Global Reincarnation: My Own Story Library

Chapter 263

Vol 6 Chapter 19: Omg, Our Ship? !

“Surrender, I want your big ship.” The leader Click laughed and lifted Finbudi, “Give you ten seconds, if you don’t surrender, I will kill your commander, one.”

“Two.” Click started to count, “Three…”

“What to do, what to do? Sergeant.” The Marines were completely out of ideas, and they certainly didn’t think Crick was joking.

In fact, they also know very well that it is too late to call for support now. Even if they are lucky, there are large naval ships passing by in the nearby waters, and it will take time to come. If they come, the pirates like Klick may have already escaped.

The sergeant was sweating profusely, and he didn’t know how to answer. He couldn’t make a decision on such a big thing, although he knew very well that if things went on like this, their ship would definitely be taken away.

At this moment, a light flashed across the sea.

All the people in the restaurant on the sea were stunned, because it was actually a beam of light that came from far away from the sea and hit the large naval ship.

With a bang, the large naval ship collapsed with one blow, splitting in two from the middle. A large number of fragments flew in the air and scattered on the sea in an instant. The whole ship became a pile of ruins, only one bow was still intact.

Several nearby ships began to dodge in a hurry to avoid being affected by the vortex when the big ship sank.

The whole scene was extremely chaotic.

“It’s her, one of the two members of the Holy Sword Pirates.” Jamie’s voice trembled because he saw Artoria standing on the sea level in the distance.

Afraid of being disturbed, it was difficult to activate the Noble Phantasm mode against the city of the Sword of Oath of Victory, and Artoria was located far away.

This move is too terrifying, and the people of the Crick Pirates still remember it fresh. Seeing this move, their psychological shadow area has continued to expand.

“One of the two people who met on the great route!” In fact, when he saw the beam of light, the leader Klick guessed it.

“My God, our ship?!”

“It turned out to be true. Someone is as strong as the Hawk-Eyed Man, and can smash a big ship with a single sword.”

“There is no way to contact support now.”

“This is really over, that person is also a pirate.”

The navy wailed in horror. They had heard from the prisoners of the Creek Pirates, and now they saw it with their own eyes, and finally believed it, but they were even more desperate.

No matter what grievances the Holy Sword Pirates have with the Crick Pirates, in short, the pirates are the enemy of the navy.

It was Lu Feng’s idea to kill the navy’s big ship. The goal was to prevent the navy from requesting support as much as possible, but also to deter the navy and increase the amount of the bounty.

“This time, we have to make a good break.”

Click looked at King Arthur who was walking slowly on the sea, and muttered to himself with a grim expression.

Last time, Click and Lu Feng were too far away, and they didn’t have a head-to-head fight with Lu Feng and their fleet was abused.

This time, Klick is going to have a heads-up.

“Leader, the navy’s big ship has also been destroyed. We have no ships. If the navy informs other nearby navy ships, support will come soon.”

The navy hasn’t asked for support yet, and the pirates Akin don’t know, so they are worried.

Although Lu Feng’s attack power was terrifying, in fact, these pirates were even more afraid of the navy. Once they were entangled by the navy, it was a question whether they could escape at sea.

“We have to get out of here as soon as possible.” Akin said again.

“You need a boat to get out of here,” said another pirate captain.

“Isn’t there one here? I think this one is not bad.” Klick turned around and pointed to the sea restaurant.

Without the navy ship, Crick took a fancy to the restaurant on the sea.

“Now, let’s kill the two of the Holy Sword Pirates first. It’s a shame that the great route was attacked by them before the snow.”

Finbudi finally passed out, and Click threw him to the ground.

Without the big ship, all the officers are either dead or seriously injured and unable to move. The navy has no combat effectiveness. The shield of Fenbudi is of little use.

“It is absolutely unforgivable to see this restaurant.”

In the restaurant on the sea, several chefs also heard Click’s words, first Paddy, then Carne, and the other chefs all started to **** the guy.


Although they were battle cooks, it was difficult for them to compete with people like Klick, and they were beaten down in three or two strokes.

“Listen to me clearly, cook a good meal for us, and spare your life, and then you will get out of this ship as soon as possible.” Crick said: “Don’t interfere with us cleaning up the enemy, and don’t interfere with us receiving your ship. .”


Paddy fell to the ground, punching the floor in annoyance.

“Hey, you have to have a limit.” Sanji came out of the back kitchen with a plate and said angrily when he saw this scene.

“Of course dogs will bite, especially after you’ve fed them.” In the corner of the hall, a voice said lightly.

Sanji turned around and saw a young man sitting at a table by the window, sipping a drink leisurely.

“It’s the captain of the Holy Sword Pirates!” Jamie cried out in panic, “He’s actually here.”

“It’s just right here, kill you first.”

Click took out his shield, and with a swipe at Lu Feng, several muzzles appeared on the shield.

“There’s going to be a war.”


The guests who had gathered near Lu Feng fled in all directions. Lu Feng had a clear view in front of him, and in an instant, no one was there.

“Let you try this trick.” A few needle-type hidden weapons flew out from Crick’s big shield, hitting Lu Feng.

With a bang, the hidden weapon hit the table, almost breaking the table, but Lu Fengren was gone.

“So fast.”

Click looked to the left, Lu Feng was already standing only ten meters away from him, how did he dodge just now, Click noticed that he hadn’t noticed at all.

“It should be no problem to kill you this time.” Lu Feng pulled out the Chengying Sword, his strength, speed and reaction suddenly increased, and he rushed towards Klick.

“Hehe, go die.”

The shield in Klick’s hand deformed, and a handle appeared, turning into a giant battle gun, but he did not attack, but waited for Lu Feng to pass by.

As soon as Lu Feng approached, a cloak covered with needles suddenly popped out from Klick’s armor.

“Haha, as soon as you get close, you will be stabbed into a hornet’s nest by the needle armor. As soon as you dodge, you will be ready to eat my big gun.”

Click’s battle gun weighs a ton, and only he can swing it. If he is hit, he will not die or be disabled.

It was even worse when he was stabbed by the needles on his armor, and he would soon become a hornet’s nest. He didn’t believe that Lu Feng could dodge his attack and defense.

However, Lu Feng didn’t dodge, and he didn’t collide directly.

When he was in front of Daklik, he stepped forward with his foot, and suddenly stopped suddenly, Chengying in his hand had already stabbed the needle-piercing armor with a sword.

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