God is Coming

Chapter 21: Come back home

Xi Chujun returned to one test, and four or five consecutive courses were similar. There was no data interface that could be loaded. There is a tutorial on the use of melee cold weapons that is rich in image data and is a three-dimensional image presentation. However, in Chu Jungui's view, this image is full of errors. In many cases, it is clear that you can directly hit the opponent's key, but you must add a lot of fancy.

"What other tricks are there? The opponent is obviously showing up, as long as he stabs in 0.07 seconds, will it be?"

君 Chu Jungui in doubt looked at its version number, version 1.9, and subconsciously attributed the image error to the data distortion.

When he wanted to try a few more low-level lessons, a broadcast sounded in the cabin: "We are about to arrive at Yueyongxing Port. Please take your belongings and prepare to disembark."

In addition to the uniforms and carry-on equipment distributed by the college, Chu Jungui has no personal belongings. Most of the equipment distributed by the college is packed in standard backpacks, and you can walk on your back.

After finishing one, Chu Jungui suddenly thought of it. As soon as he pressed on the wall, a screen appeared on the blank wall, which was transformed into a simulated porthole.

A clear blue planet appeared outside the window, and there were large dark green blocks on it, which were extremely magnificent. Looking at it from a distance, vitality looms.

The puppet carrier slowed down slowly, entered the atmosphere of Yueyongxing, then quickly descended to a continent, and finally landed at a star port along the coast.

Pingxinggang is a magnificent building like a giant tree. A piece of landing platform shaped like a leaf protrudes to the surroundings and staggers. The transport ship landed on a platform. The trainees in the ship had long lined up, waiting for the hatches to open, one by one out of the spacecraft.

I walked out of the spacecraft, and the intense light that came on made Chu Jun return to his eyes for a moment. Several drones flew over the students and started scanning one by one.

Xi Chujun returned behind the team. A moment later, a drone came to the top of the head, and a light green scanning light dripped and started scanning.

Xi Chujun instinctively started tactical deception, his heart rate was even, blood flow was gentle, and he waited for the scan to end.

"Passed the identity check; passed the physiological function check, no fatal or unknown microorganisms were found, and they were allowed to enter Moon Wing Sing."

The drone flew to the next student, and Chu Jungui followed the student who had passed before and walked towards the exit at the end of the hall.

Qin Yi was already waiting there as soon as she got out of the gate. He stopped Chu Jungui, a projection of a card appeared in the palm of his hand, and then sent forward, and that virtual card flew into Chu Jungui's body.

The account balance of Chu Chujun's identity chip instantly changed from zero to 10,000.

Qin Yi transmitted another road map and said, "It was just a freshman grant given to you by the college. In addition, we have also read your information. Your grandfather happened to be Yueyong Xing. Such a thing happened. I specifically approved you for a three-day holiday so that you can go back and take a look. After three days, before 12:00 noon, you will return to the college to report. I have already sent you the school address. "

"Yes, instructor." Chu Jungui has learned the etiquette that should be in the college.

Qin Yi didn't care about it. She waved her hand and said, "Okay, you're already your own person. When you're not in college, you don't need to come here. The spaceship to go home is over there. Hurry up and catch up with the next spaceship. "

Pingxinggang is a huge transportation hub. According to the prompt, Chu Jungui finds a self-service destination next to him, enters the destination address, and the terminal automatically forms a road map, which is loaded into Chu Jungui's identity chip.

According to the directions of the road map, Chu Jungui passed through the three major districts of Xinggang in succession, only to find the spacecraft to be taken, but fortunately in time. There was still space on the spacecraft. Chu Jun returned to the terminal in the waiting area and bought a ticket. After a while, he entered the spacecraft and sat in his seat.

This is a juvenile passenger spacecraft specializing in intraplanetary flight. It also has short-distance flight capabilities in outer space. The interior facilities of the passenger spacecraft are obviously obsolete and have not yet taken off, and the roar of the engine warming up is noisy.

The cabin looks very crowded, and the seats are very small. Even if you are in the shape of Chu Jungui, you feel a little crowded. Don't even think about straightening his legs.

Passengers boarded the ship one after another and soon filled the cabin.

飞 This spacecraft is not comfortable and fast, the only advantage is cheap. Most people can only afford spacecraft of this level.

After a while, the spacecraft took off. Chu Jun couldn't move, he knew that there was a two-hour flight time, and he simply closed his eyes and rested, while reducing his hearing acuity.

After a nap, the spacecraft has reached its destination, Laizhou City.

Based on the route map, Chu Chujun returned from the airport and took a bus to the city.

Even if it was already in the year 3443, humans jumped for hundreds of light years in outer space, but on Moon Wing Sing, the floating shuttle in the city is still a very expensive means of transportation, only a few rich people can enjoy. Most ordinary people have to take buses and subways. This mode of transportation is naturally inefficient, but it is cheap enough, and ordinary people's time is not worth anyway.

