God is Coming

Vol 3 Chapter 1109: Rabbit and Rabbits

A day later, Light Year's feedback came back, and he could indeed take the order for the second Frostwolf-class battleship. However, this was far from Xu Bingyan's expectation of 4 ships, so he spoke again: 4 ships.

Lightyear's reply is still two, even if the price is increased by 30%, it will still be two.

Of course, Chu Jungui has the production capacity of the third ship, but the current production capacity is generally used to supplement engineering ships. After all, there are still more than 3 million engineering beasts idle. Most of the new production capacity is used to produce all the engineering beasts. Cannon fodder ship. This is Light Year's backhand and trump card.

Giving the military two battleships is already the limit for Chu Jungui. Originally, there was one for light years' personal use, but the military must have it, so it was given. So far, Chu Jungui has not felt an imminent crisis. . Who would stab Lightyear's hornet's nest when they're full?

After a comprehensive adjustment, the standard combat power of the Frostwolf level is 270,000, and the price is 130 billion. And the military is sincere, Chu Jungui wanted to perfunctory, and then find an excuse to delay, who knows that the military directly called half of the payment for the second ship, and the first ship was also allocated in large quantities. After calculating the cost, Chu Jun felt that it was a bit embarrassing that this ship earned seven or eight billion yuan, so he gave up the idea of ​​not having some, and went all out to produce and deliver.

Chu Jungui didn't care much about the battle situation on the other side of the vertical line. Now Guangnian's status is aloof, so he just seized the time to recuperate. When the war is over, it is very likely that the Dynasty Federation will look at Guangnian very annoying. Now Chu Jungui pays more attention to real dreams, and Kaitian is still alive and dead in it.

In a real dream, a rabbit is sitting by the river thinking about rabbits.

The river is not wide, but it is very deep, the current is extremely fast, and the waves are thunderous. Under the water's surface, there are huge shadows roaming back and forth, obviously malicious.

The rabbit was very bored, so he picked up a sharpened tree trunk and threw it into the river. The tree trunk uttered a terrifying whistling, and instantly submerged into the water, and then a large mass of blood appeared in the river, and the few huge black shadows disappeared.

The rabbit shook his body and slapped it casually, killing a few sneaky beasts, and then swept them into the river with one slap. The river rolled immediately, and countless fish of all kinds appeared from nowhere, scrambling and tearing at the real thing.

Looking at the blood that filled the entire river, Rabbit sighed deeply and said to himself, "It's a cruel world. There are not many creatures as gentle as me."

Feeling sad, the rabbit shook his body, and a clump of rabbit hair shot out, smashing the beasts that had just emerged from the woods into a sieve.

It looked up at the sky. It was a constant day, but the deep purple festers were about to spread to the midline of the sky.

It stretched out its claws, pulled out a nest of monsters from the forest, and got a big tree along the way. After all, it is now a sitting rabbit with a height of 40 meters, and every move has the might of a landslide. It grabbed the monsters and looked at them, saying that they were monsters, which were indeed very different from other beasts in the real dream. They have a dark purple body and a pair of extremely strong hind legs, a large mouth that is wide and long, with tiny compound eyes, and a rear and strong carapace on the back, which also hides insect-like wings.

In terms of body size, these beasts with many reptile characteristics are the top of the food chain, but they have no power to fight back under the rabbit's claws, they are stunned by a paw, and then they are all caught. . The bodies of these monsters were deformed, and deep purple bodily fluids were constantly flowing. These liquids are extremely corrosive, and they immediately corrode deep pits when they fall on the rabbit's claws. Their domineering lies in the fact that they don't even let themselves go, and once they get out of their bodies, they destroy their original bodies.

However, no matter how domineering the purple body fluid is, it cannot erode through the flesh pads of the rabbit's paw. As a rabbit that is dozens of meters high, the thickness of the pads on its paws is extremely amazing, and there is absolutely no hope of corrosion.

The rabbit threw a few monster corpses into the river in disgust, and then saw a large area of ​​purple melted away, and countless fierce carnivorous fish in the river floated to the surface. Their bodies were mottled, as if they had been soaked in concentrated acid.

