God is Coming

Vol 3 Chapter 1146: Can't stop

Chapter 1378 Can't Stop

A bulge visible to the naked eye appeared on the surface of the planet, with a diameter of more than 1,500 kilometers, like a growing tumor.

In the guard of the dynasty fleet, the two base guns began to charge again. This time without capital ship assistance, the charging process will be much longer. Similar to Quincy and Birds of Paradise, there are still billions of civilians in the Sao Paulo star cluster who have no time to evacuate. There are still 500 million people on the planet exposed in front of the dynasty's guns, and there is still no time to evacuate, and the base guns of the dynasty are still charging for the second time.

The entire Federation is boiling!

Some civilian starships rushed out in disregard of the command's ban, and rushed towards the dynasty fleet on guard outside. After all, the starships conscripted are mobs, and the dynasty fleet that can follow Xu Bingyan to fight here is the elite of the elite, and its combat power is far beyond. If the two sides come into contact with each other, countless starships in the Federation will be blown up in the air and turned into one. Blossoming cosmic fireworks.

But these people who rushed out had already put their life and death aside, rushed through the fireworks of the previous explosions one by one, and rushed towards the dynasty fleet. The dynasty starships in front of them are endless, but all the recruited starships are fearless, and none of them flinches.

More and more starships flew out from the galaxy, gathered into shocking waves, and rushed towards the dynasty fleet. They have only one purpose at this moment, and that is to prevent the base artillery from firing again. However, the firepower of the dynasty fleet was too fierce. Suddenly, countless fireworks bloomed around the fleet, becoming brighter and brighter.

On the Dynasty Fleet Command Channel, an admiral looked at the ever-increasing record numbers and sneered: "The mob is the mob! If you can win with courage alone, what do you want us to do?"

There are many responses in the command channel, these generals have followed Xu Bingyan for a long time, what kind of big scene has not been seen? Suicide attacks are even more common. The current impact of the Federation is similar to a large moving target.

The federal frontline command center is also boiling.

"More starships have left port!"

"It can't be stopped at all!"

"There are a large number of conscripted starships rushing out of the port in violation of the ban. Please instruct whether to intercept them!"

In the command center, all the top three figures in the federal military were present. The leader, Dorian, looked solemn, staring at the ever-increasing number of casualties, and said, "If you don't dispatch the main fleet, these people are going to die. I don't think they should just die like this."

Standing next to him is Dorian, who is currently ranked second in the military, and he is also the commander-in-chief of the federal frontline. At this moment, the corners of his eyes kept twitching. When the number of casualties exceeded 2 million integers, he finally made up his mind and said in a deep voice, "All fleets, according to the No. 3 plan, the whole army will attack!"

In an instant, thunderous shouts erupted from countless channels of the Federation, and countless regular starships sailed out of the star port, assembled formations according to the predetermined plan, and rushed to the battlefield. The Federal Fleet, which was at an absolute disadvantage, finally decided to fight to the death with Xu Bingyan!

After giving the order, Dorian looked tired and said to the staff beside him, "Where is Marshal Austin? Go and ask for his opinion!"

"Marshal Austin is not here. He ordered the dedicated fighter jets to be prepared an hour ago, and then sailed out of the flagship 15 minutes ago."

Dorian was startled, didn't say anything, just stared at the star map, clenched his fist unconsciously.

The main federal fleet was dispatched, and the dynasty could no longer remain indifferent. What Xu Bingyan was waiting for was a decisive battle with the main force of the Federation. At this moment, several squadrons of the Dynasty Fleet were separated to meet the Federation Fleet and began to fight, while the rest of the Dynasty Fleet stood around the base artillery, guarding the base artillery to store energy.

Both sides no longer gave in the slightest, and began to fight frantically. Every moment, countless starships turned into garbage in the universe. And countless powerful space torpedoes continue to explode, with a diameter of tens of hundreds of kilometers at every turn. Within the range of power, ordinary rescue capsules could not resist at all, and exploded one by one, turning into small sparks in the universe.

Xu Bingyan sat in the command chair and had already linked himself with the flagship command center. The super-high-speed data exchange made his face paler, but he didn't care about it. The fleet issued hundreds of orders. Under Xu Bingyan's command, the entire dynasty fleet is like a sophisticated killing machine, harvesting starships and lives with precision and efficiency.

The main fleets of the two sides fought and fought, and the recruited starships finally had a place to use. Some of them joined the main fleet's battlefield, and some continued to attack the base artillery defense circle. Relying on the absolute superiority in numbers, they finally caused casualties to the dynasty's defense fleet, and it became more and more tragic.

With the Federation's main fleet as the backbone, the two sides have finally reached a certain balance of power, and fierce fighting is taking place in every corner, and no one can tell who will win in the end.

The losses of both sides increased staggeredly, and life has become a simple number.

This is exactly what Xu Bingyan hoped for, cruel but effective. The explosion of each starship is the process of accumulating advantages for the dynasty. It has to be said that Xu Bingyan was a little surprised by the fighting will to recruit the fleet. The battle turned into a balance of power, and the casualties of the recruited fleet were always more than four times that of the dynasty, but they seemed to have no idea what life was, and they risked their lives to attack the fleet of the dynasty.

In the defense circle of the dynasty~www.readwn.com~ starships were continuously stripped of their protective shields, and then burst into flames and exploded. Unknowingly, the casualties of the Dynasty Defense Fleet also reached 15%.

The Dynasty Fleet that fought against the Federation's main fleet suffered even greater losses. Four of the six squadrons lost more than 25% of their battles, and the battle of the most tragic squadron was close to 40%.

The loss of the Federation is much greater in proportion. Even if the conscripted fleet is not counted, the battle losses of several main fleets are above 30%, and one is approaching the 50% mark. If the conscripted fleet is included, then the loss of personnel and starships of the Federation is twice that of the Dynasty! With such a huge loss, even the elite troops would probably collapse, let alone the rabble of the Federation. But until now, no one fled, no one hesitated, and some only attacked without risking their lives.

In Xu Bingyan's mind, the 6th punishment battlefield is completely a number game. The casualties on the Dynasty's side increased rapidly, and the Federation's casualties were even greater. Although the recruiting fleets that came continuously in the follow-up could restore the blood of the Federation, the effect was limited. After all, their own casualties were even more astonishing. Xu Bingyan does not feel that the conscripting fleet is a threat at all. Although the number is huge, excessive casualties will soon overwhelm their morale, causing the entire army to collapse. By then, the last drop of blood of the Federation will be drained, at least within a hundred years. No longer a threat.

The question is, how could the dynasty give the Federation a hundred years to recuperate?

(end of this chapter)

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