Nearly dusk, there are not many passengers on the bus at this time, it seems empty, adding a little bit of sadness. Chu Jun returned to a window seat and sat quietly looking out the window.

As you approach the city center, the buildings on both sides of the road are getting taller and denser. The road itself is also quite wide, and most of the street lights on both sides are still on.

Xi Chujun flashed through the system time and local time in the horizon. It is now 4pm local time, and the sky has become dim.

Although the street lights are on, it can be seen that the municipal maintenance is very responsible, but the light poles have been unable to cover the traces of years, and the large peeling paint has not been repaired.

The tall buildings on both sides should have witnessed the prosperity of the past, but they inevitably grow old. The exterior walls of many buildings were damaged, and the traces of rainwater running down from the roof all the way to half the waist, revealing the uniqueness of the post-industrial era.

大楼 The windows of some buildings are broken and covered with wooden boards or something. If the dilapidation of high-rise buildings represents the depression of the whole city, the broken windows mean the poverty of civilians.

几个 There are still a few passengers on the bus, no one speaks, and the lights are not on.

Finally, the bus entered the station, Chu Jun got back and got off. He navigated the road map, crossed two intersections, and came to a high-rise apartment.

When I looked at it from afar, I still felt that these high-rise buildings retained some of their former glory and momentum. But at this moment standing in front of him, Chu Jungui found that the run-down was beyond imagination.

只有 There is only a dim ceiling lamp in the lobby of the apartment building, which dimly lights everything. The concierge was so small that it hadn't turned on the lights until now. Behind the window was an old man, wrapped in a thick cotton coat, holding an old-fashioned tablet, and watching an old movie. The computer frame is very thick and the screen color is a bit distorted. I don't know which year it is.

This tablet computer, after getting off the bus, Chu Jungui sees the most technologically savory things.

The old man said without raising his head, "This is a private apartment, you can't just go in. Who are you looking for?"

"Chu Longtu, I'm his ... grandson."

The old man finally raised his head, glanced at Chu Jun, and said, "His grandsons are so big ... well, you go up. He is on the 24th floor and the third room. The elevator is over there, and occasionally stops Do n’t worry, just kick a few feet at the panel. ”

"Okay." Chu Jungui did not know how to vomit, but could only remain polite. The elevator door is hidden at the end of the dim passage, and only the number on the floor display on the hinge can bring a little dim red light.

I took two steps, Chu Jungui couldn't help but look back and asked, "Are you wearing so much, aren't you hot?"

The old man raised his head, raised his glasses, and said, "You haven't been back in too long. You have forgotten the climate here. At night, it will be very cold."

Xi Chujun returned to look at the dilapidated surroundings, and did not ask the stupid question of why there is no heating equipment.

走进 He walked into the elevator, pressed the 24th floor, and then swayed upward in the sound of crunching friction, slowly and slowly.

I was lucky this time, but Chu Jun returned to the 24th floor without the chance to kick the control panel. The hallway was dark enough to reach out with five fingers, and the corridor lights weren't known to be broken or by whom. The windows at the end of the hallway were left with window frames and no glass. The night breeze blew in through the window, already beginning to show a chill.

Xi Chujun turned to the left, stood in front of the third door, reached out and knocked.

A moment later, the door opened and a tall figure appeared.

His beard was half-gray, his thick beard could not hide his majesty, and his eyes were as magical as if he could penetrate Chu Jungui's body and see all his secrets ~ www.readwn. com ~ This old man is half a head taller than Chu Jun, like a male lion, despite his old age and prestige.

He saw Jungui's face clearly, his face changed obviously, and he said, "You ..."

"I'm Chu Jungui, Dr. Chu asked me to come here and find an old gentleman named Chu Longtu, that's mine ... Grandpa."

This grandfather yelled so naturally that tactical deception did not start at all. Chu Jun suddenly felt an inexplicable mood swing in his heart, as if there was any hot liquid coming out of his eyes.

"Do you call Jungui ... Come in." The old man let the door open.

Xi Chujun returned to the apartment and took the opportunity to suppress the emotional fluctuations.

The entrance door is a small square hall, and the restaurant is also located here. There are two rooms inside. The door of the master bedroom is open. In addition to the bed, there is a lounge chair facing the display on the wall. The door of the other room was closed.

"Sit down." The old man poured a glass of water, took a few pills on the table, and sat opposite Chu Jungui.

Chu Chujun went back and sorted out his memory, and said, "Yes, Dr. Chu gave me the address here ..."

"I'm Chu Longtu. You ... since he named you Chu Jungui, then ..." The old man flashed pain in his face, grabbed a medicine with a trembling hand, and swallowed it with water. To keep talking.

"... he won't be back anymore?"

Xi Chujun flashed in front of his eyes when the doctor drove towards the enemy group last time, his heart trembled, and he just nodded.

The old man sighed, his face calmed gradually, and said, "Let me take another medicine."

After taking the peony medicine, it took a full moment for the old man's pale face to recover some blood and said, "He is my son and your father."

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