first attack position. .

“Looks like we’ve been busy working in vain.” Lu Feng and Arturia looked at each other and said on the team channel.

After Jamie’s reminder, Lu Feng also remembered the recording needle and the problem of navigating the great route.

Knowing that this is the great route is only just now. They are not proficient in sailing, and they have to rely on others, so they did not consider the issue of recording pointers at the beginning.

Now it seems that they can’t even go to the nearest island.

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