Global Reincarnation: My Own Story Library

Chapter 258

Vol 6 Chapter 14: Sad Leader Click

A great route, a sea.

At around twelve o’clock in the afternoon, the leader Click stood on the deck of the three-story gigantic flagship, looking at his remaining less than forty large ships, he was really a little angry.

When we fled in a hurry yesterday, there were originally forty-one ships, but many of them were seriously damaged, and as a result, four ships were lost due to slow speed.

In addition to the nine ships that were directly killed, they have lost thirteen ships this time, and among the remaining ships, fifteen ships were damaged to varying degrees, and most of them were burned.

“Leader, do you want to look for the lost ships?” the ghost man Ajin asked.

On this dangerous and great voyage, the four ships that were left alone were seriously damaged, and it was estimated that it would be difficult for them to survive. There were about four hundred people on those four ships.

Ah Jin hopes that even if the boat is thrown away, the people will be brought out.

But when he went back, he was afraid that he would meet those two evil stars again. Ah Jin was actually quite contradictory.

“No, they will catch up, I believe them.” Believe in a ghost, Klick just gave his subordinates a statement, as the leader of the pirate group, no matter how ruthless and unscrupulous, sometimes the superficial effort is to do it. Yes, this is the basic means of commanding his subordinates.

He won’t go back to find someone, after all, he managed to escape.

At this time, the men came down to report that there might be a storm this afternoon, and it was impossible for them to escape the scope of the storm with their current position and speed.

Looking at the strange clouds in the sky, Click was even more depressed.

The weather on the great route is too weird. The sea area that came over in the morning is still clear and clear. It is only a long distance, and there may be storms next.

“Bring all the boats together, rest on the spot first, let the damaged boat stay in the middle, everyone pay attention, and start the repair work immediately, we will survive this storm first.”

Crick had to give this order, because today they couldn’t see the land, and he was afraid that another ship would be left behind. Now their strength has been weakened a lot, and they can’t lose any more ships.

Not long after entering the great route, Click also expressed his depression when he encountered such a tragic incident.

The men immediately went to convey the order, and soon these pirate ships folded their sails and moved closer, and began to repair the damaged ships.

With so many people working overtime, their repairs progressed quickly, with several ships receiving further repairs in less than two hours.

At sea, complete repairs are impossible, but they only need to survive this storm.

At this time, there was a loud rumbling sound, and the outermost ship suddenly broke in the middle, and the pirates on the nearby ships hurriedly avoided the vortex formed by the sinking of the big ship.

There was chaos in that area.

“What’s going on?” Click asked loudly, but he didn’t need an answer from his subordinates, he knew what was going on.

Because he saw the flank of the fleet, a boat appeared that was very simple from the point of view of a boat, only similar to a raft, but the overall production was very delicate, like a small boat with a flowered wooden barrel.

A seat was pressed on the delicate boat, and on it was a tall man with falcon-like eyes.

The man was standing on the small boat with a giant knife in his hand.

Others in the fleet also discovered this situation, and looked at the ship and the eagle-eyed man.

These people are also very stunned. As for what happened, why the eagle-eyed man attacked, no one cared. In short, there was a little conflict between the other party and the pirates outside.

Without waiting for the people from the Klick Pirates to respond to the attack, the eagle-eyed man immediately swung a second knife.

Rumbling, another ship broke in the middle, and the pirates above fell into the sea one after another. With the avoidance of the pirate ship and the shouting, the neighborhood became even more chaotic.

“Fuck, come again.”

The people in the Crick Pirates were all stunned. Before they came to the great route, they had never even heard of this kind of thing that would cut off a big ship with a single sword.

And now that they have met in a row, can this luck be any better?

“It’s over, it’s over, the ship is cut off again.”

“This great route is too terrifying to encounter these monsters in a row.”

“Open the cannon, open the cannon, kill that person.”

“What should I do? I can’t escape.”

The people of the Crick Pirates are all in chaos. I only experienced a hellish experience yesterday, and I encountered it again today. You say it is sad and not sad.

“Aim all the muzzles over there and blast him to pieces,” Click ordered.

The cannon roared suddenly on the sea, but like a cannon hitting a mosquito again, Crick had absolutely nothing to do with the man with falcon-like eyes.

But luckily, the storm came as expected, and Click gave the order to flee again.

The escape this time was not as lucky as last time, and the eagle-eyed man did not give up the attack. The violent storm and the chaos of the battle made the entire fleet in chaos.

But Hawkeye’s delicate barrel boat could not withstand the storm, so Click managed to escape.

Of course, Click lost his fleet, most of which were killed by Hawkeye, some were lost in the storm, and those ships that were damaged by the attack of the land wind were even more difficult to withstand the storm.

Crick was suddenly alone.

But if it weren’t for this storm, Crick probably wouldn’t have escaped.

“The Great Route is too dangerous.”

Click really experienced the dangers of the great route, but just now his mood stabilized, and soon the lookout came to report again, and the eagle-eyed man did not give up, and still chased after him.


Click has only one flagship left of his own. His flagship is quite special. It is a super pirate ship with three decks. It is not only huge, but has the ability to enter the windless zone. UU reading www.

Without other ships, there is no drag.

Of course, with such a huge fleet, there is only one flagship left, and Klick has long since succumbed to his intention to retire.

In the end, he decided to take the remnants and take the risk to escape the great route and return to the East China Sea.

But returning to the East China Sea is not so easy, or that Klick overestimated the strength of his giant flagship, and when he returned to the East China Sea, his ship was already dilapidated.

The storage compartment was also completely destroyed, and there was no food, fresh water, etc., but it was difficult.

“Finally home.”

Klick dragged his tired body and stayed in this familiar sea. The former East China Sea overlord was hungry and had not eaten for several days.

Looking at the vast sea behind, the leader Klick also had lingering fears.


Just breathed a sigh of relief, his subordinates suddenly shouted.

“Boss, there is a navy ship ahead.”

“What? Navy!” Klick felt a chill in his heart, is this Nima suffering a series of disasters, and he can’t live in peace if he escapes to the East China Sea.

“Prepare to meet the enemy.” Click ordered loudly.

Escape is impossible, because their ship is badly damaged and absolutely cannot escape the navy.

This battle is naturally not too much suspense, driving a broken ship, extremely tired, lack of food and fresh water, the remnants of the Crick Pirates who have not even a lot of strength left on this ship, only a short time has passed. was wiped out.

Crick’s precious flagship, the giant three-deck ship, was sunk, and all high-level officials including Crick were captured.

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