God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 2253

Chapter 2254 – The Lonely Old Crazy – Ancient Gods In The Beginning

Extra Story: The Lonely Old Crazy – Ancient Gods of the Beginning

I don’t know when, a point was born in nothingness.

That’s where it all started.

Since that point was born, nothingness is no longer pure.

I don’t know how many years have passed.

Well, at that time, there was no concept of time.

It could be a long time, or it could be just a moment.

That point gradually lit up.

So far, nothingness has produced the first innate rule—light.

This innate rule defines that where there is matter, light will follow.

Because there is light, correspondingly, that nothingness becomes darkness.

The second innate rule – darkness, was born.

This innate rule defines that where there is light, there must be darkness.

Therefore, light and darkness go hand in hand.

As the saying goes, Tao produces one, one produces two, two produces three, and three produces all things.

Light and darkness allow more and more innate rules to be born.

Such as space.

Because of the existence of light and darkness, the space has the meaning of existence.

So the innate rule – space, was born.

When one space after another is born, nothingness is cut off.

Thus, the prototype of the world appeared.

And the birth of the world eventually spurred the emergence of matter.

The sky, the earth, the mountains and rivers, new substances were born one after another.

And their appearance gives meaning to a rule.

That is – time.

The appearance of time can prove their existence.

Time defines how long they exist.

When the world first opened, in terms of time, only 100 million years had passed.

The first life is conceived from that starting point.

The birth of this life gave meaning to the innate rule of “life”.

The innate rule definition-I am the beginning of life, and also the beginning of knowledge of all things.

“My name is Taichu.”

A humanoid life form with a height of one million meters drank for a long time in the prototype of the world, shaking the space.

Life in the beginning was born under the influence of light and darkness, time, space and matter.

Therefore, life cannot be separated from their existence.

influence each other.

Life has never been unique since its birth.

In the world, the birth of mountains, rivers and seas has created conditions for the birth of all kinds of life.

Over hundreds of millions of years, various creatures appeared.

Following the principle of survival of the fittest and survival of the fittest, they gradually become stronger and gradually possess the light of wisdom.

And in the beginning, between the world and nothingness, quietly watching this scene, feeling the mystery of the birth of all things and life.

Finally, when humans appear.

He entered the world of the first birth and named it—the head of all worlds.

That era is also called the Age of Absolute Beginning.

The life in that era is also called the life in the beginning.

The human race of that era was also called the mortals in the early days.

In the early days, He taught people their own language, as well as their views on rules and everything in the world.

From then on, the mortals in the early days had their own civilization.

Humanity fears and appreciates Him.

“In the beginning there were human forms, not human races.”

“He is God, the most mysterious, greatest and oldest God.”

In the beginning, mortals respected him as the ancient **** in the beginning, the ancient **** who mastered the rules of innate life.

In the beginning, he accepted the name given to him by the human race.

Because He felt that this name was very novel, and it was a new word that He had never thought of.

At the same time, he also realized for the first time that in the beginning, mortals had unlimited potential that was different from other races.

“Can a mortal in the beginning become a god?”

The ancient gods in the beginning had a new idea.

From then on, the focus of attention of the ancient gods in the early days fell on the mortals in the early days.

Watch them learn about culture and then create it.

The ancient gods in the early days gradually forgot the idea of whether mortals could be gods in the early days.

He even had the idea of becoming a mortal in the beginning.

Based on this thought, the Ancient God of Absolute Beginning had an idea.

“Human beings have males and females, and I should also have genders.”

In the beginning, in the epiphany of new ideas, He wants to give Himself a gender.

As for the choice of male or female.

He didn’t linger for too long.

Among mortals in the beginning, men were often powerful and charming.

Therefore, the Ancient God of Absolute Beginning chose to become a male Ancient God.

As an asexual god, he doesn’t know how to become a male ancient god.

Therefore, experimentation became a way for him to move towards a greater and more powerful way.

All greatness begins with a brave beginning.

His first experiment.

become a man.

Refer to the fact that men have roots and women have bottoms.

The ancient **** of the beginning tried to dissect himself.

Allow yourself to have roots.

Until one day, the ancient **** of the beginning of time enveloped himself with the power of “innate life” rules, and turned himself into the queen of the male ancient god.

He realized that he possessed the power of innate rules.

And the power of innate rules has the power to surpass everything in the world.

This kind of power is eternal and immortal.

He named it – Eternal Power.

“I am the beginning of life, and I contain eternal power, so does other life also have the possibility of possessing or mastering eternal power?”

The ancient gods in the beginning were obsessed with this idea, even crazy about it.

Thus, his second experiment began.

Observe the mortals in the beginning and see through their physical structure.

After millions of years of observation and guidance.

He was disappointed.

In the beginning, mortals did not have any divine power, let alone any eternal power.

However, the infinite possibilities that mortals had in the beginning also gave him another hope.

They can learn, can absorb the energy between the heaven and the earth, transform themselves, and finally possess the power beyond ordinary people.

Thus, his third experiment began.

He wants to make gods.

Let the mortals in the beginning become gods, and then, on the basis of gods, unearth the infinite possibilities in them.

Therefore, he created a complete cultivation system to guide the mortals in the beginning, how to absorb the useful energy between the heaven and the earth, complete transformation, master powerful power, and even use the laws and order derived from the rules.

When the world’s first source **** was born, the ancient gods of the beginning saw their limits.

“Yuan Shen is the pinnacle of mortals in the beginning, they cannot possess eternal power.”

Disappointed in the early days, the ancient gods set their sights on other races.

But after testing, the growth and potential of those races are not as good as the mortals in the beginning, and their limit is only Yuanshen.

“Yuan Shen, the pinnacle of life.”

The ancient gods in the beginning gave up the idea of making gods.

But what he did has an impact on future generations.

And the head of the myriad realms he named was also renamed the Yuanshen Realm by countless lives.

He didn’t get angry, and he didn’t blame anyone. He allowed these beings to create more civilizations and characters, and then transform the world.

At this time, he already felt lonely.

Compared with the bursting potential of those lower beings, he can only observe and observe alone in nothingness.

One hundred million years, two hundred million years.

I don’t know how many billions of years have passed, the ancient **** of the beginning has become more and more lonely, and even has the desire to die.

Suddenly one day, the eyes of the Ancient God of Absolute Beginning burst out with bright blue light.

“I will create eternal life.”

This time, he found another way to find the reason from himself.

“I am born with eternal power. If I distribute the power in me to create eternal life, maybe it will come true!”

The Ancient God of Absolute Beginning set his sights on the most potential mortal in Absolute Beginning.

He sent his blood essence to the three most potential mortals in the beginning.

Thus, the Ancient God was born.

While he was concentrating on creating eternal life.

A roar resounded through the Yuanshen Realm.

All innate rules resonate together.

A door with condensed rules came to Yuanshen Realm.

When the ancient **** of the beginning cast his gaze over there, he saw with his own eyes that a source **** of the mortal race stepped into the gate, sublimated his life to the utmost, and finally became the first acquired eternal life.

“I thought that the source **** was the apex. I never thought that for hundreds of millions of years, among the countless source gods, there will still be one who will break through the limit and become the source **** of eternal life.”

The ancient **** of Taichu was excited and sighed.

He temporarily put aside the plan of creating eternal life to observe the acquired eternal life.

The ancient **** of the beginning: “You, what is your name?”

“The supreme ancient **** of the early days. I come from the mortal race of the early days. My original name is Di Xiwei. I realized the eternal power of the great sun and became the eternal life of the great sun. Please also ask the ancient gods of the early days to give me a new name.”


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