God is Coming

Chapter 4: free

The puppet spacecraft gradually accelerated, leaving the battlefield in the dark and deep space behind.

请 "Please note that the space jump is about to begin."

With the prompt sound, the roar of the spacecraft engine suddenly increased by an order of magnitude, and the hull of the ship also began to shake violently, and it seemed that it might fall apart at any time.

He was also immersed in a strange emotion, his chest was tight, his heart beat hard, and his pain was accompanied by groaning. Since merging that data, he feels that his core programs have become unstable, and there are always unexpected changes.

He closed his eyes and wanted to calm down, but in front of him was the lone fighter who rushed forward and fluttered to the sky.

It was only then that he thought of a question. The spaceship could fit four people in front of him. Why didn't the doctor come up and go?

In a flash, he knew it was a stupid question. The doctor must be very clear about the performance of this spacecraft, and he also knows that he cannot escape the interception of the enemy before starting the space jump. The two fled together and must have died.

However, he wanted to go deeper: in the absence of the highest authority holder, the doctor's order was an irresistible order to him. The Doctor can escape in a spaceship by himself, and let him fly the enemy around the enemy.

As a deep-space warrior experiment, although he only learned the basics of air combat technology, he has completely and perfectly mastered all the basics. Really on the battlefield, even if it is not as good as the Doctor King, but it can only be done by dragging on the enemy fleet.

However, the PhD seems to have never considered the second option at all.

At this time, the roar of the spacecraft engine reached a peak, and suddenly turned into a delicate and soft sound. There is no longer darkness in front of nothing, but a light band appears. The front end of the spacecraft began to stretch and twist, and everything seemed to be softening.

Countless space-related knowledge emerged in his mind, and a question emerged: how can such a small spacecraft withstand the space jump? !!

He didn't get the answer yet, and his eyes darkened and he lost consciousness.

I don't know how long after that, bursts of calls gradually pulled his consciousness back from the darkness: "The space jump is completed, it reaches the target star field, the jump deviation: zero."

Zero deviation?

He suddenly woke up. How can there be zero deviation for long-distance space jumps, unless the star gate has been built at both ends. But when he jumped, he clearly did not pass through the star gate.

He moved his body a bit, but fortunately he had consciousness in all parts, but his heartbeat was terrible, and his consciousness was not clear enough. This is the sequel of space jumping, and it's fairly affordable.

He looked out the window, a planet appeared in the field of vision, and there were large purple spots on the dark red surface. Under the magnificent appearance, I don't know what the planet's environment is like. However, since the doctor has set this as the end of the route, it should be a survivable planet.

At this time, the prompt sounded again: "The hull separation procedure was started and the separation was completed. The hull self-destruction procedure counted down."

There was a slight bang, and the cockpit popped away from the hull. The tiny engine attached to the cockpit immediately started, pushing the cockpit towards the planet. After separation, the hull began to explode silently, burning, and instantly turned into wreckage. In the universe, I don't know how long before anyone can find these wandering wrecks. It is more likely that it will never be discovered until it becomes cosmic dust.

After the puppet was separated, he discovered that the cockpit that popped up was a complete rescue capsule. The spacecraft's hull has long been damaged after jumping through space. It is a miracle that such a small spacecraft can withstand the torture of space shuttles.

I just threw it away from the hull and didn't seem to blast it so thoroughly? After the explosion, the largest debris was the size of a palm.

The rescue capsule gradually approached the planet, entered orbit, and fell towards the surface of the planet. The vibration of the cabin was getting worse and fierce and red from the porthole.

Seeing this, he was relieved. The presence of the atmosphere indicates that it may be a habitable planet. Whatever the composition of the atmosphere, it is at least stronger than a barren world with no air at all.

The rescue capsule, like a meteor, is approaching the earth at a rapid speed. After penetrating the outer atmosphere, the brake engine starts to slow down the rescue capsule.

He just did n’t seem to have much luck. There was a storm in the planet ’s atmosphere. The rescue capsule crashed into the storm, and immediately turned around. The rescue capsule lost power, like a rock, floated in the storm, and eventually tilted to the ground.

After a while of turning, he managed to recover from the vertigo after the quake. He tried to move his body, felt that there was no major damage to the bones, and reached out to pull the red emergency switch.

Pull the switch only halfway and get stuck there.

警告 "Warning! Outside air is out of breathable range, opening the hatch is not recommended."

He ignored the warning at all and pulled down the switch forcibly.

With a bang, the door flew out under the effect of a small amount of explosives and landed on the ground.

He climbed out of the rescue capsule and looked around. Judging from the lush vegetation around, this is obviously a planet where life can survive, and it is full of vitality.

