Global Reincarnation: My Own Story Library

Chapter 297

Vol 7 Chapter 8: Dwarf Stone Town

Entering here, Lu Feng also knew how to get there, and he started to go to the living area of Stone City.

When approaching the second line of defense, the number of dwarf patrols began to increase. Lu Feng was here to see the king of dwarves, and it was useless to hide from him, so he walked directly to the patrol.


“A human!”

“Have any humans come here recently?”

‘should not.”

“Then how did he get in?”

This group of dwarf patrols immediately stepped forward and surrounded Lu Feng. Humans would usually be unable to move when they went underground. If underground creatures got in, the dwarves would understand.

Although Stone City is closed, there are only a few entrances and exits.

But in fact, there are still many rock crevices and underground rivers extending in all directions. Surface creatures cannot enter, but underground creatures are possible.

“Where is this place?” Lu Feng asked knowingly.

“Who are you? How did you get in? This is Stone City, the city of Stone ruled by the great Stone IX. You humans are prohibited from entering here.” The captain of the dwarf patrol said: “Put down your weapons, be ready to capture, and come with us. One trip.”

“Stone City?” Lu Feng continued to play stupid, and of course he wouldn’t hand in his weapons. In his plan, the meeting with the dwarf king was not escorted to the past.

“Take me to meet your king, His Majesty Stone IX.”

Lu Feng continued: “I came from Westland Fort, and I was surprised to enter here. Now, take me to meet your king right away.”

“Here from Westland Fort?” The captain of the dwarf patrol was full of surprise.

“Yes, something big may happen, and I think you will be in trouble here too.” Lu Feng continued his rhythm, “Take me to see your king, and said that the envoy of the Duke of the Western Border of the Kingdom of Casoria is here, There’s something important to talk to him about.”

“We have no diplomatic relations with humans, and we don’t welcome humans.” The captain of the dwarf patrol said loudly: “You put down your weapons first and come with us.”

“We don’t welcome fully armed humans here,” said another dwarf.

“If you don’t want Stone City to be captured by the orcs, take me to see your king.” Lu Feng suddenly flashed and appeared behind the dwarf captain, a broad sword was already across the opponent’s neck, “I understand now. Right.”

“Let go of our captain.”

“If you don’t let go, I’ll kill you.”

Several other dwarves clenched their battle axes and shields, and shouted nervously. One of the dwarves turned around and ran away. He was going to inform the other dwarves in the defense line.

“I’m here, don’t you understand?”

Lu Feng pointed around and said, “I didn’t come in through the gate. Don’t you want to know how I got in? I think your king would like to know. If there is a delay, you guys will lose their heads.”

“Okay, you can bring your equipment, and I’ll take you to see our king.” The dwarf patrol captain finally let go, because things were really weird.

It’s not that easy to sneak into a dwarven city, still armed, such a big human.

The captain also didn’t think that Lu Feng could do anything alone, and Stone City and the Kingdom of Casoria did not have an alliance, but they did not have any bad relations.

If Lu Feng is really the messenger of Westland Fort, they can’t go too far.

Besides, his own life was still in the hands of others, so the captain thought he would take Lu Feng inside and let the King’s Guard handle it.

The group of patrols took them in, and the trip to the third line of defense went well.

The Dwarf King’s Guard was stationed in the palace area. They had obviously received the news and investigated the entrances and exits of Stone City. They did not find any traces that Lu Feng came in through several entrances and exits of Stone City.

So they were also confused, but again proposed to let Lu Feng turn in the weapons.

Of course, he continued to be rejected by Lu Feng.

“In the human world, no messenger needs to hand over his weapons.” Lu Feng said righteously, “I am here to bring a warning and information that may make your Stone City life and death.”

“You wait a second.” The captain of the guards seemed to be smarter, and he ran in to ask the dwarf king for instructions.

“Tell His Majesty Shi Dong IX that I didn’t come in from the gate, but from the Westjing Fortress.” Lu Feng reminded: “Remember, I came directly from the Westjing Fortress.”

The guard captain didn’t seem to believe Lu Feng’s words, but he still went in to spread the word.

However, Lu Feng was very sure, because it was recorded in history that there was a passage to Stone City in the Westland Fort. As the king of dwarves, Shi Dong IX should have heard of it.

The dissemination of information in this world is very difficult, and historical records have nothing to do with the nobles. They are controlled by some magicians, priests, and scholars, and they are scattered.

Some things, even as the Duke of the West, may not be known.

But Stone City is such a big place, and most of the dwarf royal family has a tradition of oral transmission, which is also the internal secret of the dwarf royal family.

That is to say, they once allied with the human kingdom and used that portal, but then the human territory kept changing and wars were frequent, and these things were long forgotten.

And dwarves have a long lifespan, a city is usually a country, and the royal family has been passed down for a longer time. Such an important matter must be passed down in their royal family.


“His Majesty Shi Dong IX wants to see you.” When the captain of the guard came out, he reminded Lu Feng that he could go in.

The dwarf king Stone IX, dressed in gorgeous civilian clothes and a crown, sat in the reception hall, and beside him stood a tall dwarf in full armor.

Compared to dwarves, it is indeed with a height of more than one meter six.

This is Walter, the great general of Stone City, the younger brother of Stone IX, and the most powerful man in this dwarf city, or kingdom.

“You can go down.” The dwarf king motioned for the captain of the guards to leave.

“Yes, Your Majesty.” The captain of the guards glanced at Lu Feng. Although he was a little worried, he still went out.

“Okay, tell your story.” The dwarf king said to Lu Feng.

“First of all, in order to show mutual trust in this trip, I must tell the truth. In fact, I am not an envoy of the Duke of the West. The reason why I say this is to convince the patrols on the road. You know that if I am imprisoned, it may be to you, and others. We all have a lot of danger, and I have to do it.”

Lu Feng said, “But I am indeed from the Westland Fort.”

“I guessed that the Duke of Westland is going to send someone, and he won’t use such abrupt methods. This is not something a noble would do.” The dwarf king nodded, “Go on.”

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