Go Crazy! Are You Really a Beastmaster?

Chapter 205

Chapter 204: The Plan Of The Sect Of Evil Hearts! ?

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Huge dark red cracks look like scars from the sky.

Fang Mu and Hu Tao are not unfamiliar with this scene, because there is a similar introduction in the book.

Before high school, the two of them had already learned from the textbooks in junior high school.

It’s just that the cognition of this dark red crack only came from the textbooks, and it was the first time they saw such a scene in reality.

“Dimensional crack! It turned out to be a dimensional crack!”

Fang Mu and Hu Tao exclaimed in unison.

The dimensional cracks are indeed opened randomly in space, but whether the dimensional cracks are opened or not is mainly affected by the current level of space activity.

The higher the level of activity in the current space, the greater the possibility of opening dimensional cracks.

As a gathering place for human beings, cities need to lay a large number of steel bars made of hollow rock and hollow steel underground.

In addition to the underground, some tall main buildings are also mixed with these materials.

The purpose is to ensure the stability of the space in the city, and no dimensional cracks will open.

Even if the dimensional cracks are really active to a certain extent, there will be dimensional cracks opening in human cities.

But the location of this hole should definitely not be a school.

The eight major official organizations build infrastructure in the city, and the location of the infrastructure must be carefully considered.

The scavenger will be established in the most stable place in the entire urban space to prevent the incinerator from being damaged and unable to deal with the corpses of alien animals and pollute the surrounding environment of the city.

The second is the schools under the Zique Academy.

The Dragon Federation’s emphasis on the education of the younger generation is only below the safety of the city.

The site selection priority is even higher than that of the Builders Guild, the Beastmaster Alliance, and the Dragon Royal Research Institute.

Therefore, there is no reason for Jinghai Royal Beast High School to be slapped in the face by the dimensional crack anyway.

Fang Mu subconsciously thought of a possibility, that is, the opening of the dimensional cracks this time is very likely not formed naturally.

But someone did it deliberately.

Now basically four-fifths of the students have come to the school at this time.

Once a large number of alien beasts are poured out from the cracks in the dimension, then these students are all living targets.

According to the knowledge learned, looking at the sky, this dark red crack is at least a thousand kilometers long.

Fang Mu knew that most of the openings in the sky were a terrifying dimensional crack.

The strength of the alien beasts descended from the cracks in this level of dimension can already compete with the platinum-level imperial beasts.

The harm of dimensional cracks has never been how high the individual strength of the alien beast is, but the alien beast that is constantly being spewed out like a tide.

Through the research of scholars, the number of alien beasts sprayed by different types of terrifying dimensional cracks is different.

Like the abyss terror-level dimensional cracks that sprayed the least number of alien beasts, the number of demons sprayed was about 80 million.

Among them, the number of demons that can reach the terrifying level is about 8,000.

Like the Zerg terror-level dimensional cracks known for their numbers, at least 300 million Zerg will be ejected.

Among them, there are at least 10,000 Zerg that have reached the terrifying level.

Fang Mu suddenly took Hu Tao’s hand and said.

“We immediately hid in the small auditorium to find Teacher Cui!”

After speaking to Hu Tao, Fang Mu shouted at the panicked classmates around him.

“Everyone, hurry up and gather around me! Take refuge in the small auditorium together!”

When everyone was in a panic at the critical moment, Fang Mu’s command made the students seem to have found the backbone.

In fact, the first thing Fang Mu thought of when such a critical situation occurred was to take the walnut to the library.

Librarian Yin Yin’s cat named Mian Ye Wuyun is a Sequence Royal Beast.

Even if the sequence-level beasts cannot immediately kill the alien beasts spewing out of the cracks in the dimension, they can definitely protect the safety of one party.

The school often has drills against danger. The school’s designated refuge space includes three locations: the library, the martial arts field, and the auditorium.

This does not include the small auditorium that was converted into a staff dormitory.

At Jinghai Royal Beast High School, there are very few teachers like Cui Ruochen who are preparing for the exam, and most of the teachers have now gone to the auditorium to attend the opening ceremony.

However, Fang Mu still chose to take Hu Tao and other students to take refuge in the small auditorium, on the one hand because there was a senior architect in the small auditorium.

As long as the strength of a senior architect breaks through the pentagram, he can basically have a serial-level imperial beast.