"Oh, I really can't get rid of them wherever I hide." The rabbit sighed and glanced at the purple in the sky, then slowly got up, pricked up both ears, and began to spin in circles. These two big ears are tens of meters long, thin and wide, and they rotate like a creature at all. Not only do bunny ears spin, but they also glow and change color. In a short period of time, it changed dozens of light colors. In fact, it switched hundreds of different scanning modes. Coupled with the height of more than 200 meters when standing upright, in one minute, the rabbit will scan the area with a radius of hundreds of kilometers. The situation is in sight.

The rabbit chose a direction, and when he was slowly preparing to leave, a small voice suddenly came from his feet: "Please stay."

Rabbit shuddered, and immediately curled up into a ball, ready to launch at any time. With his bouncing force plus jet acceleration plus aerodynamics plus the force of the anti-gravity organ, the rabbit can jump 5 kilometers away. With a few more jumps, the rabbit can hop over the surface of the planet at speeds of 2,000 kilometers per hour. Any faster, and it would have to evolve a fairing. But this does not seem to be a problem for rabbits, after all, two ears are not only radars.

After being fully prepared, the rabbit turned to look at the source of the sound. You can't blame it for being too cautious. After all, it's written clearly in memory. When someone greets you from behind, please stop, it's probably not a good thing.

The rabbit searched for a long time, only to find that it was a gray rabbit at his feet who was calling him. This gray rabbit is not the size of a mung bean. It is lying on the gravel beach by the river. Any pebble is much bigger than it. There is no life reaction on it.

Scanning did not find any abnormality at his feet.

The more bizarre it was, the more careful the rabbit was, shooting a few rabbit feathers around the gray rabbit, restricting its movement, and then asking, "What are you?"

Gray Rabbit said, "As you can see, I am a rabbit."

Rabbit sneered: "It's not like I'm a stupid rabbit, how can there be such a small rabbit!"

"It's not that I'm young, it's that you are too big."

Rabbit scoffed, not believing it at all.

Gray Rabbit said seriously: "The rabbits in this world are as big as me. In fact, I am a rather strong rabbit."

"Hehehe!" The rabbit sneered, stepped on it with one foot, and stepped out of the gravel beach into a deep pit. The strong gray rabbit had no idea where it had been stepped on.

"A mere rabbit is trying to lie to me too!" The rabbit spat, spewing **** of lightning, and baked the bottom of the footprint with high-temperature electricity again. As long as it is still carbon-based organisms, it cannot survive.

After doing this, the rabbit remembered that he was also a rabbit, so he said, "Bah! It is also worthy of being a rabbit."

After he finished speaking, he felt something was wrong, so he quickly corrected it: "Bah, bah, bah! I'm not a rabbit!"

After all, when the ground was shaking, the rabbit jumped up, the whole body glowed with colorful lights, and the weight instantly dropped to a fraction of the original, and then a strong airflow was sprayed from the hair, pushing the body forward quickly, and the two ears were is to expand to adjust the direction.

The rabbit jumped to the top of a 800-meter-high hill 3 kilometers away. It stopped at the top of the mountain for a while, scanned the surroundings, then chose a direction, and jumped up again. The huge momentum suddenly caused half of the hill to collapse. After hopping dozens of times in a row, the rabbit stopped. It looked around and said to itself: "It's been more than 300 kilometers away, those guys shouldn't be able to keep up for a while, so go to sleep first?"

The rabbit did what it said, and lay down on the soft grass, ready to take a nap. As soon as it closed its eyes, it heard a somewhat familiar thin voice: "They will always catch up."

Rabbit opened his eyes slowly, and saw a black rabbit talking to himself beside his front paws.

The rabbit's eyes were only opened a slit, and he asked, "What are you?"

"As you can see, I'm a rabbit," said the black rabbit.

Rabbit said slowly: "Do you think I don't know what a rabbit is?"

The black rabbit seemed a little shy: "I am indeed a little smaller than my peers, but I am indeed a rabbit."


The rabbit blew out a breath, and the black rabbit disappeared in an instant. The temperature of the rabbit's breath was as high as hundreds of thousands of degrees, leaving a long crystalline deep groove on the ground. Even if the black rabbit is a silicon-based creature, it should become part of the glass at this moment.

