Global Wasteland: Unlimited Upgrades for Vaults

Page 855

1000 people!

In just one minute, all the crew members who had been on board for ten days jumped straight into the sea like dumplings.

At first, the thousands of crew members just cheered and swam in the water, making all kinds of unidentified sounds.

But then, after Zhang Long gave a command.

They "overwhelmed the guests" and quickly approached the villagers and refugees staying on the raft, sending out friendly greetings.

There are more than 300 people on one side and more than 1000 people on the other.

Once the two merged, the twittering made the depression a bit more popular in an instant, and it was as lively as a gathering in the civilized era.

As for such a harmonious scene, when Su Mo jumped down with Su Chan, he came to the daily speedboat and stood still.

He didn't stop it either, instead he cheerfully raised his hands, pushing the atmosphere to a climax.

"Wow, who would have imagined that my brother can command so many people? It's a miracle!"

As the daily speedboat slowly moved forward along the channel that was out of the way of the flow of people, Su Chan couldn't help sighing when she saw the expectant faces around her.

But what she didn't know was.

Somo, who was standing on the bow of the boat at this moment, also felt the vicissitudes of life.

Once upon a time, the depression was poor and white, and he was the only one who stayed here alone, with the long night as a companion.

Once upon a time, he was still lying on the small bed in the refuge, wondering when someone would come to talk to him and relieve his depression.

Once, he thought that for the rest of the time, he would spend the rest of his life in this shelter with his parents and his younger sister.

Once, he thought that the world was like a cage, which locked everyone in it tightly, and could never break free.

Su Mo didn't expect it.

Never dared to think about it.

But it was these "precious things" that he didn't dare to think about, but they came naturally.


"Welcome home, Director!"

"Welcome home, Director!"

I don't know who yelled this sentence, but around the Sun Chase, thousands of people all opened their mouths and shouted in unison.

For a moment, the shout shook the world.

Even the sea water has obvious fluctuations up and down!


Feeling the swelling of the eardrum, Su Mo looked around excitedly, stretched out his hands, and pressed down slowly.

In the next second, the voice stopped abruptly.

Only one raft with a dozen or so people was left floating leisurely.

"Director, welcome back!"

The first row of the raft is naturally Chen Shen, the village chief of Hope Village.

Compared with when he left, although his skin is darker now, his body is taller and stronger, and he has the feeling of a warrior.

In his eyes, Su Mo could clearly see that there were some tears flashing, and some colors were reflected by the sunlight.


In front of everyone, Chen Shen turned out to be like a child seeing his father coming back, or a young eagle seeing the eagle coming back, tears welling up in excitement.

But Su Mo knew that the tears were not grievances, but...excitement!

In this world, apart from Jiang Chu.

Only Chen Shen knew his ambition and his determination to change the sun and the moon into a new sky.

Only Chen Shen was looking forward to his return, going to Xinda Road, and stirring up the boundless situation.

For such a loyal subordinate.

After the raft and Sunstrider were brought together, the two sides were joined together.

Without any hesitation, Su Mo strode out immediately, came to Chen Shen, stretched out his hand, and patted him heavily on the shoulder:

"You boy, you did a good job!"


This shot still has a familiar feeling, a familiar taste, and a familiar heaviness.

Grinning his teeth, watching Chen Shen withdraw his tears, Pei Shao who was on the side quickly and cleverly came up.

"Boss, I want it too, you can pat me too!"

"Ha, you!"

Knowing today's theme, in order not to make the atmosphere too heavy.

Pei Shao ran up to make a joke, but instantly destroyed the atmosphere created just now, making everyone laugh out loud.

Taking advantage of this atmosphere, Su Mo put back the feeling that had just arisen in his heart, and while laughing, patted the left-behind children in Hope Village one by one on the shoulders.

Pei Shao, Qi Qin, Wu Feiguang...

One by one, everyone Su Mo didn't let go.

And the people he photographed, although all of them grinned.

But in the eyes and expression, there is a touch of excitement that cannot be concealed!

After Su Mo finished filming all the people before Hope Village, Chen Shen came forward:

"Director, this is the acting deputy head of our hopeful village, Li Hu, who only retired from the army at the age of 35. In order to save people, I came to Wasteland and fought with more than 20 alien races. Although I won the battle, I was seriously injured. Now I have recovered my life, but the root cause of the disease has fallen!"

"The person he saved is currently there!"

Pointing to four men and three women with excited faces in the distance, Chen Shen continued:

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