Global Reincarnation: My Own Story Library

Chapter 287

Vol 6 Chapter 43: Skill Training

“Number 19, 100,000 points, the first time…” Tina was only halfway through, when she realized that someone had raised her card again, and immediately changed her tune.

“One hundred and sixty-seventh, one hundred and two thousand.”

The price of Lu Fengju’s card was increased by 2,000 this time, but Tina’s offer was very straightforward, without any extravagance. At this moment, she didn’t need to talk much, she just had to quote the customer’s price according to the procedure.

“Forget it, we don’t want this anymore, the price is too high.”

The woman among the three of No. 82 said: “I feel that the duo of No. 167 is a bit like the trust of the client, and he is deliberately raising the price.”

It’s just a suspicion. The organizer usually doesn’t do this, but some clients may hire someone to do it. If the client takes the picture, they can also commission it again soon. I will also take pictures.

Of course, the client will be blocked by the organizer, and the auction target of the organizer will be blocked by the trading floor, but the client can ask friends to go and change the host.

The organizer has no loopholes. They punish the entrusting party very severely. They are directly blocked. In the future, there is basically no need to seek them for business.

However, there are loopholes in the trading floor, which are identified by the establishment of the dual conditions of the organizer and the auction target.

Of course, entrusting a friend with a layer in the middle will increase the risk invisibly. Hiring someone to cheat will also increase the risk and increase transaction costs.

The other two in Group 82 shook their heads and decided to give up.

They are very helpless. In fact, their limit is around 150,000 points. It is difficult to do more than that, but the more acceptable price is less than 100,000, and it is best to get it at 90,000.

More than 100,000, they must be carefully considered and weighed.

No. 19 sat silently, turned to look at Lu Feng and the two, and seemed to be weighing, he suspected Lu Feng for a long time, and he mainly bought it as a gift.

Using his points is not for him to use, but to chase women, so he is more willing to use his points than to use them himself, and there are more cases of hesitation or consideration of other factors.

“One hundred and sixty-seventh, 102,000 points, the first confirmation, has anyone else increased the price?” Tina began to confirm three times, this time quickly.

On the 19th, he looked at the two of Lu Feng’s side again, and finally decided to give up.

“Third time.” Tina knocked down and finally confirmed, “Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. No. 167 for taking this No. 5 bloodline.”

The delivery procedures need to be completed after the auction, so Lu Feng and the others continued to watch the next auction, because it didn’t take much time, there were only fifteen bloodlines in total, and the speed was very fast.

The sixth bloodline was auctioned for a sky-high price of 170,000 points. It was also a competition of three people. The person who was photographed was very difficult to obtain, but the seventh bloodline failed.

Finally, in less than an hour, the entire auction was over.

On the whole, in this auction, of the fifteen bloodlines, four were passed in, and the twelfth and fourteenth bloodlines were also passed in.

The cheapest ones were 76,000 points, the most expensive was still the 170,000 points, and most of the others were between 90,000 and 120,000 points.

Lu Feng and Artoria went through the delivery procedures and got the blood of the Holy Angel.

After drinking it, Arturia knew the specific parameters of this bloodline. The identified information was only a brief description, there was no specific data, and there was still a big gap between them.

This holy angel bloodline is mainly to awaken three upgradeable bloodline skills:

The first bloodline skill is the body of an angel. The first level of awakening can spread its wings and fly, and then every ten levels, the reaction and speed increase by one. Every fifteen levels, Strength, Stamina, and Mental attributes increase by one. Every twenty-five levels, the magic power increases by one.

The second bloodline skill is Holy Vengeance. Every five levels, the power of all holy skills increases by one.

The third bloodline skill is Angel Armor. Every eighth level of swordsmanship skill and power increases by one, and every twelve-level armor defense effect increases by one. This bloodline skill is almost created for the King’s Ritual.

In addition, the three unique tricks of the Holy Inquisition have been upgraded and revised, the divine blow has become a judgment, and the **** body has become an angel **** body, and the effects are all doubled. The blessing has become an angel’s blessing, not only the original effect is doubled, but also the resistance to the virus, disease spirit, etc. is added.

“This bloodline seems to be very suitable for nurses. It is estimated that it is an angel who learns holy magic, so it is called a holy angel.”

At first, Lu Feng thought that it was more suitable for fighting, because traditionally, angels have strong fighting power, mainly fighting with swordsmanship, and only a few of them are born with spells.

At present, the most obvious increase is for the sacred skills.

“Nurse?” Arturia was confused, “Why is it suitable for a nanny?”

“This…” Lu Feng Juhan.

After finishing the matter of Arturia’s bloodline, Lu Feng went to the professional training ground in Epic Space the next day. He was here to train the bloodline skills.

Mainly to train double sword flow skills.

It is the same principle that attributes can be improved through training, and some skills can also be improved through training, but the effect depends on the situation.

for example.

In the past, Lu Feng was skilled in the use of daggers, including melee combat and throwing.

But there is no formal foundation of swordsmanship. Blazing Swordsmanship is not an ordinary swordsmanship. It is a very advanced type. It is estimated that it will take a month to complete from lv1 to lv2. Such a low efficiency is not much use.

Therefore, he is basically unable to rely on training to quickly improve the level of the Blazing Sword Skill, not only because in Academy City, he was pressed for time, and he used the limited potential point from the beginning.

Skills such as Calculus Center and Absolute Defense are completely impossible to rely on training to improve.

Once the level is relatively high, it will be even more difficult to improve through training. This is the same as the fact that after the attribute value is high, it can no longer be improved through fitness.

The later it is, the more difficult it is, unless you have a sudden and want to rely on deliberate training, it will be impossible.

But now the situation is a little different, Lu Feng’s swordsmanship is already very strong, lv49’s blazing swordsmanship is not an ordinary swordsmanship, he is completely a swordsman master.

Using a two-handed sword and a one-handed sword is very different, but it is still within the scope of swordsmanship, and the basic things are the same.

The so-called bypass.

With his current understanding of swordsmanship, he can completely improve this skill to several levels through training.

As for the Juggernaut’s body and swordsmanship specialization, there is absolutely no way to use training to improve it. The Juggernaut’s body is a physical type, which is the core of the bloodline, and cannot be improved through training at all.

Swordsmanship is only a special ability, not a combat skill, it is a reward from the infinite world of dependence.

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