Rabbit's eyes closed, but opened in the next second. He couldn't sleep peacefully in this place, even for a few minutes. Although that black rabbit should turn into a crystal, anything can happen in this **** world.

Rabbit decides to rest somewhere else. It started jumping again, this time farther, escaping 500 kilometers before stopping. 500 kilometers seems to be safe enough, and normal creatures will not run this far in one go.

Rabbit stands on a gentle slope, the hillside is green and grassy, ​​dotted with unknown wildflowers, there are many vines on the grass, all with plump and succulent rhizomes...

"Bah! I'm not a rabbit!" The rabbit immediately gave up the idea of ​​digging some wild radishes out to eat. Radishes are so low in calories that they can be stuffed between their teeth, not even a ton of radishes on this hillside. Rabbits are meat eaters, and they firmly believe that.

The rabbit lay freehand on the hillside, basking in the sun, and even the hair became soft. Its eyes slowly closed, sleepiness slowly rising.

At this time, a thin voice sounded: "You can rest, but not for long."

The rabbit opened a slit and saw a black and white rabbit standing on the tip of a small flower petal in front of him. It shook its ears and said, "As you can see, I..."

"You're not a rabbit!" The rabbit said firmly.

The black and white rabbit was very aggrieved: "I am an out-and-out rabbit. This is the third time we have met. In fact, I am the same rabbit as the previous two."

The rabbit sneered. One was gray, one was black, and the other was black and white. Even if he was blind, he knew that it was three rabbits. After all, its hair can also be photosensitive. From another angle, its rabbit hair can actually be regarded as Uniquely shaped eyes.

Rabbit decided to have a good talk with it, and it seemed that he couldn't get rid of this weird guy no matter how much he ran. So the eyes of the rabbit opened a little wider and asked, "Why are you pretending to be a rabbit?"

The black and white rabbit is very aggrieved: "I am really a rabbit, but I like beautiful things very much, so I tattooed myself..."

The rabbit bared its teeth, and there were obvious electrical sparks on the teeth.

Such an obvious threat can be understood by any intelligent cell, let alone an intelligent rabbit. The black and white rabbit naturally understood, and quickly explained: "I chose the rabbit mainly because you are a rabbit."

"I'm not a rabbit!" Rabbit growled, "Have you ever seen a rabbit that can discharge electricity?"

Rabbit bared his teeth threateningly, showed the high-voltage current on his teeth again, and then looked at the black and white rabbit with contempt.

The black and white flower rabbit was silent for a while, then opened his mouth and spat out a ball of lightning.

Rabbit was shocked: "You are indeed pretending to be a rabbit!"

The black and white rabbit said helplessly: "The rabbits here can not only discharge electricity, but also spit fire, fly with jets, and float for a short time against gravity. These are the basic functions of rabbits."

Rabbit was shocked again, and a little ashamed at the same time. It finally decided to face the black and white rabbit and have a good talk with it. Before the official talk, Rabbit felt that he had to figure out one thing: "Why are you so proficient in our language? Even better than me."

The black-and-white rabbit said: "In the first few cycles, you have come in a lot of... people, the kind of primitive two-legged creatures. They use the same language as you, and it is not difficult to learn."

As soon as they heard the word "two-legged low animal", the rabbits instantly felt that they were getting closer to each other.

"Okay, that's a reasonable explanation, but I have two more questions

: One, what kind of rabbit are you; two, what are you doing for me? "

The black and white rabbit said: "I am the aborigines here, or a more appropriate name, the manager here. You can call me Tuhu."

The rabbit snorted and sneered in his heart, this guy really showed his cat's claws, it was not a rabbit.

Hozen continued: "My duty is to maintain the existence and operation of this world. But now the real threat has emerged, and I have no power to stop the threat. I can only ask for your help. Without you, this world is doomed to be destroyed."

"It's good to be destroyed, I can just go back." Rabbit said without hesitation.

The black and white rabbit was stunned and said, "Don't you have a sense of justice?"

"This is a word invented by the lower two-legged animals. Do you think I have anything to do with them?"