Even if not, the level of the beasts must have reached the peak of the diamond rank.

Do a good job of protection with the defense of the diamond-level peak beasts, and you can use the small auditorium as a bunker to support it for a long time in the tide of alien beasts.

In the face of the terrifying dimensional crack that opened in the city, the strong men of the Jinghai Navy and other official organizations in the city would immediately act.

Rescue Jinghai Royal Beast High School.

On the other hand, as long as it can last for a period of time, square wood itself is the best guarantee for safety.

Once the dimensional crack is opened, the dimensional turbulence will be irradiated within a radius of tens of kilometers.

Dimensional turbulence has a strong signal shielding function, and a series of communication devices such as mobile phones can no longer function under dimensional turbulence.

Even some communication-type beasts will be affected by dimensional fluctuations, shortening the distance that they can communicate.

But when She Wan and the others saw the dimensional crack in the sky, they would definitely try their best to get to their side as soon as possible.

Fang Mu’s determination is not because of how much he trusts She Wan, but because he has a servant, soul, ant and queen in his body.

Once the mother body of the Servant Soul Ant dies, the offspring of the Servant Soul Ant will go mad and devour the soul of the parasite and self-destruct.

Whether it’s to protect Fang Mu or for his own safety, She Wan and others will definitely come over.

There is a set of “typhoon eye” theory in human subconscious.

That is, when the crowd gathers in one direction, other people will gather in this direction because of curiosity or other reasons.

Now that the crisis is on the horizon, in addition to curiosity, fear will also drive other students’ footsteps.

Fang Mu took the walnut upstairs first, and the other students followed into the small auditorium.

Discipline is the most important thing in a panic.

If those who enter the auditorium first can maintain discipline, they will spontaneously arouse the emotions of the middle school students who enter the auditorium later.

Otherwise, there will be more and more students waiting to come in, and everyone will be in a state of panic.

Even if Cui Ruochen came forward to preside for a while, it would be difficult to control the situation.

Fang Mu is the leader who calls others to the small auditorium, and naturally has certain advantages in leadership.

Fang Mu said seriously to the thirty or forty people behind him.

“Now there are big figures like teachers and a senior architect in the small auditorium, and protecting our safety is not a problem!”

“But once there is a riot, everyone huddles together, and big figures like teachers and senior architects can’t take care of and rescue everyone!”

“Since you are the first batch of people to enter the small auditorium, why don’t you go and comfort the classmates who come in later.”

“Everyone led more than 20 classmates to the teachers’ dormitory on the third floor and above to violently break the access control and take refuge in it!”

“At that time, those teachers and senior architects will be watching over you below the third floor!”

Faced with such a situation, everyone is in a tense situation.

But Fang Mu’s remarks not only calmed these classmates, but also gave birth to a sense of mission in their hearts.

Of course, it is impossible for everyone to listen to Fang Mu’s words.

Many students have already crossed Fang Mu in a panic and ran upstairs.

But as long as some students can understand what Fang Mu means, it is enough.

Soon these people organized the students who entered the small auditorium behind them, and passed on this will.

Fang Mu said to the walnut who was holding his palm tightly.

“Hu Tao, go to the dormitory 452 on the fifth floor to find Teacher Cui.”

“Then help me bring a sentence to the old man in Teacher Cui’s room, saying that Mr. Lu Xiaoyin asked him to help guard the small auditorium!”

After speaking to Hu Tao, Fang Mu also helped organize his classmates.

At this time, Fang Mu, the leader, must not leave the sight of others.

Otherwise, what Fang Mu said just now will not stand in the hearts of these students who helped organize!

At this juncture, Hu Tao really wanted to pull Fang Mu to find Teacher Cui for safety.

Dimensional rifts take an indeterminate time from cracking to spewing out dimensional creatures.

As short as one to three minutes, as many as ten minutes or more.

In the event that a large number of alien beasts were spewed out from the crack of this element immediately, Fang Mu, who was organized on the first floor, was likely to be in danger.

But seeing the serious and determined expression on Fang Mu’s face, Hu Tao swallowed all the words in his stomach.

Hu Tao took a deep look at Fang Mu, only to feel that Fang Mu was glowing at this time.

Hu Tao ran upstairs at full speed, and kept reciting the name Fang Mu gave him in his heart.

For fear of forgetting the name.

