Go Alone

Chapter 174

Chapter 174 How is he

Ye Yu took the barbarian bull to push the field horizontally, breaking through forcibly. But with Ye Yu’s occasional moves, even though it seemed to be strenuous, the situation could not stop them.

Seeing Ye Yu taking the lead, even though Shengzi Zhenyan and others dislike Ye Yu, they still approve of Ye Yu’s courage.

Ye Yu pushed horizontally, leading the way. It was also very difficult for him to walk, the situation blocked the pace of people, with strong pressure, every step was difficult.

Ye Yu didn’t use the way of geography until he got to a place where Shengzi Zhenyan couldn’t see them. There was a Dao pattern intertwined with the decisive decomposing of good fortune, and the situation here naturally couldn’t help him.

Yan Shengting was behind Ye Yu, this time she walked very easily, as if she was walking in it.

She couldn’t see through Ye Yu more and more. Is Ye Yu’s accomplishment of geography so high?

Shengzi Zhenyan had always been behind Ye Yu, and they seemed a lot easier to walk, because Ye Yu and others were used as a reference.

But after entering a place where the miasma pervaded the line of sight, they could only rely on themselves. Shengzi Zhenyan brought a lot of landlords, and they had no choice but to work together here, but it took a lot of time.

“Where did that person go?” Walking out of the place filled with miasma, Shengzi Zhenyan frowned slightly, and there was no trace of Ye Yu anymore.

“In the field just passed, the miasma and the field are matched, accidentally killed by its erosion.” A landman said, “Although the three of them have some strength, they may not be able to come out!”

“Dead?” Shengzi Zhenyan frowned slightly, “Without them in front, wouldn’t we have to open the way by ourselves?”

“It’s not necessarily dead, but it’s also possible to get lost in it!” A landman said, “Or go in and look for it?”

“I just walked by and everyone found out that the sight is limited. There is a wide area in it, and it is difficult to find him.” A strong man said, “If we stray into the dangerous place, we may even be damaged!”

“Everyone is right. They die when they die. It is worthy of death to be able to take us such a long way. Didn’t he ridicule us for not having blood and courage? I must regret it when we die! “Someone said.

“Oh! I don’t want them to die so early, the road ahead is still long!” said a practitioner.

Shengzi Zhenyan thought for a while and said: “There are so many of us, plus the landmen, can explore this. If we can walk into the center and dig out the secrets of the ghost lair, then we may gain endless rewards!”

“In spite of this, the field is getting stronger and stronger, and no one knows what will evolve in the front field!” Some landlord worried.

“The stronger the field, the more extraordinary the things that bred and breed.” Shengzi Zhenyan said, “No matter what, we still have to go deeper. Not to mention anything else, it is enough to get the soul liquid. Everyone is in a bottleneck. This kind of thing is needed to break through.”

“Holy Son is right. We have to find Divine Soul Liquid no matter what, if we don’t advance in our practice, we will retreat, and we can’t break through the bottleneck. Over time, we will lose confidence and have a heart demon. Then we will not be able to break through for a lifetime!” someone said .

“Everyone, speed up. The practitioners here today are not just ours.” Shengzi Zhenyan took a deep breath. He needs the soul liquid more urgently than others, and the most important thing is that someone else has the possibility of a soul liquid. It can help him break through, but he is afraid that four or five copies will not be enough.

Shengzi Zhenyan and others did not see Ye Yu, thinking that he was dead or lost, and did not take Ye Yu into their hearts.

At this time, Ye Yu continued to deepen with Yan Shengting.

But Ye Yu also seemed very struggling when he walked to the back. Although good fortune can decompose Dao Marks, and then crack the field potential.

But the more you walked in, the more terrifying the situation, the mysterious and complicated Dao Mark, Ye Yu struggled to resolve it with good luck.

Ye Yu’s pace finally began to slow down, and each step seemed difficult.

But this has already shocked Yan Shengting, because they have gone deep into the deep. Yan Shengting occasionally felt the situation, thinking that it would easily hurt her.

Fortunately, following Ye Yu, this did not happen to such a situation.

Ye Yu continued to deepen, and his heart palpitations became more and more. Because he felt like he really walked into the monster’s body. The road I traveled is the intestines of the sheep, like the intestines of a monster.

As he continued to deepen, Ye Yu felt that the situation here was more frightening. Fortunately, he was able to avoid the dangers, otherwise even a hundred lives would not be enough.

All the way deep, Ye Yu spent seven or eight days before he reached a place. This place is very low, like a hole in a funnel.

The most important thing is that the situation here is intertwined, ghosts and shadows are densely scattered in all directions, and the cry of ghosts heard in the ghost cave comes from it.

“Master!” The Iron Bull looked at whether it was a ghost that evolved, and his heart was chilling.

All the field potential is gathered here, for fear that it is the core of the ghost cave.

Ye Yu’s answer shocked Yan Shengting’s heart, thinking that they actually got to the core? In other words, if they can get in, they might be able to dig out the secrets here?

Ye Yu sat down cross-legged, the situation here was terrifying. He didn’t even have the confidence to walk in!

Good luck was running wildly, Ye Yu perceives the situation here, and the Dao patterns are densely interwoven with terror. Ye Yu drives Good Fortune to be faster and faster, so it is very difficult for him to decompose Dao Wen.

Ye Yu’s soul was consumed frantically, which made Ye Yu had to use the spirit grass to recover.

The situation was too scary, and the Samsung Spirit Grass was consumed wildly. One plant… Two plants… Ten plants… Fifty plants…

Soon, Ye Yu’s three-star spirit grass was consumed.

Yan Shengting couldn’t help but feel the pain, this guy is really a prodigal. So many spirit grasses are resources that others can’t accumulate for a lifetime.

After Ye Yu used up all the spirit grass, he thought about starting to seal the Dao pattern. He used the broken paper seal cutting method to seal the Dao pattern. Dao pattern opened the way for him, and he broke a small gap in the field.

The situation was too terrifying, he couldn’t shake at all, he could only break through a small gap with all his strength.

Seeing the cracks appear, Ye Yu took Yan Shengting and the Barren Tie Niu, and hurriedly shot towards them.

The gap appeared for a short time, and disappeared instantly after the three of them galloped in.

“Fortunately!” Ye Yu was shocked in his heart, the situation here is too scary, and it took so long to fight for this time with the decisive resolution of good fortune. If other landlords came, even if they were a hundred times stronger than themselves, it would be difficult to pass.

The advantages of good luck decision are not comparable to others!

Ye Yu who rushed in took a deep breath. He looked forward, and he saw the previous scene that made him lose consciousness.

Most importantly, he saw a person.

Looking at that person, Ye Yu was really shocked.

“How could it be him?”

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