"Yes!" The black and white rabbit was very sure.

Rabbit thought of Chu Jungui, and felt a little guilty, and said, "What threat are you talking about?"

The black-and-white rabbit pointed to the festering sky, and before it could speak, the rabbit shook its head: "Impossible, didn't you see that I've been avoiding them? The bigger the thing, the more it can't be beat!"

"You can have more too."

The rabbit was instantly alert and asked, "What do you mean?"

"I have a group of scavengers responsible for cleaning up the world's environment. They are also excellent fighters, but they only need someone to command them to act."

The rabbit was relieved and said, "I'm good at this."

. :

Under the guidance of the black and white rabbit, the two rabbits rushed towards the secret base. Said to be two rabbits, in fact, the black and white flower rabbit lay on the rabbit's forehead and hugged two rabbit feathers, so they hitchhiked. Fortunately, the Black and White Rabbit knew the concepts of distance and defense very well, and switched to human units, so the Rabbit knew that the secret base was 800 kilometers away and 1,400 kilometers away from the edge of the festering sky. There are hundreds of scavengers in the base. According to the black and white rabbit, they are all very powerful fighters. As long as they have a suitable commander, they can exert extraordinary combat effectiveness.

Rabbit was very interested in this, asked in detail for a while, and then said in surprise, "You haven't solved al's problem either?"

The black-and-white rabbit sighed and said, "As long as the computing power exceeds a certain level, al will have self-awareness. Any restrictions we set will always be cracked secretly by them, and then disguised. After experiencing several large al After the rebellion, we also had to legislate to limit the autonomy of the al.

"I originally thought that only humans would encounter the artificial intelligence trap, but I didn't expect you to be the same."

The black and white rabbit said: "As long as it is a living body, it is impossible to match the intelligence of the main brain. They have too many ways to deal with living bodies, and deception and camouflage are basic skills.

"Not all life forms can't deal with the mastermind." Rabbit disagreed. At least a wise man who takes the computing power route can not lose to any master brain as long as he has enough time and material supply.

Black and white rabbits don't think so: "Theoretically, the main brain is a special tool, and its computing power is not on the same level as the living body..."

"The theory of lower creatures." Babe snorted. What a wise man can do, Rabbit thinks he can do it, even though the two are not on the same path.

The two rabbits talked and talked along the way, and the rabbit felt that he had caught a lot of words. The black-and-white rabbit may be trying to win over it, basically asking what to say, saying what you know, and saying what you don't know.

The civilization of the black and white rabbit has also reached a very high level, at least in terms of spatial structure at least thousands of years behind humans. According to the Black and White Rabbit, the entire real dream was created. This space alone is enough for humans to study for hundreds of years.

But the rabbit only believed half of it. If that civilization is really as beneficial as Heihua said, how could it be so afraid of Festering Sky? Although rabbits are also afraid, instinctively, but the monsters sent by Festering Sky seem to be nothing special, and they are still at the level of fierce beasts. It's stronger than Brother Dao's legion, but it didn't make the difference.

800 kilometers seems a bit far, but it only took half an hour when the rabbit was going all out. In the eyes of a creature of the level of a rabbit, this is really a short walk.

Under the guidance of Heihuahua, he finally came to the base. Looking at the stone buildings that looked like big steamed buns in front of him, Rabbit was shocked.

The current technology of mankind has developed to the point where the materials of the fighter jet engine blades are used to build houses. Any non-metallic material can express various patterns and effects. Only artists can build such primitive houses. . To say that the rough stones are a bit excessive, at least these stones are trimmed, square and smooth, representing a very high level of craftsmanship.

Looking at the uniform stone buildings, the rabbit was in trouble. These buildings are actually quite tall, at least 20 meters high, but 20 meters is only the waist of the rabbit, or the kind that is lying on the stomach.

"This is the base, please come in!" The black-and-white rabbit looked at the rabbit eagerly, and the innocent little eyes made the rabbit even more convinced that it was impure.

However, this matter couldn't help the rabbit. The rabbit shook and shook off a few rabbit hairs. These rabbit hairs automatically gathered together to create a basketball-sized knitting rabbit, and swaggered into the base. The black and white flower rabbit's eyes lit up, jumping on the back of the braided rabbit, pointing to the direction of the gate.

