Global Reincarnation: My Own Story Library

Chapter 369

Vol 10 Chapter 5: 1 Accidentally Won 100 Million


Bao Nanhao’s words just landed, and the nearby spectators laughed, not laughing at Bao Nanhao’s arrogance, but thinking that Lu Feng’s intimidation had failed.

Because they also guessed that Bao Nanhao should have four straight flushes at the moment.

And Lu Feng’s intimidation would not only be worthless, but he might even lose his pants.

This is 15 million, plus the previous losses, this is the rhythm that the 20 million chips are almost lost.

This is not to scare others, and to lose yourself.

Although many people were sweating for Lu Feng, that was because Lu Feng had always been at a disadvantage. If he really lost, the spectators would not sympathize with him. They would only use this as a happy talk after dinner.

Lu Feng remained calm, waiting for the cards to be dealt.

This game was the final game that Lu Feng had calculated. Seeing that Bao Nanhao called, he determined that Bao Nanhao’s hidden card was the club king. Before, the probability was only over 95%, but now it is 100%.

The last card.

Bao Nanhao is a ten of diamonds. As soon as he saw this card, Bao Nanhao’s complexion turned pale. Just now he thought he would get a straight flush, because it would be fine to get an ace of clubs or a nine of clubs.

Although it was difficult to get the club A, because Lu Feng had already taken three, but the club nine was no problem for him.

Even if there is no straight flush, there should be no problem with the straight, after all, he is lucky +1, and on the board, nine or one has not been played yet.

Lu Feng’s card came out, the king of hearts.

“At least three A’s.”

“It won’t be a full house.”

Everyone was surprised for a while, but in the end, the goddess of luck favored Lu Feng. It seemed that Bao Nanhao had used up all his luck before.

However, they didn’t know that Bao Nanhao’s fifth card would get a ten of diamonds, and Lu Feng had figured it out long ago, and in the end Bao Nanhao would get a pair.

If Bao Nanhao’s hole card is the club king and there is an error, it will only be two pairs at most, and there will be no other situations.

As for Lu Feng’s fifth card, the probability of appearing one of K, Q and J is 99%. Everything is in his calculations. For him, this game is almost a turn over, or he will deal the cards. .

Otherwise, he would not have pressed fifteen million.

“I’ll still bet.” Lu Feng pushed out all the remaining chips in his hand.

Bao Nanhao’s face was pale and pale, and he was completely blinded. He didn’t understand how this happened. His cards were now inferior to those of Lu Feng’s. open.

The good +1 is lucky, it’s too **** up.

In this case, it is impossible for him to spend any more money. First of all, the benchmark is 20 million, which is the limit. He has released more than 15 million. In addition to the millions he won, he can’t spend much.

Secondly, this limit is only for betting. In the case of calling, Lu Feng has the right to exceed the limit of 20 million, which cannot be exceeded, but can be tied with him.

This is the basic rule of the casino, you can bet or not, but as long as you have money, there is no situation where you can’t call.

“Mr. Bao, there are still three seconds to call.” The waitress reminded Bao Nanhao that he would give up automatically after three seconds.

“He won.” Bao Nanhao said with difficulty.

Lu Feng turned over his hidden cards.

“Wow, it’s Plum Blossom A. It turns out that Plum Blossom A is with Mr. Lu.”

“This is a super king bombing. What is Mr. Bao’s hidden card? It feels like two pairs at most. This time he is finished, and he will lose even his shorts.”

The people watching the battle said that they still have no idea about this situation.

Because according to the previous situation, Bao Nanhao would be right with a straight flush, and the result is such a poor hand.

Lu Feng had already flipped the card. Bao Nanhao’s hidden card had to be flipped out immediately. He didn’t move, so he quickly timed out and was flipped over automatically.

“Club King, it’s just a pair, not even two pairs, but it seems to be only one step away from a straight flush, this is really bad luck.”

“A pair, against the super king bomb, they play ten consecutive luck, which is going to be multiplied seven times.”

Bao Nanhao was already dumbfounded, 15,510,000, seven times, a total of 185,570,000. This Nima suddenly exceeded 100 million, and the shares he held in the family business were almost 100 million. All lost, only a fraction left.

