Global Reincarnation: My Own Story Library

Chapter 383

Vol 10 Chapter 19: Great War

Crackling, thunder and lightning centered on the land wind and continued to spread around, hitting the tank without causing much impact damage, but the current entered the tank with the steel armor as the conductor.

The lower the voltage and current, the smaller the consumption, and with the continuous release, maintaining a higher voltage consumes more, so Lufeng didn’t go all out to reach the maximum power.

But it was also a voltage of hundreds of thousands of volts. The precision instruments in the tank were broken down in an instant, and the sergeants were immediately shocked by the electricity.

Lu Feng roamed the tank group all the way, and all the tanks within a range of several dozen meters were misfired.

Although the armor of these tanks is very thick, it has been specially strengthened, because after the infinite world came out, the tactics of the tanks have also changed, and they basically exist as ultra-high defense powerful mobile turrets.

That is to say, the attack power is stronger than that of ordinary artillery, the attack speed is fast, and the defense power is high, but the travel speed is reduced.

Because even the burst speed of around the eighth-order is quite fast. Although it cannot last for a long time, it is enough to crush any vehicle, not to mention those who take the speed flow route.

Therefore, artillery with low power and self-propelled artillery with weak defense have basically been eliminated, and the tank has become a collection of traditional tanks with heavier defense and medium-power artillery.

However, no matter how you change the optimization, tanks are made of steel after all, and this can never be changed.

That is to say, it is impossible to prevent being electrocuted. When encountering someone like Lu Feng with powerful electric shock ability, as long as he rushes out of the initial range of artillery bombardment, he can only rest.

“Oh my god, get out of here.”

“Maximum horsepower, don’t be approached by him.”

The tank group panicked and fled in all directions, trying to keep the distance from Lu Feng as much as possible.

“Damn, a group of armed helicopters is dispatched to carry out an auxiliary attack.”

The commander of the 6th Division was on the opposite bank, holding a telescope and staring in a stunned manner, so he could only send out the armed helicopters.

At this time, it is meaningless to go up.

After the player’s war, the regular troops are very clear that their only recourse is artillery fire, which is an absolute saturation attack.

Anyone has a limit, no matter how strong you are, as long as a lot of high-explosive ammunition is poured out, you will be exhausted, and there will always be a chance of being killed in the end.

At this point, they never skimp on ammo.

Regarding what happened in the headquarters base, the sixth division commander did not know yet, so he was still superstitious about this kind of carpet saturation bombing.

Although facing the gunship, Lu Feng was still able to handle it with ease. After all, he owned a lot of blue bottles, so this kind of tug of war was meaningless to him.

This is something the entire Giant Bear Legion and General Balf would never have imagined.

But Lu Feng didn’t stay in the tank group any longer. As soon as he saw the gunship coming across the river, he started to turn around and rushed towards the bridge.

“Report to the general, the target entered the bridge, the missile attack is likely to accidentally damage the bridge.” The pilot in the gunship reported.

After seeing Lu Feng’s lightning attack just now, these armed helicopters were a little afraid to approach and use machine guns to fire, and their intelligence also contained the threat of railguns.

When they found that Lu Feng had entered the bridge, they were a little overwhelmed.

The surviving tanks also started reporting that if they continued shelling, they would obviously blow up the bridge, and without the bridge, the entire passage would be cut off.

But if they didn’t shell, then Lu Feng would definitely pass the bridge and enter the attack range of the infantry defense formation of the 6th Division Commander.

Their tank guns are reinforced and can be used as long-range cannons, and they can still hit the other side, but that’s likely to injure themselves.

For a time, whether it was tanks or gunships, it was a bit contradictory.

“Don’t worry about the bridge, you idiots, just blow up the bridge and send him into the big river.”

The commander of the sixth division roared, “Then continue to bombard the big river until the water in the entire river is blown up to me.”

At this moment, what he was still thinking was that if the person facing him couldn’t swim, he would make a fortune and drown directly.

“Attack, attack, tilt all the bombs on the bridge.”

Blow up the water or something like that is, of course, rhetorical.

But the order is very clear, that is, no matter the river or the bridge, just throw the bomb out.

The tankers immediately adjusted their batteries and bombarded the bridge. The helicopter gunships also attacked the bridge violently. Countless bombs smashed into the land wind and the bridge deck, as well as the nearby river.