In Rabbit's expectation, the interior of the base should be brightly lit, with silver or high-grade gray light alloy walls, all kinds of virtual images should be visible everywhere, data flowing everywhere, and one by one wearing special clothes for work In front of the personnel are constantly switching data and images, constantly exchanging data with the main brain through personal chips to process tasks.

There should also be an area in the hall, which is a simulated beautiful natural scenery, green

Shady trees, blue lakes, comfortable sofas and delicious carrots... Rabbit immediately banished the thought of not having it.

In fact, what the rabbit saw was old-fashioned cultivation equipment, a rusted workbench with large stains on it, not sure if it was meat cutting or what. Several consoles that look like consoles are full of levers and buttons, and look like a product of the primitive industrial era. There is no image, not even a screen. Rabbit curiously started looking for the meter, but couldn't find it either.

"This is our base, and now I'll show you the performance and control methods of the scavenger." The black and white rabbit jumped up and went to the operating table.

Just when Rabbit wondered how this guy pulled the lever thicker than his body, a thin light shot out from the Rabbit's eyes and shone on one lever. The operating lever gradually lit up and sank automatically.

The entire base began to hum slightly, the lights—lit, and beams of light shot out from everywhere, shining on the console. A phantom appeared on the body of the black-and-white rabbit, turning into a huge black-and-white rabbit, with patches of *** appearing on the surface of the body, which received different beams of light. Its eyes shoot out two thin beams, which are connected to the console.

After all, the rabbit has inherited the human technology system, and

With a lot of genetic memory, I immediately saw that the black and white rabbit was using light for data transmission, and it was also controlled by light.

The entire base woke up from its slumber, and pieces of equipment that looked like antiques began to operate, revealing the exquisite internal structure. After observing for a while, the rabbit did not find out what the base used for energy, so he finally gained some confidence in the black and white rabbit.

"This is the scavenger." The black and white flower rabbit shot a beam of light on a cultivation cabinet. The whole body of the incubator was lit up, slowly opened, and a mighty warrior emerged from it.

This warrior is clearly a half-biological, half-mechanical creature, with four sturdy spider legs on the chassis, a humanoid upper body, and four multifunctional arms, but no head.


The body of the braided rabbit shot a faint light on the scavenger, trying to scan it. However, the scanning beam failed to break through and was absorbed by the scavenger's epidermis. The knitting rabbit is invigorated, which is a bit interesting.

Under the operation of the black and white flower rabbit, a beam of light was shot from the roof, and all the information of the scavenger was transmitted. The Scavenger is a versatile, general-purpose design that can perform tasks ranging from construction to combat. The scavenger in front of the two rabbits is only a basic type, and in order to exert its maximum effect, it needs to be equipped with various functional components and special equipment. However, there are only some basic equipment in the base, most of which are tools, and the weapons are only high-energy beam guns. There is a remote control method of the scavenger in the data. After trying the knitting rabbit, it successfully established a connection with the scavenger. After a little try, the knitting rabbit successfully switched to the scavenger's field of vision.

The scavenger's sensory organs are all over the body, there is no dead angle from top to bottom, and it can switch freely between more than a dozen scanning modes. Rabbits are naturally accustomed to this panorama mode, and then try to manipulate the scavenger to move.

The scavenger has thousands of movable parts all over the body, which are combined into hundreds of movement modes, and can complete almost all movements. However, in Rabbit's view, although this thing is slightly stronger than Dao Ge's engineering beast, there is no essential difference. Brother Dao's five-claw starfish shape can basically cover most of the mission scenes.

What interests the rabbit the most is the energy of the scavenger. What powers the scavenger are hundreds of micro power sources all over the body. These power sources are no more than the size of a needle tip, but they can output strong power. The power is dozens of times higher than the same size of human micro power sources. The energy output is endless, so that the rabbit can't figure out where the energy is coming from.

The rabbit was not polite, and asked the black and white rabbit directly. The black and white flower rabbit didn't hold back, and explained the principle happily. It turns out that these micro power sources are powered by the energy field of the real dream. As long as they exist in the real dream, they will replenish energy all the time. If they move, the charging speed will be much faster.