“Sorry, I accidentally won 100 million.” Lu Feng said lightly.

“Let’s come again.” Bao Nanhao said with red eyes, like an unwilling gambler.

“You don’t have enough chips.” Lu Feng reminded playfully.

This round is more than 100 million, more than five times the limit of 20 million, how can there be any chips to continue to wave.

“You’re afraid that my family has no money.” Bao Nanhao said loudly: “If you win this game, you are willing to admit defeat. We will open another table. This time the limit is 50 million. Do you dare to come?”

Lu Feng didn’t bother to say anything, just looked at Bao Nanhao like watching a monkey show.

“I’m sorry, Mr. Bao, it’s time to get off work tonight, and it will close in an hour. If you want to continue, you can ask Mr. Lu to come with you tomorrow,” the waitress said.

Only a fool will continue to gamble. Your company has hundreds of billions of dollars. There is no end to betting all the time. The waitress is also very speechless. Is this willing to gamble and not admit defeat.

“Humph.” Bao Nanhao gritted his teeth, turned and left.

This is really a big loss. I really lost my pants. Now I can’t even explain it at home, but it’s true that he lost. Casinos are not a place where people can default on their debts. So many people watch and can only hate Hate to flee as soon as possible.

“Mr. Lu intends to win the shares of the Bao family’s enterprise, or convert them all into cash. If you want the stock, you can deliver it tonight. If you want cash, you need to wait for the opening price of the stock market tomorrow.” The waitress said, “Because the amount is huge, It will take a day or two to complete.”

The equity of Lu Feng’s family company must be redeemed, because he won and did not lose.

In fact, it is not a special case, and the casino will not ask for any other form of collateral other than unlimited world points.

However, for those who win the game, they can refuse to ask for collateral such as stocks, because the casino has to draw a commission, and this commission also needs to be paid in cash.

“Give me the cash, you will handle the shares of the Bao family’s enterprise.” Lu Feng said.

The shares of the Bao family’s enterprise are useless to Lu Feng, and it takes time and energy to operate in the open market. It is better to let the casino handle it directly.

With the cash, Lu Feng can also invest in his own company, and he can also make financial investments.

“Okay, the specific amount is based on tomorrow’s opening price, minus the transaction fee. In addition, we need to give us a 1% commission, which will also be deducted. Mr. Lu gives us an account number, and we will transfer the money as soon as possible.” The waitress said.

Lu Feng handed in his bank account before leaving the casino.

In the morning two days later, I got a transfer from Jinbihuihuang, as well as a delivery agreement. The stock market transaction fee was capped at 100,000, which was only a fraction. sixty thousand.

Become a billionaire in minutes.

Of course, Lu Feng had not been idle for the past two days. He continued to go around Jinbihuiliang to explore the space layout, personnel arrangements, and various internal facilities.

When to break in requires the entire team to discuss, and Lu Feng and the others also need careful planning.

The casino operators have always been very cautious, and the security is quite complete. Lu Feng and the others need to be successful at the first time, so they need more preparations.

But this preparation did not take long.

Five days later, at night again, Lu Feng and Arturia entered the splendor together.

“Mr. Lu, this lady, welcome.” The waiter at the door greeted respectfully, “I’ll take the two to exchange chips.”

Because of the gambling with Bao Nanhao, Lu Feng has become a celebrity in this casino. Almost all the staff know him, especially the waiters, because they are the first-line service staff and have been trained to recognize people.

This is a disadvantage, because it is too easy to be recognized, and it is not good for people to be too conspicuous.

But it’s also a huge advantage. It’s very useful when exploring. Lu Feng can go to a few places that other customers can’t go.

It is also easy to see any high-level executives of this casino, including Boss Jin, so he also entered the office area several times and obtained more information inside.

In addition to this, there are many other advantages, such as-

“Is your Boss Jin here tonight?” Lu Feng asked casually, as if he suddenly remembered.

“In the general manager’s office, does Mr. Lu want to see our boss?” the waiter said, “I can go and let me know.”

“No need, I originally wanted to discuss with Boss Jin, but after thinking about it, forget it.” Lu Feng smiled and exchanged 100,000 chips, “Let’s find a place ourselves.”

