Global Survival Game: I can see extra hints

Chapter 192 Steel Armor Demon

Chapter 192 Steel Armor Demon

After all, Sun Yun couldn't say anything more, and he had to continue to explore the airdrop.

Yan Xingxiu was watching the joke from the side, as if he had nothing to do with him just now, Sun Yun gritted his teeth at him, but there was nothing he could do about him.

Qiu Tong didn't want to let this situation continue at this time, so he walked over and said.

"Everyone is here for the items in the airdrop. There is no need for this. Yan Xingxiu, please stop saying a few words!"

Sun Yun snorted coldly, and Qiu Tong found him a step down. No one among the seven was willing to help him, so he could only go down the steps, go to the monster and search the corpse.

The farce ended temporarily, and the group finally started to explore the airdrop again, but this time the formation changed. Qiu Tong walked in the front with a torch, Sun Yun walked behind alone, Yan Xingxiu was in front for a while, and behind for a while. He wanted to find a topic to chat with Wu Tu and the others, but except for Lan Baiyun who could pay attention to him, the others didn't care about him at all.

A few people could only move forward in an awkward atmosphere.

This road is actually not safe. After solving the batch of intermediate monsters, there will always be junior monsters interfering with them from time to time. Although the strength of the monsters is not strong, the way they appear is always unexpected.

They are all drilled from the cave wall, the ground, or above. The various ways of attacking them give them some headaches. The strength of the monsters is just a toy in front of them. Each of the seven people can kill these monsters casually. But because of the way these monsters came out, they had to carefully observe the surrounding situation.

After all, these are only primary monsters. If intermediate and advanced monsters appear, they will not be so lucky to be able to avoid or block them.

I don't know why only junior monsters came out of the wall. After they walked a certain distance, these monsters disappeared, but a powerful monster appeared.

[Steel Armored Demon, a high-level monster, a monster with extremely strong defense.

Attribute one, immobile as a mountain, at the cost of restricting one's own actions, one's defense is greatly improved.

Attribute two, dash, relying on one's own powerful body shape, defeats the enemy with the force of impact. 】

There were three in total. Wu Tu and the others saw monsters far away, and these monsters were still sleeping. Even though the light of the torch had already shone to the side, they did not find Wu Tu and the others coming.

Even though Sun Yun was ridiculed by Yan Xingxiu just now, he still came forward to command and said.

"We have to deal with advanced monsters carefully. Seeing that these monsters have strong defense capabilities, they shouldn't be so easy to deal with. They are still sleeping while holding them. We will divide them into three groups later and see if we can get rid of the monsters together."

This time Yan Xingxiu didn't refute again, and everyone else agreed.

Sun Yun and others divided several people into groups, Wu Tu and Ning Ningxiang were in a group, Lan Baiyun, Sun Yun, Xia Lin were in a group, Qiu Tong and Yan Xingxiu were in a group.

Judging from the grouping, it can still be seen that Sun Yunting is quite discerning, and he has almost figured out the relationship between several people.

The three groups each found a Steel Armored Demon, touched it slowly, and after walking to a suitable attacking position and distance, several people attacked together.

In an instant, the entire cavern was filled with flames, sounds rang out, and various moves hit these monsters.

Lan Baiyun, Xia Lin's side made the most noise, because their moves were all in a relatively large range, and the sleeping monster was directly smashed to pieces by their whole set of skills.

But Qiu Tong and Yan Xingxiu were not so simple. I don’t know why Yan Xingxiu didn’t make a move. When Qiu Tong stabbed the monster with Fang Tian’s painting halberd, he fired a shot, but his gun Hitting this high-level monster didn't even break the defense, and the bullet collided with the steel armor on the monster's body, sparking a spark.

Qiu Tong's seemingly powerful blow did not kill the monster. The monster who was attacked suddenly woke up, and his whole body turned into a huge iron block, without any gaps in the whole body.

Qiu Tong had no choice but to attack as hard as he could, but the successive attacks only left a few marks on the monster's body, and he couldn't kill the monster at all. However, when they looked back, only the one in front of them was still alive.

Wu Tu didn't even make a move, Ning Ningxiang solved it alone. She drilled the long whip condensed from the demonic power through the gap that the monster didn't fully defend, directly destroying the monster's life from the inside.

Qiu Tong could only grit his teeth and continue attacking. Yan Xingxiu was also hesitant. He didn't know whether to shoot for assistance, but he knew better than anyone else that even if he shot, he couldn't break the monster's defense. The bullets shot out by rifles and added to firearms can cause great damage to biological monsters, but they can't deal with this kind of monsters that are all covered with steel armor.

Fortunately, the duration of this monster's attribute was not long. After Qiu Tong attacked several times with all his strength, the monster finally turned into its original appearance. Yan Xingxiu knew that this was his last chance. Humiliated in front of you.

As the bullet was fired, the bullet with special power hit the monster's eye socket, which was one of the monster's weakest defenses. The bullet pierced through the eyeball and hit the monster's brain.

Finally, the monster was mortally wounded, and Qiu Tong jumped from the ground after chasing after a long victory. The tip of Fang Tian's painted halberd pierced another monster's eye, and he stirred it hard, and the monster finally died.

I have to say that if the monster's eyes were not a weakness, the two of them would have had the hardest time dealing with the monster until they had dealt with the monster with difficulty.

Sun Yun sneered on the other side, with an undisguised sarcasm that everyone could hear clearly, Yan Xingxiu could only pretend that he didn't hear it, and stared at the monster's body.

Each of the three monsters dropped the blood of a high-level monster, but the ownership had to be divided among the three groups.

Just when they thought that all the monsters had been dealt with, a group of monsters emerged directly from the dark place in front of them.

Although the speed of these monsters was very fast, Wu Tu could still see the appearance of the monsters clearly.

[Blade Demon, a high-level monster, a monster with extremely high agility and high attack power, has a ghostly movement, is an assassin among high-level monsters, and is almost powerful.

Attribute [-], Feng Lie Thorn, with a violent attack speed, causing a stabbing attack, and at the same time bursting out the damage of the wind blade.

Attribute two, sharp blade attack, shoot out dozens of blades inserted in the body. 】

(End of this chapter)

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