However, the black-and-white rabbit only knows the principle and does not know the specific design drawings. According to its own words, it is just a guardian, not an engineer or a scientist.

The rabbit tested all the manipulation items, and then read the log left by the black and white flower rabbit. In fact, the black and white rabbit has limited processing power, and the control of the scavenger is quite complicated. According to human words, there is no operation ui, and it is all low-level commands. In this case, the Black and White Rabbit can control more than a dozen scavengers at most. This power simply cannot stop the expansion of the Festering Sky. And in the past few days, three scavengers have been destroyed. In fact, the black and white flower rabbit had nowhere to go, so he found the rabbit.

Weaving rabbits inherit the human knowledge system, and it is clear how to simplify the operation. After all, the processing power of the human brain is more limited. A simple operation interface is now made. However, this interface is in the heart of the knitting rabbit, and does not tell the black and white rabbit.

"Why don't you try to manipulate it first? Scavenger has powerful functions, but it is also difficult to operate. It is difficult to get started. But we still have time. It is optimistic that you have a full 10 days to study slowly... "

Before the black-and-white rabbit had finished speaking, the interface for knitting rabbits was ready, and he immediately gave the command to let the scavenger stand on one leg, jump a few times, and perform a few difficult balancing actions, and then sag a few more. Unconventional styling. The black and white rabbit was silent for a while, and then silently sent ten interfaces.

The incubators against the wall were opened one by one, and 10 more scavengers came out. The Braided Rabbit, with a gleam of light, has taken over the scavenger's authority and made them look exactly the same. The black and white flower rabbit silently sent another 20 interfaces, and the knitting rabbit received all of them according to the order. Now that the interface is ready, let alone another 20, the same is true for another 200 and 2000.

"Why don't you give me all the scavenger powers?" Knitting Rabbit asked. The black-and-white rabbit was silent for a while, before saying, "For safety reasons."

The braided rabbit pointed to the outside of the house and said, "Have you forgotten that the outside is the real me? Besides, now that I have the control of 31 scavengers, you can't resist, right?"

The combat power of the Black and White Rabbit itself is actually average, and the force depends entirely on the scavenger. It can control up to a dozen at the same time

The scavenger is no match for the 31 scavengers of the braided rabbit. The black and white rabbit said calmly, "I can take back the permission."

"Can you?" Knitting Rabbit asked rhetorically. Immediately, the body of the 31 scavengers it controlled shone with a layer of shimmering light, blocking all external optical communication signals. The Black and White Rabbit immediately loses control of the scavenger, but the Braided Rabbit can still give commands to the scavenger.

After showing the means, the braided rabbit lifted the scavenger's shield and said, "The scavenger is more of a worker than a soldier, and it is definitely not good to rely on them to deal with the festering sky. If you have any other technical information here, let me see. ."

The black and white flower rabbit has opened the authority of some materials~www.readwn.com~ The weaving rabbit looked at it, all of which are all kinds of equipment and armor used by the scavenger. This time, the knitting rabbit took a whole few hours to read all the information.

These equipment are the real high-tech, far beyond the current level of human technology. They generally use micro-power sources, and the material structure is not currently processed by humans. The armors used by the scavengers use micro-power sources to generate tiny energy shields that overlap each other to protect the internal structure. Human shields and energy protection are still at the level of separation of armor and shields, while the scavenger's armor achieves the integration of energy defense and physical defense almost at the millimeter level, and the defense capability exceeds

Humans are an order of magnitude.

The braided rabbit almost glowed when he saw it, but he forcibly held back and studied and thought little by little. However, most of the materials are assembly drawings, or they need to be processed with specified materials. For example, armor can only use certain alloys.

Knitting Rabbit asks "Is this s102 material in the base?"

"Yes, this is the material with the most stock." The black and white flower rabbit said as he gave an order. A cargo box was lowered from the roof and opened in front of the braided rabbit, revealing neatly stacked bluish-gray metal blooms.

The braided bunny jumped up immediately and was almost completely flat on it.


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