Go crazy!Just broke up and you gave birth to my third daughter

Chapter 54

Just as he was talking, the daughter-in-law came out with a plate of dishes, put them on the dining table, and hugged Sanbao nervously.

"Mingxuan, did your father speak ill of me? Look at the way you hold the child. It's frightening. Hurry up and give it to me. I'll hold it."

Du Siming tightly hugged Sanbao's hand, retreated a little bit, and risked his life to refuse: "I won't give it to you, I'm holding it warmly. You won't let me hug you when it's just the two of us, finally Mingxuan And Weiwei came back, I just hugged you for a while and you snatched me again, don't give it or give it."

Huang Yali looked at her husband's way of protecting the calf. He was obviously fierce, but somehow he felt a little cute. What a fat thing?

Can't help laughing out loud.

"Mom, let my dad hold her for a while, and be intimate with Sanbao. You see, in this short period of time, my dad has become more presentable in holding her, and his learning ability is still very strong."

Hearing his son-in-law help him, Du Siming hurriedly chimed in: "That's right, I'll hold you for a while, you go and cook, Weiwei and Mingxuan must be hungry."

Du's mother reluctantly returned to the kitchen. Du Yuwei also heard the movement in the living room, and couldn't help laughing: "Mom, don't worry, my dad knows it well, he won't be able to drop the baby."

Du's mother smiled: "Since you and Mingxuan are both talking for him, then let him hold him for a while, you don't know, he couldn't hold the little guys all day today, but he was so anxious that he kept talking about me. It's a black heart, just hold yourself happy, don't care about his life or death."

While the mother and daughter were whispering, they cooked the remaining dishes one after another.

There are sweet and sour short ribs, dry-fried mushrooms, cola chicken wings, braised prawns, a plate of squashed cucumber, and a large bowl of seafood pimple soup.

As soon as a few dishes were served, the whole room was filled with a tempting aroma.

Ji Mingxuan couldn't help giving a thumbs up: "Mom, the dishes you cook smell delicious."

"Then you and Weiwei will eat more in a while!"

Mother Du said as she put the chopsticks on the table, "Come here, come over to eat, is Sanbao asleep?"

"No, this little guy is in high spirits. Look at those big black eyes, look here, look there, how can there be any intention of sleeping?"

Du Siming said with a smile while teasing the little guy in his arms.

"You guys have dinner, I'll hold Three Treasures for a while, don't worry about me."

Ji Mingxuan had the nerve to let the father-in-law watch the child go to eat by himself, so he was about to pick it up immediately.

"Mingxuan, let your dad hug him. I haven't been able to hug him all day, but he's so anxious. Now it's hard to be intimate with the baby. Whoever grabs him will be anxious."

Du Siming nodded again and again: "It's still your mother who understands me! Eat quickly, don't worry about me, Nian Nian, grandpa will play with you, ang~"

Then I was immersed in the world of love and interaction between myself and the doll, unable to extricate myself.

"Mom, the dishes you stir-fry are so delicious, even this plate of cucumbers is delicious, sour and slightly spicy!"

Du Yuwei praised her mother's craftsmanship straight away. Since she sat down, her small mouth has not stopped, completely disregarding her determination to lose weight.

Ji Mingxuan looked at his wife eating with satisfaction, and decided that it is necessary to choose the system rewards when the skill of chef appears again. After all, if you want to keep your wife's heart, you have to tie her stomach first. Good man You have to go up to the hall and down to the kitchen, know green tea and beat cockroaches to death.

After the two of them were full, they sat for a while and planned to go back to their own home. Sanbao, a clever little ghost, might have changed his environment and kept his eyes wide open in his grandfather's arms until he carried her into the car. After walking for a while, Sanbao suddenly felt drowsy, and soon fell asleep like a pig.

"Niannian this little naughty girl is the one with the most spirit."

Du Yuwei looked at the sleeping babies with a doting look on her face.

"Niannian will definitely be mischievous when he grows up, maybe he will climb the sofa and get under the bed like a little boy."

Ji Mingxuan was driving the car, imagining in his mind what the three babies would look like when they grew up, the big one, the second one, a gentle little beauty, and the third one, a mischievous tomboy. Every day when he came home, he could see the three live babies vying to call him daddy, begging for a hug, that scene It was so warm, Ji Mingxuan couldn't help but raise the corner of his mouth greatly.

"By the way, my wife, tomorrow Tuesday, I should be able to vaccinate the babies. Let's vaccinate the babies in the morning. In the afternoon, I will go to the supplier and distributor to have a look and talk. If possible, open the store as soon as possible."

"Okay, husband, let's get up early tomorrow morning, eat something and go to the vaccination hospital to vaccinate the three treasures."

Back home, the two put the three babies down first, gave them milk, changed their diapers, and played with them for a while. When the three babies fell asleep, it was after ten o'clock in the evening.

Du Yuwei stretched her waist, and said in a low voice: "Finally fell asleep, exhausted, and I feel that the three of them are getting better every day. Before, they were sleeping most of the time, but now they are awake for longer and longer. "

"That's for sure, wife, the babies are growing up day by day, and they need to know more about the world. Every time they are awake, they are actually learning more and more new things little by little. First, Seeing the appearance of my parents, grandparents, and grandparents, I started to gain a little bit of knowledge about the outside world..."

Listening to Ji Mingxuan's pleasant voice narrating the growth process of the babies, Du Yuwei was extremely relaxed, leaning against the bed and closing her eyes to rest.



Du Yuwei replied lazily.

"I went to take a shower."

"Well, go husband~"

Ji Mingxuan quietly sat beside Du Yuwei, kissed her on the lips, and whispered: "Let's wash together, wife, the babies are asleep, and your menstrual period has recovered, come quickly~"

Du Yuwei opened her big beautiful eyes, her little face flushed red: "Husband, no, you go wash first, I'll come after you finish washing."

"No, I have to wash with you, let's go."

After finishing speaking, Ji Mingxuan waved his hand, picked up Du Yuwei by the waist, and walked to the bathroom.

Du Yuwei buried her face in Ji Mingxuan's chest in embarrassment, not daring to raise her head.

Fortunately, Du Yuwei was relatively light, Ji Mingxuan held her, and he was able to pour water into the bathtub with one hand. After putting the water in, Ji Mingxuan gently took off Du Yuwei's clothes, and slowly put her into the bathtub.

"Honey, is the water temperature okay?"

Du Yuwei covered her face with her hands, she was extremely shy, and nodded slightly.

"The husband came in?"

Du Yuwei covered her face and did not answer.

Ji Mingxuan took off his clothes and walked slowly into the bathtub.

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