More importantly, although the air composition here is beyond the respirable range, it still has about 10% oxygen. For those who have not been trained in deep space survival or have only completed basic survival skills, such an environment cannot survive. If you reach advanced survival training, you can barely breathe. Of course, we must ignore the large amount of sulfur and other toxic components in the air.

But as an experiment, he can breathe such air.

Xu took a deep breath of the planet's air, and suddenly he felt an indescribable ease and an indescribable feeling

This feeling is called freedom?

Freedom is not without cost, the price is the life that the doctor paid for it.

He started thinking, wondering why the doctor did it. Maybe, just because Chu Jun returns to this name?

忽 He suddenly remembered that when he was separated, the doctor gave him something, and now he was still lying in his pocket. He took that thing out of his pocket and found it to be a glass plate coated with silver, and nothing more.

His brain circuit worked for a moment before he remembered what was in his hand.

A mirror, the most ordinary mirror.

He knows what a mirror is, but this knowledge is common knowledge downloaded through a data interface, and he has never seen the real thing.

Have you ever seen a mirror? He was stunned again.

Without the routine memory data cleaning, many things gradually become clear. Then he remembered, as if he had never really seen the mirror. In other words, he doesn't know what he looks like. He had never thought of any problems before, just like he never doubted the truth of the world.

I do not know why, the small mirror in my hand suddenly became extremely heavy.

He raised the mirror and finally saw himself.

The mirror is a young, handsome, stubborn and somewhat childish face that looks about sixteen or seventeen. The point is, this face is exactly the face of the teenager in the input memory!

Suddenly he was a little panicked, and the young man in the mirror seemed a little flustered, even the subtle expressions were the same as entering the memory data!

For a moment, he even doubted his identity, and he wasn't sure whether he was the will of the experimental body or the will of the boy in his memory.

He and Chu Jun return, who is who? Or maybe the two are one?

He suddenly remembered that there was also a mission information package in the data area downloaded along with the escape route. I couldn't open it at that time, but now I've reached my destination, should I be able to open it?

He called up the 44th task in the data storage area, and with a touch, it was successfully unlocked.

Dr. Chu Chu's image appeared in the horizon. The doctor was still unsmiling, and subconsciously fixed his collar. It seemed that he was a little nervous when recording this video, and he was very concerned about his appearance.

In the image, Dr. Chu was silent for a moment before slowly speaking:

"Jungui, I know you have a lot of questions, and I know what you want to ask. Unfortunately, I ca n’t answer these questions now. Maybe one day, you can find these answers by yourself. Now, I have I ’ve arranged a legal identity for you, which is in the data given to you. After you return to the civilized world, you can go to the Moon Wing Sing of Xinzheng Kingdom to find your grandpa. After that, follow your own ideas and Go live, no one will arrange anything for you, and no one will give you instructions. "

如果 "If ..." The doctor stopped talking and finally shook his head and said, "That's it, I don't matter."

The image ends here.

Is this over? He didn't expect the task to be so simple.

At this point, a new packet appears and automatically starts to load. The data packet contains a complete set of personally identifiable information, all of which are standard data interfaces. Any government agency with jurisdiction can conduct inquiry verification.

As Dr. Chu's image disappeared ~ www.readwn.com ~ another program started to run and started cleaning his conscious area. This is a deep cleanup, even rewriting some low-level algorithms.

He did not resist, knowing that this was the final gift of the doctor. Although he doesn't understand what this procedure is about to do, the PhD will not harm him.

As the program runs, the mechanical stereotypes in his thinking that are biased towards the program are gradually eliminated, and some weird ideas that have never appeared before have emerged one by one. When the cleaning program is finished, he understands that from this moment he will think more like a real person than an artificial intelligence program.

He returned to Chu Jun.

He wants to take another look at the Ph.D., why not, just want to take one more look. Perhaps the only doctor left in this world is this image.

But when he searched the memory area again, he found that all the data related to the doctor and the base disappeared, and disappeared very thoroughly, leaving no trace of clues.

"This ... why?"

答案 He has a vague answer in his mind. Perhaps, this is what the doctor asked him to cut off the history belonging to the experimental body, and to live as a real person ever since.

No matter how many times he tried, he couldn't recover the deleted data and had to give up.

At this time, a little flash of red light caught his attention. It was the indicator light on the wreckage of the rescue capsule, indicating that the remaining energy had bottomed out, and all energy would soon be lost.

Only then did Chu Chujun realize her situation. Being on a strange planet, she could barely be included in the ranks of habitable planets. But behind the vitality, it also means many unknown risks. Illness, beasts, and even abominable natives could kill him at any time.

第一 The first thing now, he has to live here.

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