God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 75

Chapter 75 – Roll It! My Magma Shell!

A rumbling sound came from a distance.

On the top of Wanshou Mountain, when Queen Mother Shiyan raised her eyes, she saw a human army marching aggressively into the area of Wanshou Mountain.

All the monsters fled, and those who did not escape were all killed by humans, even the cubs of monster beasts were not spared.

Look at that way, corpses are everywhere, and blood flows like rivers.

It’s heart tightened, angry and resentful, finally sighed, helpless, and smiled wryly: “What did we do wrong?”

They have always been a defensive posture from before to now, and have never invaded humans for no reason.

Even so, humans still want to slaughter them arrogantly.

What are they doing wrong?

There is no conflict of interest between the two parties. Just because one race is different, they must be massacred?

Suddenly, a four-clawed fire eagle flew over under Blue Fox’s subordinate: “Report! The monster forest, Huangling land, black bone forest, black cliff… and other nine beast king territories have all fallen, and all the monsters inside have been captured by human beings.” Army massacre! We… we only have the Mountain of Beasts left!”

Queen Mother Shiyan shook her head sadly: “There is no need to report, they have already entered!”

Human beings’ cover-type advancement and slaughter of all monsters must have been a decision made by the high-level human beings and prepared in advance.

The explosion of the magma just stimulated the humans in advance, causing them to attack in advance.

The four-clawed fire hawk was silent.

Flying all the way, it doesn’t know how.

It just needs to do its job.

“Let’s run away.”

The four-clawed fire eagle said sadly.

Standing on the top of Wanshou Mountain now, you can see the human army advancing rapidly. Before long, Wanshou Mountain will be besieged.

They have to go.

Queen Mother Shiyan opened her mouth, wanting to say something.

Although it is in the Martial Ancestor Realm and can block it, human beings also have it!

Therefore, the four-clawed fire eagle was right and had to escape.

Suddenly, there was a scream from below

“They’re coming! Run!”

“It turned out to be an army, and it’s full of warriors! We can’t beat it, so run back to Wanshou Mountain!”

“Damn it, it was their fault that they slaughtered our monsters in the first place, why did they want to kill them all!”

“Run away! Save your life first, those humans are even crueler than us monsters!”

“Go to Wanshou Mountain, there is our last refuge!”

A group of monsters fled to Wanshou Mountain in a panic, and the humans in the rear chased and killed them mercilessly.

Queen Mother Shiyan’s eyes flickered, and finally seemed to have made some important decision, she said with difficulty: “Retreat! Abandon Wanshou Mountain!”

“where are we going?”

asked the Four-clawed Firehawk.

“Just survive!”

Queen Mother Shiyan turned around feebly.

“We still have hope!”

The blue fox flew over suddenly.

“Just the two of us?”

Queen Mother Shiyan turned her back to the blue fox and said.

“Add another Linyan Devouring Emperor Tortoise!”

As soon as the blue fox finished speaking, there was a whistling sound in the air not far away.

The two demons looked at each other in horror.

The huge monster turtle, spraying death magma, is like the giant boulder falling from the sky before, carrying an unstoppable momentum, straight down from the sky.

“It’s settled, you can’t miss one of the middle-grade essence veins and treasures!”

Ye Que yelled, and then fiercely smashed down on the dense army below.

“Kill them all, leave no one behind!”

A general trampled a unicorn cub to death, and said viciously.

“Hahahaha, I just like to see them look desperate!”

“Tamp down the Mountain of Ten Thousand Beasts, all monsters will be killed by me!”

“Kill! Kill them all! Damn monsters! I feel sick just looking at them!”

The generals led the soldiers and rushed towards Wanshou Mountain.

Suddenly, there was a whistling sound in the sky.

They looked up, and saw a huge boulder filled with flames and spraying magma, hitting like a meteorite.

At that moment, great terror enveloped everyone’s body and mind.

Soon someone came to his senses and said angrily as he ran, “Why didn’t you hit the monster? Why didn’t you hit the Mountain of Beasts? We humans have done nothing wrong!”

“Fuck you human!”

Ye Que shouted angrily, and smashed into the army.


The ground was smashed into a big hole, and a large amount of death magma was constantly gushing out.

The human army was blocked, and the humans who were not affected in the distance shouted: “It’s a demon turtle! Kill it!”

“It shouldn’t hurt us humans, cut it into pieces!”

A group of humans rushed towards the demon turtle.

Ye Que gave a bloodthirsty smile, and the turtle shell suddenly spun.

There was only a rumbling sound, and the turtle shell crushed the human beings who were killing them.

“If you want to kill me, it depends on whether you have the ability!”

Piercing impact!

Death magma!

Skill plus talent!

Ye Que was like a ball of scorching hot water, scalding the ants around him.

His attack style is simply the nemesis of crowd tactics.

During the rolling, the death magma was scattered, and if you touch it, you will die!

“Dragon Abyss’ Breath!”

He activates the second skill.

Suddenly, the rotating turtle shell gushed out a huge suction force, and there was a faint sound of dragon chant.

This is the suction that even the gloom of the Martial Ancestor Realm can absorb, let alone humans in the Spirit Martial Realm and Yuan Martial Realm!

Once cast, only human beings in all directions can be seen, just like ants, being attracted to the shell of the tortoise.

But on the way, it was swallowed by the magma sprayed by the turtle shell.

Some of the unlucky ones hit the turtle shell directly, and a terrifying counterattack force was triggered on the spot.

Ye Que was very pleasantly surprised.

Exercising skills to these humans, the proficiency has been increasing.

Among them, the rate of increase is between 1 and 9 for Yuan Wujing warriors of different strengths.

For spiritual warriors of different strengths, the increase range is between 0.1 and 0.9.

Although the increase is very small, almost negligible, but it doesn’t matter, the number of human beings is large.

If the skill is thrown on a human, the proficiency will only increase between 1 and 9, or only between 0.1 and 0.9.

What if it is thrown on hundreds, thousands, or even tens of thousands of people?

Seeing the proficiency of Longyuan’s suction and piercing impact, his proficiency increased gradually.

He quickly launched Void Devour and Immortal Void Seal.

These two skills should also be brushed.

Thus, the human army suffered.

With the demon turtle as the center, a large number of human beings will be sucked away once they approach.

And the demon tortoise is still moving, rolling, and those who want to stay away will be crushed.

Human beings who saw something wrong in the distance began to order to evacuate.

But they suddenly realized that the surrounding air was evacuated, and their bodies could not move. Some of them were weak and suffocated to death.

“Run away! The attack of this monster turtle is covering! Can’t beat it!”

“Quick, go ask the generals of Wu Zongjing for support!”

“Damn beast, we noble humans were killed by you, and you will suffer our revenge!”

“Dare to attack humans, monsters have already committed heinous crimes!”

The human beings farther away hated and cursed while fleeing.

“You human beings are fate, but we monsters are not fate?”

“You were the ones who attacked us first, and you want to charge us with serious crimes and die for me!”

Monster beasts such as the four-clawed fire eagle, the blood emperor crocodile king, etc., all killed the human beings farther away.

[Author’s digression]: If you want to add various skills and talents to the protagonist, or want to set up a plot, you can reply in the comment area, and the author will read it~ Also, please ask for a bank ticket~

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