“Then Mr. Lu can call me if you need it.” The waiter left.

Lu Feng used radio sense to confirm again that there was indeed someone in the general manager’s office. Just asking this was to ensure that the person was Boss Jin, in case it was an unrelated person such as cleaning.

Because of the investigation in the past few days, Lu Feng knew that Boss Jin was not in the casino every day. In fact, he appeared in the casino less frequently than he did not.

“Almost ready for action.” Lu Feng reached out and pressed a socket.

Clap la la, a strong current passed through, sparks emerged from many wires, and the lights and monitors inside the casino went out instantly. Lu Feng increased the voltage and current output again.

bang bang bang…

There were small explosions in many places inside the casino, including the entire monitoring and storage equipment, all of which belched black smoke, and the whole was abolished.

With the ability of lightning bloodline, it can be very simple in many cases.

After destroying the splendid lighting and destroying the entire monitoring system, Lu Feng and Artoria began to move towards the office area.

There’s already chaos in the casino.

Security and other staff came out to maintain order.

Although it was chaotic, the current preliminary judgment is that the power system is faulty and tripped. This is obvious and most people can see it. So after some explanations, the crowd quieted down.

They were already familiar with the layout inside, and with the perception of radio waves, Lu Feng and the two easily avoided unrelated people on the road.

Then, Lu Feng found that the person in the general manager’s office had left the office and was walking towards the outside lobby. This was to deal with emergencies outside and to appease customers.

The person who stayed in the general manager’s office was indeed Boss Kim.

“What the hell, the power system could have such a big failure, and even the computers were burned down several times.”

Boss Jin is a middle-aged man with silver hair and black eyes, fat and short.

If the fault can’t be solved, the business will be ruined tonight.

Of course, it also includes guarding chips and cash, as well as blocking all entrances and exits, and preparing for combat.

Because no one knows whether someone will take advantage of the fire, whether the power failure tonight is man-made, and whether there will be further robbery, there is no way to determine for the time being.

As soon as he put down his phone, Boss Jin felt two figures appear in front of him.

There was no light, and even the emergency charging light was destroyed, because the plug of the charging light was always plugged into the socket.

There are only a small number of signposts for directions. Those are not lights and are not connected to circuits. They emit a faint fluorescent-like glow and provide limited light.

Boss Jin couldn’t identify people at all, but it didn’t matter, he thought it was a staff member.

“What are you doing here, go outside, don’t let people steal the chips, the guests let them go to the lounge first, eh…”

Boss Jin suddenly felt his neck tighten, and he could no longer speak. He was pinched by the neck and dragged away.

Boss Jin really wanted to shout, but his neck was pinched, and he couldn’t scream. At the same time, he felt fear in his heart. After all, he was a seasoned player who had just entered.

Lu Feng dragged Boss Jin into the emergency escape channel, and Artoria stood guard at the entrance of the escape door.

With a bang, Boss Jin was thrown to the ground.

“Who are you?” It was pitch black nearby, and Boss Jin still didn’t recognize who Lu Feng was. He knew very well that he couldn’t shout at this time. If he called him, he might be finished, so his voice was not too loud.

As a casino owner and a fundraiser for White Shark King, Boss Jin is also very calm.

“You don’t care who we are, it’s good for you.”

Lu Feng said, “I’m asking you a few questions, you must answer as soon as possible, because the speed and accuracy of your answers are the foundation of your survival.”

Boss Jin did not speak.

From being easily subdued just now, he knew that the strength of the person opposite was absolutely epic, so he didn’t dare to make too many moves.

“Tonight’s power outage here, you can say it’s a power failure, a mouse bit off the wire, etc. You can find any reason. Because of this use, I won’t kill you.”

Lu Feng said: “However, if I don’t get the information I want, then the mission fails, and there is no need to do any good finishing work. Of course, there is no need to cover up the power outage problem tonight, you will be useless, understand. Bar?”

It’s useless, you can only kill.

Boss Jin nodded and continued without speaking. He was wondering when the security staff would determine that something was wrong. He was rushing outside just now. If no one appeared, the security staff would definitely take action.

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