Fang Mu himself has not contacted any creators in the creators guild, but through Lu Xiaoyin Fangmu has a certain degree of cooperation and understanding with many creators.

Being a creator is not so much a profession as it is a noble identity.

Since it is an identity rather than a profession, the creator does not need to have any sense of responsibility.

He De’en can escape by himself without guarding the small auditorium at a critical juncture.

He Deen does not need to bear any responsibility after the event.

It is far better to leave through the flying beast before the dimensional crack erupts than to stay in place.

Fang Mu asked Hu Tao to tell He Deen that it was Lu Xiaoyin’s entrustment, which was equivalent to telling He Deen that Jianmu behind Lu Xiaoyin asked him to guard the small auditorium.

This is equivalent to turning the consideration of He Deen’s kindness into a kind of entrustment from the superior to the inferior.

Fang Mu can be sure that He Deen will not refuse.

Because of the transaction with Lu Xiaoyin, He Deen, as a senior builder, has obtained many resources that can only be deployed by a builder.

As the beneficiary of the transaction, He Deen will definitely not give up the benefits he has already mastered.

Fang Mu really guessed right.

At this time, Cui Ruochen looked at He Deen with an ugly face.

Seeing Cui Ruochen’s eyes, He Deen said it for granted.

“You are not mature enough. The creator itself is the greatest wealth to human society.”

“All the beastmasters are waiting for our creators to produce resources.”

“For whatever reason, we as architects should not put ourselves in danger.”

“With the knowledge you have now, a junior builder can definitely pass the test.”

“If you want to take the Intermediate Builder’s Test, you have at least a 70% chance.”

“Come with me to the Creator Guild! My Fengwei Qingyuan can take you for a ride.”

“Even if the Builders’ Guild opens up a destruction-level dimensional crack, we don’t need to consider any danger when we stay in it.”

It was the first time that Cui Ruochen had been a teacher at Jinghai Royal Beast High School for so many years.

Such a disaster has never happened in Jinghai Royal Beast High School in the past.

Because the mobile phone cannot be used, Cui Ruochen cannot communicate with the outside world to understand the real situation of the outside world.

When Cui Ruochen just finished calling Fang Mu, he noticed a great space-distorting force not far away.

This space-distorting force is the root cause of the opening of this terrifying dimension.

Dimensional fluctuations cannot be created out of thin air in the real world, so the current situation must be a deliberate conspiracy!

Cui Ruochen always felt that this attack could not be just as simple as targeting Jinghai Royal Beast High School.

If this kind of man-made conspiracy is only aimed at Jinghai Imperial Beast High School, it is the degree that Jinghai Province attaches importance to Jinghai Imperial Beast High School.

A group of strong people will arrive one after another within an hour.

Within three hours, the advance force of the static navy would arrive to take control of the situation.

Taking the defensive power of JA City as an example, it is not difficult to deal with a terrifying dimensional crack.

Therefore, there are many places in JA City that have also opened dimensional cracks.

Cui Ruochen very much hoped that he was over-hearted.

If it is as he guessed, then Jinghai Imperial Beast High School will definitely not get assistance soon.

All forces in JA City will give priority to ensuring the safety of the scavenger branch.

Cui Ruochen just broke through to the four-pointed star beastmaster not long ago, and used the previous savings to raise the beast’s rank to the diamond rank.

It was difficult for Cui Ruochen and several other teachers who were still in the dormitory of the small auditorium to protect themselves, let alone ensure the safety of other students.

“Mr. He counts me begging you!”

“When I become a builder, whether it’s a junior builder or an intermediate builder, I will work for you for three years for free!”

“I hope you can lend a helping hand to the students of Jinghai Royal Beast High School!”

“They will be the pillars of the Dragon Federation in the future!”

He Deen said to Cui Ruochen in a solemn tone.

“You understand something wrong.”

“It’s not that I have the ability and I don’t want to help, it’s that I don’t want to take the risk myself.”

“I died two imperial beasts when I was young, which caused my mental power to recover without an inch for nearly eight years.”

“So I haven’t become a Pentagram Beastmaster yet.”

“Three diamond-level peak imperial beasts can’t hold on for even two hours!”

“You should have already felt that it is not easy for this terrifying dimensional crack to appear.”

“I suspect that it is very likely that the evil heart sect is the ghost of a force that specializes in collusion with alien beasts.”

“Only the Builder’s Guild is safe now.”