The water column rushed high into the sky, and the bridge made a thunderous roar, breaking from the middle, and then the nearly one-mile-long deck of the bridge where Lu Feng was located was completely broken.

However, Lu Feng had already crossed the broken bridge and continued to run forward.

Because this kind of bridge across the river is connected section by section, a section is broken, and the rest is still there.

“Idiot, all bombed, don’t just target one enemy, what I said is to blow up the entire bridge, don’t let him run over.” The sixth division commander shouted again at the communicator.

Then, shells and missiles began to dismantle the bridge, and the entire bridge began to collapse, rumbling into the water.

Lu Feng finally had nowhere to stand, and he also fell into the river, but a black shadow flashed and rushed into the air. Then Lu Feng jumped from the air and fell to the opposite bank in a parabola.

“What is that? It seems like a shadow passed by in the air.” The sixth division commander rubbed his eyes.

Black Shadow was of course the ghost bat dragon. It jumped out of the pet cage, took Lu Feng into the air, and flew a certain distance to the opposite bank at the same time. Then, when Lu Feng jumped out with all his might, it entered the pet cage again.

They are also quite skilled in this exercise.

At this time, it was less than an hour before Bai Xue and the others arrived, even if it was revealed that Lu Feng had flying units, it didn’t matter.

In short, Lu Feng planned to blow up the bridge first.

Bai Xue and the others were late, so let Lu Feng and the others take over.

The commander of the 6th Division may never understand that ordering the tanks and gunships to fire was the target of Lu Feng’s abnormal behavior just now.

Of course, it doesn’t matter if he doesn’t blow up the bridge, Lu Feng still crosses the bridge.

The army behind the sixth division commander was already in a cold sweat, and everyone started shooting at Lu Feng without any orders. It was epic. Once they jumped to the shore, they would be dead.

The armed helicopters on the river also turned around one after another, flew over here, and attacked Lu Feng.

As for the tank groups on the other side, they were already stupid. They suddenly discovered a big problem. Without the bridge, they couldn’t get through, and if they fired, they would inevitably injure their own people.

“One battalion took cover, others retreated, and armored groups took cover from shelling.”

What he saw in the telescope just now, the commander of the sixth division didn’t care anymore. He quickly gave the order, because it was a plan, so his reaction speed was very fast. After giving the order, he jumped into the car and left.

That is to say, the large troops dispersed directly in armored vehicles, and each retreated, leaving only one battalion.

The hundreds of people in the battalion that were left behind were also dispersed in units of four or five people in the squad to provide shelling coordinates to the tank group.

In this way, whether Lu Feng was chasing after their large force or dealing with the battalion that had left behind cover, he would be constantly bombarded by tank fire.

Once a car or a small group of people is overtaken, it will definitely not be able to achieve epic level, and most of them will die. If they are bombarded, although the probability of death is high, the probability of surviving is also very high.

This is a tactic that is often used when conventional troops encounter high-end detachments from the Special Operations Bureau.

Of course, if you encounter a large army of the Special Operations Bureau, it will be useless. In the face of the crushing combat power, it will be dismembered and wiped out in minutes.

Now that the only person they encountered was Lu Feng, this tactic would be more efficient.

Because more than 4,000 people don’t fight with you, they just spread out, let the troops be broken into pieces, and act in small units. Dealing with them one by one will make people tired to deal with them.


“Report to the general, the enemy fled south and has been out of sight.”

Lu Feng made the people of the sixth division a little confused again, but he saw that he did not pursue, nor deal with the battalion that was left to cover, but left quickly to the south.

“The tank group went around the second bridge to pursue.”

The commander of the sixth division looked at the south in a daze, and suddenly remembered that the enemy was probably from the Qinglong Empire, so why fight them?

It is normal behavior to flee directly south, crossing the border.

It’s also because I was frightened just now, so I didn’t think about it, and just used the pre-plan tactics.

But the problem now is that the bridge is destroyed, the tank group is on the opposite bank, it is impossible to cross the river, and the shelling cannot go that far.

And their army of more than 4,000 people, without the support of artillery, relying on those gunships alone is not an epic opponent at all.

Because the gunships have a limited amount of ammunition, most of them were used to bomb the bridge just now.

