God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1

Chapter 1 – Start A Turtle

“Didn’t I get hit by a car?”

Ye Que, who had no father or mother, woke up groggy.

Raise your hand.

Why are you a little stretched.

Turn around and look.


How did it become a claw!


“The soul and the tortoise have successfully merged, meeting the system activation conditions! Host, do you want to activate the system?”

There was a pleasant voice in his head.

Ye Que trembled, and the horror in his eyes turned into surprise.

No matter how stupid he is, he should understand that he has obtained a system after time travelling.

“Host, do you want to activate the system?”

That pleasant voice echoed in my mind again.

“I am willing to activate!”

Ye Que said excitedly.

“Ding! The devouring synthesis evolution system has been successfully activated!”


In Ye Que’s mind, a panel appeared.

Host: Ye Que

Realm: 0/10 (none)

Evolution: Tortoise (common monster)

Talent: Counterattack (when attacked, return 50% of the attacker’s damage)

Speed: 0.1/10

Defense: 1/10

Attack: 0.1/10

Experience points: 0

Martial Arts: No Boundary, Unable to Open

All this is true!

Lifting his head, he glanced around.

It’s a dry bush.

Take a step to climb out of the bushes.

“The host is moving, do you want to enable the map scanning function?”

Ye Que was overjoyed by the voice in his mind.

“Definitely open!”

“Ding! The map scanning function is on!”

“Ding! Map scanning starts!”

“Ding! Scanned information loaded 10%…20%…30%…”

“Ding! Information loaded 100%!”

Ye Que had some unfamiliar information in his mind.

It turned out that this is the forest of monsters, and there are many monsters living in it.

“Map scanning prompt: 200 meters ahead, a level one monster appears!”

Ye Que looked at the panel.

Realm: 0 (none)

In other words, he has no boundaries.

And the monsters in the map scan have a level.

Better than him!

Take another look at your body shape.

With a big slap, it is estimated that even monsters of the same level can’t beat it.

Not to mention a level one monster.

It’s still your own life that matters, so run away.

However, the crawling speed almost moved Ye Que to tears.

Turtle speed!

After climbing for a long time, I only walked about five meters.

“System prompt: A level one monster is approaching quickly, please avoid it!”

Ye Que shuddered, he didn’t come to eat him, did he?

In the Forest of Monster Beasts, the strong eat the weak, it’s only right and proper.

A weak person like him is no different from food.

Looking at the panel in his mind, a dangerous red light kept flashing.

Clearly a serious warning!

That monster would kill him even if it didn’t eat him.

uncomfortable ah!

He clearly discovered the danger in advance, but he could only watch the danger approaching!

How did I cross over to this thing!

Really answered a word, slow to death!


An excited roar came from behind.

Ye Que instinctively retracted his head and limbs into the turtle shell.

He was picked up!

My life is over!

“Ding! Congratulations to the host for triggering the mission! Swallow a level one monster, reward: can swallow synthetic evolution!”

Ye Que is going to collapse!

It’s not bad if it can’t be swallowed!

“Map reminder: Two hundred meters ahead, a level one monster appears!”

“System prompt: A level one monster is approaching quickly, please avoid it!”

Another monster appeared.

The monster holding him stopped moving.


He was thrown to the ground!


The monsters around him accelerated and rushed out!


The roar of the beast spread, followed by the sound of hand-to-hand combat and biting.

Ye Que stretched out his head, and what he saw were two monsters fighting.

One is an adult-sized orangutan and one is an adult-sized wild wolf.

These two guys are huge in size and fierce in fighting, neither will give way to the other.

But none of his business!

If you don’t leave now, when will you wait!

slip away!

The fight between those two guys was over when he advanced ten meters fast.

The gorilla wailed, and there was no more sound.

Ye Que’s heart tightened, and he turned his head to look.

The wild wolf, covered in blood, limped towards him.

There was a gleam of longing in his eyes.

That was the desire to eat him.

This guy wants to eat him to replenish his strength and recover from his injuries.

Ye Que really wanted to escape, but he couldn’t.

Panting heavily, the wild wolf walked up to him and stared at him for a second.

If possible, he would like to keep staring at the wolf like this.

Until the opponent bleeds to death.


The wild wolf growled and opened its mouth to bite him.

It was to crush his shell and eat him on the spot.

It’s over!

“Ding! Host talent triggers, counterattack!”


It’s the sound of teeth breaking!


The wild wolf screamed, spit out the turtle shell, turned around and fled.

But it was too seriously injured, its physical strength was overdrawn, and it was already at the end of its strength.

Now he was counterattacked by the turtle shell again, and his injuries were compounded. After running more than ten meters, he fell to the ground weakly.

Ye Que said:? ? ?

Stretching out his head, the wild wolf fell down.

“I caused it?”

He remembered something and looked at the panel in his mind.

Talent: Counterattack (when attacked, return 50% of the attacker’s damage)

Speed: 0.1/10

Defense: 1/10

Attack: 0.1/10

Experience points: 0

“Hahaha, my defense is the highest, and with the counterattack talent, I hurt the wild wolf.”

Ye Que laughed.

Turtle monsters have always been weak in attack.

But as long as the advantages are used, it will be absolutely strong.

Now that the wild wolf is dead and the danger is over, Ye Que didn’t leave.

He also remembered that he triggered a mission.

Swallow a level one monster.

Coyote is an off the shelf!

It will be very difficult to find this opportunity in the future!

“Ding! The host kills a level 1 monster Timberwolf! Gain 0.5 experience points.”

In Ye Que’s mind, the experience point on the panel: 0, becomes experience point: 0.5.

“Wild Wolf was seriously injured, bleeding profusely, and died!”

This was Ye Que’s first reaction.

However, how to use this experience point increase?

After some experimentation, I finally understood the purpose of experience points.

“Add 0.5 to the speed!”

Experience point: 0.5, becomes experience point: 0.

Speed: 0.1/10, becomes speed: 0.6/10.

“Killing monsters can gain experience points, and experience points can be added to speed, defense and attack.”

He understood and was excited.

Try the speed first!

After a while, he ran to Timberwolf’s corpse.

so fast!

“Next, it’s just short of phagocytosis and synthetic evolution.”

He saw the evolution item on the panel, which was flickering.

Ideas click in.

Evolution: Tortoise (common monster)

Devour target: Timberwolf (Level 1 monster)

Choose a Synthesis Point: Timberwolf’s Keen Vision, Timberwolf’s Keen Hearing

Synthetic Evolutionary Target: Forest Turtle

Ye Que thought for a long time.

“I choose synthesis, Timberwolf’s acute hearing.”

Turtle monsters have vision, but their hearing is very poor, almost equivalent to deafness.

He wants to remove this defect.

With a sense of hearing, one can live more confidently in the Monster Beast Forest.

“Please contact the host to devour the target!”

Ye Que stretched out his claws and touched the Timberwolf’s body.

“The evolution of phagocytosis begins!”

I saw the Timberwolf melting at a speed visible to the naked eye.

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