“If I can easily defuse the whole crisis, I will definitely stay and help!”

“I’ve been with you for more than half a month. You should know that I’m not a bad person.”

After finishing speaking, He Deen was ready to summon Fengwei Qingyuan and immediately set off to the direction of the Creators Guild.

At this moment, the lightly closed door of Cui Ruochen’s dormitory was pushed open from the outside.

“Mr. Cui, Fang Mu is comforting and organizing classmates to evacuate downstairs. Come down with me!”

“Those students who came to the small auditorium to hide were all arranged by Fang Mu to the dormitory above the fourth floor!”

Although Cui Ruochen’s face was still ugly when he heard Hu Tao’s words, there was a feeling of relief in his heart.

“Come on, let’s go down!”

“I’ve been your teacher for two years. As long as I’m still alive, I won’t let you die first!”

What Cui Ruochen said at this time was not euphemistic at all, and even used the word “death” directly.

The next defense was dead, not because Cui Ruochen was pessimistic.

If it is true as He Deen said, all this is a conspiracy of the evil sect.

Then there must be Sequence Powerhouses from the Evil Heart Sect and natural disaster-level alien beasts that are comparable to Sequence-level Imperial Beasts in Jinghai Imperial Beast High School.

Just when Cui Ruochen walked to Hu Tao’s side and was about to take Hu Tao downstairs.

I just heard Hu Tao walk in front of He Deen and said to He Deen.

“Lu Xiaoyin Mr. Lu hopes you can stay and guard the small auditorium!”

Hu Tao still doesn’t understand what Fang Mu means by letting him bring this sentence.

Fortunately, Hu Tao kept talking about Lu Xiaoyin’s name and didn’t mispronounce the name.

When He Deen, who was about to leave, heard Hu Tao’s words, an earthquake occurred in Tong Kong.

He Deen’s meeting with Cui Ruochen was originally entrusted by Lu Xiaoyin.

Otherwise, He Deen, as a senior builder, would never be able to put the slightest thought on a person who is not even a builder.

Cui Ruochen can indeed take the exam as a founder, but there are too many people who are qualified to take the exam and those who want to take the exam every year.

However, how many people have successfully passed the test?

Thousands of troops crossed the single-plank bridge, and one or two were lucky to pass.

At first, He Deen was just to complete the task arranged by Lu Xiaoyin, so as to have a good relationship with His Excellency Jianmu behind Lu Xiaoyin.

Not only the creators in the creators guild, but almost all the forces in Jinghai Province have heard of Jianmu.

I heard some inside information about the identity of Lord Jianmu from the Lionheart Brigade.

Powers like the Nearshore Chamber of Commerce have invited Your Excellency Jianmu many times, and Your Excellency Jianmu has not rewarded the Nearshore Chamber of Commerce at all.

But the nearshore chamber of commerce is still tirelessly showing his favor to Your Excellency Jianmu.

He Deen always felt that it was his luck that he could reach an employment relationship with Your Excellency Jianmu.

He De’en would choose to have a deep friendship with Cui Ruochen, and would even promise to meet the students introduced by Cui Ruochen.

It was because He Deen saw the potential of Cui Ruochen.

With Cui Ruochen’s potential, it is obvious that he has the opportunity to become an intermediate builder.

Cui Ruochen is not very old, and he is a dozen years younger than the age when he became an intermediate builder.

There is a great opportunity to become a senior architect in the future.

More importantly, Cui Ruochen and Lu Xiaoyin got to know each other.

Lu Xiaoyin was willing to give Cui Ruochen a hand, and Cui Ruochen had a better chance than himself to see His Excellency Jianmu and get his appreciation from His Excellency Jianmu.

He De’en always thought that Cui Ruochen climbed up with Lu Xiaoyin’s relationship.

If he had known that Cui Ruochen had always been involved with Jianmu, Cui Ruochen would have sold his favor to Cui Ruochen as soon as he opened his mouth to He Deen.

Cui Ruochen speaking directly is completely different from Lu Xiaoyin speaking directly to himself.

Once he rejects Lu Xiaoyin, he will most likely have no way to obtain the resources of creating a master in the future.

There are many senior builders in the Builders Guild, and Lu Xiaoyin can completely replace himself.

“No problem, please tell Mr. Lu Xiaoyin.”

“I, He Deen, will guard this small auditorium even if I try my best!”

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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