So, that’s all he can do.

I didn’t dare to chase, so I could only let the tank come around and chase it out.

“Understood.” The tank group on the other side began to turn around and headed towards the second bridge, which is the closest bridge to this side.

However, after a few minutes.

“Report, report, the second bridge point encountered the enemy, the troops were defeated, and the bridge was destroyed.” From the communicator, came the shouts of the troops stationed there.

“What?” The sixth division commander was stunned. He suddenly remembered that the two enemies they needed to intercept were two people. Just now, only Lu Feng was seen, and the other one had never appeared.

His first instinct was that he had been dealt with by the previous shelling.

After all, it was the concentrated shelling of thousands of tanks.

But in fact, when the tank group started shelling, Arturia retreated, bypassed the battlefield here, and rushed to the second bridge.

The Sixth Division was responsible for a lot of strategic points, and the troops were scattered. Because they found that Lu Feng’s jeep was passing by, the infantry was not mobilized, but a large number of tanks were concentrated near the first bridge.

The second bridge is very close to here, about ten minutes away, but there are only more than 30 tanks stationed there, and it was disrupted by Artoria.

The infantry even retreated directly, completely unable to deal with the epic level.

Therefore, Artoria easily destroyed the bridge.

“Go to the third bridge point and move forward at maximum speed. I will inform the seventh division to intercept at the border.” The sixth division replied.

Only the sixth and seventh divisions were in charge of interception. The seventh division was stationed in the midstream, and the sixth division was in charge of all the four bridges downstream, including the third bridge.

But the distance from the second bridge is more than 30 minutes. It takes hours to run over and go around, but now the commander of the sixth division has no other way.

The river is too wide to be handled by the engineers. Even if a temporary pontoon bridge is built, it is impossible for infantrymen to cross, let alone tanks.

“Understood.” Those tank clusters that could still move, all increased their horsepower, and moved forward rapidly regardless of fuel consumption.

However, after ten minutes passed again.

“Report to the headquarters, the enemy has returned, and the long-range artillery support, why hasn’t it come yet, ah~”

“Headquarters, headquarters, request shelling support from the tank group.”


In the communicator, the sound of being attacked constantly sounded, and the sixth division commander felt a chill in his heart. He suddenly understood the tactical intentions of Lu Feng and the two.

It was to destroy two bridges and isolate their tank clusters on the opposite bank.

When the tank group had to rush to other further bridges to take a detour, they returned to attack them, the ground infantry units, and the gunship units.

Without the support of artillery fire, they could not fight at all.

“Retreat, retreat to the third bridge point across the board.”

Although the above order was to hold Lu Feng and the two together and wait for the **** team’s support to arrive, the sixth division commander didn’t want his men to hold him back with flesh and blood.

Although he still didn’t know what happened in the headquarters base, he still knew that the former commander was dismissed, and the division commanders who were stationed in the two headquarters bases left.

These things are so unusual that a few rumors have emerged.

The Sixth Division doesn’t want to take advantage of it. Now it is completely impossible to complete the task without sacrificing its own infantry units. Of course, he has the right to make the most reasonable actions.

Therefore, they no longer care about interception and retreat across the board.

But it wasn’t that easy to retreat. Arturia pushed forward from the direction of the second bridge, Lu Feng pushed forward from the first bridge, and the two attacked back and forth.

There are more than 4,000 people on the sixth division side, plus 3,000 people on the second bridge side, all turned into a real The intercepting enemy on the first bridge side has been defeated, You speed up, be careful not to go to the open space, so as not to be discovered by satellites. ”

Most of the trees outside the forest on the north bank of the South Giant Bear River have been blown to level, and a large number of tanks have broken down on the wasteland by the river, but all the tank soldiers have fled, and many flames are still burning.

Lu Feng and Arturia returned here again to inform Bai Xue and the others.

“Okay, we will try our best to speed up the past.” Bai Xue and the others used a bottle of stamina recovery props again to move forward at full speed.

Lu Feng and the others planned to retreat into the forest and wait, but before they entered the forest, the radio perception suddenly found the road, and two jeeps rushed over.

It can’t be Snow White.

Lu Feng quickly knew who it was. The jeep didn’t stop at all. A total of six people rushed out of the car and rushed towards Lu Feng and Arturia.

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