God is Coming

Vol 3 Chapter 1139: unknown energy

federal border.

A patrol fleet is sailing in deep space. This is a small fleet composed of a destroyer and a frigate, which is specially responsible for patrolling border security. At this time, on the star map of the flagship, a series of red dots are flickering slightly. Judging from the signal, it was a large transport fleet of considerable size and was leaving the Federation.

The captain was flipping through the records, and said with a frown: "At this time, there is no registered transport fleet in this star field. Where did this fleet come from? Have you found it?"

The adjutant next to him said: "It has been checked with the system data, and there is only one that meets the characteristics of the target: the light year group's transport fleet to transport starship equipment, but their registered direction is not here, but to the community."

"Light Year!" The captain snorted heavily, his eyes flashed fiercely, and said, "They must be trying to smuggle supplies to the Dynasty! You don't need to guess whether it is, you will know once you board the ship and check. Send them a signal to stop the ship immediately, or you will bear the consequences!"

The adjutant sent out a signal immediately, and replied after a while: "We have been hijacked by the Star Thief! Repeat, we are being hijacked by the Star Thief!"

"Fart!" The captain cursed heavily, and said, "When I'm a rookie, I can't see what it's like to be hijacked by a star thief? Let's go over and have a look. It doesn't matter whether he is a real star thief or a fake star thief. If he dares to resist, he will strike." Shen!"

The two starships began to accelerate, and quickly intercepted in front of the transport fleet. They are all elite starships of the military, and they don't take the so-called star thieves into consideration at all. If the starships of the star thieves do not exceed two levels, they are no match for the military at all. Normally speaking, how could Star Pirates have heavy patrols?

After a while, the transport fleet finally appeared in the visible field of vision. This is a very large fleet. There are two huge super transport ships in the center. This huge transport ship with a length of more than 10,000 meters is even larger than a capital ship. It can transport billions of tons of materials at a time. A single ship can satisfy the needs of an entire planet.

Seeing the two super transport ships, the captain's face turned green. What kind of behavior is this? But Light Year originally came from the dynasty, and had fought a battle with the Federation before, so what good bird can there be?

While swearing, the captain adjusted the video and looked at other starships. Next to the two giant transport ships, all the other starships looked very small, the bigger ones were like small fish, and the smaller ones were just shrimps.

At this time, the mastermind of the starship finally started to react, and many floating ship shadows were highlighted in dazzling red. This indicates that the scan has detected armed forces and poses a significant threat to the fleet.

The captain's swear words faded away.

As the scan deepened, data began to appear on the highlighted ship shadows, and gradually became more detailed. Around the two super transport ships, there are four heavy cruisers!

Although the mastermind could not determine the specific model of the other party, indicating that it was not in the database, the conclusion was very clear, those were heavy cruiser-class starships!

By this time, it was too late to escape. There was a dead silence inside the bridge, everyone's eyes were fixed on those glaring red ship shadows, and no one spoke.

Everyone, including the captain, seemed to have forgotten that they should send a signal to the other side to stop the ship for inspection.

Just like that, the huge transport fleet passed by the patrol fleet, and neither of them seemed to see each other.

N7703 star field, Chu Jungui has just received the news that the last transport fleet from Federation Light Year has successfully left the Federation star field and is about to start jumping. He was slightly relieved, this is another batch of equipment and raw materials enough to equip dozens of starships. This fleet is a one-way trip, and the record on the Federation side will be that it encounters a star thief and disappears.

After this transportation, Federation Light Year will close its operation and cut off all connections with this side, so that it may be able to avoid the fate of being confiscated by the federal government. After all, Light Year is a listed company, which involves a large number of shareholders inside and outside the Federation, so it cannot be confiscated if it is confiscated. After dealing with the affairs of the Federation, Chu Jungui walked into the laboratory again, opened the top few items on the list, and began to check the progress. These projects are all about real dreams. After Kai Tian was lost in real dreams, Chu Jungui started a series of independent research projects on real dreams. Originally, the light-year computing power was limited, and these projects were at a standstill, but now with the

With the arrival of a large number of masterminds and the extreme expansion of computing power, these projects have finally begun to make progress.

However, the progress is creeping at a ten-thousandth rate of progress, and I don't know the year and month when I want to complete it. Chu Jungui was not surprised by this. After all, Dr. Zero has not made a decisive breakthrough after studying for so long. He doesn't even have enough computing power, so there is no way he will make any progress. However, despite the bleak hope, Chu Jungui allocated precious resources to start research. As Austin said, real dreams represent technology far beyond the current level of human beings. It is not clear whether this is a disaster or an opportunity.

Chu Jungui put down the report, walked into the special laboratory, sat down on the specially built seat, and then began to slowly increase the surrounding temperature. This is the ability he obtained in real dreams, and it can also be used in reality. If you want to study real dreams, this is the best breakthrough.

Chu Jungui mobilized the energy little by little, and the temperature slowly rose at a slow and constant rate, and the rate of increase was set at 10 degrees per minute. There are sensors all over the laboratory, collecting all data automatically.

Chu Jungui has done similar experiments no less than hundreds of times~www.readwn.com~The data of each time has been recorded for comparison and analysis.

A few hours later, the temperature in the laboratory rose to 3000 degrees, which was already the limit that Chu Jungui could reach so far. The lights in the laboratory turned blue, white gas spewed out from the walls, and the temperature dropped rapidly and returned to normal. When Chu Jungui walked out of the laboratory, the experimental data had already been transferred to his chip. It took him ten minutes to read all the massive data. In this experiment, the total energy mobilized by Chu Jungui has increased by 2%, and the limit temperature has increased by 15 degrees, which shows that his own ability is still gradually increasing. This is the unique advantage of the test body, which can continuously strengthen itself and improve over time.

After reading the entire report, Chu Jungui re-read the energy analysis part of the report. After extremely complicated calculations, the conclusion is that among the energy induced by Chu Jungui, 57.5% belong to himself and the resonance of the environment, and the rest comes from unknown sources.

"Has the proportion of unknown energy increased again?" Chu Jungui frowned slightly. Returning from the real dream, Chu Jungui discovered the problem of energy imbalance, that is, the energy from himself and the energy pried in the environment are not enough to generate such a powerful energy field. The same is true for the results of experimental tests. This laboratory uses the most advanced human observation equipment, and the detection range far exceeds that of Chu Jungui himself. The feeling will make mistakes, but the instrument will not, unless the human technology level is not enough.

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